HP OpenVMS Systems Documentation

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HP OpenVMS Version 8.3--1H1
for Integrity Servers
New Features and Release Notes

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2.8.1 Graphics Console Support Platforms

Some older platforms, such as the rx2600, do not support the graphics console, because they lack the firmware capabilities required for OpenVMS graphics console support.

Currently, the OpenVMS graphics console supports the following HP Integrity server platforms:

  • rx1600
  • rx1620
  • rx2620
  • rx4640
  • rx3600
  • rx6600
  • rx2660
  • BL860c Server Blade

2.8.2 Supported PCI Graphics Option Cards

At this time, one PCI Graphics option card is supported for the listed HP Integrity servers (HP Product Number AB551A). This is the ATI Radeon PCI graphics card.

2.8.3 Graphics Console Limitations

The Graphics Console currently has the following limitations:

  • Conversational Boot for Graphics Console is not supported on IA64 platforms. Setting bit 0 of the boot flags, BootFlag(0) , to enable conversational boot elicits an informational message from the Boot Loader, which clears the Conversational Boot flag automatically before proceeding.
  • XDELTA Boot for Graphics Console is not supported on IA64 platforms. Setting bit one of the boot flags, BootFlag(1), elicits an informational message from the Boot Loader. The Boot Loader automatically clears this bit in the Boot Flags variable before proceeding.

2.8.4 Minimum Firmware Required for Graphics Console Support

Table 2-1 lists the minimum firmware revisions for Graphics Console support for the referenced platforms as of the date of this document.

Table 2-1 Minimum Firmware Required for VGA Console Support by Platform
HP Integrity Server System Firmware Baseboard Management Controller Management Processor
rx1600 4.13 4.01 E03.30
rx2620 4.21 4.03 E.03.30
rx4640 4.21 4.05 E.03.30
rx3600, rx6600 2.03 5.14 F.01.58
rx2660 1.05 5.02 F.02.58
BL860c 1.01 74.52 T2.02

System Firmware, Baseboard Management Controller, and Management Processor firmware are updated with a single firmware image.

You can determine the firmware revision on your system in one of the following ways:

  • From the EFI Shell> prompt
  • From the MP:CM> prompt
  • From the cli> prompt
  • From the EFI Boot Manager Menu (Refer to HP OpenVMS Version 8.3-1H1 for Integrity Servers Upgrade and Installation Manual.)

All systems will have an EFI interface and one or both Management Port (MP) and BMC port (cli) interfaces. The examples that follow were taken from an rx2620. Obtaining Firmware Information from the EFI Shell

To obtain firmware information from the EFI shell, enter info fw command at the Shell> prompt:

Shell> info fw
   System Firmware Revision: 4.03 [4624]
   BMC Revision: 4.01
   Management Processor Revision: E.03.28 Obtaining Firmware Information from the MP Prompt


Verify that your system has the Management Port option. For information about your server, see your system's documentation.

Whether connecting to the Management Port remotely over the network or through the serial port's DE9 connector provided for the MP on the rear bulkhead, you must first enter the user name and password to access the MP prompt. If you are already at the EFI Shell> prompt, press ctrl/b .

To obtain firmware information from the MP prompt, enter the cm command at the MP> prompt:

MP> cm
        (Use Ctrl-B to return to MP main menu.)

At the MP:CM> prompt, enter the sysrev command:

MP:CM> sysrev
Current firmware revisions
 MP FW     : E.03.28
 BMC FW    : 04.01
 EFI FW    : 05.46
 System FW : 04.03 Obtaining Firmware Information from the cli Prompt

The BMC serial port that provides the cli> prompt is not available on all systems. For information about your system, see your system’s documentation. Connect a serial terminal to the DE9 connector provided for the BMC port on the rear bulkhead. To connect to the cli> interface, enter the esc-() command. From the cli> prompt, enter the sr> command:

cli> sr
Current firmware revisions:
 MP FW      E.03.28
 BMC_FW     04.01
 EFI FW     05.46
 System FW  04.03 Obtaining Firmware Information from the EFI Boot Manager

To determine the firmware version, see the System Overview panel in the EFI Boot Manager.

2.8.5 Platform-Specific Connection Details


To implement multiple head graphics, you must rename the file DECW$PRIVATE_SERVER_SETUP.TEMPLATE to DECW$PRIVATE_SERVER_SETUP.COM .

Verify that the mouse and keyboard are plugged into USB connectors provided on the bulkheads, according to the following instructions for each platform.

Do not use the DVI connector for multiple-head operation.

Use the analog DB15 connector provided on the option graphics card. HP Integrity rx1600 and rx1620 Servers


The embedded graphics device is optional on these systems. For more information, see your system's documentation.

These systems might not have the optional embedded graphics device. If this is the case, insert a graphics option card into the PCI option slot in the system to provide a graphics console. Although two PCI options slots are available, only one is large enough to accommodate a graphics card. Thus, multiple-head support is not available without the embedded graphics device option.

Connect the monitor to the Graphics DB15 graphics connector and connect the mouse and keyboard to the USB bulkhead connectors. HP Integrity rx2620 and rx4640 Servers


The embedded graphics device is optional on these systems. For more information, see your system's documentation.

