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HP OpenVMS Availability Manager User's Guide

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7.1.1 Recognizing Levels of Customization

The customization levels for various Availability Manager values are displayed as icons on some pages. The OpenVMS Data Collection Customization page (Figure 7-1) displays several of these icons.

Figure 7-1 OpenVMS Data Collection Customization

The icons preceding each data item in Figure 7-1 indicate the current customization level for each collection choice. Table 7-2 describes these icons and tells where each appears in Figure 7-1.

Table 7-2 Customization Icons in Figure 7-1
Icon Location Meaning
Graph Before "Disk volume" Current setting is from the built-in AM Defaults.
Magnifying glass Bottom left of window Current setting is from the Application level.
Swoosh Before "Disk status" Current setting has been modified at the OpenVMS Operating System Level.
Double monitors Before "Cluster summary" Current setting has been modified at the group level.
Single monitor Before "Memory" Current setting has been modified at the node level.

7.1.2 Setting Levels of Customization

When you customize values, the Availability Manager keeps track of the next higher level of each value. This means that you can reset a value to the value set at the next higher level.

To return to the values set at the preceding level, click the Use default values button at the top of a customization page. The icon on the "Use default values" button and explanation at the bottom of the page indicate the previous customization level.

In the main System Overview window (see Figure 2-1), you can select the customization levels that are shown in Table 7-1. The following sections explain levels of customization in more detail.

7.1.3 Knowing the Number of Nodes Affected by Each Customization Level

Another way of looking at Availability Manager customization is to consider the number of nodes affected by each level of customization. Depending on which customization menu you use and your choice of menu items, your customizations can affect one or more nodes, as indicated in the following table.

Nodes Affected Action
All nodes Select Customize Application... on the menu shown in Figure 7-2.
All Windows nodes Select Operating Systems --> Customize Windows NT... on the menu shown in Figure 7-2.
All OpenVMS nodes Select Operating Systems --> Customize OpenVMS... on the menu shown in Figure 7-2.
Nodes in a group Select Customize... on the shortcut menu shown in Figure 7-7. The customization options you choose affect only the group of nodes that you select.
One node Select Customize... on the shortcut menu shown in Figure 7-8 or on the Customize shortcut menu on the Node page. The customization options you choose affect only the node that you select.

7.2 Customizing Settings at the Application and Operating System Levels

In the System Overview window menu bar, select Customize. The Availability Manager displays the shortcut menu shown in Figure 7-2.

Figure 7-2 Application and Operating System Customization Menu

7.2.1 Customizing Application Settings

When you select Customize Application..., by default the Availability Manager displays the Group/Nodes Lists page (Figure 7-3), where the Inclusion lists tab is the default.


The Event Escalation tab displayed on the Application Settings page (Figure 7-3) is explained in Section 7.7. Application Settings---Groups/Nodes Inclusion Page

On the Groups/Nodes Inclusion page (Figure 7-3) you can select groups of nodes or individual nodes to be displayed.

Figure 7-3 Application Settings---Groups/Nodes Inclusion

On the Groups/Nodes Inclusion page, you have the following choices:

  • Group List
    Select the Group List check box. Then enter the names of the groups of nodes you want to monitor. (The names are case-sensitive, so be sure to enter the correct case.)
    For instructions on changing the group membership of a node, see Section 7.4.1 and Section 7.4.2
  • Node List
    Select the Node List check box. Then enter the names of individual nodes you want to monitor. (The names are case-sensitive, so be sure to enter the correct case.)
  • Both Group List and Node List
    If you select both check boxes, you can enter the names of groups of nodes as well as individual nodes you want to monitor. (If you enter the name of an individual node, the Availability Manager displays the name of the group that the node is in, but no additional nodes in that group.)
  • Neither list
    The Group List and Node List are not used; all groups and all nodes are monitored.

If you decide to return to the default (Group List: DECAMDS) or to enter names again, select Use default values.

After you enter a list of nodes or groups of nodes, click one of the following buttons at the bottom of the page:

Option Description
OK Accepts the choice of names you have entered and exits the page.
Cancel Cancels the choice of names and does not exit the page.
Apply Accepts the choice of names you have entered but does not exit the page.

If nodes were previously selected for monitoring, their names are not removed from the display even if you click OK or Apply. They are filtered out the next time the Availability Manager is started. Application Settings---Groups/Nodes Exclusion Lists

As an alternative to the Inclusion lists on the Groups/Nodes Inclusion page, you can click the Exclusion lists tab in Figure 7-4, where you can select groups of nodes or individual nodes to be excluded from display.

