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HP OpenVMS System Analysis Tools Manual

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Displays the contents of the nonpaged dynamic storage pool, the bus-addressable pool, and the paged dynamic storage pool. You can display part or all of each pool. If you do not specify a range or qualifiers, the default is SHOW POOL/ALL. Optionally, you can display the pool history ring buffer and pool statistics.


SHOW POOL [range | /ALL (d)| /BAP | /NONPAGED | /PAGED]
[ /BRIEF | /CHECK | /FREE | /HEADER | /MAXIMUM_BYTES [=n] | /SUMMARY | /TYPE=packet-type | /SUBTYPE=packet-type | /UNUSED ]



Range of virtual addresses in pool that SDA is to examine. You can express a range using the following syntax:
m:n Range of virtual addresses in pool from m to n
m;n Range of virtual addresses in pool starting at m and continuing for n bytes



Displays the entire contents of the dynamic storage pool, except for those portions that are free (available). This is the default behavior of the SHOW POOL command.


Displays the contents of the bus-addressable dynamic storage pool currently in use.


Displays only general information about the dynamic storage pool and its addresses.


Checks all free packets for POOLCHECK-style corruption, in exactly the same way that the system does when generating a POOLCHECK crash dump.


Displays the entire contents, both allocated and free, of the specified region or regions of pool. Use the /FREE qualifier with a range to show all of the used and free pool in the given range.


Displays only the first 16 bytes of each data packet found within the specified region or regions of pool.


Displays only the first n bytes of a pool packet; if you specify /MAXIMUM_BYTES without a value, the default is 64 bytes.


Displays the contents of the nonpaged dynamic storage pool currently in use.


Displays the contents of the paged dynamic storage pool currently in use.

/RING_BUFFER [=address]

Displays the contents of the pool history ring buffer if pool checking has been enabled. Entries are displayed in reverse chronological order, that is, most to least recent. If address is specified, the only entries in the ring buffer displayed are for pool blocks that address lies within.


Displays usage statistics about each lookaside list and the variable free list. For each lookaside list, its queue header address, packet size, the number of packets, attempts, fails, and deallocations are displayed. (If pool checking is disabled, the attempts, fails, and deallocations are not displayed.) For the variable free list, its queue header address, the number of packets and the size of the smallest and largest packets are displayed. You can further qualify /STATISTICS by using either /NONPAGED, /BAP, or /PAGED to display statistics for a specified pool area. Paged pool only has lookaside lists if the system parameter PAGED_LAL_SIZE has been set to a nonzero value; therefore paged pool lookaside list statistics are only displayed if there has been activity on a list.

If you specify /STATISTICS without the ALL keyword, only active lookaside lists are displayed. Use /STATISTICS = ALL to display all lookaside lists.


Displays the packets within the specified region or regions of pool that are of the indicated packet-type. For information on packet-type, see packet-type in the Description section.


Displays only an allocation summary for each specified region of pool.


Displays the packets within the specified region or regions of pool that are of the indicated packet-type. For information on packet-type, see packet-type in the Description section.


Displays only variable free packets and lookaside list packets, not used packets.


The SHOW POOL command displays information about the contents of any specified region of dynamic storage pool. There are several distinct display formats, as follows:
  • Pool layout display. This display includes the addresses of the pool structures and lookaside lists, and the ranges of memory used for pool.
  • Full pool packet display. This display has a section for each packet, consisting of a summary line (the packet type, its start address and size, and, on systems that have multiple Resource Affinity Domains (RADs), the RAD number), followed by a dump of the contents of the packet in hexadecimal and ASCII.
  • Header pool packet display. This display has a single line for each packet. This line contains the packet type, its start address and size, and, on systems that have multiple RADs, the RAD number, followed by the first 16 bytes of the packet, in hexadecimal and ASCII.
  • Pool summary display. This display consists of a single line for each packet type, and includes the type, the number of occurrences and the total size, and the percentage of used pool consumed by this packet type.
  • Pool statistics display. This display consists of statistics for variable free pool and for each lookaside list. For variable free pool, it includes the number of packets, the total bytes available, and the sizes of the smallest and largest packets. In addition, if pool checking is enabled, the total bytes allocated from the variable list and the number of times pool has been expanded are also displayed.
    For lookaside lists, the display includes the listhead address and size, the number of packets (both the maintained count and the actual count), the operation sequence number for the list, the allocation attempts and failures, and the number of deallocations.
    On systems with multiple RADs, statistics for on-RAD deallocations are included in the display for the first RAD.
  • Ring buffer display. This display is only available when pool checking is enabled. It consists of one line for each packet in the ring buffer and includes the address and size of the pool packet being allocated or deallocated, its type, the PC of the caller and the pool routine called, the CPU and IPL of the call, and the system time.
    Optionally, the ring buffer display can be limited to only the entries that contain a given address.

