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HP Availability Manager User's Guide

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Chapter 4
Displaying OpenVMS Cluster Data

The Availability Manager displays a great deal of OpenVMS Cluster data. The amount of cluster information has increased in each successive version of the product and will probably continue to do so. In order to accommodate future growth in this area, beginning with Availability Manager Version 2.2, OpenVMS Cluster information is documented in a separate chapter of this manual.

By clicking a series of "handles" on the cluster node tree in the Cluster Members pane of the Cluster Summary page, you can open up lines of data to display progressively more detailed cluster data. This chapter describes the data you can display.

Support for Managed Objects

New support has been added to the OpenVMS Data Collector, RMDRIVER, for OpenVMS managed objects. These are operating system components with characteristics that allow the Availability Manager to manage them. Managed objects, which register themselves with the Data Collector at system startup, not only provide data but also implement fixes in response to client requests.

In OpenVMS Version 7.3 and later, cluster data and fixes are available for LAN virtual circuits through the managed object interface. When the Availability Manager Version 2.2 Data Analyzer connects to a Data Collector node, it retrieves a list of the managed objects on that node, if any. For such a node, the Availability Manager can provide additional details and new data that would otherwise be unavailable.


To enable managed object data collection on nodes running OpenVMS Version 7.3 and later, the system manager must take steps so that the Data Collector driver, RMDRIVER, is loaded early in the boot process. See the postinstallation steps in the Installation Instructions for OpenVMS Systems for more details on how to enable collection of managed object data.

LAN Displays

When you monitor OpenVMS Version 7.3 and later nodes with managed objects enabled, additional cluster data and fixes are available for LAN virtual circuits. This includes enhanced LAN virtual circuit summary data in the Cluster Summary window and the LAN Virtual Circuit Details (NISCA) window. In addition, the Cluster Summary now includes virtual circuit, channel, and device fixes. If managed object support is not enabled for a Data Collector node, then only basic virtual circuit data is available.

4.1 OpenVMS Cluster Summary Page

To display the OpenVMS Cluster Summary page (Figure 4-1), click the Cluster Summary tab on an OpenVMS Node Summary page.

The Cluster Summary page contains cluster interconnect information for an entire cluster as well as detailed information about each node in the cluster, including System Communications Services (SCS) circuits and connections for individual nodes. You can also display details about PEdriver LAN virtual circuits.

The data items shown on the page correspond to data that the Show Cluster utility (SHOW CLUSTER) displays for the SYSTEMS, MEMBERS, CONNECTIONS, and CIRCUITS classes. No SHOW CLUSTER counterpart exists for the PEdriver LAN virtual circuit, channel, and device detail displays. The data items shown on the page also correspond to data that the SCACP utility displays for SHOW commands that display PORT, CIRCUIT, VC, CHANNEL, and LAN DEVICE information.

Figure 4-1 OpenVMS Cluster Summary

The two panes in the Cluster Summary page display the following information:

  • The Summary pane (top) displays summary information about the entire cluster.
  • The Cluster Members pane (bottom) displays detailed information about each node in the cluster, including its System Communication Architecture (SCA) connections with other nodes.

Notes About Pane Displays

Following are notes about the display of data in the panes:

  • The Availability Manager signals the LOVOTE event when cluster votes minus cluster quorum is less than the threshold value for the event:

          LOVOTE, 'node' VOTES count is close to or below QUORUM

    The default threshold for the LOVOTE event is 1.
  • You can change collection intervals by using the Customize menu on the main Application window. Choose the Customize OpenVMS... option, and then click the Data Collection tab. On the page displayed, you can select the data that you want to collect and also change default collection intervals.

4.1.1 OpenVMS Cluster Summary Pane

Table 4-1 describes the data in the OpenVMS Cluster Summary pane (see Figure 4-1).

Table 4-1 Summary Pane Data
Data Description
Formed Date and time the cluster was formed.
Last Trans Date and time of the most recent cluster state transition.
Votes Total number of quorum votes being contributed by all cluster members and by the quorum disk.
Expected Votes The expected votes contribution by all members of the cluster. This value is calculated from the maximum EXPECTED_VOTES system parameter and the maximized value of the VOTES system parameter.
Failover Step Current failover step index. Shows which step in the sequence of failover steps the failover is currently executing.
Members In Number of cluster members to which the Availability Manager has a connection.
Members Out Number of cluster members to which the Availability Manager either has no connection or has lost its connection.
Quorum 1 Number of votes that must be present for the cluster to function and to permit user activity, that is, to "maintain cluster quorum."
QD Votes Number of votes given to the quorum disk. A value of 65535 means no quorum disk exists.
Failover ID Failover instance identification. Unique ID of a failover sequence that indicates to system managers whether a failover has occurred since the last time they checked.

