HP OpenVMS Systems Documentation

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HP OpenVMS Version 8.2 New Features and Documentation Overview

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  1. This command defines logical names and equivalents.
  2. Each time you press Ctrl/T, the CPU and IO values increase, but the MEM and PF values do not, indicating that LIB$FIND_FILE is being called.

As shown in the following example, using an options file to set RMS_RELATED_CONTEXT to NO causes the link operation to finish immediately when it encounters the missing file.


%LINK-F-OPENIN, error opening DISK_READ$:[SYS.][COM]DOES_NOT_EXIST.OBJ; as input
-RMS-E-FNF, file not found

7.1.6 New OpenVMS I64 Linker Map

The Linker map has been enhanced with new information for OpenVMS I64 Linker. The Linker map comprises the following information, shown in Figure 7-1, Figure 7-2, Figure 7-3, Figure 7-4, Figure 7-5, Figure 7-6, Figure 7-7, and Figure 7-8.

  • Object and image synopsis
  • Cluster synopsis
  • Image segment synopsis
  • Program section synopsis
  • Symbol cross reference
  • Symbols by value
  • Image synopsis
  • Link run statistics

Callout descriptions describing new and changes portions of the Linker map are provided after the example Linker map.

Figure 7-1 Object and Image Synopsis and Cluster Synopsis

Figure 7-2 Image Segment Synopsis

Figure 7-3 Program Section Synopsis

Figure 7-4 Program Section Synopsis (Continued)

Figure 7-5 Symbol Cross Reference

Figure 7-6 Symbols by Value

Figure 7-7 Image Synopsis

Figure 7-8 Link Run Statistics

The following list correspond to the numbered items in the preceding figures:

  1. Object and Image Synopsis. The Alpha section titled Object Module Synopsis has been renamed on I64 to Object and Image Synopsis.
  2. Module/Image. The Alpha column Module Name has been renamed on I64 to Module/Image.
  3. Attributes. New information has been added in the four columns titled Attributes. The first of the four columns indicates whether the search of the module is selective. If selective, "Sel" appears. If it is not selective, this column is blank.
    The second column indicates whether the module has call linkage information. If the module has linkage, "Lkg" appears. If the module does not have linkage, this column is blank.
    The third column indicates whether the module is compiled with the Reduced Floating Point model. If it is, "RFP" appears. If the module was not compiled with the Reduced Floating Point model, this column is blank. This designation is suppressed for shareable images.
    The fourth column indicates the whole program mode. Several abbreviations can appear in this column that are listed in the Key for Attributes section. The following example lists all of the possible abbreviations in the Keys for Attributes section. The Creation Date and Creator columns are truncated from this example; see the following map example for the the entire Object and Image Synopsis.

