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Returns a specified item of information for a specified device.


F$GETDVI (device-name,item[,pathname])

Return Value

Either an integer or a character string, depending on the item you request. Table DCLI-6 shows the data types of the values returned for each item.



Specifies a physical device name or a logical name equated to a physical device name. Specify the device name as a character string expression.

After the device-name argument is evaluated, the F$GETDVI function examines the first character of the name. If the first character is an underscore (_), the name is considered a physical device name; otherwise, a single level of logical name translation is performed and the equivalence name, if any, is used.


Specifies the type of device information to be returned. The item argument must be specified as a character string expression and can be any one of the items listed in Table DCLI-6.

pathname (Alpha/I64 only)

Specifies a path name for a multipath-capable device. Specify the path name as a character string expression.

Check the definitions of the item codes in Table DCLI-6 to see if the pathname argument is used. In general, item codes that return information that can vary by path do use the pathname argument. You can see the paths for a multipath device by using the SHOW DEVICE /FULL command, the SYS$DEVICE_PATH_SCAN system service, or the F$MULTIPATH lexical function.

If the pathname argument is specified, it is validated against the existing paths for the specified device. If the path does not exist, the NOSUCHPATH error is returned --- even if the specified item code does not make use of the pathname argument.


The F$GETDVI lexical function invokes the $GETDVI system service to return a specified item of information for a specified device. You can obtain a list of devices on your current system by using the lexical function F$DEVICE. Unless otherwise stated in the description of the item argument, F$GETDVI returns device information about the local node only.

This lexical function allows a process to obtain information for a device to which the process has not necessarily assigned a channel.

The F$GETDVI function returns information on all items that can be specified with the $GETDVI system service. In addition to the items that the $GETDVI system service allows, the F$GETDVI function allows you to specify the item EXISTS.

Table DCLI-6 lists the items you can specify with the F$GETDVI function, the type of information returned, and the data types of the return values. In addition to the return information listed in Table DCLI-6, the F$GETDVI lexical function returns any error messages generated by the $GETDVI system service.

For more information on the $GETDVI system service and the items you can specify, refer to the HP OpenVMS System Services Reference Manual.

Table DCLI-6 F$GETDVI Items
Item Return Type Information Returned1
(Alpha/I64 only)
String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether the volume supports the recording of access times.
ACPPID String Ancillary control process (ACP) identification.
ACPTYPE String ACP type code, as one of the following strings: F11V1, F11V2, F11V3, F11V4, F11V5, F64, HBS, JNL, MTA, NET, REM, UCX, or ILLEGAL.

The ACPTYPE item returns ILLEGAL if:

  • The device is not mounted or is mounted using the /FOREIGN qualifier.
  • The ACPTYPE is not currently defined.
ALL String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether the device is allocated.
ALLDEVNAM String Allocation class device name.
ALLOCLASS Longword integer between 0 and 255 Allocation class of the host.
ALT_HOST_AVAIL String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether the host serving the alternate path is available.
ALT_HOST_NAME String Name of the host serving the alternate path.
ALT_HOST_TYPE String Hardware type of the host serving the alternate path.
(Alpha/I64 only)
Integer Number of available, working paths for a multipath-capable device.
AVL String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether the device is available for use.
CCL String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether the device is a carriage control device.
CLUSTER Integer Volume cluster size.
CONCEALED String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether the logical device name translates to a concealed device.
CYLINDERS Integer Number of cylinders on the volume (disks only).
DEVBUFSIZ Integer Device buffer size.
DEVCHAR Integer Device characteristics.
DEVCHAR2 Integer Additional device characteristics.
DEVCLASS Integer Device class. See the Examples section to determine the device class values returned on your system.
DEVDEPEND Integer Device-dependent information.
DEVDEPEND2 Integer Additional device-dependent information.
DEVICE_TYPE_NAME String Device type name. Note that if the device is a SCSI tape or disk, the device type name is retrieved directly from the device.
DEVLOCKNAM String A unique lock name for the device.
DEVNAM String Device name.
DEVSTS Integer Device-dependent status information.
DEVTYPE Integer Device type. See the Examples section to determine the device type values returned on your system.
DFS_ACCESS String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether the device is a virtual disk connected to a remote Distributed File System (DFS) server.
DIR String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether the device is directory structured.
DMT String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether the device is marked for dismount.
DUA String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether the device is a generic device.
ELG String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether the device has error logging enabled.
(Alpha/I64 only)
String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether disk blocks are zeroed upon file deletion on the volume.
ERRCNT Integer Error count of the device. If the error count has been reset with the SET DEVICE /RESET=ERRCNT command, you can use the SHOW DEVICE/FULL command to display the date and time that the error count was reset.

