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HP OpenVMS System Services Reference Manual

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The AST routine executes at the access mode of the caller of $QIO.


OpenVMS usage: user_arg
type: quadword unsigned (Alpha and I64); longword unsigned (VAX)
access: read only
mechanism: by 64-bit value (Alpha and I64); by 32-bit value (VAX)

AST parameter to be passed to the AST service routine. On Alpha and I64 systems, the astprm argument is a quadword value containing the AST parameter. On VAX systems, the astprm argument is a longword value containing the AST parameter.

p1 to p6

OpenVMS usage: varying_arg
type: quadword (unsigned) (Alpha and I64); longword unsigned (VAX)
access: read only
mechanism: by 32- or 64-bit reference or by 64-bit value, depending on the I/O function (Alpha and I64); by 32-bit reference or by 32-bit value, depending on the I/O function (VAX)

Optional device-specific and function-specific I/O request parameters. For example, the p1 parameter usually specifies a buffer by reference. Other parameters, such as the buffer size, disk block number, or carriage control are often passed by value.

For more information about these parameters, see the HP OpenVMS I/O User's Reference Manual.


The Queue I/O Request service operates only on assigned I/O channels and only from access modes that are equal to or more privileged than the access mode from which the original channel assignment was made.

The $QIO service uses system dynamic memory to construct a database to queue the I/O request and might require additional memory depending on the queued device.

For $QIO, you can synchronize completion (1) by specifying the astadr argument to have an AST routine execute when the I/O completes or (2) by calling the Synchronize ($SYNCH) service to await completion of the I/O operation. The $QIOW service completes synchronously, and it is the best choice when synchronous completion is required.

For information about how to use the $QIO service for network operations, see the DECnet for OpenVMS Networking Manual.

Required Access or Privileges

LOG_IO or PHY_IO is required, depending upon the device type and the requested operation. DIAGNOSE is required to issue a $QIO with an associated diagnostic buffer. In addition, read or write access is generally required for the device. For more information, see the HP OpenVMS Guide to System Security.

Required Quota

The $QIO service uses the following quotas:

  • The process's quota for buffered I/O limit (BIOLM) or direct I/O limit (DIOLM)
  • The process's buffered I/O byte count (BYTLM) quota
  • The process's AST limit (ASTLM) quota, if an AST service routine is specified

Related Services


Condition Values Returned

SS$_NORMAL The service completed successfully. The I/O request was successfully queued.
SS$_ABORT A network logical link was broken.
SS$_ACCVIO Either the I/O status block cannot be written by the caller, or the parameters for device-dependent function codes are specified incorrectly.
SS$_CONNECFAIL The connection to a network object timed out or failed.
SS$_DEVOFFLINE The specified device is off line and not currently available for use.
SS$_EXQUOTA The process has (1) exceeded its AST limit (ASTLM) quota, (2) exceeded its buffered I/O byte count (BYTLM) quota, (3) exceeded its buffered I/O limit (BIOLM) quota, (4) exceeded its direct I/O limit (DIOLM) quota, or (5) requested a buffered I/O transfer smaller than the buffered byte count quota limit (BYTLM), but when added to other current buffer requests, the buffered I/O byte count quota was exceeded.
SS$_FILALRACC A logical link is already accessed on the channel (that is, a previous connect on the channel).
SS$_FILEFULL File full; allocation failure. An attempt to extend a file will exceed the maximum supported size of the file. For ODS-2 and ODS-5 disks, this is 2 TB (4,294,967,295 blocks). Reduce the size of the extend request. If the difference between the maximum file size and the current file is less than the cluster size, the file cannot be extended.
SS$_ILLEFC You specified an illegal event flag number.
SS$_INSFMEM The system dynamic memory is insufficient for completing the service.
SS$_INVLOGIN The access control information was invalid at the remote node.
SS$_IVCHAN You specified an invalid channel number, that is, a channel number of 0, or you failed to specify a channel number.
SS$_IVIDENT You specified a channel number greater than the number of channels assigned for the process.
SS$_IVDEVNAM The NCB has an invalid format or content.
SS$_LINKABORT The network partner task aborted the logical link.
SS$_LINKDISCON The network partner task disconnected the logical link.
SS$_LINKEXIT The network partner task was started, but exited before confirming the logical link (that is, $ASSIGN to SYS$NET).
SS$_NOLINKS No logical links are available. The maximum number of logical links as set for the executor MAXIMUM LINKS parameter was exceeded.
SS$_NOPRIV The specified channel does not exist or was assigned from a more privileged access mode, or the process does not have the necessary privileges to perform the specified functions on the device associated with the specified channel.
SS$_NOSUCHNODE The specified node is unknown.
SS$_NOSUCHOBJ The network object number is unknown at the remote node; or for a TASK= connect, the named DCL command procedure file cannot be found at the remote node.
SS$_NOSUCHUSER The remote node could not recognize the login information supplied with the connection request.
SS$_NOT64DEVFUNC On Alpha and I64 systems, this fatal condition value is returned under the following circumstances: (1) The caller has specified a 64-bit virtual address in the P1 device dependent parameter but the device driver does not support 64-bit addresses with the requested I/O function. (2) The caller has specified a 64-bit address for a diagnostic buffer but the device driver does not support 64-bit addresses for diagnostic buffers. (3) Some device drivers might also return this condition value when 64-bit buffer addresses are passed using the P2 through P6 parameters and the driver does not support a 64-bit address with the requested I/O function.
SS$_PATHLOST The path to the network partner task node was lost.
SS$_PROTOCOL A network protocol error occurred. This error is most likely due to a network software error.
SS$_REJECT The network object rejected the connection.
SS$_REMRSRC The link could not be established because system resources at the remote node were insufficient.
SS$_SHUT The local or remote node is no longer accepting connections.
SS$_THIRDPARTY The logical link was terminated by a third party (for example, the system manager).
SS$_TOOMUCHDATA The task specified too much optional or interrupt data.
SS$_UNASEFC The process is not associated with the cluster containing the specified event flag.
SS$_UNREACHABLE The remote node is currently unreachable.
SS$_UNSUPPORTED Unsupported operation or function. An attempt has been made to create a contiguous file with a size greater than the supported maximum. For ODS-2 and ODS-5 disks, this value is 1,073,741,824 blocks. Reduce the size of the request when creating such a file.

