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HP Advanced Server for OpenVMS
Server Administrator's Guide

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To display both the registry key and value names and the corresponding LANMAN.INI section and keyword names, use the /MAP_NAME qualifier with the SHOW VALUE or SHOW PARAMETER command. With the SHOW VALUE command, the registry key and value names are displayed first, then the corresponding LANMAN.INI section and keyword names, as in the following example. With the SHOW PARAMETER command, the LANMAN.INI section and keyword names are displayed first, followed by the corresponding registry key and value names.


Key: SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Netlogon\Parameters
Value: Scripts
Section Name: netlogon
Keyword Name: scripts
Type: Expanded String
Current Data: PWRK$LMROOT:[LANMAN.REPL.IMPORT.SCRIPTS] Modifying Server Parameters

To modify the data settings for any server parameter stored in the OpenVMS Registry, use the PWRK$REGUTL SET VALUE or SET PARAMETER command. For example, to change the text string associated with the SrvComment parameter, enter the following command (registry style):


This registry-style command line includes the key and value names. The continuation character (-) allows the command to be continued past the end of the first line. You can use the wildcard character (*) instead of the key name (or, in a LANMAN.INI style command, instead of the section name), simplifying the command input. (Do not use the wildcard character for the value or keyword name in a SET command line.)

To enter this command in LANMAN.INI style, enter the following:


PWRK$REGUTL enforces the minimum and maximum values allowed for each server parameter. If you enter a value below the minimum, the value is set to the minimum. If you enter a value above the maximum, the value is set to the maximum. For example, the following command attempts to set the maximum client session capacity to 150, which is higher than the maximum setting:

%REGUTL-I-VALTOMAX, value set to maximum of 128

As the PWRK$REGUTL message indicates, the maximum value is set as a result of this command. This command example also shows the use of the wildcard character (*) for the parameter path.

Similarly, the PWRK$REGUTL utility prevents you from entering a server parameter that is not recognized by the Advanced Server. For example, if you misspell the parameter value in the registry, the following message is displayed:

%REGUTL-W-VALUNKWN, unknown value NUM_CLIENTSESSION Resetting Parameter Values

To reset the data setting for a parameter to the default setting, omit the data and include the /DEFAULT qualifier on the SET PARAMETER or SET VALUE command line. Creating a Value in the Registry

You cannot use the SET command to modify the value of a parameter that is not in the registry (you will receive an error message). To create a parameter that is not in the OpenVMS Registry, include the /CREATE qualifier on the SET VALUE command line. To create a parameter that is not currently stored in the registry and to set the data value to the default setting, enter the SET VALUE command with both the /CREATE and /DEFAULT qualifiers. For example, the following registry-style commands show how to define the NumClient_Session parameter in the OpenVMS Registry, set its value to the default setting, and then display the setting:



Type: Integer
Current Data: 32

PWRK$REGUTL only allows you to create values known to the Advanced Server. To create other keys and values, use another registry editor such as those listed in Section 7.3.3, How to Manage Advanced Server Parameters in the OpenVMS Registry. Deleting Server Parameters

The PWRK$REGUTL utility allows you to remove a server parameter and its set data values from the OpenVMS Registry. To remove a parameter and its setting, use the DELETE VALUE or DELETE PARAMETER command. For example, to remove the server parameter NumClient_Session from the registry, enter the following PWRK$REGUTL DELETE VALUE (registry-style) command. As shown, a subsequent SHOW VALUE command results in a message indicating the server parameter does not exist in the registry.


%REGUTL-W-NOTINREG, known but not found in registry

Appendix A
Server Configuration Parameters

The server configuration parameters for the Advanced Server are stored and referenced from the OpenVMS Registry. The registry contains a collection of parameters that define the configuration of the Advanced Server software. When the Advanced Server is installed, default settings are assigned to these parameters. For information about managing server configuration parameters, see Section 7.3, Managing Server Configuration Parameters Stored in the OpenVMS Registry.

This appendix lists the configuration parameters, including:

  • Registry values
  • Registry keys
  • Associated LANMAN.INI keyword and section
  • Description of each value
  • Type of data and default data associated with each value
  • Parameters for setting data associated with each value

For more information about managing the server configuration parameters in the OpenVMS Registry, see Section 7.3, Managing Server Configuration Parameters Stored in the OpenVMS Registry.

