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HP OpenVMS System Analysis Tools Manual

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Displays formatted information from the header, error log buffers, logical memory blocks (LMBs), memory map, compression data, and a summary of the dump. Also displays hexadecimal information of individual blocks.


| /BLOCK[=m [{:|;}n] ]
| /COLLECTION [= {ALL|n} ]
| /COMPRESSION_MAP [=m [:n[:p[{:|;}q]]]]
| /LMB [= {ALL|n} ]





Displays the equivalent to specifying all the /SUMMARY, /HEADER, /ERROR_LOGS, /COMPRESSION_MAP, /LMB=ALL, /MEMORY_MAP, and /COLLECTION qualifiers.

/BLOCK [=m [{:|;}n] ]

Displays a hexadecimal dump of one or more blocks. You can specify ranges by using the following syntax:
no value Displays next block
m Displays single block
m:n Displays a range of blocks from m to n, inclusive
m;n Displays a range of blocks starting at m and continuing for n blocks


Displays the contents of the file identification or unwind data collection (on Integrity servers only) appended to a copy of the dump using COPY/COLLECT or written to a separate collection file using COLLECT/SAVE. By default, a summary of the collection is displayed. You can specify that the details of a single entry or all entries are to be displayed. n is the start block number of the collection entry, as displayed in the collection summary.

/COMPRESSION_MAP [=m [:n[:p[{:|;}q]]] ]

In a compressed dump, displays details of the compression data. You can specify levels of detail by using the following syntax, where m,n,p,q may each be wildcarded (*):
no value Displays a summary of all compression map blocks.
m Displays contents of a single compression map block.
m:n Displays details of single compression map entry.
m:n:p Displays compressed and raw data for the specified compression section (item p in section m:n). Note that m:n:p may contain wildcards (*).
m:n:p:q Displays compressed and raw data for the specified range of compression sections (items p to q inclusive in section m:n).
m:n:p;q Displays compressed and raw data for the specified range of compression sections ( q items starting from item p in section m:n).


Displays a summary of the error log buffers.


If analyzing multiple dump files from a partial dump copy, or if a separate collection file is in use, the /FILE qualifier indicates whether the SHOW DUMP command applies to one of the dump files or to the collection file.

If /FILE is not specified, by default, the SHOW DUMP/SUMMARY, SHOW DUMP/HEADER, SHOW DUMP/COLLECTION, and SHOW DUMP/ALL commands apply to all open files, and the SHOW DUMP/LMB=ALL and SHOW DUMP/COMPRESSION commands apply to all open dump files. If /FILE=DUMP is specified without a file number, then these commands apply to the primary dump file.

By default, SHOW DUMP/BLOCK applies to the primary dump file. By default, SHOW DUMP/LMB=n and SHOW DUMP/COMPRESSION=n apply to the primary dump file or to the dump file for which the command was last used.

All other qualifiers are applicable only to the primary dump file.


Displays the formatted contents of the dump header.

/LMB[= {ALL|n} ]

In a selective dump, displays the formatted contents of logical memory block (LMB) headers and the virtual address (VA) ranges within the LMB. You can specify the LMBs to be displayed by using the following syntax:
no value Displays next LMB
n Displays LMB at block n of the dump
ALL Displays all LMBs


In a full dump, displays the contents of the memory map.


Displays a summary of the dump. This is the default.


The SHOW DUMP command displays information about the structure of the dump file. It displays the header, the error log buffers, and, if appropriate, the compression map, the logical memory block (LMB) headers, the memory map, the file identification collection, and the unwind data collection (on Integrity server systems only). Use this command when troubleshooting dump analysis problems.



