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HP OpenVMS Utility Routines Manual

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The TBK$ALPHA_SYMBOLIZE routine attempts to symbolize a call stack PC, returning as much symbolic representation for that location as was requested.

For information about the TBK symbolize routine for I64 systems, see the information for TBK$I64_SYMBOLIZE earlier in TBK$I64_SYMBOLIZE.


TBK$ALPHA_SYMBOLIZE parameter_block


OpenVMS usage: cond_value
type: longword (unsigned)
access: write only
mechanism: by value

Longword condition value. Most utility routines return a condition value. Condition values that this routine can return are listed under Condition Values Returned.



type: structure
access: modify
mechanism: by reference

Table 21-2 shows the values for TBK_API_PARAM (defined in TBKDEF).

Table 21-2 Values for TBK_API_PARAM on Alpha
Field Size Description
TBK$W_LENGTH Word Input by value, structure length, must be TBK$K_LENGTH
TBK$B_TYPE Byte Input, MBZ
TBK$B_VERSION Byte Input by value, must be TBK$K_VERSION
TBK$L_RESERVEDA Longword Reserved for future use, MBZ
TBK$Q_FAULTING_PC Quadword Input by value, call stack frame PC
TBK$Q_FAULTING_FP Quadword Input by value, call stack Frame Pointer
TBK$PQ_IMAGE_DESC 64-bit pointer Optional output, pointer (if not requested, MBZ) to a fixed-length string text descriptor. The descriptor must be set up with preallocated adequate buffer space. The descriptor is filled in with the image name. This can be a dynamic descriptor (rather than fixed length) but only if the caller is in user mode.
TBK$PQ_MODULE_DESC 64-bit pointer Optional output, pointer (if not requested, MBZ) to a fixed-length string text descriptor. The descriptor must be set up with preallocated adequate buffer space. The descriptor is filled in with the module name.
TBK$PQ_ROUTINE_DESC 64-bit pointer Optional output, pointer (if not requested, MBZ) to a fixed-length string text descriptor. The descriptor must be set up with preallocated adequate buffer space. The descriptor is filled in with the routine name.
64-bit pointer Optional output, pointer (if not requested, MBZ) to longword to be filled in with the line number (as show in the modules LIS file).
TBK$PQ_REL_PC 64-bit pointer Optional output, pointer (if not requested, MBZ) to quadword to be filled in with the relative PC. This may be an image or module relative PC.
64-bit pointer Optional output, pointer (if not requested, MBZ) to quadword to be filled in with the image base address.
64-bit pointer Optional output pointer (if not requested, MBZ) to quadword to be filled in with the module base address.
TBK$PQ_ MALLOC_RTN 64-bit pointer Optional input, pointer (if not supplied, MBZ) address to a user-supplied malloc routine. Must be supplied when called from supervisor or executive mode (kernel mode is not supported).
TBK$PQ_FREE_RTN 64-bit pointer Optional input, pointer (if not supplied, MBZ) address to a user-supplied free routine. Must be supplied when called from supervisor or executive mode (kernel mode not supported).
64-bit pointer Optional input and output, pointer (if not supplied, MBZ) to TBK_SYMBOLIZE_FLAGS (quadword, see below). Used to control symbolization options and to return additional status.
TBK$Q_RESERVED0 Quadword Reserved for future use, MBZ.
TBK$Q_RESERVED1 Quadword Reserved for future use, MBZ.
TBK$Q_RESERVED2 Quadword Reserved for future use, MBZ.
0 Adjusts the PC value used for symbolization for target frames that suffered a fault exception.
  All remaining bits Reserved. Must be initialized to zero.


The TBK$ALPHA_SYMBOLIZE routine attempts to symbolize a PC. That is, given a PC and a frame pointer, this routine returns as much of the symbolic representation for that location that has been requested: image name, file name, module name, routine name, listing line number, file record number, and so on. This must be a PC in an active call stack frame.

The degree of symbolization depends on the images symbolic information. For best results, compile the image source modules with either traceback (the default) or debug information (/DEBUG), and link the image with either traceback (/TRACE) or debug (/DEBUG) information. If no symbolic information records exists within the image for the PC, then only partial symbolization is possible.

The TBK$ALPHA_SYMBOLIZE routine can be called by programs in user, supervisor, or executive mode. Calls from kernel mode are not allowed; calls when IPL is nonzero are not allowed.

Callers in supervisor or executive mode must supply routines that perform the equivalent of malloc and free operations that are legal for the given mode. (The C Run Time Library malloc and free routines are only supported in user mode.) Pointers to these user-written replacement routines are specified in the TBK$PQ_MALLOC_RTN and TBK$PQ_FREE_RTN fields.

Condition Values Returned

SS$_KERNELINV This API does not support kernel mode calls.
SS$_BADPARAM Incorrect TBK_API_PARAM length, type, or version.
SS$_INSFMEM Unable to allocate needed memory.
SS$_NORMAL Successful completion.
SS$_ACCVIO Unable to read from the TBK_API_PARAM block.

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