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HP OpenVMS Delta/XDelta Debugger Manual

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  1. Program execution is currently at Base Register X0, plus offset 00000380. The instruction at X0+380 is a Move Application Register instruction. Step execution is then continued using the S command.
  2. Program execution is stopped at Base Register X0, plus offset 00000381. The instruction at offset 00000381 is a No Operation instruction. Step execution is then continued using the S command.
  3. Program execution is stopped at offset 00000382. The instruction at 00000382 is a "br.call" instruction. Execution is continued using the O command, thus skipping the routine(s) being called.

Alpha example:

30040;B       (1)
30070;B       (2)

 1 00030040
 2 00030070

;P       (3)

Brk 1 at 00030040

00030040!       LDA             R27,#XFFC8(R2) O (4)
00030044!       BSR             R26,#X00000A O  (5)
Brk 2 at 00030070

00030070!       LDA             SP,#XFFD0(SP) ;P (6)

Step-over at 30048
00030048!       LDQ             R26,#X0048(R2) S (7)
0003004C!       BIS             R31,R31,R17
  1. A simple breakpoint is set in the main routine at address 30040, just prior to the subroutine call.
  2. A simple breakpoint is set in the subroutine at address 30070. The breakpoints are displayed using the ;B command.
  3. Program execution continues using ;P.
  4. Program execution stops at breakpoint 1. DELTA/XDELTA displays the breakpoint message and the instruction at the breakpoint address. The O command is used to single-step (DELTA/XDELTA recognizes that this is not a call instruction and turns it into a single-step instead).
  5. The next instruction is a subroutine call (BSR). The subroutine is stepped over using the O command.
  6. Ordinarily, the step-over would continue execution at the instruction following the subroutine call. However, in this case, program execution stops at breakpoint 2 inside the subroutine at address 30070. Program execution continues with the ;P command.
  7. The subroutine completes execution. DELTA/XDELTA displays a step-over break message that indicates that the O command has been completed, returning control at address 30048.

VAX example:

6D5;B                                            (1)
;P                                               (2)
1 BRK AT 000006D5
000006D5/CALLS    #0C,@#7FFEDE00              ;P (3)
        PID=  0006      LOGINTIME=  12:50:29.45
2 BRK AT 00000699
00000699/BSBB    000006A2       ;P               (4)
1 BRK AT 000006D5
000006D5/CALLS    #0C,@#7FFEDE00              ;P (5)
        PID=  0007      LOGINTIME=  12:50:37.08
2 BRK AT 00000699
00000699/BSBB    000006A2       O                (6)
1 BRK AT 000006D5
000006D5/CALLS    #0C,@#7FFEDE00              ;P (7)
        PID=  0008      LOGINTIME=  12:50:45.64
STEPOVER BRK AT 0000069B                         (8)
0000069B/BRB    X1+047A
  1. One breakpoint has been set at address 699 in the main routine. A simple breakpoint is set at 6D5 using ;B. This breakpoint is in a subroutine.
  2. Program execution continues using ;P.
  3. Program execution stops at breakpoint 1, which is in the subroutine. DELTA/XDELTA displays the breakpoint message and the instruction at the new breakpoint. Program execution continues using ;P.
  4. The subroutine completes and displays some output. Program execution continues until breakpoint 2. DELTA/XDELTA displays the breakpoint message and the breakpoint 2 instruction. Program execution continues with the ;P command.
  5. Program execution stops at breakpoint 1. Program execution continues with the ;P command. The subroutine completes execution and displays the output.
  6. Program execution stops at breakpoint 2. The subroutine is stepped over to the next instruction using the O command.
  7. Program execution stops at breakpoint 1 in the subroutine. Program execution continues using the ;P command.
  8. The subroutine completes execution and displays output. DELTA/XDELTA displays a STEPOVER break message that states the O command has been completed, returning control at address 69B.

S---Step Instruction

Executes one instruction and displays the next. If the executed instruction is a call to a subroutine, it steps into the subroutine and displays the next instruction to be executed in the subroutine.




The Step Instruction command executes one instruction and displays the next instruction (in instruction mode) and its address. Use this command to single-step instructions, including single-stepping all instructions in subroutines. If you want to exclude single-stepping instructions in subroutines, use the O command.

