HP OpenVMS Systems Documentation

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HP OpenVMS Version 8.3 New Features and Documentation Overview

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Translates a file identification (FID) into the equivalent file name.


int sda$fid_to_name (char *devptr, unsigned short *fidptr, char *bufptr, int buflen );



OpenVMS usage char_string
type character string
access read only
mechanism by reference

The address of the device name string. The device name must be supplied in allocation-class device name (ALLDEVNAM) format, but any leading underscores or trailing colons are ignored.


OpenVMS usage address
type file identification
access read only
mechanism by reference

The address of the three-word file identification.


OpenVMS usage char_string
type character string
access write only
mechanism by reference

The address of a string buffer into which to store the file name string.


OpenVMS usage longword
type longword (unsigned)
access read only
mechanism by value

The maximum length of the string buffer.


When analyzing the current system, this routine calls LIB$FID_TO_NAME to translate the file identification into a file name. When analyzing a dump, if there is a file data collection available and the specified disk and file identification is included in the collection, the recorded file name is returned. If there is no collection (for the entire system, this disk, or just this file), this routine returns the error condition SDA$_NOCOLLECT.

Condition Values Returned

SDA$_SUCCESS File identification successfully translated.
SDA$_COLLECT No collection available for the system, the specified disk, or the file identification.
Others An error occurred when LIB$FID_TO_NAME was called.


Obtains environment flags that indicate how SDA is being used.


int sda$get_flags (SDA_FLAGS *flagaddr);



OpenVMS usage address
type SDA_FLAGS structure
access write only
mechanism by reference

The address of the location where the environment flags are to be returned.


SDA provides a set of flag bits that indicate whether it is being used to analyze the current system, a system dump, a process dump, and so on. The set of bits is defined in SDA_FLAGSDEF.H in SYS$LIBRARY:SYS$LIB_C.TLB.

Condition Values Returned


3.16.3 ANALYZE Command Qualifier

The new SDA ANALYZE command /COLLECTION qualifier indicates to SDA that the file ID translation data or unwind data can be found in a separate file. If you specify this qualifier, it should follow the /CRASH_DUMP qualifier in the command string. Use the following format:

/CRASH_DUMP/COLLECTION = collection-file-name

SDA can provide additional information when analyzing a dump if a collection has been made of file identification translation data (on both OpenVMS Alpha and OpenVMS for Integrity servers) and of unwind data (on OpenVMS for Integrity servers only). This data is usually saved when the dump file is copied using the SDA COPY/COLLECT command, but it can be saved to a separate file using the COLLECT/SAVE command.

By default, COLLECT/SAVE creates a .COLLECT file with the same name and in the same directory as the dump file. A subsequent ANALYZE/CRASH_DUMP command uses this file automatically. If the collection file is in a different location or if the collection previously appended to the dump file is incomplete (for example, a disk was not mounted at the time of the SDA COPY), the /COLLECTION qualifier can be used to specify an alternate collection file.

At least one field of the collection file name must be specified, and other fields default to the highest generation of the same file name and location as the dump file, with a file type of .COLLECT.

3.16.4 DUMP Command Qualifiers

The SDA DUMP command has the following new qualifiers:

  • /BYTE---Outputs each data item as a byte.
  • /NOSUPPRESS---Indicates that SDA should not suppress leading zeroes when displaying data in hexadecimal format.
  • /WORD---Outputs each data item as a WORD.

3.16.5 SEARCH Command Qualifier

The SDA SEARCH command has the new /IGNORE_CASE qualifier, which indicates to SDA that, when searching for a string, the case of any alphabetic characters should be ignored. The default behavior is to search for an exact match. This qualifier is ignored for value searches.

3.16.6 New SHOW CLUSTER Command Qualifier

The SDA SHOW CLUSTER command has the new /CIRCUIT=pb-addr qualifier, which displays only the OpenVMS Cluster system information for a specific path, where pb-addr is the address of its path block. This qualifier is mutually exclusive with the /ADDRESS=n, /CSID=csid, and /NODE=name qualifiers. If you specify the /CIRCUIT=pb-addr qualifier, the SHOW CLUSTER command displays only the information from the specified path block.