Condition Values Returned in the I/O Status Block

Device-specific condition values; the HP OpenVMS I/O User's Reference Manual lists these condition values for each device.


The Queue I/O Request and Wait service queues an I/O request to a channel associated with a device.

The $QIOW service completes synchronously; however, Digital recommends that you use an IOSB with this service to avoid premature completion.

For asynchronous completion, use the Queue I/O Request ($QIO) service.

In all other respects, $QIOW is identical to $QIO. For more information about $QIOW, refer to the description of $QIO.

For additional information about system service completion, refer to the Synchronize ($SYNCH) service.

On Alpha and I64 systems, this service accepts 64-bit addresses.


SYS$QIOW [efn] ,chan ,func ,[iosb] ,[astadr] ,[astprm] ,[p1] ,[p2] ,[p3] ,[p4] ,[p5] ,[p6]

C Prototype

int sys$qiow (unsigned int efn, unsigned short int chan, unsigned int func, struct _iosb *iosb, void (*astadr)(__unknown_params), __int64 astprm, void *p1, __int64 p2, __int64 p3, __int64 p4, __int64 p5, __int64 p6);


The Read service retrieves a specified number of bytes from a file (beginning on a block boundary) and transfers them to memory. A Read service using block I/O can be performed on any file organization.

For additional information about this service, see the OpenVMS Record Management Services Reference Manual.


Returns the current status of all 32 event flags in a local or common event flag cluster and indicates whether the specified event flag is set or clear.

On Alpha and I64 systems, this service accepts 64-bit addresses.


SYS$READEF efn ,state

C Prototype

int sys$readef (unsigned int efn, unsigned int *state);



OpenVMS usage: ef_number
type: longword (unsigned)
access: read only
mechanism: by value

Number of any event flag in the cluster whose status is to be returned. The efn argument is a longword containing this number; however, $READEF uses only the low-order byte. Specifying an event flag within a cluster requests that $READEF return the status of all event flags in that cluster.

There are two local event flag clusters, which are local to the process: cluster 0 and cluster 1. Cluster 0 contains event flag numbers 0 to 31, and cluster 1 contains event flag numbers 32 to 63.

There are two common event flag clusters: cluster 2 and cluster 3. Cluster 2 contains event flag numbers 64 to 95, and cluster 3 contains event flag numbers 96 to 127.


