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HP OpenVMS Cluster Systems

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4.3 Installing Software Licenses

While rebooting at the end of the installation procedure, the system displays messages warning that you must install the operating system software and the OpenVMS Cluster software license. The OpenVMS Cluster software supports the OpenVMS License Management Facility (LMF). License units for clustered systems are allocated on an unlimited system-use basis.

4.3.1 Guidelines

Be sure to install all OpenVMS Cluster licenses and all licenses for layered products and DECnet as soon as the system is available. Procedures for installing licenses are described in the release notes distributed with the software kit and in the HP OpenVMS License Management Utility Manual. Additional licensing information is described in the respective SPDs.

Use the following guidelines when you install software licenses:

  • Install an OpenVMS Cluster Software for Alpha license for each Alpha processor in the OpenVMS Cluster.
  • Install an OpenVMS Cluster Software for Integrity server system license for each Integrity server processor in the OpenVMS Cluster.
  • Install or upgrade licenses for layered products that runs on all nodes in an OpenVMS Cluster system.
  • OpenVMS Product Authorization Keys (PAKs) that have the Alpha option can be loaded and used only on Alpha processors. PAKs that have the Integrity servers option can be loaded and used only on Integrity server processors. However, PAKs can be located in a license database (LDB) that is shared by all processors (Integrity servers and Alpha).
  • PAK types, such as Activity PAKs (also known as concurrent or n-user PAKs) and Personal Use PAKs (identified by the RESERVE_UNITS option) work on Alpha systems.
  • PAK types, such as PCL PAKs (per core licensing) are only supported on Integrity servers.
  • License management commands can be issued from every node in the cluster.

4.4 Installing Layered Products

By installing layered products before other nodes are added to the OpenVMS Cluster, the software is installed automatically on new members when they are added to the OpenVMS Cluster system.

Note: For clusters with multiple system disks (Integrity servers or Alpha) you must perform a separate installation for each system disk.

4.4.1 Procedure

Table 4-2 describes the actions you take to install layered products on a common system disk.

Table 4-2 Installing Layered Products on a Common System Disk
Phase Action
Before installation Perform one or more of the following steps, as necessary for your system.
  1. Check each node's system parameters and modify the values, if necessary. Refer to the layered-product installation guide or release notes for information about adjusting system parameter values.
  2. If necessary, disable logins on each node that boots from the disk using the DCL command SET LOGINS/INTERACTIVE=0. Send a broadcast message to notify users about the installation.
Installation Refer to the appropriate layered-product documentation for product-specific installation information. Perform the installation once for each system disk.
After installation Perform one or more of the following steps, as necessary for your system.
  1. If necessary, create product-specific files in the SYS$SPECIFIC directory on each node. (The installation utility describes whether or not you need to create a directory in SYS$SPECIFIC.) When creating files and directories, be careful to specify exactly where you want the file to be located:

    Reference: Section 5.3 describes directory structures in more detail.

  2. Modify files in SYS$SPECIFIC if the installation procedure tells you to do so. Modify files on each node that boots from this system disk.
  3. Reboot each node to ensure that:
    • The node is set up to run the layered product correctly.
    • The node is running the latest version of the layered product.
  4. Manually run the installation verification procedure (IVP) if you did not run it during the layered product installation. Run the IVP from at least one node in the OpenVMS Cluster, but preferably from all nodes that boot from this system disk.

4.5 Configuring and Starting a Satellite Booting Service

After you have installed the operating system and the required licenses on the first OpenVMS Cluster computer, you can configure and start a satellite booting service. You can use the LANCP utility, or DECnet software, or both.

HP recommends LANCP for booting OpenVMS Cluster satellites. LANCP has shipped with the OpenVMS operating system since Version 6.2. It provides a general-purpose MOP booting service that can be used for booting satellites into an OpenVMS Cluster. (LANCP can service all types of MOP downline load requests, including those from terminal servers, LAN resident printers, and X terminals, and can be used to customize your LAN environment.)

