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HP OpenVMS System Analysis Tools Manual

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Displays information about response IDs (RSPIDs) of all System Communications Services (SCS) connections or, optionally, about a specific SCS connection.







Displays RSPID information for the specific SCS connection whose connection descriptor table (CDT) address is provided in cdt-address. You can find the cdt-address for any active connection on the system in the CDT summary page display of the SHOW CONNECTIONS command. CDT addresses are also stored in many individual data structures related to SCS connections. These data structures include class driver request packets (CDRPs) and unit control blocks (UCBs) for class drivers that use SCS and cluster system blocks (CSBs) for the connection manager.


Whenever a local system application (SYSAP) requires a response from a remote SYSAP, a unique number, called an RSPID, is assigned to the response by the local system. The RSPID is transmitted in the original request (as a means of identification), and the remote SYSAP returns the same RSPID in its response to the original request.

The SHOW RSPID command displays information taken from the response descriptor table (RDT), which lists the currently open local requests that require responses from SYSAPs at a remote node. For each RSPID, SDA displays the following information:

  • RSPID value
  • Address of the class driver request packet (CDRP), which generally represents the original request
  • Address of the CDT that is using the RSPID
  • Name of the local process using the RSPID
  • Remote node from which a response is required (and has not yet been received)



    --- Summary of Response Descriptor Table (RDT) 805E6F18 ---
RSPID      CDRP Address     CDT Address     Local Process Name      Remote Node
-----      ------------     -----------     ------------------      -----------
39D00000     8062CC80        805E8710       VMS$VMScluster          VANDQ1
EE210001     80637260        805E8C90       VMS$DISK_CL_DRVR        ROMRDR
EE240002     806382E0        805E8DF0       VMS$DISK_CL_DRVR        VANDQ1
EE440003     806393E0        805E8F50       VMS$TAPE_CL_DRVR        VANDQ1
5DB90004     80636BC0        805E8870       VMS$VMScluster          ROMRDR
5C260005     80664040        805E8870       VMS$VMScluster          ROMRDR
38F80006     80664A80        805E8710       VMS$VMScluster          VANDQ1


This example shows the default output for the SHOW RSPID command.


    --- Summary of Response Descriptor Table (RDT) 805E6F18 ---
RSPID      CDRP Address     CDT Address     Local Process Name      Remote Node
-----      ------------     -----------     ------------------      -----------
EE440003     806393E0        805E8F50       VMS$TAPE_CL_DRVR        VANDQ1

This example shows the output for a SHOW RSPID/CONNECTION command.


Displays information about the shared memory common property partitions (CPPs). The default display shows a single-page summary that includes a single line for each CPP.







Displays a detailed page of information about an individual shared memory CPP given the address of the SHM_CPP structure.


Displays a detailed page of information about each shared memory CPP.


Displays a detailed page of information about an individual shared memory CPP.

/PFN [=option]

Displays PFN data in addition to the basic SHM_CPP. The default is all lists (free, bad, untested), plus the PFN database pages and the complete range of PFNs in the CPP.

To display only the complete range of PFNs in the CPP, use the keyword ALL_FRAGMENTS with the /PFN qualifier:


To display only the bad page list, use the keyword BAD with the /PFN qualifier:

     /PFN = BAD

To display only the free page list, use the keyword FREE with the /PFN qualifier:

     /PFN = FREE

To display the PFNs containing the PFN database, use the keyword PFNDB with the /PFN qualifier:

     /PFN = PFNDB

To display only the untested page list, use the keyword UNTESTED with the /PFN qualifier:


To display multiple lists, you can combine keywords with the /PFN qualifier:

     /PFN = (x,y)

If you specify /PFN without /ALL, /IDENT, or /ADDRESS, then the system displays the PFN lists from the last shared memory CPP accessed.



Summary of Shared Memory Common Property Partitions

Base address of SHM_CPP array:               FFFFFFFF.7F2BA140
Maximum number of SHM_CPP entries:                    00000007
Size of each SHM_CPP:                                 00000240
Maximum fragment count per SHM_CPP:                   00000010

Valid CPP count:                                      00000001

 ID   SHM_CPP address     MinPFN   MaxPFN    Page count  Free pages    Flags
---- -----------------   -------- --------    --------    --------    --------
  -- SHM_CPP IDs 0000 to 0002: VALID flag clear --

0003 FFFFFFFF.7F2BA800   00060000 0007FFFF    00020000    0001FCF7    00000001  VALID

  -- SHM_CPP IDs 0004 to 0006: VALID flag clear --


This example shows the default output for the SHOW SHM_CPP command.


