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HP OpenVMS Linker Utility Manual

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Chapter 7
Understanding Image File Creation (Alpha and VAX)

This chapter describes how the linker creates an image on OpenVMS Alpha and VAX systems. The linker creates images from the input files you specify in a link operation. You can control image file creation by using linker qualifiers and options.

7.1 Overview of Creating Images on Alpha/VAX Systems

After the linker has resolved all symbolic references between the input files specified in the LINK command (described in Chapter 6), the linker knows all the object modules and shareable images that are required to create the image. For example, the linker has extracted from libraries specified in the LINK command those modules that contain the definitions of symbols required to resolve symbolic references in other modules. The linker must now combine all these modules into an image.

To create an image, the linker must perform the following processing:

  • Determine the memory requirements of the image. The memory requirements of an image are the sum of the memory requirements of each object module included in the link operation. The language processors that create the object modules specify the memory requirements of an object module as program section definitions. A program section represents an area of memory that has a name, a length, and other characteristics, called attributes, which describe the intended or permitted usage of that portion of memory. Section 7.2 describes program sections.
    The linker processes the program section definitions in each object module, combining program sections with similar attributes into an image section. Each image section specifies the size and attributes of a portion of the virtual memory of an image. The image activator uses the image section attributes to determine the characteristics of the physical memory pages into which it loads the image, such as protection.
    Figure 7-1 illustrates how memory requirements are communicated from the language processor to the linker and from the linker to the image activator. Section 7.3 provides more information about this process.

    Figure 7-1 Communication of Image Memory Requirements on Alpha/VAX

    Note that shareable images included in link operations have already been processed by the linker. These images are separate images with their own memory requirements, as specified by their own image sections. The linker does, however, create special global image section descriptors (GISDs) for each shareable image to which an image has been linked. The image activator activates these shareable images at run time.
  • Initialize the image. When image sections are first created, they are empty. In this step of linker processing, the linker fills the image sections with the machine code and data, as specified by the Text Information and Relocation (TIR) commands in the object module. Section 7.4 provides more information about this process.
    For Alpha linking, the linker also attempts to optimize the performance of an image by replacing Jump to Subroutine (JSR) instruction sequences with the more efficient Branch to Subroutine (BSR) instruction sequences.

After creating image sections and filling them with binary code and data, the linker writes the image to an image file. Section 7.4.1 describes this process. To keep the size of image files manageable, the linker does not allocate space in the image file for image sections that have not been initialized with any data unless this function has been disabled (that is, the linker does not write pages of zeros to the image file). The linker can create demand-zero image sections, which the operating system initializes at run time when a reference to the image section requires the operating system to move the pages into memory. Section 7.4.3 describes how the linker creates demand-zero image sections.

7.2 Creating Program Sections (Alpha/VAX)

Language processors create program sections and define their attributes. The number of program sections created by a language processor and the attributes of these program sections are dependent upon language semantics. For example, some programming languages implement global variables as separate program sections with a particular set of attributes. Programmers working in high-level languages typically have little direct control over the program sections created by the language processor. Medium- and low-level languages provide programmers with more control over program section creation. For more information about the program section creation features of a particular programming language, see the language processor documentation.

In general, the linker does not create program sections. However, for Alpha linking, the linker creates a special program section for a shareable image, named $SYMVECT, which contains the symbol vector of the shareable image.

Program Section Attributes

The language processors define the attributes of the program sections they create and communicate these attributes to the linker in program section definition records in the global symbol directory (GSD) in an object module. (The GSD also contains global symbol definitions and references, as described in Chapter 6.)

Program section attributes control various characteristics of the area of memory described by the program section, such as the following:

  • Access. Using program section attributes, compilers can prohibit some types of access, such as write access. Using other program section attributes, compilers can allow access to the program section by more than one process.
  • Positioning. By specifying certain program section attributes, compilers can specify to the linker how it should position the program section in memory.

Program section attributes are Boolean values, that is, they are either on or off. Table 7-1 lists all program section attributes with the keyword you can use to set or clear the attribute, using the PSECT_ATTR= option. (For more information about using the PSECT_ATTR= option, see Section 7.3.6.)

