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HP Advanced Server V7.3B for OpenVMS
Release Notes

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4.3.3 ADMINISTER Commands Act on Nonexistent, Hidden Shares As If the Shares Exist


If the name of a nonexistent, hidden share is specified with the ADMINISTER SHOW SHARE command (the names of hidden shares end with a dollar sign, such as F$ or TAR$), an error message should indicate that the specified share does not exist. Instead, the SHOW SHARE command displays the share along with a blank description, as in the following example in which the nonexistent share name is xyz$:


Shared resources on server "SUTTLE":

Name          Type       Description
------------  ---------  -----------------------
XYZ$          Directory

In addition, if such a share name is specified with the ADMINISTER MODIFY SHARE command, it produces a message indicating an internal error as in the following example:

%PWRK-E-ERRMODSHARE, error modifying share "XYZ$"
-LM-E-NERR_INTERNALER, an internal error has occurred

This command should produce a message indicating that the share does not exist.


These problems are resolved in Advanced Server V7.3 for OpenVMS.

4.3.4 ADD TRUST Command Fails


When using the ADD TRUST command to add a trust, if you omit the domain name in the command line, the ADMINISTER user interface prompts you for the domain name, and after you enter the domain name, it prompts you for the password. If you enter a password that includes lowercase characters, spaces, or other nonalphanumeric characters and do not enclose the password in quotation marks, the password is handled incorrectly. First, it displays the password you entered. The password should not be displayed. Second, it should prompt you to verify the password you entered, but it does not. Finally, your attempt to add the trust fails with an error message stating that an invalid password was entered, as shown in the following example:

_domain name: KANSAS
_PASSWORD: hayfield
This might take some time, do you wish to continue? [YES or NO] (YES) :
%PWRK-E-ERRADDTRUST, error adding trust between domains "KANSAS" and
-LM-E-ERROR_INVALID_P, invalid password specified


These problems are resolved in Advanced Server V7.3 for OpenVMS.

4.3.5 SHOW COMPUTERS Command Displays Inconsistent Information from Servers in Different Subnets of the Same Domain


In domains that include subnets, performing an ADMINISTER SHOW COMPUTERS command on Advanced Servers located in different subnets will return inconsistent information. From one subnet in the domain, certain computers might be shown as available, while from another subnet, the same computers are shown as unavailable.


This problem is resolved in Advanced Server V7.3 for OpenVMS.

4.3.6 Once Permissions Are Removed from a File or Directory, Owner Cannot Change Permissions


If an owner of a file or directory removes all permissions from a file or directory (for example, by using the ADMINISTER SET FILE /PERMISSION=REMOVE command), although the owner cannot access that file or directory, the owner should still be able to change the permissions on it. However, using the ADMINISTER command interface, the owner cannot change permissions on the file or directory from which permissions were removed. Furthermore, an error message states (incorrectly) that "directory permissions" cannot be specified if the path specification is a file.


This problem is resolved in Advanced Server V7.3 for OpenVMS.

4.3.7 Time Values in SHOW Command Displays Fail to Roll Over Past 23 Hours


Time values indicating the total number of hours, such as those indicating the duration of a session connection, fail to roll over at the 24th hour. For example, in the following SHOW SESSIONS command, the connection time for the Administrator account is displayed as 1 29:01 instead of 2 05:01:


User Sessions on server "TINMAN":

Connected Users     Computer         Opens  Time      Idle      Guest
------------------  ---------------  -----  --------  --------  -----
ADMINISTRATOR       TINMAN_176           3   1 29:01   0 00:00  No
SCARECROW           TINMAN_149           0   0 21:18   0 18:19  No

  Total of 2 connected users


This problem is resolved in Advanced Server V7.3 for OpenVMS.

4.3.8 SHOW FILES /PERMISSIONS Command Produces "The RPC server is unavailable" Error


When file names in a share contain non-standard characters, repeated executions of the ADMINISTER command SHOW FILES sharename /PERMISSIONS can result in messages such as the following examples. In addition, the permissions might be displayed incorrectly for the files.

%PWRK-E-ERRGETFILEACC, error getting access information for

-LM-E-RPC_S_SERVER_UN, The RPC server is unavailable


This problem is resolved in Advanced Server V7.3 for OpenVMS.

