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HP OpenVMS Cluster Systems

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F.14.2 Partner Program

The partner program waits for the distributed enable; then it captures all of the LAN traffic and terminates as a result of either a retransmission or the distributed trigger. Upon termination, this program transmits the distributed trigger to make sure that other LAN analyzers also capture the data at about the same time as when the retransmitted packet was detected on this segment or another segment. After the data capture completes, the data from multiple LAN segments can be reviewed to locate the initial copy of the data that was retransmitted. The partner program is shown in the following example:

Store: frames matching LAVc_all 
        or Distrib_Enable 
        or Distrib_Trigger 
       ending with Distrib_Trigger 
Log file: not used 
Block 1:   Wait_for_distributed_enable 
     When frame matches Distrib_Enable then go to block 2 
Block 2:   Wait_for_the_event 
     When frame matches LAVc_TR_ReXMT then go to block 3 
Block 3:   Send the distributed trigger 
     Mark frame 
       and then 
     Send message Distrib_Trigger 

F.14.3 Scribe Program

The scribe program waits for the distributed enable and then captures all of the LAN traffic and terminates as a result of the distributed trigger. The scribe program allows a network manager to capture data at about the same time as when the retransmitted packet was detected on another segment. After the data capture has completed, the data from multiple LAN segments can be reviewed to locate the initial copy of the data that was retransmitted. The scribe program is shown in the following example:

Store: frames matching LAVc_all 
        or Distrib_Enable 
        or Distrib_Trigger 
       ending with Distrib_Trigger 
Log file: not used 
Block 1:   Wait_for_distributed_enable 
     When frame matches Distrib_Enable then go to block 2 
Block 2:   Wait_for_the_event 
     When frame matches LAVc_TR_ReXMT then go to block 3 
Block 3:   Mark_the_frames 
     Mark frame 
       and then 
     Go to block 2 

Appendix G
NISCA Transport Protocol Congestion Control

G.1 NISCA Congestion Control

Network congestion occurs as the result of complex interactions of workload distribution and network topology, including the speed and buffer capacity of individual hardware components.

Network congestion can have a negative impact on cluster performance in several ways:

  • Moderate levels of congestion can lead to increased queue lengths in network components (such as adapters and bridges) that in turn can lead to increased latency and slower response.
  • Higher levels of congestion can result in the discarding of packets because of queue overflow.
  • Packet loss can lead to packet retransmissions and, potentially, even more congestion. In extreme cases, packet loss can result in the loss of OpenVMS Cluster connections.
    At the cluster level, these congestion effects will appear as delays in cluster communications (e.g. delays of lock transactions, served I/Os, ICC messages, etc.). The user visible effects of network congestion can be application response sluggishness, or loss of throughput.

Thus, although a particular network component or protocol cannot guarantee the absence of congestion, the NISCA transport protocol implemented in PEDRIVER incorporates several mechanisms to mitigate the effects of congestion on OpenVMS Cluster traffic and to avoid having cluster traffic exacerbate congestion when it occurs. These mechanisms affect the retransmission of packets carrying user data and the multicast HELLO datagrams used to maintain connectivity.

G.1.1 Congestion Caused by Retransmission

Associated with each virtual circuit from a given node is a transmission window size, which indicates the number of packets that can be outstanding to the remote node (for example, the number of packets that can be sent to the node at the other end of the virtual circuit before receiving an acknowledgment [ACK]).

If the window size is 8 for a particular virtual circuit, then the sender can transmit up to 8 packets in a row but, before sending the ninth, must wait until receiving an ACK indicating that at least the first of the 8 has arrived.

If an ACK is not received, a timeout occurs, the packet is assumed lost, and must be retransmitted. If another timeout occurs for a retransmitted packet, the timeout interval is significantly increased and the packet is retransmitted again. After a large number of consecutive retransmissions of the same packet has occurred, the virtual circuit will be closed.

G.1.1.1 OpenVMS VAX Version 6.0 or OpenVMS AXP Version 1.5, or Later

This section pertains to PEDRIVER running on OpenVMS VAX Version 6.0 or OpenVMS AXP Version 1.5, or later.

