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HP OpenVMS System Analysis Tools Manual

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Displays a list of all active processes and the values of the parameters used in swapping and scheduling these processes.


| /TOTALS | /THREAD | /USER=username]





Causes SDA to display, if possible, the name of the image being executed within each process.


Outputs an additional line for each process, displaying the number of process-private pages and the number of global pages in the process's working set.


Displays only processes with the specified process name. You can use wildcards in process_name, in which case SDA displays all matching processes. The default action is for SDA to display data for all processes, regardless of process name.


At the end of the list of active processes, SDA will output two sets of totals:
  • The total number of process-private and global pages in the working sets of all processes. The totals for resident and non-resident processes are displayed separately.
  • The total number of processes (or, if /THREADS was also specified, the total number of kernel threads) in each scheduling state. The totals for resident and non-resident processes or kernel threads are displayed separately.


Displays information on all the kernel threads associated with the current process.


Displays only the processes of the specified user. You can use wildcards in username, in which case SDA displays processes of all matching users. The default action is for SDA to display data for all processes, regardless of user name.


The SHOW SUMMARY command displays the information in Table 4-30 for each active process in the system.

Table 4-30 Process Information in the SHOW SUMMARY Display
Column Contents
Extended PID The 32-bit number that uniquely identifies the process or thread.
Indx Index of this process into the PCB array. When SHOW SUMMARY/THREAD is used, for all threads of a process other than the initial thread, displays the thread number.
Process name 1 Name assigned to the process.
Username 1 Name of the user who created the process.
State Current state of the process. Table 4-31 shows the 14 states and their meanings.
Pri Current scheduling priority of the process.
PCB/KTB Address of the process control block or address of the kernel thread block.
PHD 1 Address of the process header.
Wkset 1 Number (in decimal) of pages currently in the process working set.

1When SHOW SUMMARY/THREAD is used, this column is blank for all threads other than the initial thread.

Table 4-31 Current State Information
State Meaning
COM Computable and resident in memory
COMO Computable, but outswapped
CUR nnn Currently executing on CPU ID nnn
CEF Waiting for a common event flag
LEF Waiting for a local event flag
LEFO Outswapped and waiting for a local event flag
HIB Hibernating
HIBO Hibernating and outswapped
SUSP Suspended
SUSPO Suspended and outswapped
PFW Waiting for a page that is not in memory (page-fault wait)
FPG Waiting to add a page to its working set (free-page wait)
COLPG Waiting for a page collision to be resolved (collided-page wait); this usually occurs when several processes cause page faults on the same shared page
MWAIT Miscellaneous wait
RWxxx 1 Waiting for system resource xxx
TBS 1 Waiting "To Be Scheduled" by class scheduler
TBSO 1 Waiting "To Be Scheduled" and outswapped
TBSP 1 "To Be Scheduled" state is pending
TBSPO 1 "To Be Scheduled" state is pending and outswapped
WTBYT 1 Waiting for BYTCNT quota
WTTQE 1 Waiting for TQCNT quota

1These states represent additional interpretation by SDA of one of the 14 scheduler states.



Current process summary
 Extended Indx Process name    Username    State   Pri PCB/KTB    PHD    Wkset
-- PID -- ---- --------------- ----------- ------- --- -------- -------- ------
 00000041 0001 SWAPPER                      HIB     16 80C641D0 80C63E00   0
 00000045 0005 IPCACP          SYSTEM       HIB     10 80DC0780 81266000  39
 00000046 0006 ERRFMT          SYSTEM       HIB      8 80DC2240 8126C000  57
 00000047 0007 OPCOM           SYSTEM       HIB      8 80DC3340 81272000  31
 00000048 0008 AUDIT_SERVER    AUDIT$SERVER HIB     10 80D61280 81278000 152
 00000049 0009 JOB_CONTROL     SYSTEM       HIB     10 80D620C0 8127E000  50
 0000004A 000A SECURITY_SERVER SYSTEM       HIB     10 80DC58C0 81284000 253
 0000004B 000B TP_SERVER       SYSTEM       HIB     10 80DC8900 8128A000  75
 0000004C 000C NETACP          DECNET       HIB     10 80DBFE00 8125A000  78
 0000004D 000D EVL             DECNET       HIB      6 80DCA080 81290000  76
 0000004E 000E REMACP          SYSTEM       HIB      8 80DE4E00 81296000  14
 00000050 0010 DECW$SERVER_0   SYSTEM       HIB      8 80DEF940 812A2000 739
 00000051 0011 DECW$LOGINOUT   <login>      LEF      4 80DF0F00 812A8000 273
 00000052 0012 SYSTEM          SYSTEM       LEF      9 80D772C0 81260000  75

The SHOW SUMMARY command describes all active processes in the system at the time of the system failure. Note that there was no process in the CUR state at the time of the failure.