Shared Memory CPP 0003

SHM_CPP address:         FFFFFFFF.7F2BA800

  Version:                        00000001   Flags:                   00000001  VALID
  Size:                  00000000.000000C0   Page count:              00020000
  Actual fragment count:          00000001   Minimum PFN:             00060000
  Maximum fragment count:         00000010   Maximum PFN:             0007FFFF

  Length of free page list:       0001FCF7
  Length of bad page list:        00000000
  Length of untested page list:   00000000

PMAP array for PFN database pages

    PMAP    Start PFN   PFN count
    -----    --------    --------
       0.    00060053    00000280

PMAP array for all fragments

    PMAP    Start PFN   PFN count
    -----    --------    --------
       0.    00060000    00020000

GLock address:           FFFFFFFF.7F2BA8C0   Handle:         80000000.00010D19

  GLock name:            SHM_CPP00000003     Flags:                         00
  Owner count:                          00   Owner node:                    00
  Node sequence:                      0000   Owner:                     000000
  IPL:                                  08   Previous IPL:                  00
  Wait bitmask:          00000000.00000000   Timeout:                 00249F00
  Thread ID:             00000000.00000000

Connected GNode bitmask: FFFFFFFF.7F2BA900

  Valid bits:                     00000004   State:          00000000.00000000
  Unit count:                         0001   Unit size:               QUADWORD

  Unit bitmask:
       ........ ........ ........ .......7   00000000

Ranges of free pages

    Range   Start PFN   PFN count
    -----    --------    --------
       1.    000602F6    00000002
       2.    0006030B    0001FCF5

This example shows the details for a single SHM_CPP.


Displays information about shared memory regions. The default display shows a single page summary that includes a single line for each region.





Detailed page of information about the named region.



Displays a detailed page of information about an individual region given the address of the SHM_REG structure.


Displays a detailed page of information about each region.


Displays a detailed page of information about the specified region.



    Summary of Shared Memory Regions
Base address of SHM_REG array:      FFFFFFFF.7F2BB140
Maximum number of SHM_REG entries:           00000040
Size of each SHM_REG:                        00000208
Base address of SHM_DESC array:     FFFFFFFF.7F2DC000

Valid region count:                          00000009

 ID   SHM_REG address                Region Tag         SysVA / GSTX     Flags
---- ----------------- ------------------------------ ----------------- --------
0002 FFFFFFFF.7F2BB550 SMCI$SECTION_PBA_04001             -<None>-      00000001  VALID
0004 FFFFFFFF.7F2BB960 SMCI$CHANNEL_PBA_0_1           FFFFFFFF.8F3AE000 00000001  VALID
0005 FFFFFFFF.7F2BBB68 SMCI$CHANNEL_PBA_0_2           FFFFFFFF.8FAEE000 00000001  VALID
0006 FFFFFFFF.7F2BBD70 SMCI$CHANNEL_PBA_1_2           -<Not Attached>-  00000001  VALID
0007 FFFFFFFF.7F2BBF78 LAN$SHM_REG                    FFFFFFFF.7F20C000 00000009  VALID ATTACH_DETACH
0008 FFFFFFFF.7F2BC180 GLX$CPU_BAL_GLOCK  $000006              00000140 00000005  VALID SHARED_CONTEXT_VALID

  -- SHM_REG IDs 0009 to 003F: never used --

This example shows the summary of all shared memory regions in the system.