DECnet provides a MOP booting service for booting OpenVMS Cluster satellites, as well as other local and wide area network services, including task-to-task communications for applications.


If you plan to use LANCP in place of DECnet, and you also plan to move from DECnet Phase IV to DECnet--Plus, HP recommends the following order:
  1. Replace DECnet with LANCP for satellite booting (MOP downline load service) using LAN$POPULATE.COM.
  2. Migrate from DECnet Phase IV to DECnet-Plus.

There are two cluster configuration command procedures, CLUSTER_CONFIG_LAN.COM and CLUSTER_CONFIG.COM. CLUSTER_CONFIG_LAN.COM uses LANCP to provide MOP services to boot satellites; CLUSTER_CONFIG.COM uses DECnet for the same purpose.

Before choosing LANCP, DECnet, or both, consider the following factors:

  • Applications you will be running on your cluster
    DECnet task-to-task communications is a method commonly used for communication between programs that run on different nodes in a cluster or a network. If you are running a program with that dependency, you need to run DECnet. If you are not running any programs with that dependency, you do not need to run DECnet.
  • Limiting applications that require DECnet to certain nodes in your cluster
    If you are running applications that require DECnet task-to-task communications, you can run those applications on a subset of the nodes in your cluster and restrict DECnet usage to those nodes. You can use LANCP software on the remaining nodes and use a different network, such as HP TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS, for other network services.
  • Managing two types of software for the same purpose
    If you are already using DECnet for booting satellites, you may not want to introduce another type of software for that purpose. Introducing any new software requires time to learn and manage it.
  • LANCP MOP services can coexist with DECnet MOP services in an OpenVMS Cluster in the following ways:
    • Running on different systems
      For example, DECnet MOP service is enabled on some of the systems on the LAN and LAN MOP is enabled on other systems.
    • Running on different LAN devices on the same system
      For example, DECnet MOP service is enabled on a subset of the available LAN devices on the system and LAN MOP is enabled on the remainder.
    • Running on the same LAN device on the same system but targeting a different set of nodes for service
      For example, both DECnet MOP and LAN MOP are enabled but LAN MOP has limited the nodes to which it will respond. This allows DECnet MOP to respond to the remaining nodes.

Instructions for configuring both LANCP and DECnet are provided in this section.

4.5.1 Configuring and Starting the LANCP Utility

You can use the LAN Control Program (LANCP) utility to configure a local area network (LAN). You can also use the LANCP utility, in place of DECnet or in addition to DECnet, to provide support for booting satellites in an OpenVMS Cluster and for servicing all types of MOP downline load requests, including those from terminal servers, LAN resident printers, and X terminals.

Reference: For more information about using the LANCP utility to configure a LAN, see the HP OpenVMS System Manager's Manual, Volume 2: Tuning, Monitoring, and Complex Systems and the HP OpenVMS System Management Utilities Reference Manual: A--L.

4.5.2 Booting Satellite Nodes with LANCP

The LANCP utility provides a general-purpose MOP booting service that can be used for booting satellites into an OpenVMS Cluster. It can also be used to service all types of MOP downline load requests, including those from terminal servers, LAN resident printers, and X terminals. To use LANCP for this purpose, all OpenVMS Cluster nodes must be running OpenVMS Version 6.2 or higher.

The CLUSTER_CONFIG_LAN.COM cluster configuration command procedure uses LANCP in place of DECnet to provide MOP services to boot satellites.

Note: If you plan to use LANCP in place of DECnet, and you also plan to move from DECnet for OpenVMS (Phase IV) to DECnet--Plus, HP recommends the following order:

  1. Replace DECnet with LANCP for satellite booting (MOP downline load service), using LAN$POPULATE.COM.
  2. Migrate from DECnet for OpenVMS to DECnet--Plus.

