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HP Advanced Server for OpenVMS
Guide to Managing Advanced Server Licenses

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4.5.5 Setting the Alert Level for Product Licenses

To set the alert level for product licenses, perform the following steps:

  1. From the View menu, choose Products.
  2. From the List of License Products screen, choose the product you want to set the alert level for.
  3. From the Actions menu, choose Modify.
  4. Set the alert level. If the alert level is set to zero (0), you will not receive an alert when no licenses are available. The maximum value you can set the alert level to is the total number of licenses. As you manage licenses, you want to set the alert level to the number that makes most sense in your environment. When the number of licenses drops to this level, you receive an alert.
    When the number of assigned licenses reaches this value, an entry is added to the License Server log file. For more information, see Appendix A, Server Messages.
  5. Choose OK to confirm and return to the Main menu.

4.5.6 Generating Product Reports

To generate a product report, follow these steps:

  1. From the View menu, choose Products.
  2. From the List of License Products screen, choose the product you want to generate a report for.
  3. From the Actions menu, choose Generate Product Report.
    The system displays the File Name dialog box.
  4. Enter the name for the report in the File Name dialog box.
  5. Choose OK to confirm and return to the Main menu.

By default, the report is written to the current default directory, unless another directory is specified in the File Name dialog box. By default, the list of products are listed by product name. You can also have the report sorted by licenses available or licenses in use, as explained in Section 4.5.4, Sorting Product Displays.

4.6 Performing License Group Tasks

You can use the License Manager to perform the following license group tasks:

  • Create license groups
  • Allocate licenses for a product to a group
  • List the clients in a license group
  • List the product licenses that a group has licenses allocated from, and how many such licenses are in use
  • Move or remove licenses from a group
  • Remove a group
  • Set the alert level for licenses in a group
  • Generate group reports
  • Sort the display of groups in the License Manager

4.6.1 Creating License Groups

When the file server software is initially installed, the Default group and the Server-Based group are created automatically. Any license products that are loaded onto the system are automatically placed in the Default group. To enable server-based licensing, you must allocate licenses from the Default group to the Server-Based group.

You can create user-defined license groups. These additional groups are for client-based licensing and are used to organize the distribution of licenses. The groups you create typically reflect the organizations that you support. For example, you may create the groups Engineering, Finance, and Marketing because these are the organizations you support. To utilize these groups, client software is configured so that a license is requested from that group.

To create a group, follow these steps:

  1. From the Main menu bar, choose View.
  2. From the View menu, choose Groups.
  3. From the Actions menu, choose Add.
    The dialog box shown in Figure 4-9, Add New Group Screen, appears.

    Figure 4-9 Add New Group Screen

  4. Enter the name of the group you wish to create.
  5. Choose OK.

When you create a group, the license allocation is set to zero. You must use the Modify Group function to allocate licenses to the new group.

4.6.2 Listing Licenses in a Group

You can use the License Manager to determine how many licenses from each product have been assigned to each group. To list how many licenses have been assigned to a specific group, follow these steps:

  1. From the View menu, choose Groups.
  2. From the List of License Groups screen, choose a Group.
  3. From the Actions menu, choose Show Details (or double-click on the group).
    A Products screen similar to the one shown in Figure 4-10, Products Screen for Products in a Group, appears.

Figure 4-10 Products Screen for Products in a Group

4.6.3 Sorting Group Displays

You can sort the display of the groups by:

  • Product name
  • Licenses available
  • Licenses in use

To specify a sort option, follow these steps:

  1. From the View menu, choose Groups.
  2. From the Actions menu, choose Sort By...
    The screen shown in Figure 4-11, Sort Options for Groups Screen, appears.

    Figure 4-11 Sort Options for Groups Screen

  3. Choose the sort option you want.
  4. Choose OK.

The selected sort option also effects the sort order for any group reports generated. (See Section 4.6.8, Generating Group Reports.)

4.6.4 Allocating Licenses to a Group

When you create a group, no licenses are automatically allocated to it. To allocate licenses to a group, you move them from the Default group to the group you want them in. You can allocate licenses at any time to any group except the Default group.