    Module/Image    File           Ident             Attributes        Bytes
    ------------    ----           -----          ----------------     -----
    NONE                            V1.0               Lkg               568
    DNORM_CASE                                         Lkg RFP Dnrm      504
    FAST _CASE                                         Lkg RFP Fast      504
    NEPCT_CASE                                         Lkg RFP Inex      504
    SPCL _CASE                                         Lkg RFP Spcl      504
    UNDER_CASE                                         Lkg RFP Undr      504
    DG_FL_CASE                                         Lkg RFP VXfl      504
    DECC$SHR                        V8.2-00            Lkg                 0
    SYS$PUBLIC_VECTORS              X-2            Sel Lkg                 0
                     Key for Attributes
                    ! Sel  - Module was selectively searched   !
                    ! Lkg  - Contains call linkage information !
                    ! RFP  - Conforms to the reduced FP model  !
                    ! VXfl - VAX Float FP model                !
                    ! Dnrm - Denormal IEEE FP model            !
                    ! Fast - Fast IEEE FP model                !
                    ! Inex - Inexact IEEE FP model             !
                    ! Undr - Underflow-to-zero IEEE FP model   !
                    ! Spcl - Special FP model                  !
  4. Cluster Synopsis. The Alpha section titled Image Section Synopsis has been divided into two sections for I64: Cluster Synopsis and Image Segment Synopsis. The Cluster Synopsis section no longer contains image sections, which on I64 are referred to as segments. Further, image sections are no longer printed for sharable images, which was formerly done on VAX map files whenever there was a possibility of having based shareable images. (Based shareable images are not allowed on Alpha or I64 systems.)
  5. Cluster. The Cluster column shows clusters that were created for and used by the Linker, and the order in which they were processed.
  6. Match, Majorid, and Minorid. The Match, Majorid, and Minorid columns show version criteria, if any.
  7. Image Segment Synopsis. The Image Segment Synopsis section shows each image segment as it was created. It contains the remaining columns of the Image Section Synopsis on OpenVMS Alpha. The first column, Seg #, contains the image segment's number, which is used in the relocations that are applied to it. (See an analysis of an image for a display of the segment number in relocations.) The Alpha section Protection and Paging has been divided into two columns Protection and Attributes on I64. The column Global Section Name was eliminated.
  8. If the module was compiled /TIE and the image is linked /NONATIVE only and if the image contains non-standard signatures, a separate segment will appear immediately after the short data segment (indicated by SHORT) that contains them.
  9. The section attributes PIC, NOPIC are not valid attributes on I64 and were removed.
  10. The Linker contributes storage for common or relaxed refdef symbols. It is marked with <Linker> under the Module/Image header. The section name is always named after the symbol. (This module was compiled with the default switch /EXTERN=RELAXED, and the variables ITMLST, FILLEN, FILLIM and IOSB are relaxed refdef symbols).
  11. The Linker indicates which module made the initialization (if there was one) to sections which have the attributes OVR, REL and GBL with the designation "Initializing Contribution". If you get a multiple initializations error, the Linker will have two or more sections marked with the designation "Initializing Contribution", in order to help you debug an instance that has many contributors.
  12. The Linker makes a contribution to the code segment containing trampolines (instructions with larger branches) or code to branch to another segment (either inside or outside the image). It is marked with <Linker> under the Module/Image header.
  13. The designation of an external symbol has changed from Alpha maps. The prefix or suffix used on Alpha was RX, meaning relocatable and external. However, the Linker does not know whether an external symbol is relocatable or not. As a result, on I64 systems the prefix or suffix has been changed to X (external).
  14. Keys for Special Characters. The keys for special characters have changed as follows:
    • On I64, the special character C appears for code address. When a function does not have a function descriptor assigned by the Linker, its value is its code address.
    • On OpenVMS Alpha, a universal symbol appeared once with its internal value. The map never displayed an external, universal value (its index into the symbol vector on I64). Universal symbols on I64 now appear once with a suffix of (U) defined by <Linker Option> to indicate the external value, and again, possibly with the prefix or suffix R, to indicate their internal value. If you had a symbol vector with an alias name the alias name appears with the universal value, and the internal name appears with the internal value. The prefixes and suffixes A and I (for Alias and Internal) on OpenVMS Alpha have been removed.
      For example, symbol_vector=(getjpi/internal_getjpi=procedure) yields:

         00000000        GETJPI (U)
         00050098      R-INTERNAL_GETJPI
    • UNIX weak symbols, designated with UxWk, are a new addition to OpenVMS. They are similar to OpenVMS weak symbols; however, more than one symbol with a UNIX weak definition can be processed when linking multiple modules without producing a multiple definitions error. UNIX weak symbols are currently produced by the C++ compiler.
  15. Quota Usage. A new section titled Quota Usage was added to the Link Run Statistics section to keep track of the quotas that are being used by the I64 Linker. If quota issues occur, the Linker is able to work around them. But the Linker outputs a special message to the Quota Usage section indicating, as best it can, what quota should be increased to improve performance. For example:

    Performance of this link operation could be improved by increasing quotas
       Quota related to status return:  %SYSTEM-SECTBLFUL, process or global
       section table is full
    2688 extra file I/O operations performed due to current process quota(s)
    36 performed on object files; 2652 performed on library files

Part 2
OpenVMS Documentation

Chapter 8
OpenVMS Documentation Overview

Table 8-1 describes any reorganization of the OpenVMS documentation set for OpenVMS Version 8.2. For this release, two new manuals are added to the OpenVMS Documentation Set, and three manuals have been archived. Also, the following manuals are again in hardcopy format:

  • HP OpenVMS Management Station Overview and Release Notes
  • COM, Registry, and Events for HP OpenVMS Developer's Guide

Table 8-1 Documentation Set Changes for OpenVMS Version 8.2
New Manuals
Porting Applications from HP OpenVMS Alpha to HP OpenVMS Industry Standard 64 for Integrity Servers This new manual for application programmers who are planning to migrate OpenVMS Alpha applications to OpenVMS I64 applications.
HP MACRO Compiler Porting and User's Guide This is a revised manual making its first appearance in the OpenVMS Documentation Set.
Archived Manuals
VAX MACRO and Instruction Set Reference Manual This manual describes the features of the VAX MACRO instruction set and assembler. Beginning Version 8.2, this manual is archived. Look for the link to archived manuals on the OpenVMS documentation Web site:


OpenVMS VAX RTL Mathematics (MTH$) Manual This manual documents the mathematics routine contained in the MTH$ facility of the OpenVMS VAX Run-Time Library. Beginning Version 8.2, this manual is archived. Look for the link to archived manuals on the OpenVMS documentation Web site:


OpenVMS VAX System Dump Analyzer Utility Manual This manual explains how to use the System Dump Analyzer (SDA) to investigate system failures and examine a running system. Beginning Version 8.2, this manual is archived. Look for the link to archived manuals on the OpenVMS documentation Web site:


Chapter 9
OpenVMS Printed and Online Documentation

OpenVMS documentation is provided, in the following ways:

  • Printed documentation
    If you need paper documents, you can purchase most OpenVMS manuals in the form of printed documentation sets. Individual OpenVMS hardcopy documents cannot be purchased separately but are available in kits. One exception is the Porting Applications from HP OpenVMS Alpha to HP OpenVMS Industry Standard 64 for Integrity Servers, which you can order in hardcopy.
  • Online documentation on CD
    All OpenVMS manuals are available in online formats on CDs that also include the documentation for many associated products. You automatically receive the documentation CDs in your OpenVMS media kit.
  • Online documentation on the OpenVMS documentation Web site
    You can preview or read any OpenVMS document, including archived manuals, on the OpenVMS Web site.
  • Online help
    You can quickly display online help for OpenVMS commands, utilities, and system routines when you need task-related information.

The following sections describe each format in which OpenVMS documentation is provided and specifies the titles that are available in that format.

9.1 Printed Documentation

Some printed documentation comes with your OpenVMS Media Kit. All other printed manuals are orderable in kits. This section describes the OpenVMS printed documentation offerings, which are categorized as follows:

  • Media kit
  • Documentation sets:
    • Base
    • Full
    • Operating Environment Extensions
  • System-integrated products
  • Archived manuals

9.1.1 OpenVMS Media Kit Documentation

The OpenVMS Media Kit, for both OpenVMS Alpha and OpenVMS I64 systems, contains the documents you need to get started with the latest version of the OpenVMS operating system. Table 9-1 lists the books included in the OpenVMS media kit. The books you receive are determined by whether you are a new or a service customer. New customers receive all books; service customers receive only new books and books that have been updated since the last release.


The HP OpenVMS License Management Utility Manual, Guide to HP OpenVMS Version 8.2 Media, and HP OpenVMS Version 8.2 Upgrade and Installation Manual are provided only in the OpenVMS Media kit and, therefore, are not part of the OpenVMS Full Documentation set (described in Section 9.1.2).

Table 9-1 OpenVMS Media Kit Manuals
Manual Order Number
HP OpenVMS License Management Utility Manual AA-PVXUG-TK
Guide to HP OpenVMS Version 8.2 Media BA322-90001
HP OpenVMS Version 8.2 New Features and Documentation Overview BA322-90003
HP OpenVMS Version 8.2 Upgrade and Installation Manual BA322-90002
HP OpenVMS Version 8.2 Release Notes BA322-90004

9.1.2 OpenVMS Documentation Sets

OpenVMS documentation is available in the following documentation sets:

Documentation Set Description Alpha Order Number I64 Order Number
Full Set Intended for users who need extensive explanatory information for all major OpenVMS resources. Contains all the OpenVMS documentation in one offering. Includes the Base Documentation set. QA-001AA-GZ.8.2 BA554MN
Base Set Subset of the Full Documentation set. Intended for general users and system managers of small standalone systems. Includes the most commonly used OpenVMS manuals. QA-09SAA-GZ.8.2 BA555MN

There is one common documentation set for both OpenVMS Alpha and OpenVMS I64 systems. OpenVMS Alpha documentation set and the OpenVMS I64 documentation set contain the identical books with one exception. The OpenVMS Alpha documentation set contains the COM, Registry, and Events for HP OpenVMS Developer's Guide, which is an Alpha-only document. Table 9-2 lists the manuals in the OpenVMS Base and Full Documentation sets. For a description of each manual, see Section 10.2.