4.5.3 Data Files Used by LANCP

LANCP uses the following data files:

    This file maintains information about devices on the local node. By default, the file is created in SYS$SPECIFIC:[SYSEXE], and the system looks for the file in that location. However, you can modify the file name or location for this file by redefining the systemwide logical name LAN$DEVICE_DATABASE.
    This file contains information about the nodes for which LANCP will supply boot service. This file must be shared among all nodes in the OpenVMS Cluster, including Integrity servers, Alpha, and VAX systems. By default, the file is created in SYS$COMMON:[SYSEXE], and the system looks for the file in that location. However, you can modify the file name or location for this file by redefining the systemwide logical name LAN$NODE_DATABASE.

4.5.4 Using LAN MOP Services in New Installations

To use LAN MOP services for satellite booting in new installations, follow these steps:

  1. Add the startup command for LANCP.
    You should start up LANCP as part of your system startup procedure. To do this, remove the comment from the line in SYS$MANAGER:SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM that runs the LAN$STARTUP command procedure. If your OpenVMS Cluster system will have more than one system disk, see Section 4.5.3 for a description of logicals that can be defined for locating LANCP configuration files.


    You should now either reboot the system or invoke the preceding command procedure from the system manager's account to start LANCP.
  2. Follow the steps in Chapter 8 for configuring an OpenVMS Cluster system and adding satellites. Use the CLUSTER_CONFIG_LAN.COM command procedure instead of CLUSTER_CONFIG.COM. If you invoke CLUSTER_CONFIG.COM, it gives you the option to switch to running CLUSTER_CONFIG_LAN.COM if the LANCP process has been started.

4.5.5 Using LAN MOP Services in Existing Installations

To migrate from DECnet MOP services to LAN MOP services for satellite booting, follow these steps:

  1. Redefine the LANCP database logical names.
    This step is optional. If you want to move the data files used by LANCP, LAN$DEVICE_DATABASE and LAN$NODE_DATABASE, off the system disk, redefine their systemwide logical names. Add the definitions to the system startup files.
  2. Use LANCP to create the LAN$DEVICE_DATABASE
    The permanent LAN$DEVICE_DATABASE is created when you issue the first LANCP DEVICE command. To create the database and get a list of available devices, enter the following commands:

    Device Listing, permanent database: 
      --- MOP Downline Load Service Characteristics --- 
    Device    State   Access Mode      Client            Data Size 
    ------    -----   -----------      ------            --------- 
    ESA0    Disabled NoExlusive  NoKnownClientsOnly     246 bytes 
    FCA0    Disabled NoExlusive  NoKnownClientsOnly     246 bytes
  3. Use LANCP to enable LAN devices for MOP booting.
    By default, the LAN devices have MOP booting capability disabled. Determine the LAN devices for which you want to enable MOP booting. Then use the DEFINE command in the LANCP utility to enable these devices to service MOP boot requests in the permanent database, as shown in the following example:

  4. Run LAN$POPULATE.COM (found in SYS$EXAMPLES) to obtain MOP booting information and to produce LAN$DEFINE and LAN$DECNET_MOP_CLEANUP, which are site specific.
    LAN$POPULATE extracts all MOP booting information from a DECnet Phase IV NETNODE_REMOTE.DAT file or from the output of the DECnet--Plus NCL command SHOW MOP CLIENT * ALL.
    For DECnet Phase IV sites, the LAN$POPULATE procedure scans all DECnet areas (1--63) by default. If you MOP boot systems from only a single or a few DECnet areas, you can cause the LAN$POPULATE procedure to operate on a single area at a time by providing the area number as the P1 parameter to the procedure, as shown in the following example (including log):

