HP OpenVMS Systems Documentation

Content starts here 6.6 Pseudoterminal Driver Programming Example
HP OpenVMS I/O User’s Reference Manual: OpenVMS Version 8.4 > Chapter 6 Pseudoterminal Driver

6.6 Pseudoterminal Driver Programming Example

Example 6-1 shows how to use the pseudoterminal. (The example is also included in the SYS$EXAMPLES directory.) This section begins with a brief overview of the example. The example itself briefly discusses each module; the pseudocode for that module follows its discussion.

The scenario chosen for this example is a simple terminal session logging utility that uses most of the pseudoterminal capabilities. This example also shows how to use the write-with-echo capability, which provides a significant gain in performance.

6.6.1 Design Overview

The design approach writes the log record in a main loop that hibernates when it has no work to do. The loop uses ASTs to read keystrokes from the terminal, write to the pseudoterminal, and write data to the terminal. When a block of characters is written to the terminal, that block is placed into a queue of blocks to be written to the log file, and a wake request is issued. Logging is stopped if you log out of the subprocess, if you enter the stop logging character Ctrl\, or if a severe error occurs during data processing. When any of these events occur, all outstanding log records are written before the program exits.

One major design consideration is how flow control should be handled — either by attempting to enforce flow control, or by letting the terminal and terminal driver handle it. In this example, the terminal and terminal driver handle flow control; the driver sends XON, XOFF, or BELL characters to the terminal as necessary.

One of the six I/O buffers is permanently reserved as the terminal read buffer. This buffer is passed directly to the terminal read $QIO. This eliminates having to move data that is read from the terminal into the read buffer. The other five buffers are placed in a queue and are allocated and deallocated as needed. This pool of buffers reserves the first two longwords to be used as queue headers and traditional IOSBs. The third longword and the I/O status longwords are used by the pseudoterminal driver.

Example 6-1 Sample Pseudocode for Pseudoterminal Driver Program

** Main Routine
** Function: Intitializes the environment and then hibernates, waiting 
** to be awakened.  When awakened, the program checks to see whether it 
** is exiting, or whether more log data is available.  If more data is 
** available, the data is appended to the current log record and checked 
** to see whether a log record should be written.  A log record is written 
** either when maxbuf characters are in the log buffer, 
** or when it finds a <CR>character pair.  The algorithm 
** allows an unlimited number of <NULL>fill characters to occur 
** between the <CR>and the <LF>. If the program is 
** exiting, it closes the log file,  deletes the pseudoterminal, resets the 
** terminal, and exits.
Initialize environments (This includes creating pseudoterminal, the log file
                         and starting up the subprocess.)

If (Initialization OK) Then
      while (I/O buffer to log)
         Data size = number of bytes in I/O buff
         For all data in I/O buffer
            If (cr_seen) Then 
               If (current char == <LF>) Then 
                  write current log buffer
                  reset cr_seen
                  point to start of log buffer
               Else if (current char != <NULL>) Then 
                  insert <CR>and current char into log buffer
                  move log buffer ptr over 2 characters
                  reset cr_seen
            Else if (current character != <CR>) Then 
               insert character into log buffer
               move log buffer ptr over 1 character
               set cr_seen 

            If (log buffer ptr >= IOC$GW_MAX-48) Then 
               write log buffer
               reset log buffer pointer
               reset cr_seen
         Free I/O buffer call free_io_buffers 
      If (not exiting) Then
         Wait for more to do call SYS$HIBER
   Until ( (exiting) and (no I/O buffers to log) )

   close log file
   If ( (close failed) and (exit reason is SS$_NORMAL) ) Then
      set exit to status to failure reason
   If (subprocess still running) Then 
      call SYS$FORCEX to run down the subprocess 
   call PTD$CANCEL to flush all pending pseudoterminal read requests
   call SYS$CANCEL to flush all terminal requests
   call PTD$DELETE to delete the pseudoterminal
   If ( (delete failed) and (exit reason is SS$_NORMAL) ) Then 
      set exit to status to failure reason
   reset terminal to startup condition using SYS$QIOW
   If ( (terminal reset failed) and (exit reason is SS$_NORMAL) ) Then 
      exit to status to failure reason
call LIB$SIGNAL and report exit reason

** Initialization Code
** Function: This routine sets the terminal characteristics, creates the 
** pseudoterminal, starts up the subprocess, and opens the log file.  If 
** any of these steps fail, the program undoes any steps already done and 
** returns to the  main routine.

