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HP OpenVMS Availability Manager User's Guide

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You can sort data in many OpenVMS displays. The following list provides some examples. To sort the values in a field, click the corresponding column heading. To reverse the sort order, click the column heading again.

Depending on the field, you can sort data alphabetically or numerically. An alphabetical sort is performed using ASCII character values; for example, dollar signs ($) precede letters in the sort order.

2.3.3 Using the Event Pane

The event pane occupies the bottom part of the System Overview window (Figure 2-1). In this pane, the Availability Manager displays events that occur on all the nodes being monitored on your system, including nodes that might not be displayed currently in the Group/Node pane.

Events signal potential problems that might require further investigation. An event must reach a certain level of severity to be displayed. You can customize the severity levels at which events are displayed (see Chapter 7). For more information about displaying events, see Chapter 5.

The events that are signalled depend on the types of data collection that are performed (see Section

In the System Overview window, you can change the size of the panes as well as the width of specific fields. You can also change the borders between the fields by placing the mouse on the border, displaying a double-headed arrow, and dragging the border to the right or left.

Scroll bars indicate whether you are displaying all or part of a pane. For example, clicking a right arrow on a scroll bar allows you to view the rightmost portion of a screen.

2.3.4 Other System Overview Window Components

In addition to panes, the System Overview window (Figure 2-1) also includes features such as a title bar, menu bar, and status bar:

Title bar

The title bar runs across the top of the window and contains the product name and version.

Menu bar

The menu bar, immediately below the title bar, contains the following menu options:

  • File
    The File menu contains the Exit option, which allows you to stop the Data Analyzer and close the window.
  • Customize
    The Customize menu contains options that allow you to customize various aspects of the Availability Manager. These options are explained in Chapter 7.
  • Help
    The Help menu offers different types of online help for the Availability Manager. These options are explained in Section 2.4.

Status bar

The status bar, which runs across the bottom of the window, displays the name of the selected group and the number of nodes in that group.

2.4 Getting Help

To obtain online help, click on the Help menu on the System Overview window menu bar. Then choose one of the following options, which are displayed at the top of the page.

Menu Option Description
Availability Manager Help Information about using the Availability Manager.
Getting Started A special online version of help for getting started using this tool.
Availability Manager Release Notes Last-minute information about the software and how it works.
About Availability Manager... Information about this Availability Manager release (such as the copyright date).

2.5 Printing a Display

The Availability Manager does not provide a printscreen capability. However, you can capture Availability Manager displays and print them by following these steps:

  1. Click on the selected Availability Manager display to make it your active window.
  2. Press the key combination Alt + PrintScreen .
    This action copies the image of the display into your copy buffer. (To capture the entire screen, press Ctrl + PrintScreen .)
  3. Run the Windows Paint program:

        Start --> Programs --> Accessories --> Paint
  4. Do one of the following:
    • Press the key combination Ctrl + V .
    • From Paint's Edit menu, select Paste .
  5. Then do one of the following:
    • Select an option from Paint's File menu. For example:
      • Save or Save As...: to name the file containing the display image and place it in a directory that you specify.
      • Print: to print the display image on a printer that you select.
    • Use one of Paint's editing options to edit the display image before saving or printing it.

Chapter 3
Getting Information About Nodes


Before you start this chapter, be sure to read the explanation of data collection, events, thresholds, and occurrences as well as background and foreground data collection in Chapter 1. HP also recommends completing the getting-started steps described in Chapter 2.

Node summary data is the only data that is collected by default. The Availability Manager looks for events only in data that is being collected.

You can collect additional data in either of the following ways:

  • Open any display page that contains node-specific data (for example, CPU, memory, I/O) automatically starts foreground data collection and event analysis except for Lock Contention and Cluster Summary information. (You must select these tabs individually to start foreground data collection.) Collection and evaluation continue as long as a page with node-specific data is displayed.
  • Click a check mark on the Data Collection Customization page (which you can select on the Customize OpenVMS... menu) enables background collection of that type of data. Data is collected and events are analyzed continuously until you remove the check mark.

For additional information about how to change these settings, see Chapter 7.

This chapter describes the node data that the Availability Manager displays by default and more detailed data that you can choose to display. Differences are noted whenever information displayed for OpenVMS nodes differs from that displayed for Windows nodes.

Although Cluster Summary is one of the tabs displayed on the OpenVMS Node Summary page (Figure 3-4), see Chapter 4 for a detailed discussion of OpenVMS Cluster data.