If the pathname parameter is specified, only the error count for that path is returned. If the pathname parameter is omitted, the summation of the error counts for all paths in a multipath device is returned.

(Alpha/I64 only)
String Time at which the error count was reset.
EXISTS String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether the device exists on the system.
EXPSIZE (Alpha/I64 only) Integer Current expansion limit on the volume.
FOD String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether the device is a files-oriented device.
FOR String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether the device is mounted using the /FOREIGN qualifier.
FREEBLOCKS Integer Number of free blocks on the volume (disks only).
FULLDEVNAM String Fully qualified device name.
GEN String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether the device is a generic device.
(Alpha/I64 only)
String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether hardlinks, rather than aliases, are supported on the volume.
HOST_AVAIL String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether the host serving the primary path is available.
HOST_COUNT Integer Number of hosts that make the device available to other nodes in the OpenVMS Cluster.
HOST_NAME String Name of the host serving the primary path.
HOST_TYPE String Hardware type of the host serving the primary path.
IDV String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether the device is capable of providing input.
LOCKID Integer Clusterwide lock identification.
LOGVOLNAM String Logical volume name.
MAXBLOCK Integer Number of logical blocks on the volume.
MAXFILES Integer Maximum number of files on the volume (disks only).
MBX String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether the device is a mailbox.
MEDIA_ID Integer Nondecoded media ID.
MEDIA_NAME String Either the name of the disk or the tape type.
MEDIA_TYPE String Device name prefix.
MNT String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether the device is mounted.
(Alpha/I64 only)
String Time at which the volume was mounted. For volumes mounted in a cluster, only the time of the initial mount is recorded; the time of any subsequent mount is not recorded.
MOUNTCNT Integer Number of times the volume has been mounted on the local system.

The value of MOUNTCNT displayed by the SHOW DEVICE command is the total of all mounts of the volume across all members of the cluster.

(Alpha/I64 only)
String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether the volume is eligible to undergo mount verification. A volume mounted with either the /FOREIGN or /NOMOUNT_VERIFICATION qualifier is not subject to mount verification.
MPDEV_AUTO_PATH_SW_CNT (Alpha/I64 only) Integer Number of times a multipath device has automatically switched paths because of an I/O error or as the result of automatically "failing back" to a local path from a remote path once the local path became available.
(Alpha/I64 only)
String Current path name for multipath devices.

If the device is not part of a multipath set, this lexical returns the name of the device path if the class driver for this device supports path names. SYS$DKDRIVER, SYS$DUDRIVER, SYS$MKDRIVER, and SYS$GKDRIVER support path names.

Returns a null string if the class driver for the device does not support path names.

MPDEV_MAN_PATH_SW_CNT (Alpha/I64 only) Integer Number of times a multipath device has manually switched paths because of a SET DEVICE /PATH /SWITCH command or use of the $SET_DEVICE system service.
MT3_DENSITY String Current density of the device (tapes only.)
MT3_SUPPORTED String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether the device supports densities defined in the MT3DEF (for Alpha tapes only.)
(Alpha/I64 only)
String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether the device is a member of a multipath set.
MVSUPMSG (Alpha/I64 only) String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether mount verification OPCOM messages are currently being supressed on this device. See the MVSUPMSG_INTVL and MVSUPMSG_NUM system parameters for more information on the supression of mount verification messages.
NET String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether the device is a network device.
NEXTDEVNAM String Device name of the next volume in a volume set (disks only).
(Alpha/I64 only)
String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether the volume is mounted with all caching disabled.
(Alpha/I64 only)
String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether high-water marking is disabled on the volume.
NOSHARE_MOUNTED (Alpha/I64 only) String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether the volume is mounted with /NOSHARE.
(Alpha/I64 only)
String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether the volume mounted supports only a subset of the ODS-2 file structure.
ODS5 (Alpha/I64 only) String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether the volume is mounted ODS-5.
ODV String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether the device is capable of providing output.
OPCNT Integer Operation count of the device. Note that the operation count may have been reset with the SET DEVICE/RESET=OPCNT command.