The instruction displayed has not yet been executed. This command sets a flag to change the display mode to instruction mode. Any subsequent Close Current Location, Open Next (LINEFEED) commands and Open and Display Indirect Location (TAB) commands will display locations as machine instructions. The Open Location and Display Contents (/) command clears the flag, causing the display mode to revert to longword, hexadecimal mode.

On I64, if the instruction is a br.call instruction, Step moves to the subroutine called by these instructions and displays the first instruction within the subroutine.

On Alpha, if the instruction being executed is a JSR or BSR instruction, Step moves to the subroutine called by these instructions and displays the first instruction within the subroutine.


If DELTA/XDELTA does not have write access to the target of a JSR instruction, you cannot use the S or ;P command at the JSR instruction. First, you must use the O command; then you can use the S or ;P command.

On VAX, if the instruction being executed is a BSBB, BSBW, JSB, CALLG, or CALLS instruction, Step moves to the subroutine called by these instructions and displays the first instruction within the subroutine.

On Alpha and VAX, in general, you move to the instruction where you want to start single-step execution by placing a breakpoint at that instruction and typing ;P. Then press S to execute the first instruction and display the next one.


I64 example:

X0+00000061!      mov         r52 = b0 S  (1)
X0+00000062!      mov         r40 = r1 S  (2)
X0+00000070!      st8         [r12] = r0 ;;  (3)
  1. Program execution has been stopped at base register X0 plus offset 0000061. The instruction at this address is a Move Branch Register. Step execution is continued using the S command.
  2. Program execution is now stopped at base register X0 plus offset 0000062. The instruction at this address is a Move Application Register. Step execution is then continued using the S command.
  3. The instruction at offset 0000070 is displayed.

Alpha example:

0003003C!       BLBC            R0,#X000006 S   (1)
00030040!       LDQ             R16,#X0050(R2) S (2)
00030044!       BIS             R31,R31,R17 S  (3)
00030048!       LDQ             R26,#X0040(R2)
  1. Step program execution is started at address 3003C. The instruction at 3003C is a conditional branch instruction. Step execution is continued using the S command.
  2. Because the condition (BLBC) was not met, program execution continued at the next instruction at address 30040. Had the branch been taken, execution would have continued at address 30058. The second S command causes the LDQ instruction to be executed.
  3. The instruction at address 30044 is displayed. The S command is executed.

OpenVMS VAX example:

00000690/CMPL    R0,#000009A8    S    (1)
00000697/BEQL    0000069D        S    (2)
00000699/BSBB    000006A2        S    (3)
000006A2/PUSHL   R2                   (4)

  1. Step program execution is started at address 690. The instruction at 690 is executed and the next instruction is displayed. Step execution is continued using S.
  2. At address 697, there is a branch instruction to the instruction at address 69D. However, because the condition (BEQL) is not met, program execution continues at the next instruction. The next S command is executed.
  3. At address 699, there is a branch instruction to the instruction at address 6A2, a subroutine. The next S command is executed.
  4. Program execution moves to the subroutine.

Appendix A
Sample DELTA Debug Session on I64

This appendix gives an example of how you would use DELTA to debug a program executing on OpenVMS I64. The example C program named LOG uses the system service SYS$GETJPIW to obtain the PID, process name, and login time of each process. To run the example program without error, you need WORLD privilege.


Although this example debugging session demonstrates using the DELTA debugger, you could use most of the commands in the example in an XDELTA debugging session as well.

This appendix consists of two sections:

  • Section A.1 shows the source and machine listing files for the example C program.
  • Section A.2 shows the example DELTA debugging session and explains the various commands used and information provided.

A.1 Listing File for C Example Program

This section shows the listing file for the C program, LOG, in two parts:

See Section A.2 for the corresponding sample debugging session using this program.

A.1.1 Source Listing for I64 Debugging Example

Example A-1 shows the C source code for the example file, LOG.