Figure 7-4 Application Settings---Groups/Nodes Exclusion Lists

On the Groups/Nodes Exclusion Lists page, you have the following choices:

  • Group List
    Select the Group List check box. Then enter the names of the groups of nodes you want to exclude from monitoring. (The names are case-sensitive, so be sure to enter the correct case.)
    For instructions on changing the group membership of a node, see Section 7.4.1 and Section 7.4.2.
  • Node List
    Select the Node List check box. Then enter the names of individual nodes you want to exclude from monitoring. (The names are case-sensitive, so be sure to enter the correct case.)
  • Both Group List and Node List
    If you select both check boxes, you can enter the names of groups of nodes as well as individual nodes you want to exclude from monitoring. (If you enter the name of an individual node, the Availability Manager displays the name of the group that the node is in, but no additional nodes in that group.)
  • Neither box
    The Group List and Node List are not used; all groups and all nodes are monitored.

After you enter a list of nodes or groups of nodes, click one of the buttons at the bottom of the page:

Option Description
OK Accepts the choice of names you have entered and exits the page.
Cancel Cancels the choice of names and does not exit the page.
Apply Accepts the choice of names you have entered but does not exit the page.

If nodes were previously selected for monitoring, their names are not removed from the display even if you click OK or Apply to exclude them from monitoring.

7.2.2 Customizing Windows Operating System Settings

When you select Customize Windows NT..., the Availability Manager displays a page similar to the one shown in Figure 7-5.

Figure 7-5 Windows Operating System Customization

The default page displayed is the Event Customization page. Instructions for using this page are in Section 7.8.1. The other tabs displayed are the Event Escalation page, which is explained in Section 7.7, and the Windows Security Customization page, which is explained in Section

7.2.3 Customizing OpenVMS Operating System Settings

When you select Customize OpenVMS..., the Availability Manager displays the page shown in Figure 7-6, which contains tabs for the last 6 types of customization listed in Table 7-1. (Instructions for making these types of customizations are later in this chapter, beginning in Section 7.5.)

Figure 7-6 OpenVMS Operating System Customization

7.3 Customizing Settings at the Group Level

To perform customizations at the group level, right-click a group name in the System Overview window. The Availability Manager displays a small menu similar to the one shown in Figure 7-7.

Figure 7-7 Group Customization Menu

When you select Customize, the Availability Manager displays a page similar to the one shown in Figure 7-6.

7.4 Customizing Settings at the Node Level

To customize a specific node, do either of the following:

  • Select the Customize option at the top of the Group/Node page.
  • Right-click a node name in the Node pane of the System Overview window (see Figure 2-1).
    The Availability Manager displays the shortcut menu shown in Figure 7-8.


You can customize nodes in any state.

Figure 7-8 Node Customization Menu

When you select Customize, the Availability Manager displays a customization page similar to the one shown in Figure 7-6.

7.4.1 Changing the Group of an OpenVMS Node

Each Availability Manager Data Collector node is assigned to the DECAMDS group by default.


You need to place nodes that are in the same cluster in the same group. If such nodes are placed in different groups, some of the data collected might be misleading.

You need to edit a logical on each Data Collector node to change the group for that node. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Assign a unique name of up to 15 alphanumeric characters to the AMDS$GROUP_NAME logical name in the AMDS$AM_SYSTEM:AMDS$LOGICALS.COM file. For example:

  2. Apply the logical name by restarting the Data Collector:


7.4.2 Changing the Group of a Windows Node


These instructions apply to versions prior to Version 2.0-1.

You need to edit the Registry to change the group of a Windows node. To edit the Registry, follow these steps:

  1. Click the Windows Start button. On the menu displayed, first select Programs, then Accessories, and then Command Prompt.
  2. Type REGEDIT after the angle prompt (>).
    The system displays a screen for the Registry Editor, with a list of entries under My Computer.
  3. On the list displayed, expand th HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE entry.
  4. Double-click SYSTEM.
  5. Click CurrentControlSet.
  6. Click Services.
  7. Click damdrvr.
  8. Click Parameters.
  9. Double-click Group Name. Then type a new group name of 15 alphanumeric characters or fewer, and click OK to make the change.
  10. On the Control Panel, select Services, and then select Stop for "PerfServ."
  11. Again on the Control Panel, select Devices, and then select Stop for "damdrvr."
  12. First restart damdrvr under "Devices," and then restart PerfServ under "Services."
    This step completes the change of groups for this node.