SHM_REG address:         FFFFFFFF.7F2BB960

  Version:                        00000001   Flags:                   00000001  VALID
  Index/Sequence:            0004/00000003   Size:           00000000.00000120

  Region tag:            SMCI$CHANNEL_PBA_0_1
  Creation time:         31-MAR-1999 14:11:11.37

SHM_DESC address:        FFFFFFFF.7F2DC200

  Version:                        00000001   Flags:                   00000005  ATTACHED SYS_VA_VALID
  System VA:             FFFFFFFF.8F3AE000   Virtual size:   00000000.00274000
  I/O ref count:         00000000.00000000
  Index/Sequence:            0004/00000003   Context:        FFFFFFFF.80F42480
  Callback:              FFFFFFFF.8F38E5C0   SYS$PBDRIVER+185C0

MMAP address:            FFFFFFFF.7F2BB9E0

  Level count:                        0001   Flags:                       0001  VALID
  Top page count:                 00000001   Virtual size:   00000000.00274000
  PFN list page count:            00000001   First PFN:               000602D4
  Data page count:                00000009

GLock address:           FFFFFFFF.7F2BBA80   Handle:         80000000.00010F51

  GLock name:            SHM_REG00000004     Flags:                         00
  Owner count:                          00   Owner node:                    00
  Node sequence:                      0000   Owner:                     000000
  IPL:                                  08   Previous IPL:                  00
  Wait bitmask:          00000000.00000000   Timeout:                 002DC6C0
  Thread ID:             00000000.00000000

Attached GNode bitmask:  FFFFFFFF.7F2BBAC0

  Valid bits:                     00000004   State:          00000000.00000012  AUTO_LOCK SET_COUNT
  Unit count:                         0001   Unit size:               QUADWORD
  Lock IPL:                             08   Saved IPL:               00000008
  Count of bits set:              00000002

  Unit bitmask:
       ........ ........ ........ .......3   00000000

I/O in progress bitmask: FFFFFFFF.7F2BBAF8

  Valid bits:                     00000004   State:          00000000.00000012  AUTO_LOCK SET_COUNT
  Unit count:                         0001   Unit size:               QUADWORD
  Lock IPL:                             08   Saved IPL:               00000000
  Count of bits set:              00000000

  Unit bitmask:
       ........ ........ ........ .......0   00000000

SHM_CPP bitmask:         FFFFFFFF.7F2BBB30

  Valid bits:                     00000007   State:          00000000.00000000
  Unit count:                         0001   Unit size:               QUADWORD

  Unit bitmask:
       ........ ........ ........ ......08   00000000 )

This example shows the details for a single shared memory region.


Displays the multiprocessing synchronization data structures.





Name of the spinlock to be displayed. Device spinlock names are of the form node$lock, where node indicates the OpenVMS Cluster node name and lock indicates the device and controller identification (for example, HAETAR$DUA). If there is no OpenVMS Cluster node name, the dollar sign ($) is also skipped (for example, DUA). This parameter cannot be used to identify mailbox, PCB, or cached PCB spinlocks.



Displays the spinlock at the address specified in expression. You can use the /ADDRESS qualifier to display a specific device, mailbox, PCB, or cached PCB spinlock; however, the name of the spinlock is listed as "Unknown" in the display.


Produces a condensed display of the spinlock information displayed by default by the SHOW SPINLOCKS command, including the following: address, spinlock name or device name, IPL or device IPL, rank, ownership depth, and CPU ID of the owner CPU. If the system under analysis was executing with full-checking multiprocessing enabled (according to the setting of the MULTIPROCESSING or SYSTEM_CHECK system parameter), then the number of waiting CPUs and interlock status are also displayed.


Displays all PCB-specific spinlocks associated with PCBs of deleted processes.


Produces a display of Spin, Wait, and Acquire counts for each spinlock (only if full-checking multiprocessing is enabled).


Displays information for all dynamic spinlocks in the system (device, port, mailbox, PCB, and cached PCB spinlocks).


Displays full descriptive and diagnostic information for each displayed spinlock.


Displays the static spinlock whose index is specified in expression. You can only use the /INDEX qualifier to display a named static spinlock.


Displays all mailbox-specific spinlocks.


Displays information for all spinlocks owned by a CPU. If no processors own any spinlocks, SDA displays the following message:

%SDA-I-NOSPLOWNED, all requested spinlocks are unowned


Displays all PCB-specific spinlocks.


Displays all port spinlocks.


Displays information for all static spinlocks in the system.


The SHOW SPINLOCKS command displays status and diagnostic information about the multiprocessing synchronization structures known as spinlocks.

A static spinlock is a spinlock whose data structure is permanently assembled into the system. Static spinlocks are accessed as indexes into a vector of longword addresses called the spinlock vector, the address of which is contained in SMP$AR_SPNLKVEC. Table 4-28 lists the static spinlocks.