Example A-1 Listing File for LOG: C Source Code

    1 #include <descrip.h>
  973 #include <jpidef.h>
 1378 #include <ssdef.h>
 5641 #include <starlet.h>
19024 #include <stdio.h>
20606 #include <stdlib.h>
22407 void print_line(unsigned long int pid,
22408   char *process_name,
22409   unsigned long int *time_buffer);
22411 typedef struct {
22412     unsigned short int il3_buffer_len;
22413     unsigned short int il3_item_code;
22414     void *il3_buffer_ptr;
22415     unsigned short int *il3_return_len_ptr;
22416 } item_list_3;
22418 #define NUL '\0'
22420 main(void)
22421 {
22422     static char name_buf[16];
22423     static unsigned long int pid, time_buf[2];
22424     static unsigned short int name_len;
22426     unsigned short int pidadr[2] = {-1, -1};
22427     unsigned long int ss_sts;
22428     item_list_3 jpi_itmlst[] = {
22429  /* Get login time */
22430  { sizeof(time_buf),
22431    JPI$_LOGINTIM,
22432    (void *) time_buf,
22433    NULL
22434  },
22436  /* Get process name */
22437  { sizeof(name_buf) - 1,
22438    JPI$_PRCNAM,
22439    (void *) name_buf,
22440    &name_len
22441  },
22443  /* Get process ID (PID) */
22444  { sizeof(pid),
22445    JPI$_PID,
22446    (void *) &pid,
22447    NULL
22448  },
22450  /* End of list */
22451  { 0,
22452    0,
22453    NULL,
22454    NULL
22455  }
22456     };
22458 /*
22459  * While there's more GETJPI information to process and a catastrophic
22460  * error has not occurred then
22461  *    If GETJPI was successful then
22462  *        NUL terminate the process name string and
22463  * print the information returned by GETJPI
22464  */
22466     while((ss_sts = sys$getjpiw(0, &pidadr, 0, &jpi_itmlst, 0, 0, 0)) != SS$_NOMOREPROC &&
22467    ss_sts != SS$_BADPARAM &&
22468    ss_sts != SS$_ACCVIO) {
22470         if (ss_sts == SS$_NORMAL) {
22471   *(name_buf + name_len) = NUL;
22472   print_line(pid, name_buf, time_buf);
22473  }
22474     }
22475     exit(EXIT_SUCCESS);
22476 }
22478 void print_line(unsigned long int pid,
22479   char *process_name
22480   unsigned long int *time_buffer)
22481 {
22482     static char ascii_time[12];
22484     struct dsc$descriptor_s time_dsc = {
22485      sizeof(ascii_time) - 1,
22486      DSC$K_DTYPE_T,
22487      DSC$K_CLASS_S,
22488      ascii_time
22489          1   22490     unsigned short int time_len;
22492 /*
22493 Convert the logged in time to ASCII and NUL terminate it
22494 */
22495     sys$asctim(&time_len, &time_dsc, time_buffer, 1);
22496     *(ascii_time + time_len) = NUL;
22498 /*
22499 Output the PID, process name and logged in time
22500 */
22501     printf("\n\tPID= %08.8X\t\tPRCNAM= %s\tLOGINTIM= %s",
22502     pid,
22503     process_name,
22504     ascii_time);
22506     return;
22507 }

A.1.2 Machine Code Listing for I64 Debugging Example

Example A-2 through Example A-4 show machine code listings for the procedures in the example program, LOG.

Example A-2 Listing File for LOG: Machine Code_MAIN Procedure

   .proc   __MAIN
          .align 32
   .global  __MAIN
   .personality  DECC$$SHELL_HANDLER
  __MAIN:        // 02242
     { .mii
002C00F2EB40     0000      alloc   r45 = rspfs, 6, 9, 8, 0
010800C00080     0001      mov     r2 = sp  // r2 = r12
0120000A0380     0002      mov     r14 = 80 ;;
     { .mmi
010028E183C0     0010      sub     r15 = sp, r14 ;; // r15 = r12, r14
0080C0F00380     0011      ld8     r14 = [r15]
010800F00300     0012      mov     sp = r15 ;; // r12 = r15
     { .mii
000008000000     0020      nop.m   0
000188000B00     0021      mov     r44 = rp  // r44 = br0
010800100B80     0022      mov     r46 = gp ;; // r46 = r1
     { .mii
010802E00040     0100      mov     gp = r46  // r1 = r46
00015405A000     0101      mov.i   rspfs = r45
000E00158000     0102      mov     rp = r44 ;; // br0 = r44
     { .mbb
010800CA0300     0110      adds    sp = 80, sp // r12 = 80, r12
000108001100     0111      br.ret.sptk.many rp // br0
004000000000     0112      nop.b   0 ;;
   .endp   __MAIN

