HP OpenVMS Version 8.3 New Features and
Documentation Overview
This command starts the LASTport/Disk server and sets various server
and cache characteristics.
Usually this command is executed by SYS$STARTUP:ESS$LAD_STARTUP.COM
using data from SYS$STARTUP:ESS$LAD_STARTUP.DAT. HP strongly recommends
that you make all modifications in the SYS$STARTUP:ESS$LAD_STARTUP.DAT
You can use the START SERVER command interactively to use its
qualifiers to change server settings as long as no services are
currently defined.
The InfoServer block cache is structured as an array of fixed-size
buffers (also called buckets.) The /BUFFER_SIZE
qualifier determines the size of each bucket. (The /CACHE qualifier
determines the number of buckets.)
The numeric value of this parameter is an integer between 3 and 8,
inclusive, representing the bucket size in 512-byte blocks as follows:
3 - 8 blocks (default)
4 - 16 blocks
5 - 32 blocks
6 - 64 blocks
7 - 128 blocks
8 - 256 blocks
Bucket sizes that are larger than 32 blocks are not appropriate for
most users. The OpenVMS client segments I/O requests that are larger
than 31 blocks into 31-block chunks, and the default bucket readahead
behavior might result in unnecessary I/O activity to the disk.
/CACHE = number-of-buckets (default = 512)
The InfoServer block cache is structured as an array of fixed-size
buffers (also called buckets. The /CACHE qualifier
determines the number of buckets in the cache. (The /BUFFER_SIZE
qualifier determines the size of each bucket.)
Numbers larger than 16384 can adversely affect performance. Consider
increasing the /BUFFER_SIZE qualifier to reach the desired cache size.
/MAXIMUM_SERVICES = maxservice (default = 256)
Sets the maximum service count for the server. This is the maximum
number of services that can be defined at one time. Each service
descriptor consumes nonpaged pool; however, unused service slots
consume only 4 bytes each.
The maximum value is 1024.
/WRITE_QUOTA = n (default = 0)
Number of simultaneous synchronous writes permitted within the server.
The default of zero means that all write operations are performed
$ InfoServer SHOW SERVER
Node BILBO [HP rx2600 (900MHz/1.5MB)] running OpenVMS XAR8-D2Y
LASTport/Disk Server Version 1.2
Max Services: 64 Write Quota: 0
Cache Buckets: 2048 Cache Bucket Size: 32 blocks
Cache Size: 33554432 bytes
Hits: 0 Hit Percentage: 0%
Misses: 0
Current Sessions: 0 Peak Sessions: 0
Read Write
Requests: 0 0
Blocks: 0 0
Errors: 0 0
Aborted: 0 0
Conflicts: 0 0
%INFOSRVR-I-STARTED, LASTport/Disk server started.
$ InfoServer SHOW SERVER
Node BILBO [HP rx2600 (900MHz/1.5MB)] running OpenVMS XAR8-D2Y
LASTport/Disk Server Version 1.2
Max Services: 128 Write Quota: 0
Cache Buckets: 2048 Cache Bucket Size: 32 blocks
Cache Size: 33554432 bytes
Hits: 0 Hit Percentage: 0%
Misses: 0
Current Sessions: 0 Peak Sessions: 0
Read Write
Requests: 0 0
Blocks: 0 0
Errors: 0 0
Aborted: 0 0
Conflicts: 0 0
The first command in this example displays the current information
about the server. The second command starts the server and increases
the maximum number of services for the server. The third command
displays the new information about the server, showing the increased
number of maximum services.
Chapter 7 Associated Products Features
This chapter describes significant new features of OpenVMS operating
system associated products. For a listing and directory information
about the OpenVMS associated products, refer to the Read Before
Installing letter appropriate for your operating system.
7.1 Distributed NetBeans for OpenVMS
Distributed NetBeans for OpenVMS allows you to run the NetBeans IDE on
your desktop system and develop applications on a remote OpenVMS Alpha
or OpenVMS I64 system.
Distributed NetBeans Version 1.1 contains all of the functionality
provided in NetBeans for OpenVMS plug-in modules: C/C++, COBOL,
FORTRAN, and PASCAL language support, and MMS, BASH, DCL, CMS, and EDT
keypad support. Distributed NetBeans supports access to your files and
CMS libraries (including CMS groups) using a built-in FTP filesystem in
addition to Samba for OpenVMS and Advanced Server.
