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HP TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS
Installation and Configuration

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3.11.4 Starting and Stopping User-Written Services

TCP/IP Services supplies command procedures for starting and stopping user-written services. To start a user-written service, enter the following command:


To stop the user-written service, enter the following command:


In either command, specify the name of the service as defined using the TCP/IP management command SET SERVICE.


Remember that any service name with lowercase characters is interpreted by the startup and shutdown procedures as uppercase unless you enclose the name in quotation marks. If you defined the service using quotation marks to preserve the case, be sure to use quotation marks when you specify the service name with the startup or shutdown command.

3.12 Specifying TCP/IP Services as the Transport for DECwindows Applications

To enable TCP/IP Services as the transport interface for DECwindows applications, add the following line to the SYS$MANAGER:DECW$PRIVATE_SERVER_SETUP.COM command procedure:


Then restart DECwindows:


If DECnet or DECnet-Plus software runs on the system, start it.

To display DECwindows applications from a DECwindows client (remote host) to a DECwindows server (your workstation), proceed as follows:

  1. Set up security on the remote host.
  2. Add the remote client to the local hosts database.
  3. Add to SYS$MANAGER:DECW$PRIVATE_SERVER_SETUP.COM the following line:

  4. Set the display for the applications to the remote host:


Chapter 4
Configuring IPv6

After configuring TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS with the TCPIP$CONFIG.COM command procedure, you can configure your system to communicate in an IPv6 network environment by performing the tasks described in this chapter.

Version 5.5 of TCP/IP Services introduces many significant changes and improvements to the IPv6 configuration procedure (TCPIP$IP6_SETUP.COM). For instructions on configuring your node as an IPv6 host or router, use the documentation in this chapter rather than that provided in the HP TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Guide to IPv6.

The following table describes each section in this chapter and, where relevant, indicates the section of the Guide to IPv6 that it replaces. The section on configuring failSAFE IP IPv6 addresses is newly documented with this release of TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS. For information about IPv6 concepts and processes, DNS domain name and address registration, and so forth, continue to refer to Chapter 2 of the Guide to IPv6.

Section... Describes.... Replaces Guide to IPv6 Section ...
4.1 How to configure your system as an IPv6 host. 2.5.1
4.2 How to configure your system as an IPv6 router. 2.6.1
4.3 How to configure failSAFE IP IPv6 addresses. N/A

You can configure your node as either an IPv6 host or IPv6 router. You make this choice while running the IPv6 configuration procedure (TCPIP$IP6_SETUP.COM). After you run this configuration procedure and restart TCP/IP Services, IPv6 processes associated with your choices are started on your system.


Before running the TCPIP$IP6_SETUP.COM configuration procedure, IPv4 must already be configured on your system. (The TCPIP$CONFIG.COM configuration procedure configures IPv4.)

If you are upgrading TCP/IP Services from a previous release, you must run the TCPIP$IP6_SETUP.COM configuration procedure again.

The IPv6 configuration procedure requires you to specify:

  • Whether the system is to be configured as an IPv6 host or an IPv6 router.
  • Whether the system needs a 6to4 interface (required for communicating between IPv4-only networks and IPv6 sites). If so, you must specify the system's IPv4 address, the 6to4 tunnel address prefix, whether the system will support a 6to4 relay router and, if applicable, the address of a relay router.
  • You must specify the interface names of interfaces that will be enabled for IPv6.
  • Whether to configure an automatic tunnel. If so, you must also specify the IPv4 address of the tunnel's endpoint.
  • You must specify whether the system requires IPv6-over-IPv4 tunnels. For each tunnel, you need to supply the tunnel's source IPv4 address, the tunnel's destination IPv4 address, and the address prefix for the IPv6-over-IPv4 tunnel. You can create multiple IPv6-over-IPv4 tunnels.
  • Whether the system requires IPv6-over-IPv6 tunnels. For each tunnel, you must supply the tunnel's source IPv6 address, the tunnel's destination IPv6 address, and the the address prefix for the IPv6-over-IPv6 tunnel. You can create multiple IPv6-over-IPv6 tunnels.
  • Whether the system requires manual IPv6 routes. For each route, you must supply the address prefix of the destination IPv6 network, the interface to use to send traffic for the route, and the link-local IPv6 address of the first router in the path or the IPv4-compatible IPv6 address of the automatic tunnel to use. You can create multiple manual IPv6 routes.
  • For an IPv6 router, you also must specify:
    • Whether to enable the RIPng protocol on each interface.
    • Whether to advertise an IPv6 address prefix on each interface and, if so, the IPv6 address prefix.
    • For each tunnel you create, whether to enable the RIPng protocol on the tunnel, whether to advertise an IPv6 address prefix on the tunnel interface, and if so, the IPv6 address prefix.
    • For each manual route you create, the interface to use to forward traffic to the remote IPv6 network.

After you use the TCPIP$IP6_SETUP.COM configuration procedure to configure your system as an IPv6 host or router, you can optionally configure your system as a BIND server (see Chapter 3 of the Guide to IPv6). In addition, you can configure failSAFE IP IPv6 addresses, as explained in Section 4.3.