The qualifiers used on the SHOW POOL command determine which displays are generated. The default is the pool layout display, followed by the full pool packet display, followed by the pool summary display, these being generated in turn for Nonpaged Pool, Bus-Addressable Pool (if it exists in the system or dump being analyzed), and then Paged Pool.

If you specify a range, type, or subtype, then the pool layout display is not generated, and the pool summary display is a summary only for the range, type, or subtype, and not for the entire pool.

Not all displays are relevant for all pool types. For example, Paged Pool may have no lookaside lists, in which case the Paged Pool statistics display will consist only of variable free pool information. And because there is a single ring buffer for all pools, only one ring buffer display is generated even if all pools are being displayed.


Each packet of pool has a type field (a byte containing a value in the range of 0-255). Many of these type values have names associated that are defined in $DYNDEF in SYS$LIBRARY:LIB.MLB. The packet-type specified in the /TYPE qualifier of the SHOW POOL command can either be the value of the pool type or its associated name.

Some pool packet types have an additional subtype field (also a byte containing a value in the range of 0--255), many of which also have associated names. The packet-type specified in the /SUBTYPE qualifier of the SHOW POOL command can either be the value of the pool type or its associated name. However, if given as a value, a /TYPE qualifier (giving a value or name) must also be specified. Note also that /TYPE and /SUBTYPE are interchangeable if packet-type is given by name. Table 4-19 shows several examples.

Table 4-19 /TYPE and /SUBTYPE Qualifier Examples
/TYPE and /SUBTYPE Qualifiers Meaning
/TYPE = CI All CI packets regardless of subtype
/TYPE = CI_MSG All CI packets with subtype CI_MSG
/TYPE = MISC/SUBTYPE = 120 All MISC packets with subtype 120
/TYPE = 0 or /TYPE = UNKNOWN All packets with an unknown TYPE/SUBTYPE combination


This example shows the Nonpaged Pool portion of the default SHOW POOL display.

2. SDA> SHOW POOL/TYPE=IPC/HEADER 8156E140:815912C0 
Non-Paged Dynamic Storage Pool 
Dump of packets allocated from Non-Paged Pool 
   Packet type/subtype     Start    Length   RAD                    Header contents 
-------------------------  -------- -------- ---   ----------------------------------------------------- 
IPC_TDB                    8156E140 00000040  00   81591180 057B0040 00000040 81591180  ..Y.@...@.{...Y. 
IPC_LIST                   815838C0 00009840  00   004C0200 087B9840 0057A740 8158D100  .ÑX.@§W.@.{...L. 
IPC_LIST                   8158D100 00001840  00   00040400 087B1840 00570F00 8158E940  @éX...W.@.{..... 
IPC_LIST                   8158E940 00002840  00   00140200 087B2840 0056F6C0 81591180  ..Y.ÀöV.@({..... 
IPC_TPCB                   81591180 00000080  00   00000000 067B0080 0056CE80 81591200  ..Y..ÎV...{..... 
IPC                        81591200 000000C0  00   00000000 007B00C0 0056CE00 815912C0  À.Y..ÎV.À.{..... 
Summary of Non-Paged Pool contents 
    Packet type/subtype        Packet count      Packet bytes    Percent 
---------------------------  ----------------  ----------------  -------- 
IPC                          00000006          0000DA40          (100.0%) 
  IPC                                00000001          000000C0    (0.3%) 
  IPC_TDB                            00000001          00000040    (0.1%) 
  IPC_TPCB                           00000001          00000080    (0.2%) 
  IPC_LIST                           00000003          0000D8C0   (99.3%) 
Total space used: 0000DA40 (55872.) bytes out of 00023180 (143744.) bytes 
  in 00000006 (6.) packets 
Total space utilization: 38.9% 

This example shows how you can specify a pool packet type and a range of addresses.

Non-Paged Pool statistics for RAD 00 
        On-RAD deallocations (all RADs):                    1221036 
        Total deallocations (all RADs):                     1347991 
        Percentage of on-RAD deallocations:                   90.6% 
Variable list statistics 
        Number of packets on variable list:                       7 
        Total bytes on variable list:                       3613376 
        Smallest packet on variable list:                       256 
        Largest packet on variable list:                    3598016 
        Bytes allocated from variable list:                 2140480 
        Times pool expanded:                                      0 
Lookaside list statistics 
                      List   Packets     Packets    Operation   Allocation  Allocation 
  Listhead address    size   (approx)    (actual)   sequence #   attempts    failures    Deallocs 
  -----------------   ----  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ---------- 
  FFFFFFFF.81008870     64           5           5       10057       10549         492       10062 
  FFFFFFFF.81008878    128          21          21         366        4881        4515         387 
  FFFFFFFF.81008880    192          33          33       27376       27542         166       27409 
  FFFFFFFF.81008888    256           4           4        8367        8476         118        8362 

This example shows the Nonpaged Pool portion of the SHOW POOL/STATISTICS display.