1You can adjust the quorum value by using the Adjust Quorum fix described in Section 6.2.2.

4.1.2 OpenVMS Cluster Members Pane

The Cluster Members pane (the lower pane on the Cluster Summary page shown in Figure 4-1) lists all the nodes in the cluster and provides detailed information about each one. Figure 4-2 shows only the Cluster Members pane.

Figure 4-2 OpenVMS Cluster Members Pane

The first level of information in the Cluster Members pane contains cluster member data, which is described in Table 4-2.

Table 4-2 Cluster Member Data
Data Description
SCS Name System Communications Services (SCS) name for the node (system parameter SCSNODE).
SCSID SCS identification for the node (system parameter SCSYSTEMID).
CSID Cluster system identification.
Votes Number of votes the member contributes.
Expect Member's expected votes as set by the EXPECTED_VOTES system parameter.
Quorum Number of votes that must be present for the cluster to function and permit user activity, that is, to "maintain cluster quorum".
LckDirWt Lock manager distributed directory weight as determined by the LCKDIRWT system parameter.
Status Current cluster member status:
Status Value Description
NEW New system in cluster.
BRK_NEW New system; there has been a break in the connection.
MEMBER System is a member of the cluster.
BRK_MEM Member; there has been a break in the connection.
NON System is not a member of the cluster.
BRK_NON Nonmember; there has been a break in the connection.
REMOVED System has been removed from the cluster.
BRK_REM System has been removed from the cluster, and there has also been a break in the connection.
Transition Time The time of the system's last change in cluster membership status.

4.2 Summary Data in the Cluster Members Pane

The following sections contain descriptions of the categories of summary data displayed in the Cluster Members pane shown in Figure 4-2.

When you click the handle in front of an SCS (System Communications Services) Name, the Availability Manager first displays a Ports heading, if ports are configured on your system.

A port is an OpenVMS device that provide SCA (System Communications Architecture) services. Port summary data is discussed in Section 4.2.1. Below the Ports heading is the Circuits heading, which precedes a line of SCA headings. (SCA data are discussed in Section 4.2.2.)

4.2.1 Port Summary Data

When you initially click the handle in front of Ports in the Cluster Members pane (Figure 4-1), Ports headings are displayed, with information about port interfaces on the local system, as shown in Figure 4-3.

Figure 4-3 Port Summary Data

The port summary data shown in Figure 4-3 is described in Table 4-3. Data items in this table are related to the SCACP utility SHOW PORTS display and the SHOW CLUSTER utility LOCAL_PORT CLASS display.

Table 4-3 Local Port Data
Data Description
Local Port:  
  Name Device name of the port.
  Number The local port's interconnect address or other interconnect-specific identifier.
Mgmt Priority Management priority assigned to the port.
Load Class Hard-coded capacity value of the port, based on the rate (in megabits/second) of the interconnect of the port.
Messages Sent:  
  Count Total number of messages sent since the port was initialized.
  Rate Rate at which messages are sent (per second).
Messages Received:  
  Count Total number of messages sent since the port was initialized.
  Rate Rate at which SCS messages are received (per second).
Datagrams Sent:  
  Count Total number of SCS datagrams sent since the port was initialized.
  Rate Rate at which SCS datagrams are sent (per second).
Datagrams Received:  
  Count Total number of SCS datagrams sent since the port was initialized.
  Rate Rate at which SCS datagrams are sent (per second).
Kilobytes Mapped Number of kilobytes mapped for block transfer.

4.2.2 SCA (System Communications Architecture) Summary Data

Below the heading Circuits in Figure 4-4 is a line of SCA summary headings that include information about a node's SCS circuits between local SCA ports and remote SCA ports on other nodes in the cluster. More than one circuit indicates more than one communications path to the other node.

The data displayed in Figure 4-4 is similar to the information that the Show Cluster utility (SHOW CLUSTER) displays for the CIRCUITS, CONNECTIONS, and COUNTERS classes and that the SCACP utility's SHOW CIRCUITS command displays. Note that circuit count is the total number of events since the the state of the circuit changed to OPEN.

Starting with Availability Manager Version 2.2, the circuits display shows circuits to non-OpenVMS nodes, such as storage controllers.

Figure 4-4 SCA Summary Data

Table 4-4 describes the SCA summary data displayed in Figure 4-4. Each line of data shows either a summary of an SCS connection between a local system connection of an application (or SYSAP) to a remote SYSAP that uses the circuit, or a summary of interconnect-specific information about the operation of the circuit.