Current process summary
Extended  Indx Process name    Username    State   Pri PCB/KTB    PHD    Wkset
-- PID -- ---- --------------- ----------- ------- --- -------- -------- ------
00000201 0001  SWAPPER         SYSTEM        HIB    16 8230CD48 8230C000    4
          Process pages:      4      Global pages:      0
00000212 0012  ACME_SERVER     SYSTEM         HIB    8 83673540 87740000  553
         Process pages:     505      Global pages:     48
00000412    1                                HIB    10 83684DC0
00000224 0024  LATACP          SYSTEM        HIB    14 83760BC0 8775C000  170
         Process pages:     170      Global pages:      0
               Total Pages                   Process           Global 
          ---------------------           -------------     ------------- 
          Resident Processes                       4490               842 
          Nonresident Processes                       0                 0 
                Scheduling   Resident    Nonresident 
                  State       Threads      Threads       Total 
                 -------    -----------  -----------  ----------- 
                 LEF                  1            0            1 
                 HIB                 20            0           20 
                 CUR                  1            0            1 
                 -------    -----------  -----------  ----------- 
                 Total               22            0           22 

This example shows the output from SHOW SUMMARY when all the qualifiers (/image /pages /threads /totals) that display additional data are used.

SHOW SWIS (Integrity servers Only)

Displays the SWIS (SoftWare Interrupt Services) data structure addresses or the SWIS ring buffer.





When used with /RING_BUFFER, displays only the entries for the specified CPUs. If you specify only one CPU, you can omit the parentheses.


Displays the SWIS ring buffer (also known as the SWIS log), with the most recent entry first, and assigns meaning to certain values, such as trap type and system service invoked. For best results, execute READ/EXEC or READ/IMAGE SYS$PUBLIC_VECTORS first so that the system service codes are recognized.


SDA> read/exec
SDA> define ssentry 8692B8F0 
SDA> define intstk 8692B9F0 
SDA> show swis/ring_buffer 
SWIS ring buffer for all CPUs 
                   8192. entries: Most recent first 
 Clock    Data 1    Data 2        Data 3       CPU  Ident          *** See below. *** 
-------- --------  --------  ----------------- --- --------  
2CEDAD3C 82D66400a 83814080  FFFFFFFF.86B04000  00 SWPCXout  
2CEDA929 82D66400a 83814080  FFFFF802.0EE370A8  00 SWPCTXin  
2CED9F16 0000001F  0000001F  FFFFFFFF.8046C270a 00 RaisIPL   
2CED928F 8692B8F0a 00000000  FFFFFFFF.8046B760b 00 SSSwRet   
2CED8FED 8692B8E0  00000000  0000002C.DC0351F2  00 RetKSrvc 
2CED8B2E 8692B8F0a 06900660b FFFFFFFF.8046B760c 00 EntKSrvc  
2CED72C1 8692B9F0a 00000000  FFFFFFFF.8692BFC0b 00 ExcpDsp2  
2CED70B4 8692B9F0a 00000041b FFFFFFFF.80322F50c 00 ExcpDisp  
2CED6E84 00000001  00000000  00000000.0001001Fa 00 GetDpth   
2CED6822 00000016  0000001F  FFFFFFFF.80322EB0a 00 RSetIPL   
2CED62F0 8692BCF0a 00000003  FFFFFFFF.8066C000b 00 IPDisp    
                                 Symbolized value 'a'     Symbolized value 'b' & 'c' 
                             ---------------------------  ----------------------------------- 
                             SSENTRY                      EXE$BUGCHECK_CONTINUE_C+003C0 
                             SSENTRY                      SYS$RPCC_64_C 
                             INTSTK                       INTSTK+005D 
                             INTSTK                       Bugcheck Breakpoint Trap 
                             INTSTK+00300                 SCH$IDLE_C+00290 

The SHOW SWIS example displays the most recent entries in the SWIS log at the time of a system crash. Note the a, b, c alongside the data values. These indicate which column contains the symbolization for the value. 'a' is always in the first column; 'b' is in the second column, and 'c' is also in the second column on the next line. If some or all data values cannot be symbolized, the columns are left blank or there is no continuation line.


Displays the hexadecimal value of a symbol and, if the value is equal to an address location, the contents of that location.





