To add a
new OpenVMS Version 8.3 Alpha or I64 computer to an existing OpenVMS
Cluster configuration, all existing Alpha nodes in the cluster must
be running OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.3-2 or higher, and all existing
OpenVMS I64 nodes must be running OpenVMS I64 Version 8.2 or higher.
Any node in the cluster that is running an older version of OpenVMS
must be upgraded appropriately before a Version 8.3 node
can be added. If you have a VAXcluster, any node running an older
version of OpenVMS VAX must be upgraded to Version 7.3 of OpenVMS
VAX before an Alpha Version 8.3 node can be added.
Alternatively, any OpenVMS Alpha or I64 node that needs to
be upgraded can be removed temporarily from the cluster and added
back after it has been upgraded. This allows you to form a supported
cluster immediately, adding nodes back into the cluster as they
are upgraded. Note that, depending on the number of nodes being
added, you might need to adjust the EXPECTED_VOTES system parameter
to reflect the number of voting nodes and any quorum disk votes
(if a quorum disk is being used). In addition, for any node being
removed from the cluster, you should specify the REMOVE_NODE option
during system shutdown so that the quorum for the remaining nodes
is correctly adjusted.
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 | NOTE: Currently, OpenVMS Clusters support a maximum of two
architectures. Therefore, an OpenVMS Cluster that contains both
Alpha and VAX nodes cannot have an I64 node added to it. |
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