For example, to specify that a program section should have write access, specify the writability attribute as WRT. To turn off an attribute, specify the negative keyword. Some attributes have separate keywords that express the negative of the attribute. For example, to turn off the global attribute (GBL), you must specify the local attribute (LCL). Note that the alignment of a program section is not strictly considered an attribute of the program section. However, because you can set it using the PSECT_ATTR= option, it is included in the table.

Table 7-1 Program Section Attributes (Alpha/VAX)
Attribute Keyword Description
Alignment -- Specifies the alignment of the program section as an integer that represents the power of 2 required to generate the desired alignment. For certain alignments, the linker supports keywords to express the alignment. The following table lists all the alignments supported by the linker with their keywords:
Power of 2 Keyword Meaning
0 BYTE Alignment on byte boundaries.
1 WORD Alignment on word boundaries.
2 LONG Alignment on longword boundaries.
3 QUAD Alignment on quadword boundaries.
4 OCTA Alignment on octaword boundaries.
9 -- Alignment on 512-byte boundaries.
13 -- Alignment on 8 KB boundaries.
14 -- Alignment on 16 KB boundaries.
15 -- Alignment on 32 KB boundaries.
16 -- Alignment on 64 KB boundaries.
-- PAGE Alignment on the default target page size, which is 64 KB for Alpha linking and 512 bytes for VAX linking. You can override this default by specifying the /BPAGE qualifier.
Position Independence PIC/NOPIC Specifies that the program section can run anywhere in virtual address space. Applicable in shareable images only. Note that this attribute is not meaningful for Alpha images, but it is still used to sort program sections.
Overlaid/Concatenated OVR/CON When set to OVR, specifies that the linker may combine (overlay) this program section with other program sections with the same name and attribute settings. Program sections that are overlaid are assigned the same base address. When set to CON, the linker concatenates the program sections.
Relocatable/Absolute REL/ABS When set to REL, specifies that the linker can place the program section anywhere in virtual memory, according to the memory allocation strategy for the type of image being produced. When set to ABS, this attribute specifies that the program section is an absolute program section that contains no binary data or code and appears to be based at virtual address 0. Absolute program sections are used by compilers primarily to define constants.
Global/Local GBL/LCL When set to GBL, specifies that the linker should gather contributions to the program section from all clusters and place them in the same image section. When set to LCL, the linker gathers program sections into the same image section only if they are in the same cluster. The memory for a global program section is allocated in the cluster that contains the first contributing module.
Shareability SHR/NOSHR Specifies that the program section can be shared between several processes. Only used to sort program sections in shareable images.
Executability EXE/NOEXE Specifies that the program section contains executable code. If an image transfer address is defined in a nonexecutable program section, the linker issues a diagnostic message.
    +For Alpha linking, the EXE attribute is propagated to the image section descriptor where it is used by the Install utility when it is installing the image as a resident image. (For information about resident images, see the description of the /SECTION_BINDING qualifier in Part 2.)
Writability WRT/NOWRT Specifies that the contents of a program section can be modified at run time.
Protected Vectors VEC/NOVEC Specifies that the program section contains privileged change-mode vectors or message vectors. In shareable images, image sections with the VEC attribute are automatically protected.
Solitary SOLITARY Specifies that the linker should place this program section in its own image section. Useful for programs that map data into specific locations in their virtual memory space. Note that compilers do not set this attribute. You can set this attribute using the PSECT_ATTR= option.
+Unmodified NOMOD/MOD When set, specifies that the program section has not been initialized (NOMOD). On Alpha systems, the linker uses this attribute to create demand zero sections; see Section 7.4.3. Only compilers can set this attribute. You can clear this attribute only by specifying the MOD keyword in the PSECT_ATTR= option.
+COM -- Used by the Compaq C compiler to implement the relaxed symbol reference/definition model for external variables. See the C documentation for more information. This attribute cannot be modified using the PSECT_ATTR= option.
Readability RD Reserved by HP.
User/Library USR/LIB Reserved by HP. To ensure future compatibility, this attribute should be clear.