A dynamic spinlock is a spinlock that is created based on the configuration of a particular system. One such dynamic spinlock is the device lock SYSMAN creates when configuring a particular device. This device lock synchronizes access to the device's registers and certain UCB fields. The system creates a dynamic spinlock by allocating space from nonpaged pool, rather than assembling the lock into the system as it does in creating a static spinlock. Other types of dynamic spinlocks are: port spinlocks, mailbox spinlocks, PCB and cached PCB spinlocks.

See the Writing OpenVMS Alpha Device Drivers in C for a full discussion of the role of spinlocks in maintaining synchronization of kernel-mode activities in a multiprocessing environment.

Table 4-28 Static Spinlocks
Name Description
QUEUEAST Spinlock for queuing ASTs at IPL 6
FILSYS Spinlock on file system structures
LCKMGR Spinlock on all lock manager structures
IOLOCK8/SCS Spinlock for executing a driver fork process at IPL 8
TX_SYNCH Transaction processing spinlock
TIMER Spinlock for adding and deleting timer queue entries and searching the timer queue
PORT Template structure for dynamic spinlocks for ports with multiple devices
IO_MISC Miscellaneous short-term I/O spinlocks
MMG Spinlock on memory management, PFN database, swapper, modified page writer, and creation of per-CPU database structures
SCHED Spinlock on some process data structures and the scheduler database.
IOLOCK9 Spinlock for executing a driver fork process at IPL 9
IOLOCK10 Spinlock for executing a driver fork process at IPL 10
IOLOCK11 Spinlock for executing a driver fork process at IPL 11
MAILBOX Spinlock for sending messages to the permanent system (OPCOM, JOBCTL, and so on) mailboxes
POOL Spinlock on nonpaged pool database
PERFMON Spinlock for I/O performance monitoring
INVALIDATE Spinlock for system space translation buffer (TB) invalidation
HWCLK Spinlock on hardware clock database, including the quadword containing the due time of the first timer queue entry (EXE$GQ_1ST_TIME) and the quadword containing the system time (EXE$GQ_SYSTIME)
MEGA Spinlock for serializing access to fork-wait queue
EMB/MCHECK Spinlock for allocating and releasing error-logging buffers and synchronizing certain machine error handling

For each spinlock in the system, SHOW SPINLOCKS provides the following information:

  • Name of the spinlock (or device name for the device lock)
  • Address of the spinlock data structure (SPL)
  • The owning CPU's CPU ID
  • IPL at which allocation of the lock is synchronized on a local processor
  • Number of nested acquisitions of the spinlock by the processor owning the spinlock (Ownership Depth)
  • Rank of the spinlock
  • Timeout interval for spinlock acquisition (in terms of 10 milliseconds)
  • Shared array (shared spinlock context block pointer)
  • Number of processors waiting to obtain the spinlock
  • Interlock (synchronization mutex used when full-checking multiprocessing is enabled)

The last two items (CPUs waiting and Interlock) are only displayed if full-checking multiprocessing is enabled.

SHOW SPINLOCKS/BRIEF produces a condensed display of this same information, excluding the share array and timeout interval.

SHOW SPINLOCKS/COUNTS displays only the Spin, Wait, and Acquire counts for each spinlock.

If the system under analysis was executing with full-checking multiprocessing enabled, SHOW SPINLOCKS/FULL adds to the spinlock display the Spin, Wait, and Acquire counts and the last sixteen PCs at which the lock was acquired or released. If applicable, SDA also displays the PC of the last release of multiple, nested acquisitions of the lock.

If no spinlock name, address, or index is given, then information is displayed for all applicable spinlocks.



System static spinlock structures
EMB                                    Address        810AE300
Owner CPU ID         None              IPL            0000001F
Ownership Depth    FFFFFFFF            Rank           00000000
Timeout Interval   000186A0            Share Array    00000000
CPUs Waiting       00000000            Interlock        Free

MCHECK                                 Address        810AE300
Owner CPU ID         None              IPL            0000001F
Ownership Depth    FFFFFFFF            Rank           00000000
Timeout Interval   000186A0            Share Array    00000000
CPUs Waiting       00000000            Interlock        Free

MEGA                                   Address        810AE400
Owner CPU ID         None              IPL            0000001F
Ownership Depth    FFFFFFFF            Rank           00000002
Timeout Interval   000186A0            Share Array    00000000
CPUs Waiting       00000000            Interlock        Free

