HP OpenVMS Systems Documentation

Content starts here 2.5 Disk Driver Programming Example
HP OpenVMS I/O User’s Reference Manual: OpenVMS Version 8.4 > Chapter 2 Disk Drivers

2.5 Disk Driver Programming Example

A sample MACRO 32 disk driver program, DISK_DRIVER.MAR, is shown in Example 2-1. This sample program provides an example of optimizing access time to a disk file. The program creates a file using Record Management Services (RMS), stores information concerning the file, and closes the file. The program then accesses the file and reads and writes to the file using the Queue I/O ($QIO) system service.

Example 2-1 DISK_DRIVER.MAR Disk Driver Programming Example

; ********************************************************************

        .TITLE  Disk Driver Programming Example
        .IDENT  /01/

; Define necessary symbols.

        $FIBDEF                 ;Define file information block Offsets
        $IODEF                  ;Define I/O function codes
        $RMSDEF                 ;Define RMS-32 Return Status Values
; Local storage
; Define number of records to be processed.

NUM_RECS=100                    ;One hundred records

; Allocate storage for necessary data structures.
; Allocate File Access Block.
;       A file access block is required by RMS-32 to open and close a
;       file.
FAB_BLOCK:                              ;
        $FAB    ALQ = 100,-             ;Initial file size is to be
                -                       ;100 blocks
                FAC = PUT,-             ;File Access Type is output
                FNA = FILE_NAME,-       ;File name string address
                FNS = FILE_SIZE,-       ;File name string size
                FOP = CTG,-             ;File is to be contiguous
                MRS = 512,-             ;Maximum record size is 512
                -                       ;bytes
                NAM = NAM_BLOCK,-       ;File name block address
                ORG = SEQ,-             ;File organization is to be
                -                       ;sequential
                REM = FIX               ;Record format is fixed length
; Allocate file information block.
;       A file information block is required as an argument in the
;       Queue I/O system service call that accesses a file.
FIB_BLOCK:                              ;
        .BLKB   FIB$K_LENGTH            ;

; Allocate file information block descriptor.

FIB_DESCR:                              ;
        .LONG   FIB$K_LENGTH            ;Length of the file
                                        ;information block
        .LONG   FIB_BLOCK               ;Address of the file
                                        ;information block
; Allocate File Name Block
;       A file name block is required by RMS-32 to return information
;       concerning a file (for example, the resultant file name string
;       after logical name translation and defaults have been applied).

NAM_BLOCK:                              ;
        $NAM                            ;

; Allocate Record Access Block
;       A record access block is required by RMS-32 for record
;       operations on a file.
        $RAB    FAB = FAB_BLOCK,-       ;File access block address
                RAC = SEQ,-             ;Record access is to be
                -                       ;sequential
                RBF = RECORD_BUFFER,-   ;Record buffer address
                RSZ = 512               ;Record buffer size
; Allocate direct address buffer

        .BLKB   1024                    ;Direct access buffer is 1024

; Allocate space to store channel number returned by the $ASSIGN
; Channel system service.
DEVICE_CHANNEL:                         ;
        .BLKW   1                       ;

; Allocate device name string and descriptor.

DEVICE_DESCR:                           ;
        .LONG   20$-10$                 ;Length of device name string
        .LONG   10$                     ;Address of device name string
10$:    .ASCII  /SYS$DISK/              ;Device on which created file
                                        ;will reside
20$:                                    ;Reference label to calculate
; Allocate file name string and define string length symbol.

FILE_NAME:                              ;
        .ASCII  /SYS$DISK:MYDATAFIL.DAT/        ;File name string

FILE_SIZE=.-FILE_NAME                   ;File name string length

; Allocate I/O status quadword storage.

IO_STATUS:                              ;
        .BLKQ   1                       ;
; Allocate output record buffer.

RECORD_BUFFER:                          ;
        .BLKB   512                     ;Record buffer is 512 bytes
; ********************************************************************
;                       Start Program
; ********************************************************************

; The purpose of the program is to create a file called MYDATAFIL.DAT
; using RMS-32; store information concerning the file; write 100
; records, each containing its record number in every byte;
; close the file; and then access, read, and write the file directly,
; using the Queue I/O system service.  If any errors are detected, the
; program returns to its caller with the final error status in
; register R0.

        .ENTRY  DISK_EXAMPLE,^M,R3,R4,R5,R6>  ;Program starting

; First create the file and open it, using RMS-32.
PART_1:                                 ;First part of example
        $CREATE FAB = FAB_BLOCK         ;Create and open file
        BLBC    R0,20$                  ;If low bit = 0, creation

; Second, connect the record access block to the created file.

        $CONNECT RAB = RAB_BLOCK        ;Connect the record access
        BLBC    R0,30$                  ;If low bit = 0, creation
; Now write 100 records, each containing its record number.

        MOVZBL  #NUM_RECS,R6            ;Set record write loop count

; Fill each byte of the record to be written with its record number.

10$:    SUBB3   R6,#NUM_RECS+1,R5       ;Calculate record number

        MOVC5   #0,(R6),R5,#512,RECORD_BUFFER  ;Fill record buffer

; Now use RMS-32 to write the record into the newly created file.

        $PUT    RAB = RAB_BLOCK         ;Put record in file
        BLBC    R0,30$                  ;If low bit = 0, put failure
        SOBGTR  R6,10$                  ;Any more records to write?
; The file creation part of the example is almost complete.  All that
; remains to be done is to store the file information returned by
; RMS-32 and close the file.