Name of the symbol to be displayed. You must provide a symbol-name, unless you specify the /ALL qualifier. Symbols that include lowercase letters must be enclosed in quotation marks. symbol-name may include wildcards unless /ALL is also specified.



Displays information on all symbols whose names begin with the characters specified in symbol-name. If no symbol name is given, all symbols are displayed.


When used with the /ALL qualifier, displays the symbols sorted only in alphabetical order. The default is to display the symbols twice, sorted alphabetically and then by value.

When used with a wildcard symbol name, displays the symbols in alphabetical order. This is the default action.


The given address is added to the value of each matching symbol to construct the address used when obtaining the contents of the symbol's location. By default, SDA uses the actual value of the symbol as the address to be used. See the description of SHOW SYMBOL for more information.


When used with the /ALL qualifier, displays the symbols sorted only in value order. The default is to display the symbols twice, sorted alphabetically and then by value.

When used with a wildcard symbol name, displays the symbols in value order.


The SHOW SYMBOL command with the /ALL qualifier outputs all symbols whose names begin with the characters specified in symbol-name in both alphabetical order and in value order. If no symbol-name is given, all symbols are output.

The SHOW SYMBOL/ALL command is useful for determining the values of symbols that belong to a symbol set, as illustrated in the second example below.

The SHOW SYMBOL command without the /ALL qualifier allows for standard wildcards in the symbol-name parameter. By default, matching symbols are displayed only in alphabetical order. If you specify SHOW SYMBOL/VALUE, then matching symbols are output sorted by value. If you specify SHOW SYMBOL/ALPHA/VALUE, then matching symbols are displayed twice, sorted alphabetically and then by value.

The SHOW SYMBOL command without the /ALL qualifier and no wildcards in the symbol-name parameter outputs the value associated with the given symbol.

When displaying any symbol value, SDA also treats the value as an address (having added the value from /BASE_ADDRESS if specified) and attempts to obtain the contents of the location. If successful, the contents are also displayed.



G = FFFFFFFF.80000000 :  6BFA8001.201F0104

The SHOW SYMBOL command evaluates the symbol G as FFFFFFFF.8000000016 and displays the contents of address FFFFFFFF.8000000016 as 6BFA8001.201F010416.


Symbols sorted by name
BUG$L_BUGCHK_FLAGS          = FFFFFFFF.804031E8 : 00000000.00000001
BUG$L_FATAL_SPSAV           = FFFFFFFF.804031F0 : 00000000.00000001
BUG$REBOOT                  = FFFFFFFF.8042E320 : 00000000.00001808
BUG$REBOOT_C                = FFFFFFFF.8004F4D0 : 47FB041D.47FD0600
Symbols sorted by value
BUG$REBOOT_C                = FFFFFFFF.8004F4D0 :47FB041D.47FD0600
BUG$L_BUGCHK_FLAGS          = FFFFFFFF.804031E8 :00000000.00000001
BUG$L_FATAL_SPSAV           = FFFFFFFF.804031F0 :00000000.00000001
BUG$REBOOT                  = FFFFFFFF.8042E320 :00000000.00001808

This example shows the display produced by the SHOW SYMBOL/ALL command. SDA searches its symbol table for all symbols that begin with the string "BUG" and displays the symbols and their values. Although certain values equate to memory addresses, it is doubtful that the contents of those addresses are actually relevant to the symbol definitions in this instance.


Displays the entries in the timer queue. The default output is a summary display of all timer queue entries (TQEs) in chronological order.







Outputs a detailed display of the TQE at the specified address.


Outputs a detailed display of all TQEs.


Outputs the display of TQEs, either detailed (/ALL) or brief (default), in reverse order, starting at the entry furthest into the future.


Limits the display to the TQEs that affect the process with the specified internal PID. The PID format required is the entire internal PID, including both the process index and the sequence number, and not the extended PID or process index alone, as used elsewhere in SDA. You can also display TQEs specific to a process using SHOW PROCESS/TQE.


Limits the display to the TQEs for which the specified address is the fork PC.


The SHOW TQE command allows the timer queue to be displayed. By default a summary display of all TQEs is output in chronological order, beginning with the next entry to become current.

The /ADDRESS, /PID, and /ROUTINE qualifiers are mutually exclusive. The /ADDRESS and /BACKLINK qualifiers are mutually exclusive.

In the summary display, the TQE type is given as a six-character code, as shown in Table 4-32.