If the pathname parameter is specified, only the operation count for that path is returned. If the pathname parameter is omitted, the summation of the operation counts for all paths in a multipath device is returned.

OPR String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether the device is an operator.
OWNUIC String User identification code (UIC) of the device owner.
PATH_AVAILABLE (Alpha/I64 only) String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether the specified path is available.

This item code is typically used with the pathname parameter. If the pathname parameter is omitted, information about the current path of the multipath device is returned.

(Alpha/I64 only)
String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether the specified path is marked as not responding.

This item code is typically used with the pathname parameter. If the pathname parameter is omitted, information about the current path of the multipath device is returned.

(Alpha/I64 only)
String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether the specified path is enabled for multipath polling.

This item code is typically used with the pathname parameter. If the pathname parameter is omitted, information about the current path of the multipath device is returned.

PATH_SWITCH_FROM_TIME (Alpha/I64 only) String Time from which this path was switched, either manually or automatically.

This item code is typically used with the pathname parameter. If the pathname parameter is omitted, information about the current path of the multipath device is returned.

(Alpha/I64 only)
String Time to which this path was switched, either manually or automatically.

This item code is typically used with the pathname parameter. If the pathname parameter is omitted, information about the current path of the multipath device is returned.

(Alpha/I64 only)
String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether the specified path has been disabled using the SET DEVICE /PATH /NOENABLE command.

This item code is typically used with the pathname parameter. If the pathname parameter is omitted, information about the current path of the multipath device is returned.

PID String Process identification number of the device owner.
PREFERRED_CPU Integer Return argument is a 32-bit CPU bit mask with a bit set indicating the preferred CPU. A return argument containing a bit mask of zero indicates that no preferred CPU exists, either because Fast Path is disabled or the device is not a Fast Path capable device. The return argument serves as a CPU bit mask input argument to the $PROCESS_AFFINITY system service. The argument can be used to assign an application process to the optimal preferred CPU.
PROT_SUBSYSTEM_ENABLED (Alpha/I64 only) String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether the volume is mounted with protected subsystems enabled.
QLEN (Alpha/I64 only) Integer The queue length for the device. This value is the number of I/O requests already in the driver --- not the depth of the I/O pending queue.
RCK String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether the device has read checking enabled.
RCT String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether the disk contains RCT.
REC String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether the device is record oriented.
RECSIZ Integer Blocked record size.
REFCNT Integer Reference count of processes using the device.
REMOTE_DEVICE String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether the device is a remote device.
RND String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether the device allows random access.
ROOTDEVNAM String Device name of the root volume in a volume set (disks only).
RTM String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether the device is a real-time device.
SCSI_DEVICE_FIRMWARE_REV (Alpha/I64 only) String Firmware revision number of a SCSI disk or SCSI tape. A null string is returned for any other device.
SDI String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether the device is single-directory structured.
SECTORS Integer Number of sectors per track (disks only).
SERIALNUM Integer Volume serial number (disks only).
SERVED_DEVICE String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether the device is a served device.
SET_HOST_TERMINAL String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether the device is a remote terminal for a SET HOST session from a remote node.
SHDW_CATCHUP_COPYING String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether the device is a member that is the target of a full copy operation.
SHDW_COPIER_NODE (Alpha/I64 only) String The name of the node that is actively performing the copy or merge operation.
SHDW_DEVICE_COUNT (Alpha/I64 only) Integer The total number of devices in the virtual unit, including devices being added as copy targets.
SHDW_GENERATION (Alpha/I64 only) String The current internal revision number for the virtual unit. This value is subject to change.
SHDW_MASTER String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether the device is a virtual unit.
SHDW_MASTER_MBR (Alpha/I64 only) String The name of the master member unit that will be used for merge and copy repair operations and for shadow set recovery operations.
SHDW_MASTER_NAME String Device name of the virtual unit that represents the shadow set of which the specified device is a member. F$GETDVI returns a null string ("") if the specified device is not a member, or is itself a virtual unit.
(Alpha/I64 only)
String The percent of the copy operation completed on this member unit.
SHDW_MBR_COUNT (Alpha/I64 only) String The number of full source members in the virtual unit. Devices being added as copy targets are not full source members.
SHDW_MBR_MERGE_DONE (Alpha/I64 only) String The percent of the merge operation completed on this member unit.
(Alpha/I64 only)
String The current value set for the member unit. This value can be modified to use a user-specified value.
SHDW_MEMBER String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether the device is a shadow set member.
(Alpha/I64 only)
String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether the device is a merge member of the shadow set.
SHDW_MINIMERGE_ENABLE (Alpha/I64 only) String A value of TRUE indicates that the virtual unit will undergo a mini-merge, not a full merge, if a system in the cluster crashes.
SHDW_NEXT_MBR_NAME String Device name of the next member in the shadow set. If you specify a virtual unit, F$GETDVI returns the device name of a member of the shadow set. If you specify the name of a shadow set member unit with the device name and item arguments, F$GETDVI returns the name of the "next" member unit or a null string if there are no more members.