The retransmission mechanism is an adaptation of the algorithms developed for the Internet TCP protocol by Van Jacobson and improves on the old mechanism by making both the window size and the retransmission timeout interval adapt to network conditions.

  • When a timeout occurs because of a lost packet, the window size is decreased immediately to reduce the load on the network. The window size is allowed to grow only after congestion subsides. More specifically, when a packet loss occurs, the window size is decreased to 1 and remains there, allowing the transmitter to send only one packet at a time until all the original outstanding packets have been acknowledged.
    After this occurs, the window is allowed to grow quickly until it reaches half its previous size. Once reaching the halfway point, the window size is allowed to increase relatively slowly to take advantage of available network capacity until it reaches a maximum value determined by the configuration variables (for example, a minimum of the number of adapter buffers and the remote node's resequencing cache).
  • The retransmission timeout interval is set based on measurements of actual round-trip times, and the average variance from this average, for packets that are transmitted over the virtual circuit. This allows PEDRIVER to be more responsive to packet loss in most networks but avoids premature timeouts for networks in which the actual round-trip delay is consistently long. The algorithm can accommodate average delays of up to a few seconds.

G.1.2 HELLO Multicast Datagrams

PEDRIVER periodically multicasts a HELLO datagram over each network adapter attached to the node. The HELLO datagram serves two purposes:

  • It informs other nodes of the existence of the sender so that they can form channels and virtual circuits.
  • It helps to keep communications open once they are established.

HELLO datagram congestion and loss of HELLO datagrams can prevent connections from forming or cause connections to be lost. Table G-1 describes conditions causing HELLO datagram congestion and how PEDRIVER helps avoid the problems. The result is a substantial decrease in the probability of HELLO datagram synchronization and thus a decrease in HELLO datagram congestion.

Table G-1 Conditions that Create HELLO Datagram Congestion
Conditions that cause congestion How PEDRIVER avoids congestion
If all nodes receiving a HELLO datagram from a new node responded immediately, the receiving network adapter on the new node could be overrun with HELLO datagrams and be forced to drop some, resulting in connections not being formed. This is especially likely in large clusters. To avoid this problem on nodes running:
  • On VMS Version 5.5--2 or earlier, nodes that receive HELLO datagrams delay for a random time interval of up to 1 second before responding.
  • On OpenVMS VAX Version 6.0 or later, or OpenVMS AXP Version 1.5 or later, this random delay is a maximum of 2 seconds to support large OpenVMS Cluster systems.
If a large number of nodes in a network became synchronized and transmitted their HELLO datagrams at or near the same time, receiving nodes could drop some datagrams and time out channels. On nodes running VMS Version 5.5--2 or earlier, PEDRIVER multicasts HELLO datagrams over each adapter every 3 seconds, making HELLO datagram congestion more likely.

On nodes running OpenVMS VAX Version 6.0 or later, or OpenVMS AXP Version 1.5 or later, PEDRIVER prevents this form of HELLO datagram congestion by distributing its HELLO datagram multicasts randomly over time. A HELLO datagram is still multicast over each adapter approximately every 3 seconds but not over all adapters at once. Instead, if a node has multiple network adapters, PEDRIVER attempts to distribute its HELLO datagram multicasts so that it sends a HELLO datagram over some of its adapters during each second of the 3-second interval.

In addition, rather than multicasting precisely every 3 seconds, PEDRIVER varies the time between HELLO datagram multicasts between approximately 1.6 to 3 seconds, changing the average from 3 seconds to approximately 2.3 seconds.

G.1.3 HELLO IP Unicast and IP Multicast Datagrams

PEDRIVER periodically transmits one IP multicast and one IP unicast for each of the IP multicast address. These unicast and multicast messages must be updated in the PE$IP_CONFIG.DAT file. The HELLO datagrams serves two purposes:

  • It informs other nodes of the existence of the sender so that they can form channels and virtual circuits.
  • It helps to keep communications open once they are established.

HELLO datagram congestion and loss of HELLO datagrams can prevent connections from forming or causing connections to be lost.

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