For additional information about Distributed NetBeans for OpenVMS and
to download the latest kits and documentation, see the following Web
7.2 Secure Web Browser for OpenVMS
Secure Web Browser Version 1.7-13 for OpenVMS is based on Mozilla
M1.7.13 and includes important security bug fixes.
For additional information about the Secure Web Browser for OpenVMS and
to download the latest kits and documentation, see the following Web
7.3 Secure Web Server for OpenVMS
Secure Web Server Version 2.1 for OpenVMS is based on Apache 2.0.52.
New features include support for suEXEC and mod_dav, and the lifting of
the STREAM_LF restriction present in Version 2.0.
Also available are new versions of PHP (CSWS_PHP Version 1.3), mod_perl
(CSWS_PERL Version 2.1), Perl (PERL Version 5.8-6), and Tomcat
(CSWS_JAVA Version 3.0) for use with the new Secure Web Server.
For additional information about the Secure Web Server for OpenVMS and
to download the latest kits and documentation, see the following Web
7.4 HP TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Version 5.6
HP TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Version 5.6 supports OpenVMS Version
8.3. The following new features are provided in TCP/IP Version 5.6:
- BIND 9 resolver
New version of the BIND resolver, including the
ability to resolve DNS entries by way of the IPv6 transport. This
represents a major upgrade from V5.5 and other recent releases, which
provided resolver functionality based on BIND 8.
- DNS/BIND Version 9.3.1 server
New version of the BIND server,
which brings several incremental improvements related to security and
- NFS client TCP support
NFS client TCP support added, allows the
NFS client as well as the server to run over TCP, in addition to the
more-traditional UDP mode of operation. This can be useful when
mounting file systems across a Wide Area Network or traversing a
- NFS Server support for Integrity servers
Includes NFS server
support for OpenVMS Integrity server platforms.
- NFS Symbolic Link Support
Provides the ability for the NFS
server to recognize symbolic links and create them as necessary.
- NTP security update (SSL)
New NTP features offer cryptographic
security, enhancing the protection against an attacker trying to
compromise the accuracy of your system clock.
- SMTP multiple domains in a zone
SMTP now recognizes more than
one domain name for direct local delivery.
- SSH upgrade with Kerberos support
TCP/IP Services Version 5.6
for OpenVMS introduces SSH support for Kerberos, the network
authentication protocol from Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The
SSH password authentication method has been enhanced to support
Kerberos. Three new SSH authentication methods based on Kerberos are
now supported:
- gssapi-with-mic
- kerberos-2@ssh.com
- kerberos-tgt-2@ssh.com
For more information about Kerberos, see to the HP Open Source Security for OpenVMS, Volume 3: Kerberos.
- TELNET upgrade with Kerberos support
Support added for the
TELNET server and client with the upgraded Kerberos version that ships
with OpenVMS Version 8.3.
- TELNET Server Device Limit
The TELNET server is no longer
limited to 9999 sessions or TN devices.
- IPv6 support for LPD and TELNETSYM
printing software now allow you to print by way of the IPv6 transport.
- FTP performance enhancements for OpenVMS Plus Mode
was performed for the FTP service, specifically addressing the case
where both server and client are OpenVMS systems.
- Improved interface configuration in TCPIP$CONFIG
menu-driven process of defining local interfaces and IP addresses has
been significantly reworked to provide better support for failSAFE IP.
- Encryption for OpenVMS is now installed as part of the OpenVMS
The menu-driven process of defining local interfaces
and IP addresses has been significantly reworked to provide better
support for failSAFE IP.
7.5 Web Services Integration Toolkit for OpenVMS
Web Services Integration Toolkit Version 1.1 for OpenVMS provides a set
of individual tools to significantly help you develop a JavaBean to
expose legacy application logic. These tools are designed to be
valuable either individually or in combination.
The Web Services Integration Toolkit for OpenVMS provides tools that
help you to:
- Create an XML IDL file
Create an XML interface definition file
(IDL) that describes the interface to be exposed.
- Generate components
Generate a WSIT server interface wrapper
and a WSIT JavaBean. Optionally, generate Java® or Java Server Page
(JSP) clients.
- Use the generated code
Call the generated WSIT JavaBean from
the technology of your choice, including BEA Web Logic Server, Apache
Axis, Java Message Service, Java Remote Method Invocation, Java
Enterprise Edition (Java EE) or another JavaBean. Use the Java client
with a command-line interface, or use the JSP client with a Web browser.
