HP OpenVMS Systems Documentation

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HP OpenVMS Cluster Systems

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Chapter 4
4 The OpenVMS Cluster Operating Environment
     4.1     Preparing the Operating Environment
     4.2     Installing the OpenVMS Operating System
         4.2.1         System Disks
         4.2.2         Where to Install
         4.2.3         Information Required
     4.3     Installing Software Licenses
         4.3.1         Guidelines
     4.4     Installing Layered Products
         4.4.1         Procedure
     4.5     Configuring and Starting a Satellite Booting Service
         4.5.1         Configuring and Starting the LANCP Utility
         4.5.2         Booting Satellite Nodes with LANCP
         4.5.3         Data Files Used by LANCP
         4.5.4         Using LAN MOP Services in New Installations
         4.5.5         Using LAN MOP Services in Existing Installations
         4.5.6         Configuring DECnet
         4.5.7         Starting DECnet
         4.5.8         What is Cluster Alias?
         4.5.9         Enabling Alias Operations
         4.5.10         Configuring TCP/IP
Chapter 5
5 Preparing a Shared Environment
     5.1     Shareable Resources
         5.1.1         Local Resources
         5.1.2         Sample Configuration
         5.1.3         Storage in a Mixed-Architecture Cluster
     5.2     Common-Environment and Multiple-Environment Clusters
     5.3     Directory Structure on Common System Disks
         5.3.1         Directory Roots
         5.3.2         Directory Structure Example
         5.3.3         Search Order
     5.4     Clusterwide Logical Names
         5.4.1         Default Clusterwide Logical Name Tables
         5.4.2         Translation Order
         5.4.3         Creating Clusterwide Logical Name Tables
         5.4.4         Alias Collisions Involving Clusterwide Logical Name Tables
         5.4.5         Creating Clusterwide Logical Names
         5.4.6         Management Guidelines
         5.4.7         Using Clusterwide Logical Names in Applications
                Clusterwide Attributes for $TRNLNM System Service
                Clusterwide Attribute for $GETSYI System Service
                Creating Clusterwide Tables with the $CRELNT System Service
         5.4.8         Defining and Accessing Clusterwide Logical Names
                Defining Clusterwide Logical Names in SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM
                Defining Certain Logical Names in SYLOGICALS.COM
                Using Conditional Definitions for Startup Command Procedures
         5.4.9         Displaying Clusterwide Logical Names
     5.5     Coordinating Startup Command Procedures
         5.5.1         OpenVMS Startup Procedures
         5.5.2         Building Startup Procedures
         5.5.3         Combining Existing Procedures
         5.5.4         Using Multiple Startup Procedures
     5.6     Providing OpenVMS Cluster System Security
         5.6.1         Security Checks
         5.6.2         Files Relevant to OpenVMS Cluster Security
     5.7     Network Security
         5.7.1         Mechanisms
     5.8     Coordinating System Files
         5.8.1         Procedure
         5.8.2         Network Database Files
     5.9     System Time on the Cluster
         5.9.1         Setting System Time
Chapter 6
6 Cluster Storage Devices
     6.1     Data File Sharing
         6.1.1         Access Methods
         6.1.2         Examples
         6.1.3         Specifying a Preferred Path
     6.2     Naming OpenVMS Cluster Storage Devices
         6.2.1         Allocation Classes
         6.2.2         Specifying Node Allocation Classes
                Assigning Node Allocation Class Values on Computers
                Node Allocation Class Example With a DSA Disk and Tape
                Node Allocation Class Example With Mixed Interconnects
                Node Allocation Classes and RAID Array 210 and 230 Devices
         6.2.3         Reasons for Using Port Allocation Classes
                Constraint of the SCSI Controller Letter in Device Names
                Constraints Removed by Port Allocation Classes
         6.2.4         Specifying Port Allocation Classes
                Port Allocation Classes for Devices Attached to a Multi-Host Interconnect
                Port Allocation Class 0 for Devices Attached to a Single-Host Interconnect
                Port Allocation Class -1
                How to Implement Port Allocation Classes
                Clusterwide Reboot Requirements for SCSI Interconnects
     6.3     MSCP and TMSCP Served Disks and Tapes
         6.3.1         Enabling Servers
                Serving the System Disk
                Setting the MSCP and TMSCP System Parameters
     6.4     MSCP I/O Load Balancing
         6.4.1         Load Capacity
         6.4.2         Available Serving Capacity
         6.4.3         Static Load Balancing
         6.4.4         Overriding MSCP I/O Load Balancing for Special Purposes
     6.5     Managing Cluster Disks With the Mount Utility
         6.5.1         Mounting Cluster Disks
         6.5.2         Examples of Mounting Shared Disks
         6.5.3         Mounting Cluster Disks With Command Procedures
         6.5.4         Disk Rebuild Operation
         6.5.5         Rebuilding Cluster Disks
         6.5.6         Rebuilding System Disks
     6.6     Shadowing Disks Across an OpenVMS Cluster
         6.6.1         Purpose
         6.6.2         Shadow Sets
         6.6.3         I/O Capabilities
         6.6.4         Supported Devices
         6.6.5         Shadow Set Limits
         6.6.6         Distributing Shadowed Disks

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