On many node displays, you can hold the cursor over a data field or column header to display an explanation of that field or header in a small rectangle, called a tooltip. Figure 3-2 contains an example.

3.1 Group/Node Pane

The Availability Manager automatically displays data for each node within the groups displayed in the Group/Node pane of the Application window (Figure 3-1).

Figure 3-1 OpenVMS Group/Node Pane

Recall that the colors of the icons represent the following states:

Color Description
Brown Attempts to configure the node have failed---for example, because the nodes are in a connection failed state.
Yellow Node security check is in progress.
Black Network path to node has been lost, or the node is not running.
Red Security check was successful. However, a threshold has been exceeded, and an event has been posted.
Green Security check was successful; data is being collected.

If you hold the cursor over a node name, the Availability Manager displays a tooltip explaining the specific reason for the color that precedes the node name. By holding the cursor over many column headers and some data items on Availability Manager screens, you can display tooltips. Figure 3-2 is an example of a tooltip that explains the BIO column header in the Group/Node pane.

Figure 3-2 Sample Tooltip

The colors and their meanings are in Table 3-1.

Table 3-1 Explanation of Tooltip Colors in the Group/Node Pane
Color Meaning
Brown Indicates why the configuration of the node failed.
Yellow Shows number of RM Driver multicast "Hello" messages and the number of attempts to configure the node ("Configuration packets sent"). Nodes that remain in this state more than a few seconds indicate network connectivity problems with the Data Analyzer.
Black Shows one of the following:
  If the node was successfully configured and then lost,
-- When the connection to the node was lost ("Path lost at time").
-- When that node was booted ("Boot time: time").
-- What the uptime of the node was ("Uptime: time").
  If the node was never configured,
-- When the connection to the node was lost ("Path lost at time").
-- The reason the node was not configured.
Red If an event causes the output of any message besides an informational one, a node is displayed in red.
Green Nodes are in the data collection state.

The following sections describe the data displayed for OpenVMS and Windows Group/Node panes.

3.1.1 OpenVMS Node Data

Node data with a graph displayed in red indicates that the amount is above the threshold set for the field. For each OpenVMS node and group it recognizes, the Availability Manager displays the data described in Table 3-2. This table also lists the abbreviation of the event that is related to each type of data, where applicable. See Section 7.8 for information about setting event thresholds. Appendix B describes OpenVMS and Windows events.

Note that you can sort the order in which data is displayed in the Node Pane by clicking a column header. To reverse the sort order of a column of data, click the column header again.

Table 3-2 OpenVMS Node Data
Data Description of Data Related Event
Node Name Name of the node being monitored. n/a
CPU 1 Percentage of CPU usage of all processes on the node. HICOMQ
Active CPUs The number of active CPUs over the number of CPUs in the potential set. The potential set is the maximum number of CPUs available to the node. n/a
MEM Percentage of space in memory that all processes on the node use. LOMEMY
BIO Buffered I/O rate of processes on the node. HIBIOR
DIO Direct I/O usage of processes on the node. HIDIOR
CPU Qs Number of processes in one of the following states: MWAIT, COLPG, PFW, FPG. HIMWTQ
Events Number of triggered events that are associated with this node. List of relevant events
Proc Ct Actual count of processes over the maximum number of processes. Percentage of actual to maximum processes. HIPRCT
OS Version Version of the operating system on the node. NOPLIB
HW Model Hardware model of the node. NOPLIB
HW Arch Hardware architecture: Alpha or VAX n/a

1By default, the CPU heading follows Node Name on a line of Node pane data. You can use the cursor to move a column heading to another location on the line, if you like.

3.1.2 Windows Node Pane

Figure 3-3 is an example of a Windows Node pane. From the group you select, the Availability Manager displays all the nodes with which it can communicate.

Figure 3-3 Windows Node Pane

For each Windows node in the group, the Availability Manager displays the data described in Table 3-3.

Table 3-3 Windows Node Data
Data Description
Node Name Name of the node being monitored.
CPU Percentage of CPU usage of all the processes on the node.
MEM Percentage of memory that is in use.
DIO Direct I/O usage of processes on the node.
Processes Number of processes on the node.
Threads Number of threads on the node. A thread is a basic executable entity that can execute instructions in a processor.
Events The number of events on the node. An event is used when two or more threads want to synchronize execution.
Semaphores The number of semaphores on the node. Threads use semaphores to control access to data structures that they share with other threads.
Mutexes The number of mutexes on the node. Threads use mutexes to ensure that only one thread executes a section of code at a time.
Sections The number of sections on the node. A section is a portion of virtual memory created by a process for storing data. A process can share sections with other processes.
OS Version Version of the operating system on the node.
HW Model Hardware model of the node.