Table 4-32 TQE Types in Summary TQE Display
Column Symbol Meaning
1 T Timer ($SETIMR) entry
  S System subroutine entry
  W Scheduled wakeup ($SCHDWK) entry
2 S Single-shot entry
  R Repeated entry
3 D Delta time
  A Absolute time
4 C CPU time
  -- Elapsed time
5 E Extended format (64-bit TQE)
  -- 32-bit TQE
6 N TQE not to be deallocated at AST completion
  -- TQE to be deallocated at AST completion


1.      SDA> SHOW TQE 
        Timer queue entries 
        System time:    15-NOV-2001 15:09:06.92 
        First TQE time: 15-NOV-2001 15:09:06.92 
  TQE                                                             PID/ 
address                 Expiration Time                 Type    routine 
--------   -----------------------------------------   ------   -------- 
815AB8C0   00A0516F.EF279B0F 15-NOV-2001 15:09:06.92   SSD---   835FCC48   TCPIP$INTERNET_SERVICES+9EC48 
812CB3C0   00A0516F.EF279B0F 15-NOV-2001 15:09:06.92   SRD---   812CCEC8   SYS$PPPDRIVER+0EEC8 
81514140   00A0516F.EF29FD5F 15-NOV-2001 15:09:06.94   TSD---   0001000F   SECUURITY_SERVER 
815C8040   00A0516F.EF2B2E87 15-NOV-2001 15:09:06.95   SRD---   81361BA0   SYS$LTDRIVER+31BA0 
8148CF98   00A0516F.EF2C52AD 15-NOV-2001 15:09:06.95   SRD---   812786B0   LAN$CREATE_LAN+000B0 
81318290   00A0516F.EF2FDC84 15-NOV-2001 15:09:06.98   SRD---   813187B8   PWIPDRIVER+047B8 
814FB080   00A0516F.EF3238D0 15-NOV-2001 15:09:06.99   TSD---   0001000F   SECURITY_SERVER 
8140FF40   00A0516F.EF32851A 15-NOV-2001 15:09:06.99   TSD---   0001000F   SECURITY_SERVER 
81503100   00A05177.0AED8000 15-NOV-2001 16:00:00.00   TSA---   0001000C   JOB_CONTROL 
815030C0   00A0C160.63CD14D9  7-APR-2002 02:00:00.91   TSA---   0001000C   JOB_CONTROL 

This example shows the summary display of all TQEs.

Timer queue entry 898DA1A8 
TQE address:                      898DA1A8   Type:                    00000005  SYSTEM_SUBROUTINE REPEAT 
    Requestor process ID:         00000000   Access mode:             00000000 
    Expiration time:     00A97229.C9E5FF60    6-JAN-2010 07:24:47.06  +20000 
    Delta repeat time:   00000000.00030D40             0 00:00:00.02 
    Fork PC:                      88520460   SYS$GHDRIVER+50260 
    Fork R3:             898D9540.00000000 
    Fork R4:             00000000.00000000 

This example shows the detailed display for a single TQE.


Displays the contents of the timer queue entry index (TQEIDX) structures. The default display is a summary of all TQEIDX structures.







Causes SDA to output a detailed display of the contents of the TQEIDX at the specified address. Cannot be specified with /ALL.


Causes SDA to output a detailed display of the contents of all TQEIDX structures. Cannot be specified with /ADDRESS.


The SHOW TQEIDX command allows the timer queue entry index structures to be displayed. The default display is a summary of all TQEIDX structures. The /ADDRESS and /ALL qualifiers are mutually exclusive.


1. SDA> show tqeidx 
Timer queue index buckets 
Time index buckets 
 TQEIDX                               Free 
 address     Level       Parent       count        Maximum key 
--------    --------    --------    --------    ----------------- 
872B6700    00000001    00000000    0000003C    FFFFFFFF.FFFFFFFF 
875ED640    00000000    872B6700    00000005    00A39404.827C01CF 
87312E80    00000000    872B6700    00000032    00A39A11.9DABF957 
8726A300    00000000    872B6700    0000003D    FFFFFFFF.FFFFFFFF 
Time index overflow list is empty 
ID index buckets 
 TQEIDX                               Free 
 address     Level       Parent       count        Maximum key 
--------    --------    --------    --------    ----------------- 
872AF900    00000001    00000000    0000003D    FFFFFFFF.FFFFFFFF 
86C29C80    00000000    872AF900    00000016    0002C000.83374030 
872FD780    00000000    872AF900    0000001F    FFFFFFFF.FFFFFFFF 
ID index overflow list is empty 

This example shows the summary TQEIDX display.

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