EFI is the basic interface
between the operating system and firmware on all Integrity server
systems; it is similar to SRM on Alpha systems. EFI provides a boot
option menu and the ability to configure boot options. EFI is accessible
when the operating system is not booted. On cell-based servers, EFI
is available when the nPartition is in an active state but has not
booted an operating system. Each nPartition has its own EFI interface
and system boot environment that enables you to interact with the
nPartition before an operating system has booted on it.
When you first power on a new Integrity servers
system, you see a series of diagnostic messages followed by the EFI
Boot Manager screen (unless MP is available, in which case you see
the MP login screen). However, if your Integrity servers came with
the OpenVMS Integrity servers operating system installed, then the
OpenVMS Integrity servers operating system is the first option and
it boots automatically.
NOTE: On some systems that include MP, you might first see the MP
login screen. In addition, on cell-based servers, you initially must
select the console for the nPartition you want to access. As noted
previously, the behavior of Integrity server systems can vary significantly
from model to model as well as from version to version of the firmware.
To select an option from the EFI Boot Manager menu, use the
up or down arrow key to highlight an item (or for some (with some
terminal emulators, you might have to use the letter v to scroll down
and the caret (^) to scroll up), and then press Enter to activate the selection. You can use EFI to configure numerous
options for your Integrity servers and OpenVMS operating system.
For the first boot of a system on which OpenVMS
is not preinstalled, you probably need to use EFI to get started.
When you select the EFI Shell, the console displays much activity
before the EFI Shell prompt is displayed. If you do not see the EFI
Shell prompt, press Enter. (Note also that the EFI
Shell prompt might change, as explained in Section B.3.1.)
The EFI boot menu lists boot options. Each item
in the boot options list references a specific boot device and provides
a specific set of boot options or arguments to be used when booting
the device. You can add boot options to the boot menu. The OpenVMS
installation procedure (as well as the upgrade procedure) can assist
you in adding and validating a boot option for your newly installed
system disk. The procedure uses the OpenVMS Integrity servers Boot
Manager utility (SYS$MANAGER:BOOT_OPTIONS.COM) to add and validate
boot options. You can use this utility directly at the OpenVMS DCL
prompt. HP recommends using either of these methods for configuring
boot options rather than using EFI. The OpenVMS Integrity servers
Boot Manager utility is easier to use than EFI and enables you to
configure the most pertinent options for your system (while OpenVMS
is running), including the following:
Display boot options known to the EFI Boot Manager.
Add a boot option to the EFI Boot Manager so that
your system disk boots automatically when the system is powered on
or rebooted.
Remove or change the position of a boot option in
the EFI Boot Manager list.
Validate and fix the boot option list.
Change how long EFI pauses before booting or rebooting.
Use of this utility is optional for most devices
but is required for configuring boot options on Fibre Channel devices.
HP recommends using this utility to add members of a multiple-member
shadow set to the boot list and dump device list. (Be sure to add
all members to both lists.) For instructions on how to use the utility,
see Section B.5. For more
information about configuring Fibre Channel devices with this utility,
see Appendix E. For information
about using the OpenVMS Integrity servers Boot Manager utility to
display boot options, see Section B.5.2.2. For information about setting the pause
length, see Section B.5.2.3.
The OpenVMS Integrity servers Boot Manager utility also enables you
to configure dump off the system disk (DOSD) devices and debug devices;
for more information about this, see the HP OpenVMS System
Manager's Manual, Volume 2: Tuning, Monitoring, and Complex Systems.
B.3.1 General Notes About Using EFI
Note the following:
Using EFI on cell-based servers: On Integrity servers with nPartition support, a separate EFI interface
exists for each nPartition. Be sure to access the appropriate nPartition
To determine which nPartition EFI interface you
are using, use the info sys command at the EFI
Shell prompt. This lists the local nPartition number and details
about active cells. For processor details, use the info
cpu command. (You can also use MP to provide information
about the nPartition you are using, as described in the nPartition Administrator's Guide (previously titled HP System Partitions Guide: Administration for nPartitions).)
You can use the MP console interface to access any nPartition’s
EFI console. Press Ctrl/B to move
from EFI (or from your OpenVMS session) to the MP interface. Log
in to MP if you are prompted. A menu then displays the names of all
available nPartitions. Select from this list the nPartition that
you want to access. To gain console write access for an nPartition
console, press Ctrl/E and enter
the letters cf. You can use the MP pdcommand to set a default nPartition for MP login; this helps to ensure
you are brought to the intended nPartition (for example, to help prevent
you from accidentally reconfiguring an nPartition you do not own).