You cannot allocate licenses to the Default group. If you specify a product under the Default group, you can set only its alert level in this dialog box.

To allocate licenses to a group, follow these steps:

  1. From the View menu, choose Groups.
  2. From the List of License Groups screen, choose the group that you want to allocate licenses to.
  3. From the Actions menu, choose Modify...
    The dialog box shown in Figure 4-12, Modify License Product Allocation Screen, appears.

    Figure 4-12 Modify License Product Allocation Screen

    Each field in the dialog box is displayed with a value. You can change the allocation and alert fields.
  4. Enter your value changes in the Allocation and Alert fields.
  5. Press Return or choose OK.

Table 4-4, Allocation and Alert Field Descriptions, describes the fields in the Modify License Product Allocation Screen.

Table 4-4 Allocation and Alert Field Descriptions
Field Description
Product The name of the product you chose. You cannot alter this field.
Max The number of licenses in the Default group that are available for you to allocate to the group. If there are no available licenses for the product, the value of this field is 0. You cannot alter this field.
Alert The number of licenses of this product allocated to this group that triggers a message warning you that the licenses used have reached this level. For example, if you have 100 product licenses allocated to the Services Group and have set the alert level to 90, when you have used the 90th license of this product in the Service Group, you receive a warning message.
Allocation The number of licenses you want to allocate to the group. If licenses have been previously allocated, the value displayed for this field tells you how many. If no licenses have been previously issued, the value displayed is 0.

You can change this number to any number from 0 to the number indicated in the maximum field. If you decrease the number, the difference is returned to the Default group. If you increase the number, the increment is deducted from the Default group.

To allocate licenses, add a number to the value displayed for this field that is equal to or less than the value of the maximum "Licenses available to issue" field.

You cannot allocate more licenses to the group than are available from the Default group.

4.6.5 Reallocating Licenses to Another Group

If you have excess licenses in one group and not enough in another, you may want to change license allocations. To reallocate licenses, you decrease the number of allocated licenses from one group, which automatically assigns them to the Default group, and then you allocate the available licenses to another group.

To reallocate licenses to another group, follow these steps:

  1. From the Main menu bar, choose View.
  2. From the View menu, choose Groups.
  3. From the list of groups displayed in the Main screen, choose the group that you want to remove licenses from.
  4. From the Main menu bar, choose Actions.
  5. From the Actions menu, choose Modify...
    The system displays the Product Allocation screen.
  6. Modify the license allocation.
  7. Choose OK.
    The licenses that you remove are returned to the Default group. The List of License Groups screen is displayed.
  8. From the List of License Groups screen, choose the group that you want to increase the number of licenses allocated to.
  9. From the Actions menu, choose Modify...
  10. In the Product Allocation screen, increase the number of licenses allocated to the group.
    The reallocated licenses are deducted from the Default group.
  11. Choose OK.

4.6.6 Removing Groups

Removing a group deletes the group and causes the following actions:

  • Assigned licenses held by clients from that group are revoked.
  • All licenses allocated to that group return to the Default group.
  • Clients can no longer be assigned licenses from that group.


Clients that request licenses from this group must be reconfigured to request licenses from a different group. For more information, refer to the appropriate client licensing software configuration help utility.

To remove a group, follow these steps:

  1. From the View menu, choose Groups.
  2. From the List of License Groups screen, choose the group you want to remove.
  3. From the Actions menu, choose Remove.
    The system displays the Confirm Group Removal dialog box.
  4. Choose Yes to remove the group.


Any user-defined license group can be removed; the predefined Default group and the Server-Based license group cannot be removed. Removing a license group has the following consequences:
  • Any licenses from the selected group that have been assigned to clients are revoked.
  • All licenses allocated to the group you are removing are reassigned back to the Default license group.

4.6.7 Setting the Alert Levels for Groups

To set the alert levels, follow these steps:

  1. From the View menu, choose Groups.
  2. From the List of License Groups screen, choose the group you want to set the alert level for.
  3. From the Actions menu, choose Modify...
  4. Set the alert level.
  5. Choose OK to confirm and return to the Main menu.


You cannot set the alert level for the Server-Based group of licenses.