A.1 Server Upgrade and Migration

On PATHWORKS for OpenVMS servers, the LANMAN.INI file is used to modify and store server parameters. Advanced Server stores these parameters in the OpenVMS Registry, which is similar to the Windows NT Registry.

The Advanced Server for OpenVMS software relies on the OpenVMS Registry to store and reference server parameters. Parameters stored in the LANMAN.INI file are not used by the Advanced Server.

If you are upgrading a system from PATHWORKS V6 for OpenVMS (Advanced Server) to Advanced Server for OpenVMS, the parameters and settings in the existing LANMAN.INI file are migrated to Registry parameters the first time you run the PWRK$CONFIG.COM configuration procedure.

When the configuration procedure migrates LANMAN.INI parameters to the registry, it creates the LanmanIniMigrated value in the Advanced Server Parameters key, and, as the associated data, stores the date when the parameters were migrated from the LANMAN.INI file to the OpenVMS Registry.

A.2 OpenVMS Registry Values

Table A-1, Registry Value Terminology, describes the terms used in this appendix to describe the server configuration parameters and how they are stored in the OpenVMS Registry.

Table A-1 Registry Value Terminology
Term Definition
Key The path to follow from the root key
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE to find the value.
Value The name under which the server configuration parameter is stored in the OpenVMS Registry.
Valid Data Describes the valid parameters of the data associated with the value, such as minimum and maximum values for integer data.
Default The data associated with the value by default.
LANMAN.INI Section Name For parameters migrated from the LANMAN.INI file, the LANMAN.INI section name.
LANMAN.INI Keyword For parameters migrated from the LANMAN.INI file, the LANMAN.INI parameter name.
Parameter Type The type of parameter, either static or dynamic. If you modify a static parameter, you must restart the server for the change to be effective. If you modify a dynamic parameter, changes are effective the next time the parameter is used.
Data Type The type of data that may be associated with the value. The data type information as displayed by the PWRK$REGUTL utility, and the information displayed by the Windows NT registry editor, REGEDT32, are listed below. The multistring data type refers to a concatenated array of strings. The expanded data type is a string of Unicode characters. For more information about using REGEDT32 to display server configuration parameters in the OpenVMS Registry, see Section, Registry Database Architecture.
As Displayed by PWRK$REGUTL As Displayed by REGEDT32
String REG_SZ
Multistring REG_MULTI_SZ
Expanded string REG_EXPAND_SZ

For more information about managing the server configuration parameters stored in the OpenVMS Registry, see Section 7.3, Managing Server Configuration Parameters Stored in the OpenVMS Registry.

The following sections describe many of the server configuration parameters that can be stored in the OpenVMS Registry. Most of these are available for modification. You may see additional values in the OpenVMS Registry that are not documented here; you should not modify undocumented values.

A.2.1 Computer Name Parameters

The Computer Name key may include values that specify the way the server is identified on the network.

The Computer Name key is:


Table A-2, Computer Name Values, lists the values that may be stored in the Computer Name key.

Table A-2 Computer Name Values
Value Description
ComputerName_ nodename Specifies the name of the server on the network. This value allows users to connect to the server using the specified node name.

Do not change the computer name by editing the OpenVMS Registry. To change the computer name, use the PWRK$CONFIG.COM configuration procedure.

  Valid Data: Up to 15 alphanumeric characters
  Default Data: The server node name
  LANMAN.INI Section: NODE_ servername
  LANMAN.INI Keyword: listenname
  Parameter Type: Static
  Data Type: String
AliasName Specifies the Advanced Server cluster alias. This value allows users to connect to the server in an OpenVMS Cluster configuration. (See Section 2.4.1, About the Advanced Server Cluster Alias for more information.)

Do not change the Advanced Server cluster alias by editing the OpenVMS Registry. To change the PATHWORKS cluster alias, use the PWRK$CONFIG.COM configuration procedure.

  Valid Data: Up to 15 alphanumeric characters
  Default Data: OpenVMS Cluster alias
  LANMAN.INI Keyword: pwrkalias
  Parameter Type: Static
  Data Type: String

A.2.2 Printer Parameters

The Print key includes a value that indicates whether Advanced Server shared printers have been upgraded as a result of Windows NT-style management support. (For more information on Windows NT-style management support of printers, see Section 5.3.3, Managing Advanced Server Printers Using Windows NT.)