Summary of dump file DKA300:[SYS0.SYSEXE]SYSDUMP.DMP;8 
Dump type:                   Compressed selective 
Size of dump file:           000203A0/000203A0 (132000./132000.) 
Highest VBN written:         0000D407          (54279.) 
Uncompressed equivalent:     0001AF1C          (110364.) 
Compression ratio:           2.03:1            (49.2%) 
                                                                     Uncomp    Uncomp 
                      Dump file section             VBN     Blocks     VBN     blocks 
----------------------------------------------  ---------- --------  -------  -------- 
Dump header                                       00000001 00000002 
Error log buffers                                 00000003 00000020 
Compression map                                   00000023 00000010 
LMB 0000 (PT space)                               00000033 00000038  00000033 000000D2 
LMB 0001 (S0/S1 space)                            0000006B 0000621B  00000105 000095A5 
LMB 0002 (S2 space)                               00006286 000001A3  000096AA 00000352 
LMB 0003 (Page tables of key process "SYSTEM")    00006429 00000005  000099FC 00000062 
LMB 0004 (Memory of key process "SYSTEM")         0000642E 00000071  00009A5E 00000342 
LMB 0003 (Page tables of key process "NETACP")    0000697B 00000009  0000AE14 00000052 
LMB 0004 (Memory of key process "NETACP")         00006984 000013F7  0000AE66 00001F42 
LMB 0005 (Key global pages)                       00007D7B 000002BA  0000CDA8 00000312 
LMB 0006 (Page tables of process "DTWM")          00008035 00000013  0000D0BA 00000082 
LMB 0007 (Memory of process "DTWM")               00008048 000013A3  0000D13C 000022E4 
LMB 0006 (Page tables of process "Milord_FTA1:")  0000C5E3 00000005  00019A44 00000062 
LMB 0007 (Memory of process "Milord_FTA1:")       0000C5E8 00000074  00019AA6 00000222 
LMB 0008 (Remaining global pages)                 0000C65C 00000DAC  00019CC8 00001255

This example of the SHOW DUMP/SUMMARY command gives a summary of a selective dump.


Dump header
    Header field                      Meaning                        Value
--------------------  ---------------------------------------  -----------------
DMP$W_FLAGS           Flags                                                 0FC1
                       DMP$V_OLDDUMP:    Dump has been analyzed
                       DMP$V_WRITECOMP:  Dump write was completed
                       DMP$V_ERRLOGCOMP: Error log buffers written
                       DMP$V_DUMP_STYLE: Selective dump
                                         Verbose messages
                                         Dump off system disk
DMP$B_FLAGS2          Additional flags                                        09
                       DMP$V_COMPRESSED: Dump is compressed
                       DMP$V_ALPHADUMP:  This is an OpenVMS Alpha dump
DMP$Q_SYSIDENT        System version                                  "X69G-FT1"
DMP$Q_LINKTIME        Base image link date/time        " 8-JUN-1996 02:07:27.31"
DMP$L_SYSVER          Base image version                                03000000
DMP$W_DUMPVER         Dump version                                          0704
DMP$L_DUMPBLOCKCNT    Count of blocks dumped for memory                 0000D3D5
DMP$L_NOCOMPBLOCKCNT  Uncompressed blocks dumped for memory             0001AEEA
DMP$L_SAVEPRCCNT      Number of processes saved                         00000014
EMB$Q_CR_TIME         Crash date/time                  " 3-JUL-1996 09:30:13.36"
EMB$L_CR_CODE         Bugcheck code                                 "SSRVEXCEPT"
EMB$B_CR_SCS_NAME     Node name                                       "SWPCTX  "
EMB$T_CR_HW_NAME      Model name                            "DEC 3000 Model 400"
EMB$T_CR_LNAME        Process name                                      "SYSTEM"
DMP$L_CHECKSUM        Dump header checksum                              439E5E91

This example of the SHOW DUMP/HEADER command shows the information in the header.


File and unwind data collection 
Collection start VBN:     0002155B 
Collection end VBN:       00022071 
Collection block count:   00000B17 
  VBN       Blocks        Contents 
--------   --------   ------------------------------ 
0002155B   000000C1   Unwind data segment 00000001 of _$30$DKB200:[VMS$COMMON.SYSEXE]DCL.EXE;1 
0002161C   00000001   Unwind data segment 00000001 of _$30$DKB200:[VMS$COMMON.SYSEXE]USB$UC... 
0002161D   0000000C   Unwind data segment 00000008 of _$30$DKB200:[VMS$COMMON.SYSEXE]USB$UC... 
0002200F   0000001F   Unwind data segment 00000007 of _$30$DKB200:[VMS$COMMON.SYSEXE]LATACP... 
0002202E   00000006   Unwind data segment 0000000B of _$30$DKB200:[VMS$COMMON.SYSEXE]LATACP... 
00022034   00000001   Unwind data segment 00000002 of _$30$DKB200:[BISHOP]CMEXEC_LOOP.EXE;1 
00022035   00000001   File data for _$30$DKA0: 
00022036   0000003B   File data for _$30$DKB200: 
00022071   00000001   Disk data 