4.3.9 Administrator Cannot Take File Ownership


Once all permissions are removed from a shared directory, an administrator, using the ADMINISTER TAKE FILE OWNERSHIP command, is not able to take ownership of the directory or of files in the directory. No messages are displayed. However, if the administrator uses the SHOW FILES command, an "insufficient privileges for attempted operation" error message is displayed.

For a information about restrictions pertaining to taking ownership, see Section 13.7.9 and Section 13.11.2.


This problem is resolved in Advanced Server V7.3 for OpenVMS.

4.3.10 SHOW USER Command Enhanced to Display Several Additional Fields


The ADMINISTER SHOW USER display with either the /FULL or /ACCOUNTS qualifier now includes the following fields:

Last Log On: 08/23/00 05:07 PM
Password Last Set: 06/30/00 11:03 AM
Password Changeable: 06/30/00 11:03 AM
Password Expires: 09/11/00 11:03 AM


This enhancement is included in Advanced Server V7.3 for OpenVMS.

4.3.11 SHOW FILES with Wildcards Issued Against a Large Directory Might Fail


Attempts to list a directory containing many files might fail with one of the following error messages:

%PWRK-E-SEARCHFAIL, error searching for  \\LP33\LPC1\*.*
-LM-E-ERROR_GEN_FAILU, general failure

%PWRK-E-SEARCHFAIL, error searching for "\\SMILE\TEST2\S*.*"
-LM-E-ERROR_NOUNICODE, no unicode translation


This problem is resolved in Advanced Server V7.3 for OpenVMS.

4.3.12 The Password of a Newly Created Account Is Not Expired by Default


By default, a user account is created with an expired password. The user must enter a new password at first logon. (To remove the need for users to reset their passwords at first logon, use the /FLAGS=(NOPWDEXPIRED) qualifier with the ADD USER command.) However, the Advanced Server V7.2A-ECO3 for OpenVMS product is not setting the password of a newly created account as expired. Thus, when first logging in, a new user would not have to reset the account password, as expected.


This problem is resolved in Advanced Server V7.3 for OpenVMS.

4.3.13 REGUTL SHOW PARAMETERS With Wildcards Displays Subset of All Data That Can Be Displayed


Using the REGUTL command SHOW PARAMETERS with a wildcard (such as, SHOW PARAMETERS * *) does not display all parameters that fit the wildcard specification. It displays only those server parameters equivalent in name to the parameters originally defined in the PATHWORKS V6 (Advanced Server) software (the LANMAN.INI file). In other words, the SHOW PARAMETERS command cannot display all the server-related registry data that can be set. In specific, the command omits the LanmanIniMigrated parameter in the following key:

This parameter was added as part of the Advanced Server for OpenVMS software and is foreign to PATHWORKS V6.


This problem is resolved in Advanced Server V7.3 for OpenVMS.

4.4 Windows 2000 Related Problems

This section describes problems related to the interaction with Windows 2000, corrected in Advanced Server V7.3 for OpenVMS.

4.4.1 Backup Domain Controller Cannot Be Added to a Windows 2000 Domain


When configuring a backup domain controller (using PWRK$CONFIG) in a domain that is running a Windows 2000 primary domain controller, an error occurs (reported from the PWRK$MAKEMACH configuration tool), preventing the computer from being added to the domain.


This problem is resolved in Advanced Server V7.3 for OpenVMS.

4.4.2 Windows 2000 Clients Might Be Unable to Delete Shared Files


Windows 2000 clients might be unable to delete files from the top level of an Advanced Server share. An error is received, such as one that indicates that the source file cannot be read or path cannot be found.


This problem is resolved in Advanced Server V7.3 for OpenVMS.

4.4.3 Windows 2000 PDC Fails During Replication to Advanced Server BDC


In a domain with a Windows 2000 primary domain controller and one or more OpenVMS Advanced Server backup domain controllers, attempts to replicate from the Windows 2000 PDC to an OpenVMS Advanced Server BDC fail (replication is incomplete). The failure is indicated in the Windows 2000 PDC event log. The cause of the failure is Windows 2000 specific attributes in the data that is sent during the replication process.