3.2 Node Data Pages

The following sections describe node data pages, which you can display in any of the following ways:

  • Double-click a data item in the Group/Node or Node pane to display an associated page.
  • Double-click a node name on the Group/Node or Node pane to display a Node Summary page (Figure 3-4). You can then click other tabs on the Node Summary page to display the same detailed data that you display by double-clicking a data item in the Group/Node or Node pane.
  • Double-click an event in the Event pane.

The menu bar on each node data page contains the options described in Table 3-4.

Table 3-4 Node Data Page Menu Bar
Menu Option Description For More Information
File Contains the Close option, which you can choose to exit from the pages. n/a
View Contains options that allow you to view data from another perspective. See specific pages.
Fix Contains options that allow you to resolve various resource availability problems and improve system performance. Chapter 6
Customize Contains options that allow you to organize data collection and analysis and to display data by filtering and customizing Availability Manager data. Chapter 7

The following sections describe individual node data pages.

3.2.1 Node Summary

When you double-click a node name, operating system (OS) version, or hardware model in an OpenVMS Group/Node pane (Figure 2-1) or a Windows Node pane (Figure 3-3), the Availability Manager displays the Node Summary page (Figure 3-4).

Figure 3-4 Node Summary

On this page, the following information is displayed for the selected node:

Data Description
Model System hardware model name.
OS Version Name and version of the operating system.
Uptime Time (in days, hours, minutes, and seconds) since the last reboot.
Memory Total amount of physical memory (in MBs or GBs) found on the system.
Active CPUs Number of CPUs running on the node.
Configured CPUs Number of CPUs that are configured to run on the node.
Max RADs Maximum number of resource affinity domains (RADs) for this node.
Serial Number The system's hardware serial number retrieved from the Hardware Restart Parameter Block (HWRPB).
Galaxy ID The Galaxy ID uniquely identifies a Galaxy. Instances in the same Galaxy have the same Galaxy ID.

3.2.2 CPU Modes and Process Summaries

By clicking the CPU tab, you can display CPU panes that contain more detailed statistics about CPU mode usage and process summaries than the Node Summary does. You can use the CPU panes to diagnose issues that CPU-intensive users or CPU bottlenecks might cause. For OpenVMS nodes, you can also display information about specific CPU processes.

When you double-click a value under the CPU or CPU Qs heading on either an OpenVMS Group/Node or a Windows Node pane, or when you click the CPU tab, the Availability Manager displays the CPU Mode Summary in the top pane (Figure 3-6 and, by default, CPU Mode Details (Figure 3-7) in the lower pane. You can use the View menu to select the CPU Process Summary in the lower pane ( Section

CPU mode summaries and process summary panes are described in the following sections. Note that there are differences between the pages displayed for OpenVMS and Windows nodes. Windows CPU Modes

Figure 3-5 provides an example of a Windows CPU Modes page. The sample page contains values for the three CPU modes---user, privileged, and null.

Figure 3-5 Windows CPU Modes

The top pane of the Windows CPU Modes page is a summary of Windows CPU usage, listed by type of mode.

On the left, the following CPU modes are listed:

  • User
  • Privileged
  • Null

On the graph, values that exceed thresholds are displayed in red. To the right of the graph are current and extreme amounts for each mode.

Current and extreme amounts are also displayed for the following values:

  • Deferred procedure calls (DPCs) queued per second
  • Interrupts that occurred per second

The lower pane of the Windows CPU Modes contains modes details. The following data is displayed:

Data Description
CPU ID Decimal value representing the identity of a processor in a multiprocessing system. On a uniprocessor, this value is always CPU #00.
Mode % Graphical representation of the percentage of active modes on that CPU. The color displayed matches the mode color on the graph on the top pane.
DPCs Queued Rate that deferred procedure call (DPC) objects are queued to this processor's DPC queue.
DPC Rate Average rate that DPC objects are queued to this processor's DPC queue per clock tick.
DPC Bypasses Rate that dispatch interrupts were short-circuited.
APC Bypasses Rate that kernel asynchronous procedure call (APC) interrupts were short-circuited.

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