This example of the SHOW DUMP/COLLECTION command shows the contents of the file identification and unwind data collection appended to a system dump when it was copied using the SDA command COPY/COLLECT. Note that unwind data segments are found only in system dumps taken on OpenVMS Integrity server systems.

SHOW EFI (Integrity servers Only)

Displays information from the Extensible Firmware Interface (EFI) data structures. Currently, the only display provided by SDA is the EFI memory map.





The entry or range of entries to be displayed, expressed using the following syntax:
m Displays entry m
m:n Displays the entries from m to n
m;n Displays n entries starting at m

You cannot specify a range with /MEMMAP=ALL.



Displays the EFI memory map. This qualifier is required. By default, only entries in the EFI memory map with the RUNTIME attribute are displayed. If /MEMMAP=ALL is specified, all entries are displayed.

You cannot specify /MEMMAP=ALL and also supply a range of entries to be displayed.


SDA locates the EFI memory map in the system or dump and displays the contents. If no range is given, SDA also displays information about the location and size of the memory map.


EFI Memory Map 
Memory map address:            FFFFF802.06402000 
Entry count:                            00000025 
Size of entry:                          00000030 
Entry        Memory Type       Physical Address    Virtual Address      Pages (4KB)        Attributes 
-----  ----------------------  -----------------  -----------------  -----------------  ----------------- 
 0003  Runtime_Services_Code   00000000.000C0000  FFFFF802.00000000  00000000.00000040  80000000.00000001  UC  Runtime 
 0016  Runtime_Services_Data   00000000.3F048000  FFFFF802.00040000  00000000.00000304  80000000.00000008  UCE Runtime 
 0017  Runtime_Services_Code   00000000.3F34C000  FFFFF802.00344000  00000000.0000003C  80000000.00000008  UCE Runtime 
 0019  Runtime_Services_Data   00000000.3F3E2000  FFFFF802.00380000  00000000.00000012  80000000.00000008  UCE Runtime 
 001A  Runtime_Services_Code   00000000.3F3F4000  FFFFF802.00392000  00000000.0000006E  80000000.00000008  UCE Runtime 
 001B  Runtime_Services_Data   00000000.3F462000  FFFFF802.00400000  00000000.00000182  80000000.00000008  UCE Runtime 
 001C  Runtime_Services_Code   00000000.3F5E4000  FFFFF802.00582000  00000000.000004DC  80000000.00000008  UCE Runtime 
 001D  PAL_Code                00000000.3FAC0000  FFFFF802.00A80000  00000000.00000040  80000000.00000008  UCE Runtime 
 0020  Runtime_Services_Data   00000000.3FB38000  FFFFF802.00AC0000  00000000.000004C8  80000000.00000008  UCE Runtime 
 0022  Memory_Mapped_IO        00000000.FED00000  FFFFF802.01000000  00000000.00001300  80000000.00000001  UC  Runtime 
 0024  Mem_Map_IO_Port_Space   0003FFFF.FC000000  FFFFF802.02400000  00000000.00004000  80000000.00000001  UC  Runtime 

This example shows a typical display from the SHOW EFI/MEMMAP command.


Displays the contents of the exception frame at the given address or searches to display a one-line summary of all exception frames found on all applicable stacks.


SHOW EXCEPTION_FRAME {address | [/SUMMARY] [range]}



Address of the exception frame.


Range of addresses specifiable as start:end or start;length.



  • The /SUMMARY qualifier is the default.
  • If a range, either start:end or start;length, is given, then that range is searched instead of the stacks.