To determine all the members of a shadow set, first specify the virtual unit to F$GETDVI; on subsequent calls, specify the member name returned by the previous F$GETDVI call until it has finished, when it returns a null member name.

The device name includes the allocation class if the allocation class is not zero; otherwise it includes the device name of the disk controller.

(Alpha/I64 only)
String The name of the member unit that will be used for reads at this time. The unit with the lowest sum total of its queue length and read cost is used. This is a dynamic value.
SHDW_SITE (Alpha/I64 only) Integer The site value for the specified device. This value is set by the SET DEVICE or SET SHADOW command.
(Alpha/I64 only)
Integer The user-specified timeout value set for the device. If the user has not set a value by using the SETSHOSHADOW utility, the value of the SYSGEN parameter SHADOW_MBR_TMO is used for member units and the value of MVTIMEOUT is used for virtual units.
SHR String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether the device is shareable.
SPL String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether the device is being spooled.
SPLDEVNAM String Name of the device being spooled.
SQD String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether the device is sequential block-oriented (that is, magnetic tape).
STS Integer Status information.
SWL String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether the device is software write-locked.
(Alpha/I64 only)
Integer Number of paths for a multipath-capable device.
TRACKS Integer Number of tracks per cylinder (disks only).
TRANSCNT Integer Volume transaction count.
TRM String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether the device is a terminal.
TT_ACCPORNAM String The terminal server name and port name.
TT_ALTYPEAHD String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether the terminal has an alternate type-ahead buffer (terminals only).
TT_ANSICRT String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether the terminal is an ANSI CRT terminal (terminals only).
TT_APP_KEYPAD String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether the keypad is in applications mode (terminals only).
TT_AUTOBAUD String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether the terminal has automatic baud rate detection (terminals only).
TT_AVO String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether the terminal has a VT100-family terminal display (terminals only).
TT_BLOCK String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether the terminal has block mode capability (terminals only).
TT_BRDCSTMBX String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether the terminal uses mailbox broadcast messages (terminals only).
TT_CHARSET Integer A bitmap indicating the coded character set supported by the terminal.
TT_CRFILL String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether the terminal requires fill after a carriage return (terminals only).
TT_CS_HANGUL String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether the terminal supports the DEC Korean coded character set.
TT_CS_HANYU String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether the terminal supports the DEC Hanyu coded character set.
TT_CS_HANZI String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether the terminal supports the DEC Hanzi coded character set.
TT_CS_KANA String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether the terminal supports the DEC Kana coded character set.
TT_CS_KANJI String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether the terminal supports the DEC Kanji coded character set.
TT_CS_THAI String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether the terminal supports the DEC Thai coded character set.
TT_DECCRT String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether the terminal is a DIGITAL CRT terminal (terminals only).
TT_DECCRT2 String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether the terminal is a DIGITAL CRT2 terminal (terminals only).
TT_DECCRT3 String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether the terminal is a DIGITAL CRT3 terminal (terminals only).
TT_DECCRT4 String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether the terminal is a DIGITAL CRT4 terminal (terminals only).
TT_DIALUP String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether the terminal is connected to dialup (terminals only).
TT_DISCONNECT String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether the terminal can be disconnected (terminals only).
TT_DMA String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether the terminal has direct memory access (DMA) mode (terminals only).
TT_DRCS String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether the terminal supports loadable character fonts (terminals only).
TT_EDIT String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether the edit characteristic is set.
TT_EDITING String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether advanced editing is enabled (terminals only).
TT_EIGHTBIT String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether the terminal uses the 8-bit ASCII character set (terminals only).
TT_ESCAPE String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether the terminal generates escape sequences (terminals only).
TT_FALLBACK String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether the terminal uses the multinational fallback option (terminals only).
TT_HALFDUP String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether the terminal is in half-duplex mode (terminals only).
TT_HANGUP String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether the hangup characteristic is set (terminals only).