- Optionally, convert your existing BridgeWorks connections to an XML
IDL file
Optionally, convert your existing BridgeWorks connections
to an XML IDL file that you can use with the Web Services Integration
For additional information about the Web Services Integration Toolkit
for OpenVMS and to download the latest kits and documentation, see the
following Web site:
Part 2 OpenVMS Documentation
Chapter 8 OpenVMS Documentation Overview
The OpenVMS Version 8.3 documentation contains fifteen revised manuals
and four new release documents:
- Revised manuals
- HP OpenVMS Availability Manager User's Guide
- HP C Run-Time Library Reference Manual for OpenVMS Systems
- HP OpenVMS DCL Dictionary: A--M
- HP OpenVMS DCL Dictionary: N--Z
- HP OpenVMS Delta/XDelta Debugger Manual
- HP OpenVMS Linker Utility Manual
- HP OpenVMS Management Station Overview and Release Notes
- HP Open Source Security for OpenVMS, Volume 1: Common Data Security Architecture
- HP Open Source Security for OpenVMS, Volume 2: HP SSL for OpenVMS
- HP Open Source Security for OpenVMS, Volume 3: Kerberos
- HP OpenVMS System Management Utilities Reference Manual: A--L
- HP OpenVMS System Management Utilities Reference Manual: M--Z
- HP OpenVMS System Services Reference Manual: A--GETUAI
- HP OpenVMS System Services Reference Manual: GETUTC--Z
- HP OpenVMS Utility Routines Manual
- New release documents:
- HP OpenVMS Version 8.3 Upgrade and Installation Manual
- HP OpenVMS Version 8.3 New Features and Documentation Overview
- HP OpenVMS Version 8.3 Release Notes
- Guide to HP OpenVMS Version 8.3 Media
Chapter 9 OpenVMS Printed and Online Documentation
OpenVMS documentation is provided, in the following ways:
- Printed documentation
If you need paper documents, you can
purchase most OpenVMS manuals in the form of printed documentation
sets. Individual OpenVMS hardcopy documents cannot be purchased
separately but are available in kits. One exception is the
Porting Applications from HP OpenVMS Alpha to HP OpenVMS Industry Standard 64 for Integrity Servers, which you can order in hardcopy.
- Online documentation on CD
All OpenVMS manuals are available
in online formats on CD that also includes the documentation for many
associated products. You automatically receive the documentation CD in
your OpenVMS media kit.
- Online documentation on the OpenVMS documentation Web site
can preview or read any OpenVMS document, including archived manuals,
on the OpenVMS Web site.
- Online help
You can quickly display online help for OpenVMS
commands, utilities, and system routines when you need task-related
The following sections describe each format in which OpenVMS
documentation is provided and specifies the titles that are available
in that format.
9.1 Printed Documentation
Some printed documentation comes with your OpenVMS Media Kit. All other
printed manuals are orderable in kits. This section describes the
OpenVMS printed documentation offerings, which are categorized as
- Media kit
- Documentation sets:
- Base
- Full
- Operating Environment Extensions
- System-integrated products
- Archived manuals
9.1.1 OpenVMS Media Kit Documentation
The OpenVMS Media Kit, for both OpenVMS Alpha and OpenVMS for Integrity
servers systems, contains the documents you need to get started with
the latest version of the OpenVMS operating system.
Table 9-1 lists the books included in the OpenVMS media kit. The
books you receive are determined by whether you are a new or a service
customer. New customers receive all books; service customers receive
only new books and books that have been updated since the last release.
The HP OpenVMS License Management Utility Manual, Guide to HP OpenVMS Version 8.3 Media, and HP OpenVMS Version 8.3 Upgrade and Installation Manual are provided only in
the OpenVMS Media kit and, therefore, are not part of the OpenVMS Full
Documentation set (described in Section 9.1.2).
Table 9-1 OpenVMS Media Kit Manuals
Manual |
Order Number |
HP OpenVMS License Management Utility Manual
Guide to HP OpenVMS Version 8.3 Media
HP OpenVMS Version 8.3 New Features and Documentation Overview
HP OpenVMS Version 8.3 Upgrade and Installation Manual
HP OpenVMS Version 8.3 Release Notes
9.1.2 OpenVMS Documentation Sets
OpenVMS documentation is available in the following documentation sets:
Documentation Set |
Description |
Alpha Order Number |
Integrity Server Order Number |
Full Set
Intended for users who need extensive explanatory information for all
major OpenVMS resources. Contains all the OpenVMS documentation in one
offering. Includes the Base Documentation set.