4.6.8 Generating Group Reports

To generate group reports, follow these steps:

  1. From the View menu, choose Groups.
  2. From the List of License Groups screen, choose the group you want to generate a report for.
  3. From the Actions menu, choose Generate Group Report.
    The system displays the File Name dialog box.
  4. Enter the name for the report in the File Name dialog box.
  5. Choose OK to confirm and return to the Main menu.

By default, the report is written to the current default directory, unless another directory is specified in the File Name dialog box. By default, the list of groups are listed by product name. You can also have the report sorted by licenses available or licenses in use, as explained in Section 4.6.3, Sorting Group Displays.

4.7 Performing Client License Tasks

Details about a client are available to the License Manager when the client is assigned a license or when an existing license is verified. If a client does not have a user name as configured by the PATHWORKS Client Configuration utility (PWSETUP), the client appears as <noname>.

You can perform the following client-related tasks:

  • Revoke a client license
  • Show details about a client
  • Sort the display of current clients
  • Generate a client report

4.7.1 Revoking Client Licenses

When you revoke a client's license, you can reassign the license to another client or to the same client the next time the client requests a license from that group. When a client's license is revoked, the client must request a new one to access the file server again.

You may want to revoke a client's license for any of the following reasons:

  • The client moved to a new organization.
  • The client was assigned a license from the wrong group.
  • The client's hardware configuration has changed.

To revoke a license assigned to a client, follow these steps:

  1. From the View menu, choose Client Licenses.
    The screen shown in Figure 4-13, List of Client Licenses Screen, appears.

    Figure 4-13 List of Client Licenses Screen

  2. Select the client license you want to revoke. Make sure the client with the desired product is selected (highlighted).
  3. From the Actions menu, choose Revoke.
    The dialog box shown in Figure 4-14, Confirm Revocation of Client License Screen, appears.

    Figure 4-14 Confirm Revocation of Client License Screen

  4. Choose Yes to revoke the license.

4.7.2 Showing Client Details

You can show the following detailed information about each client. These details are gathered when the client workstation requests a license from the License Server.

Table 4-5 Client Details Field Description
Name Meaning
Client Name The name of the client.
Client ID The unique client identifier (most often the address from a network adapter card in the client system).
User name The user name configured with the PATHWORKS Client Configuration utility.
NetBIOS name The machine name of the workstation.
TCP/IP host The name of the TCP/IP client node.
DECnet node The name of the DECnet client.
Product The license product assigned to the client.
Group The group name from which the license was assigned.
Timestamp The date and time the license was issued.

To show details for a client, follow these steps:

  1. From the View menu, choose Client Licenses.
  2. From the List of Client Licenses screen, choose the client for which you want to show details.
  3. From the Actions menu, choose Show Details (or double-click on the client).
    Detailed information for that client, similar to that shown in Figure 4-15, Client Details Screen, appears.

Figure 4-15 Client Details Screen

4.7.3 Sorting Client License Lists

You can sort the order in which clients are displayed in the List of Client Licenses screen. To specify a sort order, follow these steps:

  1. From the View menu, choose Client Licenses.
  2. From the Actions menu, choose Sort By...
    The dialog box shown in Figure 4-16, Sort Options for Licenses Screen, appears.

    Figure 4-16 Sort Options for Licenses Screen

  3. Choose the sort option you want.
  4. Choose OK.

The selected sort option also effects the sort order for any client license reports generated. (See Section 4.7.4, Generating Client License Reports.)

4.7.4 Generating Client License Reports

You can generate client license reports showing all client licenses that are currently in use, including the following information:

  • Client name
  • User name
  • Product
  • Group
  • Timestamp

You can change the order of the client license information by using the Sort option as described in the Section 4.7.3, Sorting Client License Lists. To generate a client license report, follow these steps:

  1. From the View menu, choose Client Licenses.
  2. From the Actions menu, choose Generate Client Report.
    The dialog box shown in Figure 4-17, File Name for Report Dialog Box, appears.

    Figure 4-17 File Name for Report Dialog Box

  3. Enter the name for the report in the dialog box.
  4. Choose OK.
    Unless a directory is included in the file name, the report is placed in the current default directory.

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