This problem is resolved in Advanced Server V7.3 for OpenVMS. The Windows 2000 specific attributes in the data are safely ignored.

4.4.4 Windows 2000 Clients See Blank Date Fields for Shared Files


When users of a Windows 2000 client view the properties of a shared file with an unknown file extension, the date fields are blank. In addition, the last four date fields stored in the UNKNOWN=%X80 ACE are all zeros.


This problem is resolved in Advanced Server V7.3 for OpenVMS.

4.4.5 Logon Denied After Adding a User Account or Changing a Password in a Domain with a Windows 2000 Primary Domain Controller


After using the ADMINISTER interface to add a user or modify a user password in a domain with a Windows 2000 PDC, it is not possible to log on as that user --- an "Invalid username or password" message is displayed.


This problem is resolved in Advanced Server V7.3 for OpenVMS.

4.4.6 Windows 2000 Clients Must Use Server-Based Licensing


Client-based licensing software components cannot be installed on a Windows 2000 client.


This problem is resolved in Advanced Server V7.3 for OpenVMS. Windows 2000 clients can obtain client license software either from the PATHWORKS 32 distribution kit, the PWLICENSE share, or from HP customer support. To enable clients to access the PWLICENSE share and install the client licensing software, make sure that server-based licensing is enabled.

4.4.7 Windows 2000 Backup Fails to Advanced Server Share


A Windows 2000 backup fails when attempting to write to an Advanced Server share.


This problem is resolved in Advanced Server V7.3 for OpenVMS.

4.5 Transport Problems

This section describes problems related to the use of transport protocols with the Advanced Server, corrected in Advanced Server V7.3 for OpenVMS.

4.5.1 Advanced Server Loses Its Name Registration in Windows NT WINS Server Database


If the Windows NT WINS Server Renewal Interval becomes less than the four-day default, then the Advanced Server participating as a WINS client can lose its name registration in the Windows NT WINS Server database. This can happen because the Advanced Server continues to update its name registration using the default four-day interval and not the shorter interval indicated by the WINS Server. When the registration update does not occur within the new Renewal Interval period, the Advanced Server is removed from the WINS database.


This problem is resolved in Advanced Server V7.3 for OpenVMS.

4.5.2 System Crashes in the PWIP_CALLUP Routine


The PWIPDriver might, on rare occasions, send the file server a message that is meant for a session that is no longer active; in other words, the stream for the session is already closed or in the process of being closed and, as a result, some of the data structures have been reinitialized. When the server tries to process this message, the system crashes in module PWRK$STREAMSOS_V7, with a failing PC in routine PWIP_CALLUP_C.


This problem is resolved in Advanced Server V7.3 for OpenVMS.

4.5.3 System Crashes in PWRK$STREAMSOS_V7


While trying to remove a nonexistent element from an internal timer queue, the Advanced Server can cause a system crash with characteristics similar to the following:

Current Process:   PWRK$KNBDAEMON
Failing PC:        FFFFFFFF.854226C0  KNBNQ_UNSET_TIMER_C+00198

Failing Instruction:
    KNBNQ_UNSET_TIMER_C+00198:      LDQ_U         R16,#X001F(R1)


This problem is resolved in Advanced Server V7.3 for OpenVMS.

4.5.4 System Crashes in Routine RcvUDSthand


The system might crash due to an ACCVIO in routine RcvUDSthand of module STREAMSUB in the sharable library PWRK$STREAMSSHR, with the following bugcheck:

Bugcheck Type: SSRVEXCEPT, Unexpected system service exception
VMS Version: V7.1-1H1
Current Process: PWRK$LMBROWSER
Failing PC: FFFFFFFF.800086E8 OTS$MOVE_C+000B8
Failing PS: 10000000.00000003 Module:
SYS$BASE_IMAGE Offset: 000066E8


This problem is resolved in Advanced Server V7.3 for OpenVMS.

4.5.5 15-Character Alias Name Truncated in Claimed NETBIOS Name


When a user specifies a cluster alias name 15 characters in length, one of the two associated NETBIOS names that get claimed is truncated to 14 characters. This is the name that is used for datagrams.


This problem is resolved in Advanced Server V7.3 for OpenVMS.