HWCLK                                  Address        810AE500
Owner CPU ID         None              IPL            00000016
Ownership Depth    FFFFFFFF            Rank           00000004
Timeout Interval   000186A0            Share Array    00000000
CPUs Waiting       00000000            Interlock        Free


System dynamic spinlock structures
QTV14$OPA                              Address        8103FB00
Owner CPU ID         None              DIPL           00000015
Ownership Depth    FFFFFFFF            Rank           FFFFFFFF
Timeout Interval   000186A0            Share Array    00000000
CPUs Waiting       00000000            Interlock        Free

QTV14$MBA                              Address        810AE900
Owner CPU ID         None              IPL            0000000B
Ownership Depth    FFFFFFFF            Rank           0000000C
Timeout Interval   000186A0            Share Array    00000000
CPUs Waiting       00000000            Interlock        Free

QTV14$NLA                              Address        810AE900
Owner CPU ID         None              IPL            0000000B
Ownership Depth    FFFFFFFF            Rank           0000000C
Timeout Interval   000186A0            Share Array    00000000
CPUs Waiting       00000000            Interlock        Free

QTV14$PKA                              Address        814AA100
Owner CPU ID         None              DIPL           00000015
Ownership Depth    FFFFFFFF            Rank           FFFFFFFF
Timeout Interval   000186A0            Share Array    00000000
CPUs Waiting       00000000            Interlock        Free

This excerpt illustrates the default output of the SHOW SPINLOCKS command.


System static spinlock structures

          Spinlock                           Owner     CPUs
Address     Name      IPL    Rank     Depth    CPU     Waiting Interlock
-------- ------------ ---- -------- -------- -------- -------- ---------
810AE300 EMB          001F 00000000 FFFFFFFF   None   00000000   Free
810AE300 MCHECK       001F 00000000 FFFFFFFF   None   00000000   Free
810AE400 MEGA         001F 00000002 FFFFFFFF   None   00000000   Free
810AE500 HWCLK        0016 00000004 FFFFFFFF   None   00000000   Free
810AE600 INVALIDATE   0015 00000006 FFFFFFFF   None   00000000   Free
810AE700 PERFMON      000F 00000008 FFFFFFFF   None   00000000   Free
810AE800 POOL         000B 0000000A FFFFFFFF   None   00000000   Free
810AE900 MAILBOX      000B 0000000C FFFFFFFF   None   00000000   Free
810AEA00 IOLOCK11     000B 0000000E FFFFFFFF   None   00000000   Free
810AEB00 IOLOCK10     000A 0000000F FFFFFFFF   None   00000000   Free
810AEC00 IOLOCK9      0009 00000010 FFFFFFFF   None   00000000   Free
810AED00 SCHED        0008 00000012 00000000 00000000 00000001   Free
810AEE00 MMG          0008 00000014 FFFFFFFF   None   00000000   Free
810AEF00 IO_MISC      0008 00000016 FFFFFFFF   None   00000000   Free
810AF000 PORT         0008 00000017 FFFFFFFF   None   00000000   Free
810AF100 TIMER        0008 00000018 00000000 00000000 00000000   Free
810AF200 TX_SYNCH     0008 00000019 FFFFFFFF   None   00000000   Free
810AF300 SCS          0008 0000001A FFFFFFFF   None   00000000   Free
810AF400 LCKMGR       0008 0000001B FFFFFFFF   None   00000000   Free
810AF500 FILSYS       0008 0000001C FFFFFFFF   None   00000000   Free
810AF600 QUEUEAST     0006 0000001E FFFFFFFF   None   00000000   Free

System dynamic spinlock structures

            Device                           Owner     CPUs
Address      Name     DIPL   Rank     Depth    CPU     Waiting Interlock
-------- ------------ ---- -------- -------- -------- -------- ---------
8103FB00 QTV14$OPA    0015 FFFFFFFF FFFFFFFF   None   00000000   Free
810AE900 QTV14$MBA    000B 0000000C FFFFFFFF   None   00000000   Free
810AE900 QTV14$NLA    000B 0000000C FFFFFFFF   None   00000000   Free
814AA100 QTV14$PKA    0015 FFFFFFFF FFFFFFFF   None   00000000   Free


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