Base Set
Subset of the Full Documentation set. Intended for general users and
system managers of small standalone systems. Includes the most commonly
used OpenVMS manuals.
There is one common documentation set for both OpenVMS Alpha and
OpenVMS for Integrity servers systems. OpenVMS Alpha documentation set
and the OpenVMS for Integrity servers documentation set contain the
identical books with one exception. The OpenVMS Alpha documentation set
contains the COM, Registry, and Events for HP OpenVMS Developer's Guide, which is an Alpha-only document.
Table 9-2 lists the manuals in the OpenVMS Base and Full
Documentation sets. For a description of each manual, see
Section 10.2.
Table 9-2 OpenVMS Full Documentation Set (QA-001AA-GZ.8.3/BA554MN)
Manual |
Order Number |
OpenVMS Base Documentation Set |
QA-09SAA-GZ.8.3/BA555MN |
HP OpenVMS DCL Dictionary: A--M
HP OpenVMS DCL Dictionary: N--Z
HP OpenVMS Guide to System Security
HP OpenVMS System Management Utilities Reference Manual: A--L
HP OpenVMS System Management Utilities Reference Manual: M--Z
HP OpenVMS System Manager's Manual, Volume 1: Essentials
HP OpenVMS System Manager's Manual, Volume 2: Tuning, Monitoring, and Complex Systems
OpenVMS User's Manual
HP OpenVMS Version 8.3 New Features and Documentation Overview
HP OpenVMS Version 8.3 Release Notes
Additional Books in the Full Documentation Set |
QA-001AA-GZ.8.3 |
HP OpenVMS Availability Manager User's Guide
COM, Registry, and Events for HP OpenVMS Developer's Guide
HP C Run-Time Library Reference Manual for OpenVMS Systems
Compaq C Run-Time Library Utilities Reference Manual
Compaq Portable Mathematics Library
DECamds User's Guide
DEC Text Processing Utility Reference Manual
Extensible Versatile Editor Reference Manual
Guidelines for OpenVMS Cluster Configurations
Guide to Creating OpenVMS Modular Procedures
Guide to OpenVMS File Applications
Guide to the POSIX Threads Library
Guide to the DEC Text Processing Utility
HP Open Source Security for OpenVMS, Volume 1: Common Data Security Architecture
HP Open Source Security for OpenVMS, Volume 2: HP SSL for OpenVMS
HP Open Source Security for OpenVMS, Volume 3: Kerberos
HP OpenVMS Alpha Partitioning and Galaxy Guide
HP OpenVMS Guide to Upgrading Privileged-Code Applications
HP OpenVMS System Analysis Tools Manual
HP OpenVMS Calling Standard
HP OpenVMS Cluster Systems
HP OpenVMS Command Definition, Librarian, and Message Utilities Manual
HP OpenVMS Debugger Manual
HP OpenVMS Delta/XDelta Debugger Manual
HP OpenVMS I/O User's Reference Manual
HP OpenVMS Linker Utility Manual
HP OpenVMS MACRO Compiler Porting and User's Guide
HP OpenVMS Management Station Overview and Release Notes
OpenVMS Performance Management
Porting Applications from HP OpenVMS Alpha to HP OpenVMS Industry Standard 64 for Integrity Servers
HP OpenVMS Programming Concepts Manual, Volume I
HP OpenVMS Programming Concepts Manual, Volume II
OpenVMS Record Management Services Reference Manual
OpenVMS Record Management Utilities Reference Manual
HP OpenVMS RTL General Purpose (OTS$) Manual
HP OpenVMS RTL Library (LIB$) Manual
OpenVMS RTL Screen Management (SMG$) Manual
OpenVMS RTL String Manipulation (STR$) Manual
OpenVMS System Messages: Companion Guide for Help Message Users
HP OpenVMS System Services Reference Manual: A--GETUAI
HP OpenVMS System Services Reference Manual: GETUTC--Z
HP OpenVMS Utility Routines Manual
OpenVMS VAX RTL Mathematics (MTH$) Manual
OpenVMS VAX System Dump Analyzer Utility Manual
POLYCENTER Software Installation Utility Developer's Guide
VAX MACRO and Instruction Set Reference Manual
HP Volume Shadowing for OpenVMS
1Revised for Version 8.3.
2New for Version 8.3.
3Alpha only - Provided only in QA-001AA-GZ.8.3