     LAN$POPULATE - V1.0 
     Do you want help (Y/N) <N>: 
     LAN$DEFINE.COM has been successfully created. 
     To apply the node definitions to the LANCP permanent database, 
     invoke the created LAN$DEFINE.COM command procedure. 
            HP recommends that you review LAN$DEFINE.COM and remove any 
            obsolete entries prior to executing this command procedure. 
     A total of 2 MOP definitions were entered into LAN$DEFINE.COM 
    LAN$DEFINE populates the LANCP downline loading information into the LAN node database, SYS$COMMON:[SYSEVE]LAN$NODE_DATABASE.DAT file. HP recommends that you review LAN$DEFINE.COM and remove any obsolete entries before executing it.
    In the following sequence, the LAN$DEFINE.COM procedure that was just created is displayed on the screen and then executed:

     $ ! 
     $ ! This file was generated by LAN$POPULATE.COM on 16-DEC-1996 09:20:31 
     $ ! on node CLU21. 
     $ ! 
     $ ! Only DECnet Area 15 was scanned. 
     $ ! 
     $ MCR LANCP 
     Define Node PORK    /Address=08-00-2B-39-82-85 /File=APB.EXE - 
                      /Root=$21$DKA300:<SYS11.> /Boot_type=Alpha_Satellite 
     Define Node JYPIG   /Address=08-00-2B-A2-1F-81 /File=APB.EXE - 
                      /Root=$21$DKA300:<SYS10.> /Boot_type=Alpha_Satellite 
     %LANCP-I-FNFNOD, File not found, LAN$NODE_DATABASE 

    The following example shows a LAN$DEFINE.COM command procedure that was generated by LAN$POPULATE for migration from DECnet--Plus to LANCP.

    $ ! LAN$DEFINE.COM - LAN MOP Client Setup 
    $ ! 
    $ ! This file was generated by LAN$POPULATE.COM at  8-DEC-1996 14:28:43.31 
    $ ! on node BIGBOX. 
    $ ! 
    $ SET NOON 
    $ WRITE SYS$OUTPUT "Setting up MOP DLL clients in LANCP... 
    $ MCR LANCP 
    $ ! 
    $  WRITE SYS$OUTPUT "DECnet Phase V to LAN MOPDLL client migration complete!" 
    $  EXIT 
    You can use LAN$DECNET_MOP_CLEANUP.COM to remove the clients' MOP downline loading information from the DECnet database. HP recommends that you review LAN$DECNET_MOP_CLEANUP.COM and remove any obsolete entries before executing it.
    The following example shows a LAN$DECNET_MOP_CLEANUP.COM command procedure that was generated by LAN$POPULATE for migration from DECnet--Plus to LANCP.
    Note: When migrating from DECnet--Plus, additional cleanup is necessary. You must edit your NCL scripts (*.NCL) manually.

    $ ! LAN$DECNET_MOP_CLEANUP.COM - DECnet MOP Client Cleanup 
    $ ! 
    $ ! This file was generated by LAN$POPULATE.COM at  8-DEC-1995 14:28:43.47 
    $ ! on node BIGBOX. 
    $ ! 
    $ SET NOON 
    $ WRITE SYS$OUTPUT "Removing MOP DLL clients from DECnet database..." 
    $ MCR NCL 
    $ ! 
    $  WRITE SYS$OUTPUT "DECnet Phase V MOPDLL client cleanup complete!" 
    $  EXIT 
  7. Start LANCP.
    To start LANCP, execute the startup command procedure as follows:

      %RUN-S-PROC_ID, identification of created process is 2920009B 

    You should start up LANCP for all boot nodes as part of your system startup procedure. To do this, include the following line in your site-specific startup file (SYS$MANAGER:SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM):


    If you have defined logicals for either LAN$DEVICE_DATABASE or LAN$NODE_DATABASE, be sure that these are defined in your startup files prior to starting up LANCP.
  8. Disable DECnet MOP booting.
    If you use LANCP for satellite booting, you may no longer need DECnet to handle MOP requests. If this is the case for your site, you can turn off this capability with the appropriate NCP command (DECnet for OpenVMS) or NCL commands (DECnet--Plus).