Once you configure IPv6 using the TCPIP$IP6_SETUP.COM configuration procedure, you must enable IPv6 on your system by shutting down and restarting TCP/IP Services.

You can make other changes to your IPv6 configuration later. Chapter 4 of the Guide to IPv6 describes how to make further changes.

4.1 Configuring an IPv6 Host

To configure your system as an IPv6 host, do the following:

  1. Invoke the TCPIP$IP6_SETUP.COM configuration procedure by entering the following command:


    The procedure displays information about the IPv6 network configuration procedure and tells you that you can configure the system as either an IPv6 host or an IPv6 router.
  2. Choose to configure the system as an IPv6 host by taking the default to the following prompt (press Enter or enter NO):

    Configure this system as an IPv6 router? [NO]:
  3. At the following prompt, indicate whether you want to configure a 6to4 interface:

          Configure a 6to4 interface? [NO]:

    A 6to4 interface is needed if this host is connected to an IPv4-only network and needs to communicate with other 6to4 or native IPv6 sites. If this system is a host within a 6to4 site, do not create a 6to4 interface; a 6to4 address is automatically configured on this system using standard IPv6 mechanisms.
    If you do not want to configure a 6to4 interface, press Enter. The configuration procedure continues at step 8.
    If you want to configure a 6to4 interface, enter YES. The configuration procedure then displays the 6to4 tunnel interface:

                The 6to4 tunnel is: TN1

    You are prompted to enter information about the interface in subsequent steps.
  4. Enter this host's IPv4 address:

          Enter this node's IPv4 address to use when generating your site's
          6to4 prefix:

    Enter the IPv4 address in dotted-decimal format (d.d.d.d). The configuration procedure automatically generates a 6to4 site prefix based on the IPv4 address entered, and displays the prefix as in the following example:

             Your 6to4 site prefix is: 2002:x:x::/48
  5. Enter the address prefix for the 6to4 tunnel in response to the following prompt:

          Enter an address prefix to use on interface
          TN1 [2002:x:x::/64]:

    To accept the IPv6 address prefix generated in step 4, take the default.


    The high-order 48 bits of the 6to4 address prefix must be the same as your 6to4 site prefix.
  6. Indicate whether you want to configure a 6to4 relay router:

          Configure a 6to4 relay router? [NO]:

    A relay router is needed to connect your system to native IPv6 sites. If you do not configure a relay router, your system can connect to other 6to4 sites but not to native IPv6 sites.
    If you do not want to configure a 6to4 relay router, press Enter. The configuration procedure continues at step 8.
    If you want to configure a 6to4 relay router, enter YES.
  7. Specify the address of a relay router:

          Enter the 6to4 address of a 6to4 relay router

    The address of the default relay router is displayed. To use the default, press Enter. Otherwise, enter the 6to4 unicast address of a 6to4 relay router.
  8. For each interface on your system, the configuration procedure asks whether you want to enable IPv6 on that interface, as in the following example, where ddn is the interface name (such as WE0):

         Enable IPv6 on interface ddn? [YES]:

    If you want to enable IPv6 on this interface, press Enter; if you do not, enter NO.
    If your system has multiple interfaces, the procedure repeats this question for each interface.
  9. Indicate whether you want to configure an automatic tunnel:

         Configure an IPv6 over IPv4 automatic tunnel interface? [NO]:

    If you do not want to configure an automatic tunnel, press Enter; the procedure continues at step 11. If you want to configure an automatic tunnel, enter YES; the procedure displays the automatic tunnel interface as in the following example. In step 10, the procedure prompts you for the tunnel's address.

             The automatic tunnel is: TN0


    Because of potential IPv4-compatible address routing problems, HP recommends that you avoid using automatic tunnels.
  10. Enter the IPv4 address to use when constructing the automatic tunnel's endpoint:

          Enter this node's IPv4 address to use when creating
          your automatic tunnel:

    Enter the IPv4 address in dotted-decimal format (d.d.d.d).
  11. The configuration procedure asks whether you want to create an IPv6-over-IPv4 configured tunnel:

          Create IPv6 over IPv4 configured tunnels? [NO]:

    If you want to create an IPv6-over-IPv4 configured tunnel, enter YES. You are prompted for information about this tunnel in subsequent steps.
    If you do not want to create an IPv6-over-IPv4 configured tunnel, press Enter; the procedure continues at step 16.
  12. Enter the tunnel's source IPv4 address in response to the following prompt:

          Enter the source IPv4 address of tunnel ITn:

    Enter the tunnel's source IPv4 address in the dotted-decimal format (d.d.d.d).
  13. Enter the tunnel's destination IPv4 address in response to the following prompt:

        Enter the destination IPv4 address of tunnel ITn:

    Enter the tunnel's destination IPv4 address in dotted-decimal format d.d.d.d. The tunnel's destination address must differ from the source address entered in step 12.
  14. Enter an address prefix to use on the tunnel interface:

          Enter an address prefix to use on interface ITn [DONE]:

    If a router is not advertising a global address prefix on this tunnel interface, enter a 64-bit address prefix. You can configure multiple address prefixes for this configured tunnel. You are prompted for additional address prefixes until you enter DONE.
    If you do not want the host to use an IPv6 address prefix on the tunnel interface, press Enter.
  15. The configuration procedure asks whether you want to create another IPv6-over-IPv4 configured tunnel:

          Create another IPv6 over IPv4 configured tunnel? [NO]:

    If you want to create another IPv6-over-IPv4 configured tunnel, enter YES. The procedure repeats steps 12 through 14 for each additional configured tunnel you choose to create.
    If you do not want to create another IPv6-over-IPv4 configured tunnel, press Enter. The procedure continues at step 16.
  16. Indicate whether you want to create an IPv6-over-IPv6 configured tunnel:

          Create IPv6 over IPv6 configured tunnels? [NO]:

    If you want to create an IPv6-over-IPv6 configured tunnel, enter YES. You are prompted to enter information about this tunnel in subsequent steps.
    If you do not want to create an IPv6-over-IPv6 configured tunnel, press Enter; the configuration procedure continues at step 21.
  17. Enter the tunnel's source IPv6 address in response to the following prompt:

          Enter the source IPv6 address of tunnel ITn:

    Enter the tunnel's source IPv6 address in the dotted-decimal format (d.d.d.d).
  18. Enter the IPv6-over-IPv6 tunnel's destination IPv6 address in response to the following prompt:

        Enter the destination IPv6 address of tunnel ITn:

    Enter an IPv6 address in dotted-decimal format d.d.d.d. The tunnel's destination address must differ from the source address entered in step 17.
  19. Enter an address prefix to use on the tunnel interface:

          Enter an address prefix to use on interface ITn [DONE]:

    If a router is not advertising a global address prefix on this tunnel interface, enter a 64-bit address prefix. You can configure multiple address prefixes for this configured tunnel. You are prompted for additional address prefixes until you enter DONE.
    If you do not want the host to use an IPv6 address prefix on the tunnel interface, press Enter.
  20. The configuration procedure asks whether you want to create another IPv6-over-IPv6 configured tunnel:

          Create another IPv6 over IPv6 configured tunnel? [NO]:

    If you want to create another IPv6-over-IPv6 configured tunnel, enter YES. The procedure repeats steps 17 through 19 for each additional configured tunnel you choose to create.
    If you do not want to create another IPv6-over-IPv6 configured tunnel, press Enter.
  21. The procedure asks whether you want to configure manual IPv6 routes.

          Configure manual IPv6 routes? [NO]:

    If you want to configure a manual IPv6 route to an adjacent router or remote IPv6 network, enter YES; subsequent prompts ask you for information about the route. Otherwise, press Enter; the configuration procedure continues at step 26.
  22. Indicate the address prefix of a destination IPv6 network:

          Enter the destination network address prefix:

    Enter the IPv6 address prefix of the destination IPv6 network, or enter DEFAULT for the default route.
  23. Enter the name of the interface through which you will send traffic to the remote IPv6 network:

          Enter interface to use when forwarding messages:

  24. Enter the link-local IPv6 address of the first router in the path to the destination network. This address along with the IPv6 address prefix constitute the static routing table entry.

          Enter the next node's IPv6 address:

    If the next node is on the same link as this node or is reachable through a configured tunnel, enter the link-local address. If the next node is reachable through an automatic tunnel, enter the IPv4-compatible IPv6 address. For all other connections, enter the IPv6 address.
  25. Indicate whether you want to define another manual route to an adjacent router or remote IPv6 network:

          Configure another manual IPv6 route? [NO]:

    If you want to define another manual route, enter YES. The configuration procedure repeats steps 22 through 24 for each additional manual IPv6 route you choose to define. If you do not want to define another manual route, press Enter.
  26. At this point, the configuration procedure displays a summary of your new IPv6 host configuration, as shown in the following example:

            You configured this node as an IPv6 host with the
          ND6HOST   Dynamic Updates Disabled
          WE0       Dynamic Address Configuration Enabled
          TN1       6to4 Tunneling Enabled using
                    Prefix 2002:506:708::/64
                    Relay Router 2002:90A:B0C:1::1
        Manual Routes:
          2002::/16                   TN1       FE80::
          DEFAULT                     TN1       2002:90A:B0C:1::1

  27. The configuration procedure asks whether you want to create a new host configuration file based on the choices you have made:

          Create new IPv6 network configuration files? [YES]:

    If you are not satisfied with the configuration, enter NO; the configuration procedure ends immediately without changing the current IPv6 network configuration.
    If you are satisfied with the configuration, press Enter. The configuration procedure creates a new host configuration file and displays the following information:

          A  new  IPv6  configuration  file,  SYS$SYSTEM:TCPIP$INET6_CONFIG.DAT,
          has been created.  The previous configuration file  (if any)  has been
          This new IPv6 network configuration will become active the  next  time
          TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS is started.

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