                                        ;sequence number
                                        ;relative volume
        $CLOSE  FAB = FAB_BLOCK         ;Close file
        BLBS    R0,PART_2               ;If low bit set, successful
20$     RET                             ;Return with RMS error status
; Record stream connection or put record failure.
; Close file and return status.
30$:    PUSHL   R0                      ;Save error status
        $CLOSE  FAB = FAB_BLOCK         ;Close file
        POPL    R0                      ;Retrieve error status
        RET                             ;Return with RMS error status
; The second part of the example illustrates accessing the previously
; created file directly using the Queue I/O system service, randomly
; reading and writing various parts of the file, and then deaccessing
; the file.
; First, assign a channel to the appropriate device and access the
; file.
PART_2:                                 ;
        $ASSIGN_S DEVNAM = DEVICE_DESCR,-  ;Assign a channel to file
                CHAN = DEVICE_CHANNEL   ;device
        BLBC    R0,20$                  ;If low bit = 0, assign
        MOVL    #FIB$M_NOWRITE!FIB$M_WRITE,- ;Set for read/write
                FIB_BLOCK+FIB$L_ACCTL   ;access
        $QIOW_S CHAN = DEVICE_CHANNEL,- ;Access file on device channel
                FUNC = #IO$_ACCESS!IO$M_ACCESS,- ;I/O function is
                -                       ;access file
                IOSB = IO_STATUS,-      ;Address of I/O status
                -                       ;quadword
                P1 = FIB_DESCR          ;Address of information block
        BLBC    R0,10$                  ;If low bit = 0, access
        MOVZWL  IO_STATUS,R0            ;Get final I/O completion

        BLBS    R0,30$                  ;If low bit set, successful
                                        ;I/O function
10$:    PUSHL   R0                      ;Save error status
        $DASSGN_S CHAN = DEVICE_CHANNEL ;Deassign file device channel
        POPL    R0                      ;Retrieve error status
20$:    RET                             ;Return with I/O error status
; The file is now ready to be read and written randomly.  Since the
; records are fixed length and exactly one block long, the record
; number corresponds to the virtual block number of the record in the
; file. Thus a particular record can be read or written simply by
; specifying its record number in the file.
; The following code reads two records at a time and checks to see
; that they contain their respective record numbers in every byte.
; The records are then written back into the file in reverse order.
; This results in record 1 having the old contents of record 2 and
; record 2 having the old contents of record 1, and so forth. After
; the example has been run, it is suggested that the file dump
; utility be used to verify the change in data positioning.

30$     MOVZBL  #1,R6                   ;Set starting record (block)
; Read next two records into block buffer.

40$:    $QIO_S  CHAN = DEVICE_CHANNEL,- ;Read next two records from
                -                       ;file channel
                FUNC = #IO$_READVBLK,-  ;I/O function is read virtual
                -                       ;block
                IOSB = IO_STATUS,-      ;Address of I/O status
                -                       ;quadword
                P1 = BLOCK_BUFFER,-     ;Address of I/O buffer
                P2 = #1024,-            ;Size of I/O buffer
                P3 = R6                 ;Starting virtual block of
        BSBB    50$                     ;Check I/O completion status
; Check each record to make sure it contains the correct data.

        SKPC    R6,#512,BLOCK_BUFFER    ;Skip over equal record
                                        ;numbers in data

        BNEQ    60$                     ;If not equal, data match
        ADDL3   #1,R6,R5                ;Calculate even record number

        SKPC    R5,#512,BLOCK_BUFFER+512 ;Skip over equal record
                                        ;numbers in data
        BNEQ    60$                     ;If not equal, data match
; Record data matches.
; Write records in reverse order in file.

        $QIOW_S CHAN = DEVICE_CHANNEL,- ;Write even-numbered record in
                -                       ;odd slot
                FUNC = #IO$_WRITEVBLK,- ;I/O function is write virtual
                -                       ;block
                IOSB = IO_STATUS,-      ;Address of I/O status
                -                       ;quadword
                P1 = BLOCK_BUFFER+512,- ;Address of even record buffer
                P2 = #512,-             ;Length of even record buffer
                P3 = R6                 ;Record number of odd record
        BSBB    50$                     ;Check I/O completion status
        ADDL3   #1,R6,R5                ;Calculate even record number
        $QIOW_S CHAN = DEVICE_CHANNEL,- ;Write odd numbered record in
                -                       ;even slot
                FUNC = #IO$_WRITEVBLK,- ;I/O function is write virtual
                -                       ;block
                IOSB = IO_STATUS,-      ;Address of I/O status
                -                       ;quadword
                P1 = BLOCK_BUFFER,-     ;Address of odd record buffer
                P2 = #512,-             ;Length of odd record buffer
                P3 = R5                 ;Record number of even record
        BSBB    50$                     ;Check I/O completion status
        ACBB    #NUM_RECS-1,#2,R6,40$   ;Any more records to be read?

        BRB     70$                     ;

; Check I/O completion status.

50$:    BLBC    R0,70$                  ;If low bit = 0, service
        MOVZWL  IO_STATUS,R0            ;Get final I/O completion
        BLBC    R0,70$                  ;If low bit = 0, I/O function
        RSB                             ;failure
; Record number mismatch in data.

60$:    MNEGL   #4,R0                   ;Set dummy error status value

; All records have been read, verified, and odd/even pairs inverted
70$:    PUSHL   R0                      ;Save final status
        $QIOW_S CHAN = DEVICE_CHANNEL,- ;Deaccess file
                FUNC = #IO$_DEACCESS    ;I/O function is deaccess file
        $DASSGN_S CHAN = DEVICE_CHANNEL ;Deassign file device channel
        POPL    R0                      ;Retrieve final status
        RET                             ;

        .END    DISK_EXAMPLE