This example shows the output of the SHOW POOL/RING_BUFFER display.

Paged Pool statistics 
Variable list statistics 
        Number of packets on variable list:                     30 
        Total bytes on variable list:                      4778288 
        Smallest packet on variable list:                       16 
        Largest packet on variable list:                   4777440 
Lookaside list statistics 
                        List                  Operation 
  Listhead address      size     Packets      sequence # 
  -----------------     ----    ----------    ---------- 
  FFFFFFFF.882119D0       80             0             1 

This example shows the output of paged pool statistics when the system parameter PAGED_LAL_SIZE has been set to a nonzero value.


Displays those portions of the port descriptor table (PDT) that are port independent.


SHOW PORTS [/qualifier[,...]]





Displays the specified port descriptor table (PDT). You can find the pdt-address for any active connection on the system in the PDT summary page display of the SHOW PORTS command. This command also defines the symbol PE_PDT. The connection descriptor table (CDT) addresses are also stored in many individual data structures related to System Communications Services (SCS) connections, for instance, in the path block displays of the SHOW CLUSTER/SCS command.


Displays bus (LAN device) structure data.


Displays channel (CH) data.


Displays the network path description for a channel.


Displays the message data associated with a virtual circuit (VC).


Shows only the virtual circuit block associated with the specific node. When you use the /NODE qualifier, you must also specify the address of the PDT using the /ADDRESS qualifier.


Displays the virtual circuit data.


The SHOW PORTS command provides port-independent information from the port descriptor table (PDT) for those CI ports with full System Communications Services (SCS) connections. This information is used by all SCS port drivers.

The SHOW PORTS command also defines symbols for PEDRIVER based on the cluster configuration. These symbols include the following information:

  • Virtual circuit (VC) control blocks for each of the remote systems
  • Bus data structure for each of the local LAN adapters
  • Some of the data structures used by both PEDRIVER and the LAN drivers

The following symbols are defined automatically:

  • VC_nodename---Example: VC_NODE1, address of the local node's virtual circuit to node NODE1.
  • CH_nodename---The preferred channel for the virtual circuit. For example, CH_NODE1, address of the local node's preferred channel to node NODE1.
  • BUS_busname---Example: BUS_ETA, address of the local node's bus structure associated with LAN adapter ETA0.
  • PE_PDT---Address of PEDRIVER's port descriptor table.
  • MGMT_VCRP_busname---Example: MGMT_VCRP_ETA, address of the management VCRP for bus ETA.
  • HELLO_VCRP_busname---Example: HELLO_VCRP_ETA, address of the HELLO message VCRP for bus ETA.
  • VCIB_busname---Example: VCIB_ETA, address of the VCIB for bus ETA.
  • UCB_LAVC_busname---Example: UCB_LAVC_ETA, address of the LAN device's UCB used for the local-area OpenVMS Cluster protocol.
  • UCB0_LAVC_busname---Example: UCB0_LAVC_ETA, address of the LAN device's template UCB.
  • LDC_LAVC_busname---Example: LDC_LAVC_ETA, address of the LDC structure associated with LAN device ETA.
  • LSB_LAVC_busname---Example: LSB_LAVC_ETA, address of the LSB structure associated with LAN device ETA.

These symbols equate to system addresses for the corresponding data structures. You can use these symbols, or an address, in SHOW PORTS qualifiers that require an address, as in the following:


The SHOW PORTS command produces several displays. The initial display, the PDT summary page, lists the PDT address, port type, device name, and driver name for each PDT. Subsequent displays provide information taken from each PDT listed on the summary page.

You can use the /ADDRESS qualifier to the SHOW PORTS command to produce more detailed information about a specific port. The first display of the SHOW PORTS/ADDRESS command duplicates the last display of the SHOW PORTS command, listing information stored in the port's PDT. Subsequent displays list information about the port blocks and virtual circuits associated with the port.



