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HP OpenVMS System Management Utilities Reference Manual

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H.4.2.8 LOCK Class Record

The LOCK class record contains data describing the operation of the lock management subsystem. The LOCK class record has a record type of 7 and a size of 56 bytes.

Figure H-15 illustrates the format of the LOCK class record.

Figure H-15 LOCK Class Record Format

The following table describes the fields in the data block for the LOCK class record:

Field Symbolic Offset Contents
New ENQs MNR_LCK$L_ENQNEW Count of new ENQ (lock) requests (longword,C)
Converted ENQs MNR_LCK$L_ENQCVT Count of converted ENQ (lock) requests (longword,C)
DEQs MNR_LCK$L_DEQ Count of DEQ (unlock) requests (longword,C)
Blocking ASTs MNR_LCK$L_BLKAST Count of blocking ASTs queued (longword,C)
ENQ Waits MNR_LCK$L_ENQWAIT Count of times a lock could not be granted immediately and waited (longword,C)
ENQs Not Queued MNR_LCK$L_ENQNOTQD Count of times a lock could not be granted immediately and got an error status instead of waiting (longword,C)
Deadlock Searches MNR_LCK$L_DLCKSRCH Count of times that a deadlock search was performed (longword,C)
Deadlocks Found MNR_LCK$L_DLCKFND Count of times that a deadlock was found (longword,C)
Current Locks MNR_LCK$L_NUMLOCKS Number of locks currently in the system (longword,L)
Current Resources MNR_LCK$L_NUMRES Number of resources currently in the system (longword,L)

H.4.2.9 MODES Class Record

The MODES class record contains data describing time spent in each of the processor modes. The MODES class record has a record type of 2; its size depends on the number of active CPUs on the system being monitored. The size, in bytes, is calculated by adding the size of the class header, the class prefix, and the data blocks contained in the record. This is shown in the following formula, which assumes that all CPUs are active:

16 + 8 + (36 * MNR_SYI$B_MPCPUS) 

Figure H-16 illustrates the format of the MODES class record.

Figure H-16 MODES Class Record Format

The following table describes the fields in the data block for the MODES class record:

Field Symbolic Offset Contents
CPU ID MNR_MOD$L_CPUID CPU identification (longword,I)
Interrupt Stack MNR_MOD$L_INTER Count of clock ticks (10-millisecond units) spent on interrupt stack since system was booted (longword,C)
MP Synchronization MNR_MOD$L_MPSYNC Count of clock ticks spent synchronizing multiple CPUs since system boot
Kernel MNR_MOD$L_KERNEL Count of clock ticks spent in kernel mode, excluding interrupt stack time, since system boot (longword,C)
Executive MNR_MOD$L_EXEC Count of clock ticks spent in executive mode since system boot (longword,C)
Supervisor MNR_MOD$L_SUPER Count of clock ticks spent in supervisor mode since system boot (longword,C)
User MNR_MOD$L_USER Count of clock ticks spent in user mode, excluding compatibility mode time since system boot (longword,C)
Compatibility MNR_MOD$L_COMPAT Count of clock ticks boot spent in compatibility mode since system boot (longword,C)
Idle MNR_MOD$L_IDLE Count of clock ticks spent executing the NULL process since system boot (longword,C)

H.4.2.10 MSCP_SERVER Class Record

The MSCP_SERVER class record contains data describing activities of the MSCP server. The MSCP_SERVER class record has a record type of 21 and a size of 68 bytes.

Figure H-17 illustrates the format of the MSCP_SERVER class record.

Figure H-17 MSCP_SERVER Class Record Format

The following table describes the fields in the data block for the MSCP_SERVER class record:

Field Symbolic Offset Contents
Requests MNR_MSC$L_REQUEST Count of requests for I/O transfers by remote processors (longword,C)
Reads MNR_MSC$L_READ Count of requests for Read I/O transfers by remote processors (longword,C)
Writes MNR_MSC$L_WRITE Count of requests for Write I/O transfers by remote processors (longword,C)
Fragments MNR_MSC$L_FRAGMENT Count of extra fragments issued by the server (longword,C)
Splits MNR_MSC$L_SPLIT Count of fragmented requests issued by the server (longword,C)
Buffer Waits MNR_MSC$L_BUFWAIT Count of requests that had to wait for MSCP buffer memory (longword,C)
1 Block I/Os MNR_MSC$L_SIZE1 Count of I/O requests with a length of one block (longword,C)
2---3 Block I/Os MNR_MSC$L_SIZE2 Count of I/O requests with a length of 2 to 3 blocks (longword,C)
4---7 Block I/Os MNR_MSC$L_SIZE3 Count of I/O requests with a length of 4 to 7 blocks (longword,C)
8---15 Block I/Os MNR_MSC$L_SIZE4 Count of I/O requests with a length of 8 to 15 blocks (longword,C)
16---31 Block I/Os MNR_MSC$L_SIZE5 Count of I/O requests with a length of 16 to 31 blocks (longword,C)
32---63 Block I/Os MNR_MSC$L_SIZE6 Count of I/O requests with a length of 32 to 63 blocks (longword,C)
64+ Block I/Os MNR_MSC$L_SIZE7 Count of I/O requests with a length equal to or greater than 64 blocks (longword,C)

H.4.2.11 PAGE Class Record

The PAGE class record contains data describing the operation of the page management subsystem. The PAGE class record has a record type of 3 and a size of 68 bytes.