The DB15 analog connector to the embedded graphics controller and USB connectors for the mouse and keyboard are provided on the rear bulkhead.

To obtain multihead operation, insert option graphics cards into available PCI slots.

Do not use DVI connectors on the option graphics cards; instead, use the DB15 analog connectors. HP Integrity rx3600 and HP Integrity rx6600 Servers


The embedded graphics device is optional on these systems. Check your system documentation.

The DB15 analog connector to the embedded graphics controller and USB connectors for the mouse and keyboard are provided on the rear bulkhead. Additionally, you can use the front bulkhead USB connector that can be used for the mouse or keyboard.

To obtain multiple-head operation, insert option graphics cards into available PCI slots.

Do not use DVI connectors on the option graphics cards; instead, use the DB15 analog connectors.

When using the internal DVD drive to install OpenVMS from the graphics console, either the keyboard must be plugged into the USB connector on the front panel and the mouse must be plugged into any USB on the rear bulkhead, or you must connect the mouse and keyboard to the two rear bulkhead USB connectors. HP Integrity rx2660 Servers


The embedded graphics device is optional on these systems. For more information, see your system's documentation.

The DB15 analog connector to the embedded graphics controller and USB connectors for the mouse and keyboard are provided on the rear bulkhead. Additionally, there is a front bulkhead USB connector that can be used for the mouse or keyboard.

To obtain multiple-head operation, insert option graphics cards into available PCI slots.

Do not use DVI connectors on the option graphics cards; instead, use the DB15 analog connectors.

When using the internal DVD drive to install OpenVMS from the graphics console, you can use the DB15 and USB connectors on the front panel to connect the monitor and keyboard, while using the rear bulkhead USB connector for the mouse.

If you prefer to use the rear bulkhead connectors for the monitor, keyboard, and mouse, you must connect the mouse and keyboard to the two rear bulkhead USB connectors. HP Integrity BL860c Server Blade

The BL860c system comes with an SUV dongle that provides a DB15 connector for the embedded Graphics Console Device and two USB connectors for the keyboard and mouse.

If you want to install OpenVMS with an external USB DVD drive, you can connect the drive to either of the USB connectors and the keyboard to the other. The mouse is not needed for the installation procedure, because the procedure presents a character-based menu.

To obtain multihead operation, insert option graphics cards into available PCI slots.

Do not use DVI connectors on the option graphics cards; instead, use the DB15 analog connectors.

2.9 OpenVMS Internationalization Data Kit (VMSI18N)

The OpenVMS Version 8.3-1H1 internationalization data kit has the following new iconv converters:


2.10 LDAP External Authentication

LDAP External Authentication provides the following enhancements.

2.10.1 Enhanced LOGINOUT.EXE and SETP0.EXE Images for LDAP External Authentication

This release provides optional LOGINOUT.EXE and SETP0.EXE (SET PASSWORD) images that utilize the SYS$ACM system service for user authentication and password changes.

When these images are used, login and password change requests are sent to the SYS$ACM service and handled by the ACME_SERVER process's authentication agents.

An OpenVMS authentication agent is configured by default to service standard OpenVMS login and password-change requests. In addition, you can install an LDAP authentication agent that services login and password-change requests using an LDAP version 3 directory server.

2.10.2 Active Directory Support

LDAP external authentication includes additional authentication and password change support for Active Directory's LDAP operations.

For more information, see SYS$HELP:ACME_DEV_README.TXT .

2.11 Linker New Features

The following sections describe enhancements to the OpenVMS Linker for this release.

2.11.1 Support for Larger I/O Segments

In OpenVMS Version 8.3, the linker limited the I/O segment to 65535 pagelets, although the I64 image (dynamic segment) allowed you to specify greater values. To enable use of larger buffers, the upper limit of the I/O segment has been lifted. The OpenVMS I64 Linker now allows up to 512MB (half of P1 space) for the I/O segment.

2.11.2 Optimizing Linker Generated Code

For OpenVMS I64, the linker must generate code stubs so that compiler-generated PC relative branches can be used for branching to further offsets and for calling nonlocal routines. The OpenVMS Version 8.3 linker creates a code stub per branch/call. In other words, for multiple calls to printf , the linker creates multiple code stubs.

For OpenVMS Version 8.3-1H1, the linker was enhanced to re-use as much of its already-created code stubs as possible. For multiple calls to printf , the changed linker creates a single code stub.

In addition, the OpenVMS Version 8.3-1H1 linker places all code stubs at the end of a code segment. As a result, unused code stubs can be trimmed back.

The Program Section Synopsis of the linker map shows this enhancement. Most often, code stubs appear in a linker-created PSECT: "$LINKER C$n", n=0,... In case of several code segments, several of these sections appear. As with the previous linker, the Version 8.3-1H1 linker provides additional Linker code contributions for large code segments.

The new linker-generated code PSECTs are not user changeable.

2.11.3 Signature Segment Flagged in Map File

If the linker creates a signature segment to allow interoperation with translated images, the segment is flagged in the Image Segment Synopsis of the linker map.

