HP OpenVMS Systems Documentation

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HP OpenVMS Version 8.3 Release Notes

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4.13 OpenVMS Cluster Systems

The release notes in this section pertain to OpenVMS Cluster systems.

4.13.1 OpenVMS I64 Cluster Support


With few exceptions, OpenVMS Cluster software provides the same features on OpenVMS I64 systems as it offers on OpenVMS Alpha and OpenVMS VAX systems.

4.13.2 Temporary Exceptions


The following exceptions are temporary:

  • A supported production cluster containing an I64 system cannot include a VAX system. VAX systems can be included in these clusters for the purposes of development and migration with the understanding that any problems arising from the existence of VAX systems in these clusters will result in the need for either the VAX or I64 systems to be removed. See the OpenVMS Cluster Software SPD for more information.
  • Currently, only two architectures are allowed for supported production environments in an OpenVMS Cluster system. Refer to the HP OpenVMS Version 8.2 Upgrade and Installation Manual for a list of supported cluster configurations.
  • I64 Satellite systems that use device naming (also known as port allocation classes) require an additional step to operate correctly in this release. On the satellite boot server node, edit the file device:


    where where device is the disk that contains the satellite's root and where n is the root of the satellite system) and add the following line to the file:


    You can safely ignore the "Do Not Edit" comment at the top of the file in this case. The list of files in SYS$MEMORYDISK.DAT is not order-dependent. This problem is expected to be resolved for the final release.

4.13.3 Satellite Booting and LAN Failover


For Alpha and Integrity cluster satellites, the network boot device cannot be a prospective member of a LAN Failover Set. For example, if you create a LAN Failover Set, LLA consisting of EWA and EWB, to be active when the system boots, you cannot boot the system as a satellite over the LAN devices EWA or EWB.

4.13.4 Creation of Error Log Dump File for Integrity Server Satellite Systems


Integrity server satellite systems require DOSD (Dump Off the System Disk) for both the system crash dump file and system error log. Autogen will create the system dump on an appropriate disk once DOSD is enabled, but does not attempt to create the error log dump file (SYS$ERRORLOG.DMP). In order to preserve error-log entries across system failure, the error log dump file must be created by hand.

See the HP OpenVMS System Manager's Manual, Volume 2: Tuning, Monitoring, and Complex Systems for information on enabling DOSD. After running AUTOGEN to create the dump file on the appropriate device, create the error log dump as follows:

  1. Use SYSGEN to obtain the values of the the system parameters ERRORLOGBUF_S2 and ERLBUFFERPAG_S2.
  2. Calculate (ERRORLOGBUF_S2 * ERLBUFFERPAG_S2) + 10.
  3. Use the SYSGEN CREATE command to create the file as follows:



    dev = a device in the DOSD list
    n = the system root for the satellite
    filesize = the value calculated in step 2.

    HP anticipates that AUTOGEN will be enhanced in the future to perform this operation.

4.14 Cluster Compatibility Patch Kits


Before introducing an OpenVMS Version 8.2--1 system into an existing OpenVMS Cluster system, you must apply certain patch kits (also known as remedial kits) to your systems running earlier versions of OpenVMS. Note that these kits are version specific.

The versions listed in Table 4-2 are supported in a warranted configuration. For more information about these configurations, see the HP OpenVMS Version 8.2--1 for Integrity Servers Upgrade and Installation Manual.

Table 4-2 lists the facilities that require patch kits and the patch kit file names. Each patch kit has a corresponding readme file by the same name with a .README file extension.

You can either download the patch kits from the following Web site or contact your HP Support representative to receive the patch kits on media appropriate for your system:



Patch kits are periodically updated on an as-needed basis. Always use the most recent patch kit for the facility, as indicated by the version number in the kit's readme file. The most recent version of each kit is the version posted on the Web site.

Table 4-2 Patch Kits Required for Cluster Compatibility
Facility Patch Kit File Name
OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.3-2
Update kit with most patch kits except those listed in this section VMS732_UPDATE-V0600.
Drivers VMS732_DRIVER-V0200
OpenVMS Alpha Version 8.2
DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS Alpha ECO1 DNVOSIECO01_V82 1
OpenVMS I64 Version 8.2

1This kit is required if you are running this software in your configuration.

4.14.1 Patch Kits Needed for Cluster Compatibility


Before introducing an OpenVMS Version 8.2 (or higher) system into an existing OpenVMS Cluster system, you must apply certain patch kits (also known as remedial kits) to your systems running earlier versions of OpenVMS. If you are using Fibre Channel, XFC, or Volume Shadowing, additional patch kits are required. Note that these kits are version specific.

The versions listed in Table 4-2 are supported in either a warranted configuration or a migration pair configuration. For more information about these configurations, refer to either HP OpenVMS Cluster Systems or the HP OpenVMS Version 8.3 Upgrade and Installation Manual.

Table 4-2 lists the facilities that require patch kits and the patch ID names. Each patch kit has a corresponding readme file with the same name (file extension is .README).

