HP OpenVMS Systems Documentation

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HP TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS
SNMP Programming and Reference

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Contents (summary)
Preface Preface
Chapter 1 Overview
Chapter 2 MIBs Provided with TCP/IP Services
Chapter 3 Creating a Subagent Using the eSNMP API
Chapter 4 Using the SNMP Utilities
Chapter 5 eSNMP API Routines
Chapter 6 Troubleshooting eSNMP Problems


Preface Preface
Chapter 1
1 Overview
     1.1     SNMP Architecture
     1.2     Request Handling
     1.3     TCP/IP Services Components for SNMP
     1.4     Writing an eSNMP Subagent
     1.5     The eSNMP API
         1.5.1         The SNMP Utilities
     1.6     The MIB Compiler
     1.7     SNMP Versions
         1.7.1         Using Existing (SNMP Version 1) MIB Modules
     1.8     For More Information
Chapter 2
2 MIBs Provided with TCP/IP Services
     2.1     Overview of the Host Resources MIB
         2.1.1         Defining Host Resources MIB Implemented Objects
         2.1.2         Restrictions to Host Resources MIB
     2.2     Overview of MIB II
         2.2.1         MIB II Implemented Groups
         2.2.2         Restrictions to MIB II Implementation
Chapter 3
3 Creating a Subagent Using the eSNMP API
     3.1     Creating a MIB Specification
     3.2     The Structure of Management Information
         3.2.1         Assigning Object Identification Codes
         3.2.2         MIB Subtrees
     3.3     Creating a MIB Source File
         3.3.1         Writing the ASN.1 Input File
         3.3.2         Processing the Input File with the MIB Compiler
                UNIX Utilities Supplied with TCP/IP Services
                Object Tables
                The subtree_TBL.H Output File
                The subtree_TBL.C Output Files
     3.4     Including the Routines and Building the Subagent
     3.5     Including Extension Subagents in the Startup and Shutdown Procedures
Chapter 4
4 Using the SNMP Utilities
     4.1     Using the MIB Browser
         4.1.1         MIB Browser Parameters
         4.1.2         MIB Browser Flags
         4.1.3         MIB Browser Data Types
         4.1.4         Command Examples for snmp_request
     4.2     Using the Trap Sender and Trap Receiver Programs
         4.2.1         Entering Commands for the Trap Sender Program
                Trap Sender Parameters
                Trap Sender Flags
                Trap Sender Examples
         4.2.2         Entering Commands for the Trap Receiver Program
                Trap Receiver Flags
                Setting Up an SNMP Trap Service
                Trap Receiver Examples
Chapter 5
5 eSNMP API Routines
     5.1     Interface Routines
    Command 1     esnmp_init
    Command 2     esnmp_register
    Command 3     esnmp_unregister
    Command 4     esnmp_register2
    Command 5     esnmp_unregister2
    Command 6     esnmp_capabilities
    Command 7     esnmp_uncapabilities
    Command 8     esnmp_poll
    Command 9     esnmp_are_you_there
    Command 10     esnmp_trap
    Command 11     esnmp_term
    Command 12     esnmp_sysuptime
     5.2     Method Routines
    Command 13     *_get Routine
    Command 14     *_set Routine
         5.2.1         Processing *_set Routines
         5.2.2         Method Routine Applications Programming
         5.2.3         Value Representation
     5.3     Support Routines
    Command 15     o_integer
    Command 16     o_octet
    Command 17     o_oid
    Command 18     o_string
    Command 19     o_counter64
    Command 20     str2oid
    Command 21     sprintoid
    Command 22     instance2oid
    Command 23     oid2instance
    Command 24     inst2ip
    Command 25     cmp_oid
    Command 26     cmp_oid_prefix
    Command 27     clone_oid
    Command 28     free_oid
    Command 29     clone_buf
    Command 30     mem2oct
    Command 31     cmp_oct
    Command 32     clone_oct
    Command 33     free_oct
    Command 34     free_varbind_data
    Command 35     set_debug_level
    Command 36     is_debug_level
    Command 37     ESNMP_LOG
    Command 38     __print_varbind
    Command 39     set_select_limit
    Command 40     __set_progname
    Command 41     __restore_progname
    Command 42     __parse_progname
    Command 43     esnmp_cleanup

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