The Print key is:


Table A-3, Print Values, lists the value that may be stored in the Print key.

Table A-3 Print Values
Value Description
PathworksUpgrade Specifies whether the shared printers defined on the Advanced Server have been upgraded as a result of enabling Windows NT-style printer management. Do not change the value of this parameter manually. Its value is changed automatically by the Advanced Server when you configure the server (using PWRK$CONFIG) to support Windows NT-style printer management.
  Valid Data: Upgraded or null string
  Default Data: Null string
  LANMAN.INI Keyword: Upgraded
  Parameter Type: Static
  Data Type: String

A.2.3 Browser Parameters

The Browser Parameters key may include values that specify how the server deals with Browser activity. A Master Browser polls for domains, and builds and updates a master list of its domain. Backup Browsers send a request to the Master Browser to update their own list. The Browser service is always started at server startup.

The key containing the Browser values is:


Table A-4, Browser Values, lists the values that may be stored in the Browser Parameters key.

Table A-4 Browser Values
Value Description
MasterUpdate Specifies the interval (in seconds) after which domain updates occur.
  Valid Data: Minimum: 60
Maximum: unlimited
  Default Data: 720 seconds (12 minutes)
  LANMAN.INI Section: Browser
  LANMAN.INI Keyword: masterupdate
  Parameter Type: Static
  Data Type: Integer
BackupUpdate Specifies the interval (in seconds) after which a backup Browser updates its list by querying the Master Browser.
  Valid Data: Minimum: 60
Maximum: unlimited
  Default Data: 720 seconds (12 minutes)
  LANMAN.INI Section: Browser
  LANMAN.INI Keyword: backupupdate
  Parameter Type: Dynamic
  Data Type: Integer
BackupRecovery Specifies the interval (in seconds) after which recovery is initiated if the backup Browser gets no response from the Master Browser.
  Valid Data: Minimum: 60
Maximum: unlimited
  Default Data: 1800 seconds (30 minutes)
  LANMAN.INI Section: Browser
  LANMAN.INI Keyword: backuprecovery
  Parameter Type: Static
  Data Type: Integer
MoreLog Specifies whether the Browser is to log more details.
  Valid Data: YES or NO
  Default Data: NO
  LANMAN.INI Section: Browser
  LANMAN.INI Keyword: morelog
  Parameter Type: Static
  Data Type: String

A.2.4 Netlogon Parameters

The Netlogon Parameters key may include values related to network logon and the Security Account Manager (SAM) database. The NetLogon service is started automatically at server startup.

The Netlogon Parameters key is:


Table A-5, Netlogon Service Values, lists the values that may be stored in the Netlogon Parameters key.

Table A-5 Netlogon Service Values
Value Description
Pulse Specifies the number of seconds that the primary domain controller waits before sending update notices to each backup domain controller.
  Valid Data: Minimum: 60 seconds
Maximum: 3600 seconds
  Default Data: 300 seconds (5 minutes)
  LANMAN.INI Section: Netlogon
  LANMAN.INI Keyword: pulse
  Parameter Type: Static
  Data Type: Integer
Randomize Specifies the number of seconds that a backup domain controller waits to request updates after receiving an update notice from the primary domain controller. This parameter decreases the odds of servers in the same domain requesting an update from the primary domain controller at the same time.
  Valid Data: Minimum: 5 seconds
Maximum: 120 seconds
  Default Data: 30 seconds
  LANMAN.INI Section: Netlogon
  LANMAN.INI Keyword: randomize
  Parameter Type: Static
  Data Type: Integer
Scripts Specifies the location of logon scripts. See Section 3.1.8, Specifying Logon Scripts, for information about logon scripts.
  Default Data:  
  LANMAN.INI Section: Netlogon
  LANMAN.INI Keyword: scripts
  Parameter Type: Static
  Data Type: String
Update Indicates whether the backup domain controller requests a full synchronization when it starts. This parameter applies only to a backup domain controller and is ignored by the primary domain controller.
  Valid Data: YES
  Default Data: NO
  LANMAN.INI Section: Netlogon
  LANMAN.INI Keyword: update
  Parameter Type: Static
  Data Type: String

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