You can either download the patch kits from the following web site (select the OpenVMS Software Patches option), or contact your HP support representative to receive the patch kits on media appropriate for your system:



Patch kits are periodically updated on an as-needed basis. Always use the most recent patch kit for the facility, as indicated by the version number in the kit's readme file. The most recent version of each kit is the version posted on the web site.

Table 4-2 Patch Kits Required for Cluster Compatibility
Facility Patch ID
OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.3-2
Update kit with most patch kits except those also listed in this section VMS732_UPDATE-V0600
OpenVMS VAX Version 7.3 1
Audit Server VAXAUDS01_073
Cluster VAXSYSL01_073
DECwindows Motif VAXDWMOTMUP01_073
Files 11 VAXF11X02_073
Volume Shadowing VAXSHAD01_073
System VAXSYS01_073

1For operating guidelines when using VAX systems in a cluster, refer to Section 4.13.2.

Note that VAX systems cannot be in a cluster with I64 systems. For a complete list of warranted groupings within a cluster, refer to the HP OpenVMS Version 8.3 Upgrade and Installation Manual.

4.14.2 API Can Correct Incompatibility of Fibre Channel and SCSI Multipath with Some Third-Party Products


OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.2-1 introduced the multipath feature, which provides support for failover between the multiple paths that can exist between a system and a SCSI or Fibre Channel device. OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.3-1 introduced support for failover between Fibre Channel multipath tape devices.

This multipath feature can be incompatible with some third-party disk-caching, disk-shadowing, or similar products. HP advises that you do not use such software on SCSI or Fibre Channel devices that are configured for multipath failover until this feature is supported by the producer of the software.

Third-party products that rely on altering the Driver Dispatch Table (DDT) of either the OpenVMS Alpha SCSI disk class driver (SYS$DKDRIVER.EXE), the OpenVMS Alpha SCSI tape class driver (SYS$MKDRIVER.EXE), or the SCSI generic class driver (SYS$GKDRIVER) may need to be modified in order to function correctly with the SCSI multipath feature.

Producers of such software can now modify their software using DDT Intercept Establisher routines introduced in OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.3-2. For more information about these routines, refer to the HP OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.3--2 New Features and Documentation Overview manual.


If you are using a third-party disk-caching product or disk shadowing application, refrain from using it in an OpenVMS SCSI or Fibre Channel multipath configuration until you confirm that the application has been revised using these new routines.

For more information about OpenVMS Alpha SCSI and Fibre Channel multipath features, refer to Guidelines for OpenVMS Cluster Configurations.

4.14.3 DDT Intercept Establisher Routines and Device Configuration Notification Results


To ensure proper behavior of certain routines, a patch kit is required. Using those routines without the required patch kit can result in system hangs, crashes, or data corruption, and is not supported by HP.

For more information about these routines, see the HP OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.3--2 New Features and Documentation Overview manual.

4.14.4 Cluster Performance Reduced with CI-LAN Circuit Switching


In rare cases, in an OpenVMS Cluster configuration with both CI and multiple FDDI, 100 Mb/s or Gb/s Ethernet-based circuits, you might observe that SCS connections are moving between CI and LAN circuits at intervals of approximately 1 minute. This frequent circuit switching can result in reduced cluster performance and may trigger mount verification of shadow set members.

PEdriver can detect and respond to LAN congestion that persists for a few seconds. When it detects a significant delay increase or packet losses on a LAN path, the PEdriver removes the path from use. When it detects that the path has improved, it begins using it again.

Under marginal conditions, the additional load on a LAN path resulting from its use for cluster traffic may cause its delay or packet losses to increase beyond acceptable limits. When the cluster load is removed, the path might appear to be sufficiently improved so that it will again come into use.

If a marginal LAN path's contribution to the LAN circuit's load class increases the circuit's load class above the CI's load class value of 140 when the marginal path is included (and, conversely, decreases the LAN circuit's load class below 140 when the path is excluded), SCS connections will move between CI and LAN circuits.

You can observe connections moving between LAN and CI circuits by using SHOW CLUSTER with the CONNECTION and CIRCUITS classes added.


If excessively frequent connection moves are observed, you can use one of the following workarounds:

  • You can use SCACP or Availability Manager to assign a higher priority to the circuit, or the port you wish to be used, thus overriding automatic connection assignment and moving.
    Examples of SCACP commands are:

    $ MC SCACP
    SCACP> SET PORT PNA0 /PRIORITY=2    ! This will cause circuits from local
                                        ! CI port PNA0 to be chosen over
                                        ! lower priority circuits.
    SCACP> SET PORT PEA0 /PRIORITY=2    ! This will cause LAN circuits to be
                                        ! chosen over lower priority circuits.
  • You can use the SCACP SHOW CHANNEL commands to determine which channels are being switched into/out of use. Then you can use SCACP to explicitly exclude a specific channel by assigning it a lower priority value than the desired channels. For example:


    Note that CHANNEL and LAN device priority values in the range of max, max-1 are considered equivalent; that is, they are treated as if they both had the maximum priority value. A difference of 2 or more in priority values is necessary to exclude a channel or LAN device from use.