OpenVMS usage: mask_longword
type: longword (unsigned)
access: write only
mechanism: by 32- or 64-bit reference (Alpha and I64); by 32-bit reference (VAX)

State of all event flags in the specified cluster. The state argument is the 32- or 64-bit address (on Alpha and I64 systems) or the 32-bit address (on VAX systems) of a longword into which $READEF writes the state (set or clear) of the 32 event flags in the cluster.

Condition Values Returned

SS$_WASCLR The service completed successfully. The specified event flag is clear. Note that this is also the same value as SS$_NORMAL.
SS$_WASSET The service completed successfully. The specified event flag is set. Note that while the message id is the same as SS$_ACCVIO, the severity bits are different.
SS$_ACCVIO The longword that is to receive the current state of all event flags in the cluster cannot be written by the caller.
SS$_ILLEFC You specified an illegal event flag number.
SS$_UNASEFC The process is not associated with the cluster containing the specified event flag.

$REGISTRY (Alpha and I64)

On Alpha and I64 systems, interface to the OpenVMS Registry database server.

The $REGISTRY service allows you to query, update, and set keys, subkeys, and values in the OpenVMS Registry database.

The $REGISTRY service supports both asynchronous and synchronous operations. For asynchronous completion, use the Registry ($REGISTRY) system service.

For synchronous completion, use the Registry and Wait ($REGISTRYW) system service. The $REGISTRYW system service is identical to the $REGISTRY system service, except that $REGISTRYW returns to the caller after the system completes the requested operation. For additional information about system service completion, see the Synchronize ($SYNCH) system service.

This system service is 64-bit compatible.


SYS$REGISTRY [efn] ,func ,0 ,itmlst ,[iosb or iosa_64] [,astadr or astadr_64] [,astprm or astprm_64] [,timeout]

C Prototype

int sys$registry (unsigned int efn, unsigned int func, void *, void *itmlst, struct _iosb *iosb, ...);



OpenVMS usage: ef_number
type: longword (unsigned)
access: read only
mechanism: by value

Number of the event flag to be used by $REGISTRY. If you do not specify the event flag, the system defaults to event flag 0. The event flag is initially cleared by $REGISTRY and then set when the operation completes.


OpenVMS usage: function_code
type: longword (unsigned)
access: read only
mechanism: by value

Function code specifying the action that $REGISTRY is to perform. The func argument is a longword containing this function code. The function code can contain function modifiers. For more information on function modifiers, see the Function Modifiers section.

A single call to $REGISTRY can specify only one function code. All function codes require additional information to be passed in the call with the itmlst argument.


OpenVMS usage: 32-bit item_list_3 or 64-bit item_list_64b
type: longword (unsigned) for 32-bit; quadword (unsigned) for 64-bit
access: read only
mechanism: by 32- or 64-bit reference

Item list supplying information that the system will use to perform the function specified by the func argument.

The itmlst argument is the address of the item list. The item list consists of one or more sets of item descriptors. Each descriptor is either an item_list_3 or item_list_64b format.

Some function codes allow you to specify multiple operations in a single call. In this case, you must place the REG$_SEPARATOR item code between each set of item codes. Each request, separated by a REG$_SEPARATOR item code, can contain the item codes in any order.

You can specify item codes as either input or output parameters. Input parameters modify functions, set context, or describe the information to be returned. Output parameters return the requested information.

For item_list_3 lists, you must terminate the list with a longword of 0. For item_list_64b lists, you must terminate the list with a quadword of 0.

The following diagram shows the structure of an item_list_3 descriptor:

The following diagram shows the structure of an item_list_64b descriptor:

The following table defines the item descriptor fields:

Descriptor Field Definition
Buffer length A word that specifies the length of the buffer. The buffer either supplies information to be used by $REGISTRY, or receives information from $REGISTRY. The required length of the buffer varies, depending on the item code specified. Each item code description specifies the required length.
Item code A word containing a symbolic code that describes the type of information currently in the buffer or that is returned in the buffer. The buffer address field points to the location of the buffer.
Buffer address A longword that contains the address of the buffer that specifies or receives the information.
Return length address A longword that contains the address of a word that specifies the actual length in bytes of the information returned by $REGISTRY. The information resides in a buffer identified by the buffer address field. The field applies to output item list entries only, and must be 0 (zero) for input entries. If the return length address is 0, it is ignored.

iosb or iosa_64

OpenVMS usage: status_block
type: buffer
access: write only
mechanism: by reference

Status block to receive the final completion status and information of the $REGISTRY operation.

If multiple operations are requested for a function code, the value returned in iosb is either SS$_NORMAL or SS$_REGERROR.