TT_HOSTSYNC String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether the terminal has host/terminal communication (terminals only).
TT_INSERT String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether insert mode is the default line editing mode (terminals only).
TT_LFFILL String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether the terminal requires fill after a line feed (terminals only).
TT_LOCALECHO String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether the local echo characteristic is set (terminals only).
TT_LOWER String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether the terminal has the lowercase characters set (terminals only).
TT_MBXDSABL String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether mailboxes associated with the terminal will receive unsolicited input notification or input notification (terminals only).
TT_MECHFORM String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether the terminal has mechanical form feed (terminals only).
TT_MECHTAB String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether the terminal has mechanical tabs and is capable of tab expansion (terminals only).
TT_MODEM String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether the terminal is connected to a modem (terminals only).
TT_MODHANGUP String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether the modify hangup characteristic is set (terminals only).
TT_NOBRDCST String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether the terminal will receive broadcast messages (terminals only).
TT_NOECHO String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether the input characters are echoed.
TT_NOTYPEAHD String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether data must be solicited by a read operation.
TT_OPER String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether the terminal is an operator terminal (terminals only).
TT_PAGE Integer Terminal page length (terminals only).
TT_PASTHRU String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether PASSALL mode with flow control is available (terminals only).
TT_PHYDEVNAM String Physical device name associated with a channel number or virtual terminal.
TT_PRINTER String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether there is a printer port available (terminals only).
TT_READSYNC String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether the terminal has read synchronization (terminals only).
TT_REGIS String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether the terminal has ReGIS graphics (terminals only).
TT_REMOTE String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether the terminal has established modem control (terminals only).
TT_SCOPE String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether the terminal is a video screen display (terminals only).
TT_SECURE String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether the terminal can recognize the secure server (terminals only).
TT_SETSPEED String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether you cannot set the speed on the terminal line (terminals only).
TT_SIXEL String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether the sixel is supported (terminals only).
TT_SYSPWD String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether the system password is enabled for a particular terminal.
TT_TTSYNC String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether there is terminal/host synchronization (terminals only).
TT_WRAP String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether a new line should be inserted if the cursor moves beyond the right margin.
UNIT Integer The unit number.
VOLCHAR (Alpha/I64 only) String 128-bit string (16 bytes) that represents the volume characteristics or capabilities of the mounted device. If a bit is set, the volume is capable of performing the function.
VOLCOUNT Integer The count of volumes in a volume set (disks only).
VOLNAM String The volume name.
VOLNUMBER Integer Number of the current volume in a volume set (disks only).
VOLSETMEM String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether the device is a volume set (disks only).
VOLSIZE (Alpha/I64 only) Integer The volume's current logical volume size.
VOLUME_EXTEND_QUANTITY (Alpha/I64 only) Integer Number of blocks to be used as the default extension size for all files on the volume.
(Alpha/I64 only)
String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether the volume is mounted /GROUP.
(Alpha/I64 only)
String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether the volume is mounted /SYSTEM.
VPROT String The volume protection mask.
WCK String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether the device has write checking enabled.
WRITETHRU_CACHE_ENABLED (Alpha/I64 only) String TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether the volume is mounted with write through caching enabled.
WWID (Alpha/I64 only) String Worldwide identifier for a Fibre Channel device.

1In addition to the return information listed, the F$GETDVI lexical function returns any error messages generated by the system service $GETDVI.



  ERR = 0  Hex = 00000000 Octal = 000000


This example shows how to use the F$GETDVI function to return an error count for the device DQA0. You must place quotation marks (" ") around the device name DQA0 and the item ERRCNT because they are string literals.




This example shows how to create a file, $DCDEF.TXT, containing a list of values for device types and device classes from the STARLET library. The device classes begin with 'DC$', and device types begin with 'DT$'.

Note that most modern SCSI disks and tapes return the generic DEVTYPE code (DT$_GENERIC_DK or DT$_GENERIC_MK), therefore you should use the DEVICE_TYPE_NAME item:

  X = "RZ29B"

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