Displays the contents of the exception frame at the given address (which is rounded down to an octaword-aligned address), or searches to display a one-line summary of all exception frames found on all applicable stacks.

Under some circumstances, the exception frame of the actual bugcheck is copied (by BUGCHECK) to the system stack for the CPU. Since this stack is also searched, multiple hits may occur for this exception frame.

On Alpha, the search for exception frames relies on valid processor status (PS) values in the PS offset from each possible 64-byte-aligned start address for an exception frame. Since only some of the bits in the PS can be validated, there may be frames displayed that are not exception frames (false positives). Do not assume that each frame displayed is actually an exception frame without further investigation.

On Integrity servers, the search for exception frames is focused on the type/subtype offsets from each possible octaword-aligned start address for an exception frame. Thus, it is likely that frames displayed are exception frames.


Exception Frame Summary
 Exception Frame  Type            Stack   IIP / Ret_Addr   Trap_Type / Service_Number
----------------- ----            -----  ----------------- --------------------------
00000000.7FF43540 ORIGINAL_INTSTK Kernel FFFFFFFF.8048DB70 00000041 Bugcheck Breakpoint Trap
00000000.7FF43BA0 INTSTK          Kernel 00000000.00020200 00000008 Access control violation fault
00000000.7FF43F40 SSENTRY         Kernel 00000000.00020090 01000019 SYS$CMKRNL

The SHOW EXCEPTION_FRAME command example displays the summary.

Examples of the display of the contents of an exception frame are available in the SHOW CRASH description.


Displays the location and size of each loadable image that makes up the executive.


SHOW EXECUTIVE [execlet-name | /ALL | /SUMMARY (D)]



Displays detailed data for the specified loadable image only. If you use wildcards in execlet-name, SDA displays detailed data for all matching loadable images.

If the command is specified with no parameter or qualifier, the default is to display one line of data for each loadable image.



Displays detailed data for all loadable images.


Displays a single line of data for all loadable images. This is the default.


The executive consists of two base images and a number of other executive images.

The base image called SYS$BASE_IMAGE.EXE contains:

  • Symbol vectors for universal executive routines and data cells
  • Procedure descriptors for universal executive routines
  • Globally referenced data cells

The base image called SYS$PUBLIC_VECTORS.EXE contains:

  • Symbol vectors for system service procedures
  • Procedure descriptors for system services
  • Transfer routines for system services

The base images are the pathways to routines and system service procedures in the other executive images.

The SHOW EXECUTIVE command lists the location and size of each executive image with other information such as link date and time. It can enable you to determine whether a given memory address falls within the range occupied by a particular image. (Table 4-2 describes the contents of each executive image.)

SHOW EXECUTIVE also displays the base address and length for each nonzero length image section.

On OpenVMS Alpha the execlets can be sliced; on OpenVMS Integrity servers all execlets are sliced. This means each different image section can be relocated in system memory so that the sections are no longer contiguous. The SHOW EXECUTIVE display contains information on where each image section resides.

The difference between a sliced image and a non-sliced image in the display is that the base, the end, and the length of a sliced image are blank. Only the image section base, end, and length are valid.

On Alpha, there are six different image section types: nonpaged read only, nonpaged read-write, paged read only, paged read-write, init, and fixup. Each section type can occur only once. Only the image sections loaded into system memory are displayed.

On Integrity servers, there are six different image section types: code, short data, read-only data, read-write data, init, and fixup. Some section types can occur more than once. Only the image sections loaded into system memory are displayed.

The MAP command makes it easier to find out in which execlet an address resides. See the description of the MAP command for details.

By default, SDA displays each location within an executive image as an offset from the beginning of the image, for instance, EXCEPTION+00282. Similarly, those symbols that represent system services point to the transfer routine in SYS$PUBLIC_VECTORS.EXE and not to the actual system service procedure. When tracing the course of a system failure through the listings of modules contained within a given executive image, you may find it useful to load into the SDA symbol table all global symbols and global entry points defined within one or all executive images. See the description of the READ command for additional information.