Table 9-2 OpenVMS Full Documentation Set (QA-001AA-GZ.8.2/BA554MN)
Manual Order Number
OpenVMS Base Documentation Set QA-09SAA-GZ.8.2/BA555MN
HP OpenVMS DCL Dictionary: A--M 1 AA-PV5KK-TK
HP OpenVMS DCL Dictionary: N--Z 1 AA-PV5LK-TK
HP OpenVMS Guide to System Security AA-Q2HLG-TE
HP OpenVMS System Management Utilities Reference Manual: A--L 1 AA-PV5PJ-TK
HP OpenVMS System Management Utilities Reference Manual: M--Z 1 AA-PV5QJ-TK
HP OpenVMS System Manager's Manual, Volume 1: Essentials 1 AA-PV5MJ-TK
HP OpenVMS System Manager's Manual, Volume 2: Tuning, Monitoring, and Complex Systems 1 AA-PV5NJ-TK
OpenVMS User's Manual AA-PV5JG-TK
HP OpenVMS Version 8.2 New Features and Documentation Overview 2 BA322-90003
HP OpenVMS Version 8.2 Release Notes 2 BA322-90004
Additional Books in the Full Documentation Set QA-001AA-GZ.8.2
HP OpenVMS Availability Manager User's Guide 1 AA-RNSJD-TE
COM, Registry, and Events for HP OpenVMS Developer's Guide 1, 3 AA-RSCWC-TE
HP C Run-Time Library Reference Manual for OpenVMS Systems 1 AA-RSMUC-TE
Compaq C Run-Time Library Utilities Reference Manual AA-R238C-TE
Compaq Portable Mathematics Library AA-PV6VE-TE
DECamds User's Guide AA-Q3JSE-TE
DEC Text Processing Utility Reference Manual AA-PWCCD-TE
Extensible Versatile Editor Reference Manual AA-PWCDD-TE
Guidelines for OpenVMS Cluster Configurations 1 AA-Q28LH-TK
Guide to Creating OpenVMS Modular Procedures AA-PV6AD-TK
Guide to OpenVMS File Applications AA-PV6PE-TK
Guide to the POSIX Threads Library AA-QSBPD-TE
Guide to the DEC Text Processing Utility AA-PWCBD-TE
HP Open Source Security for OpenVMS, Volume 1: Common Data Security Architecture AA-RSCUB-TE
HP Open Source Security for OpenVMS, Volume 2: HP SSL for OpenVMS 1 AA-RSCVC-TE
HP Open Source Security for OpenVMS, Volume 3: Kerberos 1 AA-RUEBB-TE
HP OpenVMS Alpha Partitioning and Galaxy Guide AA-REZQD-TE
HP OpenVMS Guide to Upgrading Privileged-Code Applications 1 AA-QSBGE-TE
HP OpenVMS System Analysis Tools Manual 1 AA-REZTE-TE
HP OpenVMS Calling Standard 1 AA-QSBBE-TE
HP OpenVMS Cluster Systems AA-PV5WF-TK
HP OpenVMS Command Definition, Librarian, and Message Utilities Manual 1 AA-QSBDE-TE
HP OpenVMS Debugger Manual 1 AA-QSBJE-TE
HP OpenVMS Delta/XDelta Debugger Manual 1 AA-PWCADE-TE
HP OpenVMS I/O User's Reference Manual 1 AA-PV6SG-TK
HP OpenVMS Linker Utility Manual AA-PV6CDE-TK
HP OpenVMS MACRO Compiler Porting and User's Guide 1 AA-PV64DE-TE
HP OpenVMS Management Station Overview and Release Notes 1 AA-QJGCG-TE
OpenVMS Performance Management AA-R237C-TE
Porting Applications from HP OpenVMS Alpha to HP OpenVMS Industry Standard 64 for Integrity Servers 2 BA442-90001
HP OpenVMS Programming Concepts Manual, Volume I 1 AA-RNSHD-TK
HP OpenVMS Programming Concepts Manual, Volume II 1 AA-PV67H-TK
OpenVMS Record Management Services Reference Manual AA-PV6RE-TK
OpenVMS Record Management Utilities Reference Manual AA-PV6QD-TK
HP OpenVMS RTL General Purpose (OTS$) Manual 1 AA-PV6HE-TK
HP OpenVMS RTL Library (LIB$) Manual 1 AA-QSBHE-TE
OpenVMS RTL Screen Management (SMG$) Manual AA-PV6LD-TK
OpenVMS RTL String Manipulation (STR$) Manual AA-PV6MD-TK
OpenVMS System Messages: Companion Guide for Help Message Users AA-PV5TD-TK
HP OpenVMS System Services Reference Manual: A--GETUAI 1 AA-QSBMG-TE
HP OpenVMS System Services Reference Manual: GETUTC--Z 1 AA-QSBNG-TE
OpenVMS Utility Routines Manual AA-PV6EF-TK
OpenVMS VAX RTL Mathematics (MTH$) Manual AA-PVXJD-TE
OpenVMS VAX System Dump Analyzer Utility Manual AA-PV6TD-TE
POLYCENTER Software Installation Utility Developer's Guide 1 AA-Q28MF-TK
VAX MACRO and Instruction Set Reference Manual AA-PS6GD-TE
HP Volume Shadowing for OpenVMS AA-PVXMK-TE

1Revised for Version 8.2.
2New for Version 8.2.
3Alpha only - Provided only in QA-001AA-GZ.8.2

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