+Alpha specific

To illustrate program section creation, consider the program sections created by the VAX C compiler when it processes the sample programs in the following examples.

Example 7-1 Sample Program MYTEST.C

extern int global_data;

int myadd();
int mysub();

   int num1, num2, res1, res2;
   static int my_data;

   num1 = 5;
   num2 = 6;

   res1 = myadd( num1, num2 );
   res2 = mysub( num1, num2 );
   printf("res1 = %d, res2 =%d, globaldata=%d\n",

Example 7-2 Sample Program MYADD.C

#include <stdio.h>

 int value_1;
 int value_2;
 int result;
 static int add_data;

 printf("In MYADD.C\n");

 result = value_1 + value_2;
 return( result );

Example 7-3 Sample Program MYSUB.C

int global_data = 5;

 int value_1;
 int value_2;
 int result;
 static int sub_data;

 result = value_1 - value_2;
 return( result );

To see what program sections the VAX C compiler creates for these programs, use the ANALYZE/OBJECT utility to examine the global symbol directory (GSD) in each object module. (Note that the names the language processors assign to program sections are architecture specific.)

Example 7-4 presents an excerpt from the analysis of the object module MYTEST.OBJ. Only the program section definitions are included in the excerpt.

Example 7-4 Program Sections Generated by Example 3-1

      6)  Program Section Definition (GSD$C_PSC)
       (1)    alignment: 4-byte boundary        <-- psect 0
       (2)    attribute flags:
                   (0)  GPS$V_PIC        1
                   (1)  GPS$V_LIB        0
                   (2)  GPS$V_OVR        0
                   (3)  GPS$V_REL        1
                   (4)  GPS$V_GBL        0
                   (5)  GPS$V_SHR        1
                   (6)  GPS$V_EXE        1
                   (7)  GPS$V_RD         1
                   (8)  GPS$V_WRT        0
                   (9)  GPS$V_VEC        0
       (3)    allocation: 63 (%X'0000003F')
       (4)    symbol: "$CODE"
      7)  Program Section Definition (GSD$C_PSC)
             alignment: 4-byte boundary       <-- psect 1
             attribute flags:
                   (0)  GPS$V_PIC        1
                   (1)  GPS$V_LIB        0
                   (2)  GPS$V_OVR        0
                   (3)  GPS$V_REL        1
                   (4)  GPS$V_GBL        0
                   (5)  GPS$V_SHR        0
                   (6)  GPS$V_EXE        0
                   (7)  GPS$V_RD         1
                   (8)  GPS$V_WRT        1
                   (9)  GPS$V_VEC        0
             allocation: 4 (%X'00000004')
             symbol: "DATA"
      8)  Program Section Definition (GSD$C_PSC)
             alignment: 4-byte boundary       <-- psect 2
             attribute flags:
                   (0)  GPS$V_PIC        1
                   (1)  GPS$V_LIB        0
                   (2)  GPS$V_OVR        1
                   (3)  GPS$V_REL        1
                   (4)  GPS$V_GBL        1
                   (5)  GPS$V_SHR        1
                   (6)  GPS$V_EXE        0
                   (7)  GPS$V_RD         1
                   (8)  GPS$V_WRT        1
                   (9)  GPS$V_VEC        0
             allocation: 4 (%X'00000004')
             symbol: "GLOBAL_DATA"
      9)  Program Section Definition (GSD$C_PSC)
             alignment: 4-byte boundary      <-- psect 3
             attribute flags:
                   (0)  GPS$V_PIC        1
                   (1)  GPS$V_LIB        0
                   (2)  GPS$V_OVR        0
                   (3)  GPS$V_REL        1
                   (4)  GPS$V_GBL        0
                   (5)  GPS$V_SHR        0
                   (6)  GPS$V_EXE        0
                   (7)  GPS$V_RD         1
                   (8)  GPS$V_WRT        1
                   (9)  GPS$V_VEC        0
             allocation: 36 (%X'00000024')
             symbol: "$CHAR_STRING_CONSTANTS"

Note that you can also determine the program sections in an object module after a link operation by looking at the Program Section Synopsis section of an image map file, as illustrated in Example 7-7.