3.16.7 SHOW CRASH Qualifier

The SDA SHOW CRASH command has the new /ALL qualifier, which displays exception data for all CPUs. By default, the registers (on Alpha) or exception frame contents (on Integrity servers) are omitted from the display for any CPUs with CPUEXIT or DBGCPUEXIT bugchecks.

3.16.8 SHOW DUMP Command Qualifiers

The following new qualifiers have been added to the SHOW DUMP command:

  • /COLLECTION[= { ALL|n }]
    Displays the contents of the file identification and/or unwind data collection appended to a copy of the dump using COPY/COLLECT or written to a separate collection file using COLLECT/SAVE. By default, a summary of the collection is displayed. You can specify that the details of a single entry or all entries are to be displayed. The n is the start block number of the collection entry, as displayed in the collection summary.
    If a separate collection file is in use, the /FILE qualifier indicates to which file the SHOW DUMP command applies. By default, SHOW DUMP/SUMMARY, SHOW DUMP/HEADER, SHOW DUMP/COLLECTION and SHOW DUMP/ALL commands apply to both files. By default, SHOW DUMP/BLOCK applies to the dump file. All other qualifiers can apply only to the dump file.

3.16.9 SDA SHOW PROCESS Qualifier

The SDA SHOW PROCESS command has the new /CHECK qualifier, which checks all free process pool packets for POOLCHECK-style corruption,in exactly the same way that the system does when generating a POOLCHECK crash dump.

3.16.10 Keywords Added to SHOW RESOURCES/STATUS Command

The following new keywords have been added to the SHOW RESOURCES/STATUS qualifier:

  • RM_FORCE---Forced tree move
  • RM_FREEZE---Freeze resource tree on this node
  • RM_INTEREST---Remaster due to master having no interest
  • XVAL_VALID---Last value block was long block

3.16.11 SHOW UNWIND Qualifier

The SDA SHOW UNWIND command has the new qualifier, /IMAGE=name, which displays the details of every unwind descriptor for the specified system images (wildcards allowed).

3.17 System Parameters

A number of system parameters are introduced in OpenVMS Version 8.3. The following table contains brief descriptions of these new parameters. (More detailed descriptions of the parameters are in the HP OpenVMS System Management Utilities Reference Manual.)

Parameter Description
EXECSTACKPAGES (Alpha and I64) EXECSTACKPAGES controls the number of pages allocated for each RMS exec stack.
GB_CACHEALLMAX (Alpha and I64) If a file is connected to RMS with the RMS global buffer DEFAULT option enabled, the number of blocks cached is either a maximum of the GB_CACHEALLMAX parameter or a percentage of the file, whichever results in a larger global count.
GB_DEFPERCENT (Alpha and I64) If a file is connected to RMS with the RMS global buffer "DEFAULT" option enabled, either a percentage (GB_DEFPERCENT) of the file is cached or up to GB_CACHEALLMAX blocks of it are cached, whichever results in a larger global buffer count.
IO_PRCPU_BITMAP (Alpha and I64) This parameter forms a bitmap representing up to 1024 CPUs. Bits set in this bitmap indicate CPUs that are available for use as Fast Path preferred CPUs. IO_PRCPU_BITMAP defaults to all bits set. (CPU 0 through CPU 1023 are all enabled for Fast Path port assignment.)

You may want to disable the primary CPU from serving as a preferred CPU by leaving its bit clear in IO_PRCPU_BITMAP. This reserves the primary CPU for non-Fast-Path IO operations to use.