OpenVMS Cluster data structures 
                  --- PDT Summary Page --- 
 PDT Address          Type         Device          Driver Name 
 -----------          ----         -------         ----------- 
  80E2A180             pn          PNA0            SYS$PNDRIVER 
  80EC3C70             pe          PEA0            SYS$PEDRIVER 
                  --- Port Descriptor Table (PDT) 80E2A180 --- 
Type: 09 pn 
Characteristics: 0000 
Msg Header Size          104  Flags               0000  Message Sends    3648575 
Max Xfer Bcnt       00100000  Counter CDRP    00000000  Message Recvs    4026887 
Poller Sweep              21  Load Vector     80E2DFCC  Mess Sends NoFP  3020422 
Fork Block W.Q.     80E2A270  Load Class            60  Mess Recvs NoFP  3398732 
UCB Address         80E23380  Connection W.Q. 80E4BF94  Datagram Sends         0 
ADP Address         80E1BF00  Yellow Q.       80E2A2E0  Datagram Recvs         0 
Max VC timeout            16  Red Q.          80E2A2E8  Portlock        80E1ED80 
SCS Version                2  Disabled Q.     80FABB74  Res Bundle Size      208 
                              Port Map        00000001 
                  --- Port Descriptor Table (PDT) 80EC3C70 --- 
Type: 03 pe 
Characteristics: 0000 
Msg Header Size           32  Flags               0000  Message Sends     863497 
Max Xfer Bcnt       FFFFFFFF  Counter CDRP    00000000  Message Recvs     886284 
Poller Sweep              30  Load Vector     80EDBF8C  Mess Sends NoFP   863497 
Fork Block W.Q.     80EC3D60  Load Class            10  Mess Recvs NoFP   886284 
UCB Address         80EC33C0  Connection W.Q. 80EFF5D4  Datagram Sends         0 
ADP Address         00000000  Yellow Q.       80EC3DD0  Datagram Recvs         0 
Max VC timeout            16  Red Q.          80EC3DD8  Portlock        00000000 
SCS Version                2  Disabled Q.     812E72B4  Res Bundle Size        0 
                              Port Map        00000000

This example illustrates the default output of the SHOW PORTS command.


OpenVMS Cluster data structures 
                  --- Port Descriptor Table (PDT) 80EC3C70 --- 
Type: 03 pe 
Characteristics: 0000 
Msg Header Size           32  Flags               0000  Message Sends     864796 
Max Xfer Bcnt       FFFFFFFF  Counter CDRP    00000000  Message Recvs     887086 
Poller Sweep              30  Load Vector     80EDBF8C  Mess Sends NoFP   864796 
Fork Block W.Q.     80EC3D60  Load Class            10  Mess Recvs NoFP   887086 
UCB Address         80EC33C0  Connection W.Q. 80EFF5D4  Datagram Sends         0 
ADP Address         00000000  Yellow Q.       80EC3DD0  Datagram Recvs         0 
Max VC timeout            16  Red Q.          80EC3DD8  Portlock        00000000 
SCS Version                2  Disabled Q.     812E72B4  Res Bundle Size        0 
                              Port Map        00000000 
                              Port Map        00000000 
                 --- Port Block 80EC4540 --- 
Status: 0001 authorize 
VC Count: 20 
Secs Since Last Zeroed: 77020 
SBUF Size             824     LBUF Size         5042     Fork Count     1943885 
SBUF Count             28     LBUF Count           1     Refork Count         0 
SBUF Max              768     LBUF Max           384     Last Refork   00000000 
SBUF Quo               28     LBUF Quo             1     SCS Messages   1154378 
SBUF Miss            1871     LBUF Miss         3408     VC Queue Cnt    361349 
SBUF Allocs       1676801     LBUF Allocs      28596     TQE Received    770201 
SBUFs In Use            2     LBUFs In Use         0     Timer Done      770201 
Peak SBUF In Use      101     Peak LBUF In Use    10     RWAITQ Count     30288 
SBUF Queue Empty        0     LBUF Queue Empty     0     LDL Buf/Msg      32868 
TR SBUF Queue Empty     0     Ticks/Second        10     ACK Delay      1000000 
No SBUF for ACK         0     Listen Timeout       8     Hello Interval      30 
Bus Addr  Bus     LAN Address    Error Count Last Error   Time of Last Error 
--------  ---  ----------------- ----------- ---------- ----------------------- 
80EC4C00  LCL  00-00-00-00-00-00           0 
80EC5400  EXA  08-00-2B-17-CF-92           0 
80EC5F40  FXA  08-00-2B-29-E1-40           0 
                 --- Virtual Circuit (VC) Summary --- 
VC Addr     Node    SCS ID  Lcl ID    Status Summary        Last Event Time 
--------  --------  ------  ------  -----------------   ----------------------- 
80E566C0  ARUSHA     19617  223/DF  open,path            8-FEB-2001 16:01:57.58 
80E98840  ETOSHA     19699  222/DE  open,path            8-FEB-2001 16:01:58.41 
80E98A80  VMS        19578  221/DD  open,path            8-FEB-2001 16:01:58.11 

This example illustrates the output produced by the SHOW PORTS command for the PDT at address 80EC3C70.

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