Some of the data described in Table 4-4 is not displayed in Figure 4-4 because the screen display is wider than the page. You can scroll to the right on your terminal screen to display the remaining fields described in the table.


Each rate referred to in Figure 4-4 is in messages per second. The "Message Rates" data are rates; the remaining data items are counts.

Table 4-4 SCA Summary Data
Data Description
Remote Node SCS name of the remote node containing the remote port of the circuit.
Local Port The device name of the local port associated with the circuit.
Remote Port:  
  Type The remote port's device or interconnect type associated with the circuit (for example, LAN, CIPCA, DSSI).
  Number The remote port's interconnect address, or another other interconnect-specific unique identifier.
State The state of the virtual circuit connection.
  Curr Circuit's current priority, which is the sum of the management priorities assigned to the circuit and associated local port.
  Mgmt Priority value assigned to the circuit by management action.
Load Class The circuit's current capacity rating, derived from the current ECS member's load class values.
Message Rates:  
  Sent Count/rate of SCS messages sent over the circuit.
  Received Count/rate that SCS messages are received on the circuit.
Block Data (Kilobytes):  
  Mapped Count/rate of kilobytes mapped for block data transfers over the circuit.
  Sent Count/rate of kilobytes sent over the circuit using transfers.
  Requested Count/rate of kilobytes requested from the remote port over the circuit using request block data transfers.
Block Data (Count):  
  Sent Count/rate of send block data transfers over the circuit.
  Requested Count/rate of block data transfer requests sent over the circuit.
  Sent Count/rate of SCS datagrams sent over the circuit.
  Received Count/rate of SCS datagrams received on the circuit.
Credit Wait Count/rate any connection on the circuit had to wait for a send credit.
Buff Desc Wait Count/rate any connection over the circuit had to wait for a buffer descriptor.

4.2.3 SCS (System Communications Services) Connections Summary Data

You can click the handle at the beginning of a Virtual Circuit Data (green) row to display the following headings, when they apply to a particular node:

  • SCS Connections
  • LAN Virtual Circuit Summary

To display SCS connections summary data, click the handle at the beginning of the SCS Connections data row on the Cluster Summary pane shown in Figure 4-1. Figure 4-5 displays SCS Connections Data information.

Figure 4-5 SCS Connections Data

Table 4-5 describes the SCS connections data shown in Figure 4-5. Some of the data described in Table 4-5 is not displayed in Figure 4-5 because the screen display is wider than the page. You can scroll to the right on your terminal screen to display the remaining fields described in the table.

Note that connection count is the total number of events since the state of the connection changed to OPEN.

Table 4-5 SCS Connections Data
Data Description
  Local Name of the SYSAP (system application) on the local system associated with the connection.
  Remote Name of the SYSAP on the remote system associated with the connection.
State The connection's current state. The possible displays are:
  • ACCP_SENT---An accept request has been sent.
  • CLOSED---The connection is closed.
  • CON_ACK---A connect request has been sent and acknowledged.
  • CON_REC--- A connect request has been received.
  • CON_SENT--- A connect request has been sent.
  • DISC_ACK---A disconnect is acknowledged.
  • DISC_MTCH---A disconnect request has matched.
  • DISC_REC--- A disconnect request has been received.
  • DISC_SENT---A disconnect request has been sent.
  • LISTEN--- The connection is in the listen state.
  • OPEN---The connection is open.
  • REJ_SENT--- A rejection has been sent.
  • VC_FAI---The virtual circuit has failed.
Message Rates:  
  Sent Count/rate that SCS messages are sent over the connection.
  Received Count/rate that SCS messages are being received on the connection.
Block Data (Kilobytes):  
  Mapped Count/rate of kilobytes mapped for block data transfers by the local SYSAP using the connection. Note: This field is available only in raw data format.
  Sent Number of kilobytes sent over the SCS connection by the local SYSAP using send block data transfers.
  Requested Number of kilobytes requested over the SCS connection by the local SYSAP using request block data transfers.
Block Data (Number):  
  Sent Count/Rate of send block data transfers by this node over the SCS connection.
  Requested Count/Rate of request block data transfers sent to the remote port over the SCS connection.
  Sent Count/Rate of datagrams sent on the SCS connection.
  Received Count/Rate of datagrams received on the SCS connection.
Credit Wait Count/Rate of times the connection had to wait for a send credit.
Buff Desc Wait Count/Rate of times the connection had to wait for a buffer descriptor.

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