Figure H-18 illustrates the format of the PAGE class record.

Figure H-18 PAGE Class Record Format

The following table describes the fields in the data block for the PAGE class record:

Field Symbolic Offset Contents
Page Faults MNR_PAG$L_FAULTS Count of page faults for all working set (longword,C)
Reads MNR_PAG$L_PREADS Count of pages read from disk as a result of page faults (longword,C)
Read I/Os MNR_PAG$L_PREADIO Count of read I/Os as a result of operations from disk page faults (longword,C)
Writes MNR_PAG$L_PWRITES Count of pages written to the page file (longword,C)
Write I/Os MNR_PAG$L_PWRITIO Count of write I/O operations to the page file (longword,C)
List Faults
MNR_PAG$L_FREFLTS Count of pages read from the free list as a result of page faults (longword,C)
List Faults
MNR_PAG$L_MFYFLTS Count of pages read from the modified list as a result of page faults (longword,C)
MNR_PAG$L_DZROFLTS Count of zero-filled pages allocated as a result of faults (longword,C)
Global Valid
MNR_PAG$L_GVALID Count of page faults for which the reference page was found to be valid in the system global page tables (longword,C)
MNR_PAG$L_WRTINPROG Count of pages read that were in the process of being written back to disk when faulted (longword,C)
System Faults MNR_PAG$L_SYSFAULTS Count of page faults for which the referenced page is in system space (longword,C)
Free-page Count MNR_PAG$L_FREECNT Number of pages currently on free-page list (longword,L)
MNR_PAG$L_MFYCNT Number of pages currently on modified-page list (longword,L)

H.4.2.12 PROCESSES Class Record

The PROCESSES class record contains data describing all processes in the system. The PROCESSES class record has a record type of 0; its size depends on the number of processes being monitored. The size, in bytes, is calculated by adding the size of the class header, the class prefix, and the data blocks contained in the record. This is shown in the following formulas:

13 + 8 + (67 * the value of MNR_CMP$L_ELTCT) in OpenVMS Alpha Version 7.3-2 
16 + 8 + (72 * the value of MNR_CMP$L_ELTCT) in OpenVMS Alpha Version 8.2 
                                                    and Integrity servers Version 8.2-1 
16 + 8 + (96 * the value of MNR_CMP$L_ELTCT) in OpenVMS Alpha and Integrity servers 
                                                    Version 8.3 

Figure H-19 illustrates the format of the PROCESSES class record on Alpha and Integrity servers.

Figure H-19 PROCESSES Class Record Format - Alpha and Integrity servers

The following table describes the fields in the data block for the PROCESSES class record:

Field Symbolic Offset Contents
Internal Process ID MNR_PRO$L_IPID Internal process identification (longword,I)
UIC MNR_PRO$L_UIC User identification code (Group is high-order word; Member is low-order word) (longword,I)
State MNR_PRO$W_STATE Current scheduling state code (word,I)
Priority MNR_PRO$B_PRI Current software priority (complement of 31) (byte,I)
Name MNR_PRO$T_LNAME Process name (counted ASCII string) (16 bytes,I)
Global Page Count MNR_PRO$L_GPGCNT Current global page count (longword,L)
Process Page Count MNR_PRO$L_PPGCNT Current process page count (longword,L)
Status Flags MNR_PRO$L_STS Software process status flags (PCB$V_RES bit clear implies swapped out) (longword,I)
Direct I/Os MNR_PRO$L_DIOCNT Direct I/O count (0 if swapped out) (longword,C)
Page Faults MNR_PRO$L_PAGEFLTS Page fault count (0 if swapped out) (longword,C)
CPU Time MNR_PRO$L_CPUTIM Accumulated CPU time, in 10 ms ticks (0 if swapped out) (longword,C)
Buffered I/Os MNR_PRO$L_BIOCNT Buffered I/O count (0 if swapped out) (longword,C)
Extended Process ID MNR_PRO$L_EPID Extended process identification (longword,I)
Event Flag Weight Mask MNR_PRO$L_EFWM Event flag wait mask (used for MWAITs) (longword, I)
RBS Transitions MNR_PRO$L_RBSTRAN Real balance slot transitions (longword, C)
Kernel mode time MNR_PRO$L_KERNEL_COUNTER Accumulated kernel mode, in 10-ms ticks
Executive mode time MNR_PRO$L_EXECUTIVE_COUNTER Accumulated executive mode, in 10-ms ticks
Supervisor mode time MNR_PRO$L_SUPERVISOR_COUNTER Accumulated supervisor mode, in 10-ms ticks
User mode time MNR_PRO$L_USER_COUNTER Accumulated user mode, in 10-ms ticks
Reserved MNR_PRO$L_RESERVED1 Reserved for HP internal use
Reserved MNR_PRO$L_RESERVED2 Reserved for HP internal use

H.4.2.13 RLOCK Class Record

The RLOCK class record contains data that is useful for monitoring the dynamic lock remastering statistics of a node. The RLOCK class record has a record type of 27 and a size of 44 bytes.