The items in the following list correspond to the numbered items in Example 7-4:

  1. Alignment specifies the address boundary at which the linker places a module's contribution to the program section.
  2. Attribute flags indicate which program section attributes are set. The attributes are listed by their full symbolic name, that is, each abbreviation is preceded by the character string "GPS$V_". Note that, for attributes that are turned off by specifying different keywords, only the keyword that sets the attribute is listed. For example, you can see whether the program section is overlaid by checking attribute flag number 2. If the value is 1, the program section is overlaid; if the value is 0, the program section must be concatenated. Table 7-1 lists all the program section attributes. Note that the solitary attribute is not included in the GSD of an object module because that attribute is not set by language processors.
    For Alpha linking, the program section display includes several additional attribute flags. The COM attribute is reserved for use by Compaq. The NOMOD attribute indicates that the program section does not contain initialized data. The linker gathers program sections with this attribute into demand-zero image sections. Section 7.4.3 describes how the linker creates demand-zero image sections.
  3. Allocation indicates the number of bytes required for the program section.
  4. Symbol indicates the name of the program section.

Figure 7-2 illustrates the program sections created by the VAX C compiler for the programs in Example 7-1, Example 7-2, and Example 7-3. (The shaded areas represent the settings of the program section attributes the linker considers when sorting the program sections into image sections in an executable image. See Section 7.3.3 for more information about how the linker creates image sections.)

Figure 7-2 Program Sections Created for Examples 3-1, 3-2, and 3-3

7.3 Creating Image Sections

To create the image sections that define the memory requirements and page protection characteristics of an image, the linker processes the program section definitions in the object modules specified in the link operation. The number and type of image sections the linker creates depend on the number of clusters the linker creates when processing the LINK command and on the attributes of the program sections in the object modules in each cluster. Section 7.3.1 describes how the clustering of input files affects image section creation. Section 7.3.2 describes the effects of program section attributes on image section creation.

7.3.1 Processing Clusters to Create Image Sections

To create image sections, the linker processes the program section definitions in the input files you specify in the LINK command. The linker processes these input files on a cluster-by-cluster basis (as described in Section 6.3.1).

In general, only program sections in a particular cluster can contribute to a particular image section. However, the linker crosses cluster boundaries when processing program sections with the global (GBL) attribute. When the linker encounters a program section with the global attribute, it searches all the previously processed clusters for a program section with the same name and attributes and, if it finds one, places the new definition of the global program section in the same cluster as the first definition of the program section.

The linker processes input files in the order in which they appear in the clusters, making two passes through the cluster list.

On its first pass, the linker processes based clusters. Based clusters specify the location within memory at which the linker must position them. A based cluster can be a cluster that contains a based shareable image or a cluster, created by the CLUSTER= option, in which a base address was specified.

For VAX linking, you can also use the BASE= option to specify the base address of the default cluster.

For more information about creating based clusters, see the descriptions of the CLUSTER= and BASE= options in Part 2.

After processing based clusters, the linker then processes nonbased clusters. The linker ignores nonbased (position-independent) shareable image clusters because they are allocated virtual memory at run time.

A LINK command to create an image using the object modules in Section 7.2 is shown in Example 7-5.

Example 7-5 Linking Examples 3-1, 3-2, and 3-3


The CLUSTER= option in this LINK command causes the linker to create a cluster named MYSUB_CLUS, which contains the object module MYSUB.OBJ. The linker also creates a cluster for the C Run-Time Library shareable image VAXCRTL.EXE. The linker puts the object modules MYTEST.OBJ and MYADD.OBJ in the default cluster. These clusters appear on the linker's cluster list in the following order:


The linker always processes the default cluster last. (For Alpha linking, you do not need to explicitly include the C Run-Time Library shareable image in the link operation because it resides in the default system shareable image library IMAGELIB.OLB, which the linker processes by default.)

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