To return to the EFI console (when OpenVMS is not booted), enter
the co command at the MP> prompt.
Navigating EFI file system directories: To switch to a different file system, enter the file system name.
The following example shows how to switch to fs3: from the current
location (top level of the EFI Shell):
Shell> fs3:fs3:\>
that the prompt is now fs3:\. The EFI Shell prompt changes to reflect
the file system currently accessed. The Shell prompt is displayed
again if you reset the system. Also note that the file system number
might change when remapped after hardware changes are made to the
server (for example, after an I/O drive is added to the server and
the nPartition boots or the map -r command is issued).
File structure of EFI file systems: The file structure of an fs disk is identical to MS-DOS and the
commands to move around the structure are similar to MS-DOS commands.
For example, to move to directory efi on disk fs0:, enter the cd command:
fs0:\> cd efifs0:\efi>
display the contents of the efi directory, use
the dir command.
EFI commands for OpenVMS: Most commands that you issue for OpenVMS purposes at the EFI Shell
prompt are issued from \efi\vms on the file system
associated with the system disk. You can enter such commands directly
from the top level by specifying \efi\vms in the
path for subsequent commands, or by first moving to \efi\vms and entering the commands without the path specification. The first
example that follows shows how to enter commands from the top level.
The second example shows how to move to \efi\vms before entering the commands. The vms_show command
displays the equivalent OpenVMS device name for devices mapped by
EFI, and the vms_set command can be used to set
a debug or dump device. These EFI commands for OpenVMS, known as
EFI Utilities for OpenVMS, are usable only when the operating system
is not running. To display and set EFI-mapped devices while the operating
system is running, use the OpenVMS Integrity servers Boot Manager
utility (SYS$MANAGER:BOOT_OPTIONS.COM), as described in Section B.5. The EFI Utilities
for OpenVMS are described in the HP OpenVMS System Management
Utilities Reference Manual.
NOTE: The directory structure and contents of the OpenVMS system disk
differs from those of the OpenVMS Integrity servers OE DVD. Note
also that the bootstrap on the system disk is located at \efi\vms\vms_loader.efi, while on the DVD it is at \efi\boot\bootia64.efi. (These two files are identical
in content.)
EFI aliases: You
can define aliases for EFI commands that are easier to remember.
For example, to define the alias dir for the ls command, use the alias command as
fs0:\> alias dir "ls"
To define an alias for the command that boots OpenVMS
from fs0:, enter the following command:
fs0:\> alias bvms "fs0:\efi\vms\vms_loader.efi"
NOTE: Setting an alias to point to a specific device can lead to unexpected
results. For example, if you insert a DVD in the DVD/CD drive, fs0:
now points to the DVD/CD drive. HP recommends using the OpenVMS Integrity
servers Boot Manager utility to set your system disk as a boot device
for EFI, as explained in Section B.5.
To list the aliases currently defined, enter the alias command:
fs0:\> alias dir : ls
bvms : fs0:\efi\vms\vms_loader.efi
Boot device list:Any changes in storage configuration after the system
is booted to EFI (such as inserting a DVD into a DVD removable drive
or adding SCSI drives on storage enclosures) is not automatically
detected by the EFI Shell environment. To have the EFI Shell recognize
the device, you must reconnect the device driver (on cell-based servers,
use the EFI search command; on other servers, use
the EFI reconnect command).
shell environment creates default mappings for all the device handles
that support a recognized file system. After you change the system
configuration or add a new device, you must regenerate these mappings.
For information about reconnecting devices and regenerating mappings,
see Section B.6.2.1 and your hardware
documentation or the website listed at the end of this section.
Moving between EFI and MP: To move from MP interface to EFI, type co(for
Console) at the MP> prompt. If you are in command mode (at the MP:CM>
prompt), first press Ctrl/B to return
to the MP> prompt.
When you move to EFI from MP, confirm
that you are at the main EFI main menu. If you are at a submenu,
to access the main menu exit from the submenu and any subsequent submenus
until you return to the main menu.
To move from the EFI to MP, press Ctrl/B (this assumes MP is present and configured).
For more information about using EFI, see the
documentation provided for your Integrity servers.