7.5 Customizing OpenVMS Data Collection


Before you start this section, be sure to read the explanation of data collection, events, thresholds, and occurrences in Chapter 1. Also, be sure you understand background and foreground data collection.

When you choose the Customize OpenVMS menu option in the System Overview window (see Figure 7-2), by default the Availability Manager displays the OpenVMS Data Collection Customization page (Figure 7-9) where you can select types of data you want to collect for all of the OpenVMS nodes you are currently monitoring. You can also change the default Availability Manager intervals at which data is collected or updated.

Figure 7-9 OpenVMS Data Collection Customization

Table 7-3 identifies the page on which each type of data collected and displayed in Figure 7-9 appears and indicates whether or not background data collection is turned on for that type of data collection. See Chapter 1 for information about background data collection. (You can also customize data collection at the group and node levels, as explained in Section 7.1.)


When you select a type of data collection, an icon appears on the "Use default values" button indicating the previous (higher) level of customization where customizations might have been made. Pressing the "Use default values" button followed by the "Apply" button causes any customizations made at the current level to be discarded and the values from the previous collection to be used.

You can select more than one collection choice using the Shift and/or Ctrl keys. In this case, none of the icons appear on the "Use default values" button. Pressing the "Use default values" button causes each selected collection choice to be reset to the value at its own previous level of customization.

Table 7-3 Data Collection Choices
Data Collected Background Data Collection Default Page Where Data Is Displayed
Cluster summary No Cluster Summary page
CPU mode No CPU Modes Summary page
CPU summary No CPU Process States page
Disk status No Disk Status Summary page
Disk volume No Disk Volume Summary page
I/O data No I/O Summary page
Lock contention No Lock Contention page
Memory No Memory Summary page
Node summary Yes Node pane, Node Summary page, and the top pane of the CPU, Memory, and I/O pages
Page/Swap file No I/O Page Faults page
Single disk Yes 1 Single Disk Summary page
Single process Yes 2 Data collection for the Process Information page

1Data is collected by default when you open a Single Disk Summary page.
2Data is collected by default when you open a Single Process page.

You can choose additional types of background data collection by selecting the Collect check box for each one on the Data Collection Customization page of the Customize OpenVMS... menu (Figure 7-6). A check mark indicates that data is to be collected at the intervals described in Table 7-4.

Table 7-4 Data Collection Intervals
Interval Name Description
Display How often the data is collected when its corresponding display is active.
Event How often the data is collected when its corresponding display is not active and when events are active.
NoEvent How often the data is collected when its corresponding display is not active and when events are not active.

You can enter a different collection interval by selecting a row of data and selecting a value. Then delete the old value and enter a new one.

If you change your mind and decide to return to the default collection interval, select one or more rows of data items: then select Use default values. The system displays the default values for all the collection intervals.

When you finish customizing your data collection, click one of the following buttons at the bottom of the page:

Option Description
OK To confirm any changes you have made and exit the page.
Cancel To cancel any changes you have made and exit the page.
Apply To confirm and apply any changes you have made and not exit the page.

7.6 Customizing OpenVMS Data Filters

When you choose "Customize" at the operating system, group, or node level and then select the Filter tab, the Availability Manager displays pages that allow you to customize data (see Figure 7-10). The types of data filters available are the following:

  • CPU
  • Disk Status
  • Disk Volume
  • I/O
  • Lock Contention
  • Memory
  • Page/Swap File

Filters can vary depending on the type of data collected. For example, filters might be process states or a variety of rates and counts. The following sections describe data filters that are available for various types of data collection.

You can also customize filters at the group and node levels (see Section 7.1).

Keep in mind that the customizations that you make at the various levels override the ones set at the previous level (see Table 7-1). The icons preceding each data item (see Table 7-2) indicate the level at which the data item was customized. In Figure 7-10, for example, the icon preceding "CPU" indicates that the current setting comes from the AM Defaults.

If you change your mind and decide to return to filter values set at the previous level, select Use default values. The icon appearing on the button indicates the level of the previous values. In Figure 7-10, for example, the previous value is the AM Defaults value.

When you finish modifying filters on a page, click one of the following buttons at the bottom of the page:

Option Description
OK To confirm any changes you have made and exit the page.
Cancel To cancel any changes you have made and exit the page.
Apply To confirm and apply any changes you have made and continue to display the page.

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