A more specific return status for each operation is returned in the REG$_RETURNSTATUS item code (if specified).

The iosb argument is the address of the $REGISTRY status block:

When $REGISTRY begins execution, it clears the quadword I/O status block if you specify the iosb argument.

Although the iosb argument is optional, HP strongly recommends that you specify it for the following reasons:

  • If you are using an event flag to signal the completion of the service, you can test the I/O status block for a condition value to be sure that the event flag was not set by an event other than service completion.
  • If you are using the $SYNCH system service to synchronize completion of the service, the I/O status block is a required argument for $SYNCH.

The condition value returned in R0 and the condition value returned in the I/O status block provide information about different aspects of the call to the $REGISTRY service. The condition value returned in R0 provides information about the success or failure of the service call itself; the condition value returned in the I/O status block provides information about the success or failure of the service operation.

To assess the success or failure of the call to $REGISTRY accurately, you must first check the condition value returned in R0. If R0 contains a successful value, you must check the condition value in the I/O status block.

The following table defines the item descriptor fields:

Descriptor Field Definition
Status A longword specifying the final status of the $REGISTRY service. If you request multiple operations for a function code, the system returns either SS$_NORMAL or SS$_REGERROR to iosb. This field is set to 0 (zero) when the operation begins.
Reserved A reserved longword.

astadr or astadr_64

OpenVMS usage: ast_procedure
type: procedure value
access: call without stack unwinding
mechanism: by reference

AST service routine to be executed when $REGISTRY completes. The astadr argument is the address of this routine. If you specify astadr, the AST routine executes at the same access mode as the caller of the $REGISTRY service.

If the $REGISTRY service is not called successfully (that is, if it returns an error immediately), the AST routine is not executed.

astprm or astprm_64

OpenVMS usage: user_arg
type: longword (unsigned)
access: read only
mechanism: by value

AST parameter to be passed to the AST service routine specified by the astadr argument. The astprm argument specifies this longword parameter.


OpenVMS usage: longword_unsigned
type: longword (unsigned)
access: read only
mechanism: by value

Timeout value specifies the number of seconds allotted to $REGISTRY to perform the request. If the Registry server does not complete the request within the time you allot, $REGISTRY returns REG$_NORESPONSE. Function Codes Table SYS-50 provides a summary of valid function codes, a brief description of their function, and the OpenVMS Registry rights identifier required to perform the function.

You can find a detailed description of each item code in the Item Codes section.

The OpenVMS Registry identifier is required only if you do not provide a valid NT access token and you do not have the SYSPRV privilege. If you have a granted REG$UPDATE identifier, you can perform all the functions in Table SYS-50.

Table SYS-50 Valid Function Codes
Function Code Identifier Description
REG$FC_CLOSE_KEY REG$LOOKUP Closes an open key or subkey.
REG$FC_CREATE_KEY REG$UPDATE Creates (and opens) a subkey.
REG$FC_DELETE_KEY REG$UPDATE Removes a subkey from a key.
REG$FC_DELETE_VALUE REG$UPDATE Removes a value from a key.
REG$FC_ENUM_KEY REG$LOOKUP Lists (enumerates) the subkeys of a key.
REG$FC_ENUM_VALUE REG$LOOKUP Lists (enumerates) the values of a key.
REG$FC_FLUSH_KEY REG$UPDATE Ensures that all information for the key is backed to disk.
REG$FC_MODIFY_TREE_KEY REG$UPDATE Modifies a key and all its subkeys.
REG$FC_NOTIFY_CHANGE_KEY_VALUE REG$UPDATE Notifies when a key or value has changed.
REG$FC_OPEN_KEY REG$LOOKUP Opens a key or subkey.
REG$FC_QUERY_KEY REG$LOOKUP Fetches information about a key.
REG$FC_QUERY_VALUE REG$LOOKUP Fetches information about a value.
REG$FC_SEARCH_TREE_DATA REG$LOOKUP Searches the value data of key and its subkeys.
REG$FC_SEARCH_TREE_KEY REG$LOOKUP Searches the names of a key and its subkeys.
REG$FC_SEARCH_TREE_VALUE REG$LOOKUP Searches the values of a key and its subkeys.
REG$FC_SET_VALUE REG$UPDATE Changes the data associated with a value name.


This request releases the open resources of the specified key. If REG$_KEYID indicates a predefined key, the system ignores the action and returns success.

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