LOCKRMWT Can have a value from 0 to 10 and defaults to 5. Remaster decisions are based on the difference in lock remaster weights between the master and a remote node. LOCKRMWT is a dynamic parameter.
SCD_HARD_OFFLD The scheduler hard off-load parameter is a CPU bitmask parameter. The bits correspond to CPU IDs. For any bit set, the OpenVMS scheduler does not schedule processes on this CPU unless the process has hard affinity set for the CPU. The bit corresponding to the primary CPU is ignored. SCH_HARD_OFFLD is a DYNAMIC parameter.
SCH_SOFT_OFFLD The scheduler soft off-load parameter is a CPU bitmask parameter. The bits correspond to CPU IDs. For any bit set, the OpenVMS scheduler tries to avoid scheduling processes on this CPU. However, if no other idle CPUs exist, processes are still scheduled on this CPU. SCH_SOFT_OFFLD is a DYNAMIC parameter.
SCHED_FLAG This special parameter is used by HP and is subject to change. Do not change this parameter unless HP recommends that you do so.
SMP_CPU_BITMAP (Alpha and I64) This parameter indicates that the corresponding CPU is a bitmap representing up to 1024 CPUs. Each bit set in this bitmap indicates that the corresponding CPU automatically attempts to join the active set in an OpenVMS symmetric multiprocessing environment when the instance is booted.
VCC_PAGESIZE (Alpha and I64) VCC_PAGESIZE is a special parameter reserved for HP use only. Extended File Cache intends to use this parameter in future versions.
VCC_RSVD (Alpha and I64) VCC_RSVD is a special parameter reserved for HP use only. Extended File Cache intends to use this parameter in future versions.

3.18 System Service Logging Enhancements

The system service logging (SSLOG) mechanism has been enhanced for OpenVMS Version 8.3:

  • When a system service request is logged, the CPU, kernel thread, and POSIX threads IDs from which the service was requested are now recorded.
    The ANALYZE/SSLOG utility displays this new information with other details from each entry.
    You can selectively display entries based on these characteristics through new /SELECT values:
    Value Description
    KTID Kernel thread ID
    TID POSIX thread ID
  • It is possible to have system service requests logged only to the process's buffers and not to a file. This is, however, of very limited use and not recommended, because accessing any of the information logged would require finding the logging buffers in memory or in a crashdump and formatting them manually.
    You specify this type of logging through a new value for the SET PROCESS/SSLOG qualifier FLAGS value:


    The default value for this flags is FILE.
  • A process can be created with system service logging enabled. This happens automatically when a process with logging enabled creates a subprocess: logging characteristics of the parent are propagated to the child.
    Also, you can explicitly create a process with logging enabled with a new $RUN command qualifier. The syntax for the RUN command is


    Alternatively, you can request the $CREPRC system service with the following new parameters:
    • Flag PRC$M_SSLOG_ENABLE in argument stsflag, when set, requests that system service logging be enabled in the new process.
    • You can specify logging characteristics through item list entry types PRC$C_SSLOG_FLAGS, PRC$C_SSLOG_BUFSIZE, and PRC$C_SSLOG_BUFCNT.

    Regardless of how the process is created, logging does not begin until after the process's first image has been fully activated.

System service logging is described in detail in the HP OpenVMS System Analysis Tools Manual.

3.19 SYS$ACM-Enabled LOGINOUT.EXE and SETP0.EXE Images for LDAP Authentication


The images described in this section are "pre-production" images and are not qualified for production use. Once additional rigorous "production-quality" testing and qualification is completed, a maintenance update (ECO) will be made available to allow for production use deployments of the SYS$ACM-enabled loginout and setp0 images.

This release provides optional LOGINOUT.EXE and SETP0.EXE (SET PASSWORD) images that use the SYS$ACM system service for user authentication and password changes.

When these images are used, login and password change requests are sent to the SYS$ACM service and handled by the ACME_SERVER process's authentication agents.

A VMS authentication agent is configured by default to service standard VMS login and password-change requests. In addition, you can install an LDAP authentication agent that services login and password-change requests using an LDAP version 3 directory server.

For more information, see the SYS$HELP:ACME_DEV_README.TXT file.

3.20 Time Zones Added

OpenVMS Version 8.3 provides 544 time zones based on the time-zone public database named tzdata2006b. Five new time zones have been added in OpenVMS Version 8.3:


An additional 12 time zones were added in Version 8.2--1 but were not documented:


These new time zones will be added to an appendix in the HP OpenVMS System Manager's Manual the next time it is updated.