For more information about the LANCP utility, see the HP OpenVMS System Manager's Manual and the HP OpenVMS System Management Utilities Reference Manual.

4.5.6 Configuring DECnet

The process of configuring the DECnet network typically entails several operations, as shown in Table 4-3. An OpenVMS Cluster running both implementations of DECnet requires a system disk for DECnet for OpenVMS (Phase IV) and another system disk for DECnet--Plus (Phase V).

Note: DECnet for OpenVMS implements Phase IV of Digital Network Architecture (DNA). DECnet--Plus implements Phase V of DNA. The following discussions are specific to the DECnet for OpenVMS product.

Reference: Refer to the DECnet--Plus documentation for equivalent DECnet--Plus configuration information.

Table 4-3 Procedure for Configuring the DECnet Network
Step Action
1 Log in as system manager and execute the NETCONFIG.COM command procedure as shown. Enter information about your node when prompted. Note that DECnet--Plus nodes execute the NET$CONFIGURE.COM command procedure.

Reference: See the DECnet for OpenVMS or the DECnet--Plus documentation, as appropriate, for examples of these procedures.

2 When a node uses multiple LAN adapter connections to the same LAN and also uses DECnet for communications, you must disable DECnet use of all but one of the LAN devices.

To do this, remove all but one of the lines and circuits associated with the adapters connected to the same LAN or extended LAN from the DECnet configuration database after the NETCONFIG.COM procedure is run.

For example, issue the following commands to invoke NCP and disable DECnet use of the LAN device XQB0:




See Guidelines for OpenVMS Cluster Configurations for more information about distributing connections to LAN segments in OpenVMS Cluster configurations.

See the DECnet--Plus documentation for information about removing routing circuits associated with all but one LAN adapter. (Note that the LAN adapter issue is not a problem if the DECnet--Plus node uses extended addressing and does not have any Phase IV compatible addressing in use on any of the routing circuits.)

3 Make remote node data available clusterwide. NETCONFIG.COM creates in the SYS$SPECIFIC:[SYSEXE] directory the permanent remote-node database file NETNODE_REMOTE.DAT, in which remote-node data is maintained. To make this data available throughout the OpenVMS Cluster, you move the file to the SYS$COMMON:[SYSEXE] directory.

Example: Enter the following commands to make DECnet information available clusterwide:


If your configuration includes multiple system disks, you can set up a common NETNODE_REMOTE.DAT file automatically by using the following command in SYLOGICALS.COM:


Notes: HP recommends that you set up a common NETOBJECT.DAT file clusterwide in the same manner.

DECdns is used by DECnet--Plus nodes to manage node data (the namespace). For DECnet--Plus, Session Control Applications replace objects.

4 Designate and enable router nodes to support the use of a cluster alias. At least one node participating in a cluster alias must be configured as a level 1 router.

On Integrity servers and Alpha systems, you might need to enable level 1 routing manually because the NETCONFIG.COM procedure does not prompt you with the routing question.

Depending on whether the configuration includes a combination of Integrity sever nodes and Alpha nodes, you must enable level 1 routing manually (see the example below) on one of the Alpha nodes.

Example: On Alpha systems, if you need to enable level 1 routing on Alpha node, invoke the NCP utility to do so. For example:



Note: On Integrity servers and Alpha systems, level 1 routing is supported to enable cluster alias operations only.

5 Optionally, define a cluster alias. If you want to define a cluster alias, invoke the NCP utility to do so. The information you specify using these commands is entered in the DECnet permanent executor database and takes effect when you start the network.

Example: The following NCP commands establish SOLAR as an alias:



Reference: Section 4.5.8 describes the cluster alias. Section 4.5.9 describes how to enable alias operations for other computers. See the DECnet--Plus documentation for information about setting up a cluster alias on DECnet--Plus nodes.

Note: DECnet for OpenVMS nodes and DECnet--Plus nodes cannot share a cluster alias.

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