Routine Size: 288 bytes,    Routine Base: $CODE$ + 0000

Example A-3 Listing File for LOG: Machine Code MAIN Procedure

   .proc   MAIN
   .align 32
   .global  MAIN
  MAIN:       // 022420
     { .mii
002C00A22A00     0120      alloc   r40 = rspfs, 0, 10, 7, 0
010800C00080     0121      mov     r2 = sp  // r2 = = r12
012000080380     0122      mov     r14 = 64 ;;
     { .mmi
010028E183C0     0130      sub     r15 = sp, r14 ;; // r5 = r12, r14
0080C0F00380     0131      ld8     r14 = [r15]
010800F00300     0132      mov     sp = r15 ;; // r12 = r15
     { .mii
000008000000     0140      nop.m   0
0001880009C0     0141      mov     r39 = rp  // r39 = br0
010800100A40     0142      mov     r41 = gp ;; // r41 = r1
     { .mbb
01C4321401C0     0280      cmp4.eq pr7, pr6 = ss_sts, r33  // pr7, pr6 = r32, r33
008600018007     0281      (pr7)  br.cond.dpnt.many L$12
004000000000     0282      nop.b   0 ;;
     { .mib
0080C2B00AC0     0320      ld8.mov out1 = [r43], name_buf
012000100B00     0321      add     out2 = @gprel(time_buf), gp  // r44 = @gprel(time_buf), r1
00A000001000     0322      br.call.sptk.many rp = PRINT_LINE ;; // br0 = PRINT_LINE
     { .bbb
0091FFFDD000     0330      br.sptk.many L$10    // 022473
004000000000     0331      nop.b   0
004000000000     0332      nop.b   0 ;;
     { .mii
000008000000     0370      nop.m   0
000E0014E000     0371      mov     rp = r39     // br0 = r39
010800C80300     0372      adds    sp = 64, sp ;;    // r12 = 64, r12
     { .bbb
000108001100     0380      br.ret.sptk.many rp    // br0
004000000000     0381      nop.b   0
004000000000     0382      nop.b   0 ;;
   .endp   MAIN

Routine Size: 624 bytes,    Routine Base: $CODE$ + 0120

Example A-4 Listing File for LOG: Machine Code PRINT_LINE Procedure

   .proc   PRINT_LINE
   .align 32
          .global  PRINT_LINE
  PRINT_LINE:       // 022478
     { .mii
002C0091A9C0     0390      alloc   r39 = rspfs, 3, 6, 4, 0
010800C00080     0391      mov     r2 = sp    // r2 = r12
012000020380     0392      mov     r14 = 16 ;;
     { .mmi
010028E183C0     03A0      sub     r15 = sp, r14 ;;   // r15 = r12, r14
0080C0F00380     03A1      ld8     r14 = [r15]
010800F00300     03A2      mov     sp = r15 ;;   // r12 = r15
    { .mmi
012000100B00     0490      add     out3 = @ltoffx(ascii_time), gp ;; //r44 = @ltoffx(ascii_time), r1
0080C2C00B00     0491      ld8.mov out3 = [r44], ascii_time
012000008640     0492      mov     ai = 4 ;;       // r25 = 4
    { .bbb
00A000001000     04A0      br.call.sptk.many rp = DECC$TXPRINTF // br0 = DECC$TXPRINTF
004000000000     04A1      nop.b   0
004000000000     04A2      nop.b   0 ;;
    { .mii
010802800040     04B0      mov     gp = r40  // r1 = r40
00015404E000     04B1      mov.i   rspfs = r39       // 022506
000E0014C000     04B2      mov     rp = r38 ;;       // br0 = r38
    { .mbb
010800C20300     04C0      adds    sp = 16, sp // r12 = 16, r12
000108001100     04C1      br.ret.sptk.many rp // br0
004000000000     04C2      nop.b   0 ;;
   .endp   PRINT_LINE

Routine Size: 320 bytes,    Routine Base: $CODE$ + 0390

The .MAP file for the sample program is shown in Example A-5. Only the Program Section Synopsis with the psect, module, base address, end address, and length are listed.

Example A-5 .MAP File for the Sample Program

                                            ! Program Section Synopsis !

Psect Name      Module/Image      Base     End           Length
----------      ------------      ----     ---           ------

$BSS$                           00010000 0001001F 00000020 (         32.)
                LOG             00010000 0001001F 00000020 (         32.)