The following time zones have been deleted:

  • SystemV/AST4ADT
  • SystemV/EST5EDT
  • SystemV/CST6CDT
  • SystemV/MST7MDT
  • SystemV/PST8PDT
  • SystemV/YST9YDT
  • SystemV/AST4
  • SystemV/EST5
  • SystemV/CST6
  • SystemV/MST7
  • SystemV/PST8
  • SystemV/YST9
  • SystemV/HST10


With the passage of the Energy Policy Act in 2005 in the United States, starting in March 2007; daylight saving time (DST) will begin on the second Sunday in March (instead of the current first Sunday in April). DST will end on the first Sunday in November (instead of the current last Sunday in October). The latest time-zone rules have been incorporated into OpenVMS Version 8.3.

Patch kits for OpenVMS Versions 7.3--2, 8.2, and 8.2--1 are provided on the OpenVMS Alpha Version 8.3 Operating System CD and the OpenVMS for Integrity servers Version 8.3 DVD.

3.21 Virtual LAN (VLAN) Support in OpenVMS

Virtual LAN (VLAN) is a mechanism for segmenting a LAN broadcast domain into smaller sections. The IEEE 802.1Q specification defines the operation and behavior of a VLAN. The OpenVMS implementation adds IEEE 802.1Q support to selected OpenVMS LAN drivers so that OpenVMS can now route VLAN tagged packets to LAN applications using a single LAN adapter.

You can use VLAN to do the following:

  • Segment specific LAN traffic on a network for the purposes of network security or traffic containment, or both.
  • Use VLAN isolated networks to simplify address management

VLAN Design

In OpenVMS, VLAN presents a virtual LAN device to LAN applications. The virtual LAN device associates a single IEE 802.1Q tag with communications over a physical LAN device. The virtual device provides the ability to run any LAN application (for example, SCA, DECnet, TCP/IP, or LAT) over a physical LAN device, allowing host-to-host communications as shown in Figure 3-1.


DECnet-Plus and DECnet Phase IV can be configured to run over a VLAN device.

Figure 3-1 Virtual LAN

OpenVMS VLAN has been implemented through a new driver, SYS$VLANDRIVER.EXE, which provides the virtual LAN devices. Also, existing LAN drivers have been updated to handle VLAN tags. LANCP.EXE and LANACP.EXE have been updated with the ability to create and deactivate VLAN devices and to display status and configuration information.

The OpenVMS VLAN subsystem was designed with particular attention to performance. Thus, the performance cost of using VLAN support is negligible.

When configuring VLAN devices, keep in mind that VLAN devices share the same locking mechanism as the physical LAN device. For example, running OpenVMS cluster protocol on a VLAN device along with the underlying physical LAN device does not result in increased benefit and might, in fact, hinder performance.

3.21.1 VLAN Support Details

All supported Gigabit and 10-Gb (I64-only) LAN devices are capable of handling VLAN traffic on Alpha and I64 systems.

The following list describes additional details of VLAN-related support:

  • Switch support
    For VLAN configuration, the only requirement of a switch is conformance to the IEEE 802.1Q specification. The VLAN user interface to the switch is not standard; therefore, you must pay special attention when you configure a switch and especially when you configure VLANs across different switches.
  • LAN Failover support
    Figure 3-2 illustrates LAN Failover support.

    Figure 3-2 LAN Failover Support

    You can create VLAN devices using a LAN Failover set as a source if all members of the set are VLAN-capable devices. However, you cannot build a Failover set using VLAN devices.
  • Supported capabilities
    VLAN devices inherit the capability of the underlying physical LAN device, including fast path, auto-negotiation, and jumbo frame setting. If a capability needs to be modified, you must modify the underlying physical LAN device.
  • Restrictions
    No support exists for satellite booting over a VLAN device. The OpenVMS LAN boot drivers do not include VLAN support; therefore, you cannot use a VLAN device to boot an OpenVMS system.
    Currently, no support exists in OpenVMS for automatic configuration of VLAN devices. You must create VLAN devices explicitly using LANCP commands.

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