The SHOW EXECUTIVE command usually shows all components of the executive, as illustrated in the following example. In rare circumstances, you may obtain a partial listing. For instance, after it has loaded the EXCEPTION module (in the INIT phase of system initialization), the system can successfully post a bugcheck exception and save a crash dump before loading all the executive images that are normally loaded.



VMS Executive layout summary 
Image           LDRIMG   SeqNum        Base               End             Length        SymVec 
-------------- -------- -------- ----------------- ----------------- ----------------- -------- 
SYS$MADDRIVER  8161BCC0 00000094 FFFFFFFF.837C2000 FFFFFFFF.837DDFFF 00000000.0001C000 
SYS$DADDRIVER  8161AB80 00000092 FFFFFFFF.82238000 FFFFFFFF.82247FFF 00000000.00010000 
SYS$LASTDRIVER 81617540 00000090 FFFFFFFF.813DA000 FFFFFFFF.813F5FFF 00000000.0001C000 
SYS$LTDRIVER   81611B40 0000008E FFFFFFFF.813A2000 FFFFFFFF.813D9FFF 00000000.00038000 
LAT$RATING     81611440 0000008C FFFFFFFF.8139A000 FFFFFFFF.813A1FFF 00000000.00008000 
PWIPDRIVER     8160B440 0000008A FFFFFFFF.81386000 FFFFFFFF.81399FFF 00000000.00014000 
ERRORLOG               814195C0 00000014 --< sliced >-- 
SYSTEM_SYNCHRONIZATION 81418840 00000012 --< sliced >-- 
SYSTEM_PRIMITIVES      81417AC0 00000010 --< sliced >-- 
SYSTEM_DEBUG           81416D40 0000000E FFFFFFFF.83382000 FFFFFFFF.833E5FFF 00000000.00064000 
SYS$OPDRIVER           81415FC0 0000000C --< sliced >-- 
SYS$ESBTDRIVER         81415240 0000000A --< sliced >-- 

The SHOW EXECUTIVE command displays a summary list of the executive images. The display has been moved left to fit within the page boundaries of the manual.


VMS Executive layout 
Image                     Base               End             Length       ImageOff  SymVec 
------------------  ----------------- ----------------- ----------------- -------- -------- 
 Data (read/write)  FFFFFFFF.841BAC00 FFFFFFFF.841BAC13 00000000.00000014 00010000 
 Data (read/write)  FFFFFFFF.841BAE00 FFFFFFFF.841BAE03 00000000.00000004 00014000 
 Code               FFFFFFFF.8041E600 FFFFFFFF.80508D5F 00000000.000EA760 00018000 
 Data (read only)   FFFFFFFF.841BB000 FFFFFFFF.841C278F 00000000.00007790 00104000 
 Data (read/write)  FFFFFFFF.841C2800 FFFFFFFF.841D049F 00000000.0000DCA0 0010C000 
 Data (read/write)  FFFFFFFF.841D0600 FFFFFFFF.841D0613 00000000.00000014 0011C000 
 Data (read only)   FFFFFFFF.841D0800 FFFFFFFF.841D7D93 00000000.00007594 00120000 
 Short data         FFFFFFFF.841D7E00 FFFFFFFF.841DF247 00000000.00007448 00130000 
  Linked  2-APR-2004 13:08  LDRIMG 84891900   SeqNum 00000022       GP FFFFFFFF.843D7E00 
 Code               FFFFFFFF.80327700 FFFFFFFF.803B304F 00000000.0008B950 00010000 
 Data (read only)   FFFFFFFF.84196C00 FFFFFFFF.8419D62F 00000000.00006A30 0009C000 
 Data (read/write)  FFFFFFFF.8419D800 FFFFFFFF.841A7987 00000000.0000A188 000A4000 
 Short data         FFFFFFFF.841A7A00 FFFFFFFF.841AA2DF 00000000.000028E0 000B0000 
  Linked 23-MAR-2004 15:02   LDRIMG 84889040   SeqNum 0000001E       GP FFFFFFFF.843A7A00 

This example from Integrity servers displays the use of the wildcard with the SHOW EXECUTIVE command. The display has been moved left to fit within the page boundaries of the manual.

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