Figure H-20 illustrates the format of the RLOCK class record.

Figure H-20 RLOCK Class Record Format

The following table describes the fields in the data block for the RLOCK class record:

Field Symbolic Offset Contents
Lock Tree Outbound MNR_RLO$L_RM_UNLOAD Count of lock trees that are moved from this node.
Lock Tree-Higher Activity MNR_RLO$L_RM_MORE_ACT Count of trees that are moved due to higher locking activity on another node in the cluster.
Lock Tree-Higher LCKDIRWT MNR_RLO$L_RM_BETTER Count of trees that are moved to a node with a higher value of the system parameter LCKDIRWT.
Sole Interest MNR_RLO$L_RM_SINGLE Count of trees that are moved to another node because that node is the only one with locks remaining on the tree.
Remaster Msg Sent MNR_RLO$L_RM_MSG_SENT Count of remaster messages sent from this node.
Lock Tree Inbound MNR_RLO$L_RM_ACQUIRE Count of trees that are moved to this node.
Remaster Msg Received MNR_RLO$L_RM_MSG_RCV Count of remaster messages received on this node.

H.4.2.14 RMS Class Record

The RMS class record contains data describing Record Management Services for specified files. The RMS class record has a record type of 20. Use the following formula to calculate the record size (the formula calculates the size by adding the size of the class header, the class prefix, and the data blocks contained in the record):

16 + 8 + (276 * MNR_CMP$L_ELTCT) 

Figure H-21 illustrates the format of the RMS class record.

Figure H-21 RMS Class Record Format

The following table describes the fields in the data block for the RMS class record:

Field Symbolic Offset Contents
File Number (Num) MNR_RMS$L_FILNUM Sequential number of the file (byte,I)
File Organization MNR_RMS$L_ORG Organization of the file (longword,I)
Reserved MNR_RMS$L_RESERVED1 Reserved (longword)
Sequential GETs MNR_RMS$L_SEQGETS Count of sequential $GETs to the file (longword,C)

H.4.2.15 SCS Class Record

The SCS class record contains data describing SCS (System Communications Services) activity for all SCS connections in the system, on a per-node basis. The SCS class record has a record type of 15; its size depends on the number of nodes being monitored. The size, in bytes, is calculated by adding the size of the class header, the class prefix, and the data blocks contained in the record. This is shown in the following formula:

16 + 8 + (56 * the value of MNR_CMP$L_ELTCT) 

Figure H-22 illustrates the format of the SCS class record.

Figure H-22 SCS Class Record Format

The following table describes the fields in the data block for the SCS class record:

Field Symbolic Offset Contents
Node Name MNR_SCS$T_NODENAME Name of remote cluster node (counted ASCII string) (8 bytes,I)
Datagrams Sent MNR_SCS$L_DGSENT Count of datagrams sent to the remote node (longword,C)
Datagrams Received MNR_SCS$L_DGRCVD Count of datagrams received from the remote node (longword,C)
Datagrams Discarded MNR_SCS$L_DGDISCARD Count of datagrams discarded by the CI port driver (longword,C)
Sequenced Messages Sent MNR_SCS$L_MSGSENT Count of sequenced messages sent to the remode node (longword,C)
Seqenced Messages Received MNR_SCS$L_MSGRCVD Count of sequenced messages received from the remote node (longword,C)
Block Transfer
Send-data commands
MNR_SCS$L_SNDATS Count of block transfer send-data commands initiated on the local node, targeted for the remote node (longword,C)
Kilobytes Sent by
Send-data commands
MNR_SCS$L_KBYTSENT Count of kilobytes sent as a result of send-data commands (longword,C)
Block Transfer Request-
data commands
MNR_SCS$L_REQDATS Count of block transfer request-data commands initiated on the local node, targeted for the remote node (longword,C)
Kilobytes Received by
Request-data commands
MNR_SCS$L_KBYTREQD Count of kilobytes received as a result of request-data commands (longword,C)
Block Transfer
Kilobytes Mapped
MNR_SCS$L_KBYTMAPD Count of kilobytes mapped for block transfers (longword,C)
Connections Queued For
Send Credit
MNR_SCS$L_QCRCNT Count of times connections are queued for send credits (longword,C)
Connections Queued For
Buffer Descriptor
MNR_SCS$L_QBDTCNT Count of times connections are queued for buffer descriptors (longword,C)

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