2.11.4 Unwind Segments Follow Code Segments

If a user instructs the linker to move code into P2 space (/SEGMENT_ATTRIBUTE=CODE=P2), the Version 8.3.1--1H1 linker also moves the corresponding unwind segments into P2 space. Usually, code is moved to the P2 region to free up virtual address space in the P0 region. With this enhancement, additional address space can be reclaimed from P0 space.

2.12 Debugger Utility Enhancements

The following section describes enhancements to the OpenVMS Debugger for this release.

2.12.1 /ALL Qualifier for the SHOW IMAGE Command

The SHOW IMAGE command now accepts the /ALL qualifier, which displays all the images, including those for which the debugger was unable to complete processing. In that case, the debugger shows the image name without the base and end address.

In the following example, the debugger was unable to complete processing for the SYS$PUBLIC_VECTORS image:


     image name              set    base address          end address

     CMA$TIS_SHR             no     000000007B54A000      000000007B5694EF
     *C_MAIN                 yes    0000000000010000      00000000000400F7
     C_SHARED_AV             no     0000000000042000      00000000000A20DF
     DBGTBKMSG               no     000000000068A000      0000000000697D03
     DCL                     no     000000007ADCC000      000000007AEF7217
     DEBUG                   no     00000000002DC000      000000000062F037
     DECC$MSG                no     000000000067E000      0000000000681F5F
     DECC$SHR                no     000000007B8F6000      000000007B95803F
     DPML$SHR                no     000000007B6DC000      000000007B738C97
     LIBOTS                  no     000000007B37C000      000000007B38D9B7
     LIBRTL                  no     000000007B34A000      000000007B37A06F
     SHRIMGMSG               no     0000000000682000      000000000068881C
     SYS$SSISHR              no     0000000000630000      00000000006442F7
     SYS$SSISHRP             no     0000000000646000      00000000006501F7
     TIE$SHARE               no     00000000000A4000      00000000002A87CF

2.13 System Dump Analyzer (SDA) Utility

The following sections list new SDA features provided with the OpenVMS I64 Version 8.2--1 operating system. Refer to <REFERENCE>(fc_perf_h) for a description of the SDA command that provides Fibre Channel performance information.

2.13.1 Changes to CLUE Utility

The CONFIG/CPU parameter of the CLUE command has the following new description:

Displays only the part of the system configuration that contains information about the CPUs.

2.13.2 CLUE Utility: New Qualifier

The /MEMORY parameter of the CLUE command has been added with the following new description:

Displays only the part of the system configuration that contains information about the layout of physical memory.

System information is now printed on the "first page" of a plain CLUE CONFIG command.

The output under CLUE CONFIG/CPU now does not contain the system or memory data. On Integrity systems, the layout of the actual CPU-specific information has also changed.

2.13.3 SHOW_PFN_DATA Command: New Qualifier

A new /SUMMARY[=PROCESS] qualifier has been added to the SDA command SHOW PFN_DATA. The SHOW PFN_DATA/SUMMARY command produces a single-page summary of all pages on the system. Adding the PROCESS keyword causes SDA to generate two additional lists: one for all processes in the system showing the breakdown of its active pages; and one for all processes that have non-active pages (for example, pages on the modified list).

2.13.4 SHOW SUMMARYCommand: New Qualifier

Two new qualifiers, /PAGES and /TOTALS, have been added to the SDA SHOW SUMMARY command. SHOW SUMMARY/PAGES causes an additional line to be output, for each process, that gives a breakdown of the process-private and global pages in the process's working set. SHOW SUMMARY/TOTALS will output a summary of process and global pages for resident and nonresident processes, followed by a summary of the processes (or threads if /THREADS was also specified) in each scheduling state. /PAGES and/TOTALS may be specified together.

2.13.5 SET AND SHOW CPU Commands

  • The SET and SHOW CPU commands now provide limited functionality about running systems: display CPU database address and set CPUDB symbol to the database. The address is also displayed and set when SET CPU is used in a dump.
  • The /FIRST, /NEXT, and /PRIMARY qualifiers have been added to both commands:
    • The /FIRST qualifier sets or shows the lowest-numbered CPU (not necessarily the primary).
    • The /NEXT qualifier sets or shows the next CPU that exists. It allows users to walk through all CPUs in the system and displays a BADCPU error when users go beyond the last CPU. This is similar to the SET PROCESS/NEXT command, as shown in the following example:

      $ CREATE A.COM
      SDA> @A

      See also the REPEAT command.
    • The /NOLOG qualifier has been added to the SET CPU command. This qualifier inhibits messages generated by the command.

2.14 Time Zones Added

OpenVMS Version 8.3-1H1 provides 552 time zones based on the time-zone public database named tzdata2006n. The following eight time zones have been added in OpenVMS Version 8.3-1H1:

  • America/Atikokan
  • America/Blanc-Sablon
  • America/North_Dakota/New_Salem
  • Europe/Guernsey
  • Europe/Isle_of_Man
  • Europe/Jersey
  • Europe/Podgorica
  • Europe/Volgograd

For a list of the time-zone names, see the HP OpenVMS System Manager's Manual.

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