$CODE$                          00020000 0002061F 00000620 (       1568.)
                LOG             00020000 000204CF 000004D0 (       1232.)
                <Linker>        000204D0 0002061F 00000150 (        336.)

$LITERAL$                       00030000 00030058 00000059 (         89.)
                LOG             00030000 00030058 00000059 (         89.)

$READONLY$                      00030060 00030087 00000028 (         40.)
                LOG             00030060 00030087 00000028 (         40.)

$LINK$                          00040000 00040000 00000000 (          0.)
                LOG             00040000 00040000 00000000 (          0.)

$LINKER UNWIND$                 00040000 00040047 00000048 (         72.)
                LOG             00040000 00040047 00000048 (         72.)

$LINKER UNWINFO$                00040048 000400B7 00000070 (        112.)
                LOG             00040048 000400B7 00000070 (        112.)

.sbss                           00050000 00050013 00000014 (         20.)
                LOG             00050000 00050013 00000014 (         20.)

$LINKER SDATA$                  00060000 000600CF 000000D0 (        208.)
                <Linker>        00060000 000600CF 000000D0 (        208.)

A.2 Example DELTA Debugging Session on I64

The DELTA debugging session on OpenVMS I64 for the sample program is shown in the three example segments that follow.

DELTA Debugging Session Example on I64 - Part 1

In the first part of the example session, DELTA is enabled and the LOG program is invoked. The example shows version information displayed by DELTA and the use of several key Delta commands, including !, ;B, and ;P.

The callout list following the example provides details for this example segment.

Example A-6 DELTA Debugging Session on I64 - Part 1

HP OpenVMS Industry Standard 64 DELTA Debugger   (3)

Brk 0 at 00020000

00020000!            alloc       r45 = ar.pfs, 0F, 08, 00 20000,1;X
X1 280!            cmp4.eq     p7, p6 = r32, r33 .;B   (4)

X1 322!            br.call.sptk.many b0 = 0000070 ;; .;B   (5)


Brk 1 at X1+00000280   (6)

X1+00000280!            cmp4.eq     p7, p6 = r32, r33 R32/00000000 00000001 ;P

Brk 2 at X1+00000322

X1+00000322!            br.call.sptk.many b0 = 0000070 ;; O

        PID= 37E00401           PRCNAM= SWAPPER LOGINTIM= 00:00:00.00   (7)

  1. DELTA is enabled as the debugger.
  2. The example program LOG is invoked with DELTA.
  3. DELTA displays a banner and the first executable instruction. The base address of the program (determined from the .MAP file) is virtual address 20000. The base address is placed in base register 1 with the ;X command. Now, references to an address can use the address offset notation. For example, a reference to the first instruction in routine main is X1+0120. Also, DELTA displays some address locations as offsets to the base address.
  4. The instruction at address 20280 is displayed in instruction mode using the ! command. Its address location is expressed as the base address plus an offset. In the listing file, the offset is 280. (This is the point where the return status from SYS$GETJPIW is checked.) The base address in base address register X1 is 20000. The address reference, then, is X1+280. Note that the + sign is implied when not specified.
    A simple breakpoint is set at that address using the ;B command. The address reference for ;B is the dot (.) symbol, representing the current address. (X1+280;B would have produced the same thing.)
  5. The same commands (that is, the ! command to view the instructions and the ;B command to set a breakpoint) are repeated for the instruction at offset 322. (This is the point at which the print_line function is called.)
  6. Program execution halts at the first breakpoint. DELTA displays the breakpoint message (Brk 1 at X1+00000280) with the breakpoint number 1 and the address at which the break occurred. The virtual address is 20280, which is the base address (20000) plus the offset 280. DELTA then displays the instruction in instruction mode (cmp4.eq p7, p6 = r32, r33). The contents of general register 32 are displayed with the forward slash (/) command (register 32 contains the value of the ss_sts variable). DELTA displays the contents of R32, which is 1. Program execution continues using the ;P command.
  7. The function print_line is executed and the output (PID, process name, and login time) is displayed.

DELTA Debugging Session Example on I64 - Part 2

In the second part of the example session, program execution continues and DELTA stops at the next breakpoint and displays information. User interaction allows DELTA to continue subsequent breakpoints. Use of the O command is demonstated to halt program execution and step over a routine call.