4.5.6 Call to KNBNQ_UNSET_TIMER in the PWRK$LMMCP Process Might Cause OpenVMS to Crash


While the PWRK$LMMCP is executing, during a call to the KNBNQ_UNSET_TIMER routine, the server might cause OpenVMS to crash with the following system bugcheck information:

Bugcheck Type: INVEXCEPTN, Exception while above ASTDEL
Current Process: PWRK$LMMCP Current Image:
Failing PS: 00000000.00000804
Module: PWRK$STREAMSOS_V7 Offset: 0006E6D0


This problem is resolved in Advanced Server V7.3 for OpenVMS.

4.6 Cluster-Related Problems

This section describes problems relating to servers participating in OpenVMS Clusters. These problems have been corrected in Advanced Server V7.3 for OpenVMS.

4.6.1 With Open File Caching, PWRK$LMSRV Hangs with Deadlock


The Advanced Server might hang in the following situation:

  • An Advanced Server runs on at least two nodes in an OpenVMS Cluster
  • Open file caching is disabled
  • Frequent file open and close operations are being performed by multiple clients


This problem is resolved in Advanced Server V7.3 for OpenVMS.

4.6.2 Multiple Servers Perform Replication in a Cluster


In a cluster, only one cluster member should actually participate in replication of the SAM databases. When multiple members attempt to replicate the database simultaneously, the replication fails.


This problem is resolved in Advanced Server V7.3 for OpenVMS.

4.6.3 BDC Loses Connection to PDC; Unable to Participate in Replication


In WAN environments in which the Advanced Server runs in a cluster as a Backup Domain Controller (BDC), and the primary domain controller (PDC) is on a different LAN segment than that of the cluster BDC, the remote PDC might resolve the cluster alias to the wrong cluster BDC member. As a result, the cluster BDC is unable to participate in replication of the SAM database.

The system manager might notice user account modifications are not being replicated to the cluster BDC. Users might notice password updates do not take effect. Partial synchronization messages for the cluster BDC might be missing from the event log.

The cause of the problem can be explained as follows: in such environments, prior to Advanced Server V7.3 for OpenVMS, it was necessary to ensure that a WINS or LMHOSTS entry for the Advanced Server cluster alias points to the cluster member with the active daemon. If the WINS or LMHOSTS entry is not set to the cluster member with the active daemon, the remote PDC will resolve the cluster alias to the wrong cluster BDC member, preventing the cluster from being able to participate in replication.


This problem is resolved in Advanced Server V7.3 for OpenVMS. It is still necessary to define an LMHOSTS entry for the Advanced Server cluster alias; however, that entry can point to any cluster member that is running the NetLogon service, whether the member has an active or inactive daemon. When the PDC announces SAM database updates (by means of a pulse message), if that announcement gets to a cluster node with an inactive daemon, the message is forwarded to the cluster member with the active daemon. Then, replication will take place appropriately.

4.7 Browser Problems

This section describes problems with the Browser service corrected in Advanced Server V7.3 for OpenVMS.

4.7.1 Browser Fails to List Entire List of Servers or Domains


In large domains, or in networks with many domains, clients using an Advanced Server backup Browser do not receive the complete list of the servers or domains.


This problem is resolved in Advanced Server V7.3 for OpenVMS.

4.8 Advanced Server Interaction with DEC Rdb (Oracle) Problems

This section describes problems with the Advanced Server interacting with Oracle (DEC Rdb).

4.8.1 Advanced Server Is Incompatible with Certain Versions of Oracle


Oracle versions prior to V7.3.3 are incompatible with the Advanced Server for OpenVMS due to Oracle's use of termination mailboxes. This incompatibility results in server crashes similar to the following:

%SYSTEM-F-ACCVIO, access violation, reason mask=00, virtual
address=0000000000000000, PC=FFFFFFFF8049F044, PS=0000001B

  image    module    routine    . . .  rel PC           abs PC
                                     0000000000000000 FFFFFFFF8049F044
PWRK$CSSHR_V7  LIBIPC  mbreaddoneast 000000000000844C 00000000003C6C5C


This problem is resolved in Advanced Server V7.3 for OpenVMS. A previous restriction against Oracle versions prior to V7.3.3 has been lifted.

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