4.14.5 Multipath Tape Failover Restriction


While the INITIALIZE command is in progress on a device in a Fibre Channel multipath tape set, multipath failover to another member of the set is not supported. If the current path fails while another multipath tape device is being initialized, retry the INITIALIZE command after the tape device fails over to a functioning path.

This restriction will be removed in a future release.

4.14.6 No Automatic Failover for SCSI Multipath Medium Changers


Automatic path switching is not implemented in OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.3-1 or higher for SCSI medium changers (tape robots) attached to Fibre Channel using a Fibre-to-SCSI tape bridge. Multiple paths can be configured for such devices, but the only way to switch from one path to another is to use manual path switching with the SET DEVICE/SWITCH command.

This restriction will be removed in a future release.

4.14.7 Availability Manager AVAIL_MAN_BASE Kit Fails to Collect Lock Contention Information

The OpenVMS Version 8.3 installation includes the installation of the AVAIL_MAN_BASE SIP kit. This kit, in turn, installs the Availability Manager Data Collector.

The Data Collector in the AVAIL_MAN_BASE SIP kit has a defect that causes it to collect lock contention data incorrectly. To correct this problem, install the AVAIL_MAN_COL Version 2.6 kit, which is available on the operating system update media.

4.15 OpenVMS Galaxy (Alpha Only)

The following sections contain notes pertaining to OpenVMS Galaxy systems.

Note that OpenVMS Galaxy is supported on OpenVMS Alpha systems only.

4.15.1 Galaxy Definitions


Because the HP OpenVMS Alpha Partitioning and Galaxy Guide is not being updated for this release, this note provides improved definitions of the word Galaxy, which depends on context.

Table 4-3 Galaxy Definitions
Galaxy as a: Functions this way:
License Is required to create and run multiple instances of OpenVMS in a single computer. Without this license, only one instance of OpenVMS can be run in a single computer.
System parameter Sets memory sharing. GALAXY set to 1 specifies that OpenVMS instances with the parameter set in a hard partition will share memory between soft partitions within that hard partition. (You can run more than two soft partitions in a hard partition, and you may not want to share memory among all of them.) Note that this parameter only specifies whether a node uses shared memory. There is no need to use this parameter to run multiple, cooperative instances of OpenVMS; this is achieved by console setup of the desired configuration tree. GALAXY set to 0 means that memory is not shared (the default).
Soft partition Provides the capability of several OpenVMS instances to execute cooperatively in a single computer so as to be able to migrate CPUs, use APIs, share memory, and so on. Platform partitioning makes possible the separation of resources into multiple soft partitions, each of which can run an OS instance. A soft partition is that subset of resources that the OS instance running in it can see and use.

4.16 Multiple nPartitions on Cell-based Systems


If you have multiple nPartitions on your HP Integrity rx7620, HP Integrity rx8620, or HP Integrity Superdome servers, and you are running a multi-operating system environment with OpenVMS on one of the nPartitions, one of the other operating systems might register an error or event on the System Event Log (SEL) while OpenVMS is booting. OpenVMS holds the SEL until it has produced a table of Field Replaceable Units (FRU), which might cause other operating systems to register an error or an event.

4.16.1 OpenVMS Graphical Configuration Manager


The OpenVMS Graphical Configuration Manager (GCM) is now supported for AlphaServer ES47/ES80/GS1280 Galaxy configurations. Previously, only the Graphical Configuration Utility (GCU) was supported.

4.16.2 Galaxy on ES40: Uncompressed Dump Limitation

Permanent Restriction

On AlphaServer ES40 Galaxy systems, you cannot write a raw (uncompressed) dump from instance 1 if instance 1's memory starts at or above 4 GB (physical). Instead, you must write a compressed dump.

4.16.3 Galaxy on ES40: Turning Off Fast Path

Permanent Restriction

When you implement Galaxy on an AlphaServer ES40 system, you must turn off Fast Path on instance 1. Do this by setting the SYSGEN parameter FAST_PATH to 0 on that instance.

If you do not turn off Fast Path on instance 1, I/O on instance 1 will hang when instance 0 is rebooted. This hang will continue until the PCI bus is reset and instance 1 rebooted. If there is shared SCSI or Fibre Channel, I/O will hang on the sharing nodes and all paths to those devices will be disabled.

4.17 OpenVMS Management Station


Version 3.2D is the recommended version of OpenVMS Management Station for OpenVMS I64 Version 8.2 and higher and for OpenVMS Alpha Version 8.2 and higher. However, OpenVMS Management Station is backward compatible with OpenVMS Version 6.2 and higher.

The OpenVMS installation includes OpenVMS Management Station Version 3.2D.

4.18 OpenVMS Registry Can Corrupt Version 2 Format Database


If you create eight or more volatile subkeys in a key tree and then reboot a standalone system or a cluster, the OpenVMS Registry server can corrupt a Version 2 format Registry database when the server starts up after the reboot.

To avoid this problem, do one of the following:

  • Do not use volatile keys.
  • Use a Version 1 format database.

Note that Advanced Server for OpenVMS and COM for OpenVMS do not create volatile keys.

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