The callout list following the example provides details for this example segment.

Example A-7 DELTA Debugging Session on I64 - Part 2

X1+00000330!            br.many     1FFFEE0 ;P (1)

Brk 1 at X1+00000280

X1+00000280!            cmp4.eq     p7, p6 = r32, r33 ;P

Brk 2 at X1+00000322

X1+00000322!            br.call.sptk.many b0 = 0000070 ;; O   (2)
        PID= 37E00407       PRCNAM= CLUSTER_SERVER  LOGINTIM= 13:48:49.48
X1+00000330!            br.many     1FFFEE0 ;P

Brk 1 at X1+00000280

X1+00000280!            cmp4.eq     p7, p6 = r32, r33

 1 X1+00000280
 2 X1+00000322


 2 X1+00000322


Brk 2 at X1+00000322   (3)

X1+00000322!            br.call.sptk.many b0 = 0000070 ;; O
        PID= 37E00408           PRCNAM= CONFIGURE       LOGINTIM= 13:48:52.06
X1+00000330!            br.many     1FFFEE0 ;P

Brk 2 at X1+00000322   (4)

X1+00000322!            br.call.sptk.many b0 = 0000070 ;; O
        PID= 37E00409           PRCNAM= USB$UCM_SERVER  LOGINTIM= 13:48:54.80
X1+00000330!            br.many     1FFFEE0 ;P

Brk 2 at X1+00000322   (5)

X1+00000322!            br.call.sptk.many b0 = 0000070 ;; X1 491! ld8 r44 = [r44]
[Linefeed]   (6)
X1+00000492!            mov         r25 = 000004 ;; [Linefeed]

X1+000004A0!            br.call.sptk.many b0 = 0000150 .;B   (7)
 1 X1+000004A0
 2 X1+00000322

;P   (8)

Brk 1 at X1+000004A0   (9)

X1+000004A0!            br.call.sptk.many b0 = 0000150 O
        PID= 37E0040A           PRCNAM= LANACP  LOGINTIM= 13:48:54.84
X1+000004B0!            mov         r1 = r40 ;P

Brk 2 at X1+00000322

X1+00000322!            br.call.sptk.many b0 = 0000070 ;; ;P

Brk 1 at X1+000004A0   (10)

X1+000004A0!            br.call.sptk.many b0 = 0000150 O
        PID= 37E0040C           PRCNAM= FASTPATH_SERVER LOGINTIM= 13:48:55.01
X1+000004B0!            mov         r1 = r40 ;P

Brk 2 at X1+00000322

X1+00000322!            br.call.sptk.many b0 = 0000070 ;;

 1 X1+000004A0
 2 X1+00000322




 PID= 37E0040D  PRCNAM= IPCACP LOGINTIM= 13:48:55.05
 PID= 37E0040E  PRCNAM= ERRFMT LOGINTIM= 13:48:55.14
 PID= 37E00410  PRCNAM= OPCOM LOGINTIM= 13:48:55.24
 PID= 37E00411  PRCNAM= AUDIT_SERVER LOGINTIM= 13:48:55.31
 PID= 37E00412  PRCNAM= JOB_CONTROL LOGINTIM= 13:48:55.39
 PID= 37E00415  PRCNAM= ACME_SERVER LOGINTIM= 13:48:55.88
 PID= 37E00416  PRCNAM= SMISERVER LOGINTIM= 13:49:02.26
 PID= 37E0041E  PRCNAM= NETACP LOGINTIM= 13:49:04.54
 PID= 37E0041F  PRCNAM= EVL LOGINTIM= 13:49:05.68
 PID= 37E00420  PRCNAM= REMACP LOGINTIM= 13:49:13.39
 PID= 37E00425  PRCNAM= TCPIP$PORTM_1 LOGINTIM= 13:50:08.40
 PID= 37E00426  PRCNAM= TCPIP$FTP_1 LOGINTIM= 13:50:08.77
 PID= 37E0042A  PRCNAM= LATACP LOGINTIM= 13:50:12.00
 PID= 37E008E5  PRCNAM= SYSTEM LOGINTIM= 13:32:01.42
 PID= 37E008E7  PRCNAM= JNELSON LOGINTIM= 13:41:17.48

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