read the maximum buffer size from IOC$GW_MAXBUF
Assign a channel to SYS$INPUT
If (assign ok) Then
   Read the terminal characteristics from the terminal
   If (read of terminal characteristics ok) Then
      Open log file with maximum record size of IOC$GW_MAXBUF
      If (open ok) Then 
         Create the pseudoterminal with characteristics of terminal 
         If (create ok) then 
            Place 4 of the buffers on the queue of free I/O buffers
            Copy terminal characteristics and modify them to NOECHO and PASTHRU
            Set the terminal characteristics use modified value
            If (set ok) Then
               Get device name of pseudoterminal use SYS$GETDVI
               If (get ok) Then
                  Create subprocess
                  If (create ok) Then
                     Enable XON, XOFF, BELL, SET_LINE event notification ASTs
                     If (AST setup OK) Then
                        Call PTD$READ to start reading from the pseudoterminal 
                                      ASTADR = ft_read_ast
                                      ASTPRM = buffer address
                                      READBUF = I/O buffer + 8
                                      READBUF_LEN = 500
                        If (read ok) Then 
                           Call SYS$QIO and read a single character from the
                                        keyboard ASTADR = kbd_read_ast
                           If (read failed) Then 
                              Call PTD$CANCEL to flush queued pseudoterminal read 
                              Call PTD$DELETE to delete pseudoterminal
                              Reset terminal to original state
                              Close log file and delete it
                           Call PTD$DELETE to delete pseudoterminal
                           Reset terminal to original state
                           Close log file and delete it
                        Call PTD$DELETE to delete pseudoterminal
                        Reset terminal to original state
                        Close log file and delete it
                     Call PTD$DELETE to delete pseudoterminal
                     Reset terminal to original state
                     Close log file and delete it
                  Call PTD$DELETE to delete pseudoterminal
                  Reset terminal to original state
                  Close log file and delete it
               Call PTD$DELETE to delete pseudoterminal
               Close log file and delete it
            Close log file and delete it

** kbd_read_ast
** Function: This routine is called every time data is read from the terminal.
** If the program is exiting, then the routine exits without restarting the 
** read.   The character read is checked to see if the terminate processing 
** character Ctrl\ was entered.  If the terminate processing character was
** entered, the exiting state is set and a SYS$WAKE is issued to start the 
** main routine.  Now an attempt is made to obtain an I/O buffer in which 
** to store echoed output.  If an I/O buffer is unavailable, a simple 
** PTD$WRITE is issued; a PTD$WRITE with echo is issued if a buffer is 
** available.  If the write completes successfully, another read is issued 
** to the keyboard.

If (not exiting) Then
   If (read ok) Then
      Search input data for Ctrl\
      Allocate a read buffer call allocate_io_buffer
      If (got a buffer) Then
         Call PTD$WRITE to write characters to pseudoterminal 
                        ASTADR = ft_echo_ast
                        ASTPRM = allocated I/O buffer
                        WRTBUF = read I/O buffer
                        WRTBUF_LEN = number of characters read
                        ECHOBUF = allocated I/O buffer
                        ECHOBUF_LEN = 500
         Call PTD$WRITE to write characters to pseudoterminal 
                        WRTBUF = read I/O buffer
                        WRTBUF_LEN = number of characters read
      If (write setup ok)
         If ( (write status is ok) or (write status is SS$_DATALOST) )
            Issue another single character read to terminal with 
                     ASTADR = kbd_read_ast, with data going to read I/O buffer
            If (read setup failed) Then 
               Set exit flag
               Set exiting reason to SS$_NORMAL
            Set exit flag
            Set exiting reason to SS$_NORMAL
         Set exit flag
         Set exiting reason to SS$_NORMAL
      Set exit flag
      Set exiting reason to read failure status
   If (exiting) Then
      Wake the mainline call SYS$WAKE

** terminal_output_ast
** Function: This routine is called every time an I/O buffer is written 
** to the terminal.  If the terminal write request completes successfully, 
** it inserts the I/O buffer into the queue of I/O buffers to be logged.  
** If the I/O buffer is the only entry on the queue, it issues a SYS$WAKE 
** to start the main routine. To prevent spurious wake requests,
** SYS$WAKE is not issued if multiple entries are already on 
** the queue.  If a terminal write error occurs, the routine sets the 
** exit flag and wakes the main routine.
If (terminal write completed ok) Then
   insert I/O buffer onto logging queue
   If (this is only entry on queue) Then
      wake the mainline call SYS$WAKE
   set exit flag
   set exiting reason to terminal write error reason
   wake the mainline call SYS$WAKE

** ft_read_ast
** Function: This routine is called when a pseudoterminal read request 
** completes.  It writes the buffer to the terminal and attempts to start 
** another read from the pseudoterminal.  If the program is not exiting, 
** this routine writes the buffer to the terminal and does not start another 
** pseudoterminal read.
If (not exiting)
   If (Pseudoterminal read ok) Then
      write buffer to the terminal ASTADR = terminal_output_ast
      If (write setup ok) Then
         Allocate another read buffer call allocate_io_buffer
         If (got a buffer) Then
            Call PTD$READ to restart reads from the pseudoterminal.  
                      ASTADR = ft_read_ast
                      ASTPRM = buffer address
                      READBUF = I/O buffer + 8
                      READBUF_LEN = 500
            If (read setup failed) Then
               Set exit flag
               Set exiting reason to read failure reason
               Wake the mainline call SYS$WAKE
            Set read stopped flag
         Set exit flag
         Set exiting reason to terminal write failure reason
         Wake the mainline call SYS$WAKE
      Set exit flag
      Set exiting reason to terminal read failure reason
      Wake the mainline call SYS$WAKE

** ft_echo_ast
** Function: This routine is called if a write to the pseudoterminal used 
** an ECHO buffer.  If any data was echoed, the output is written to the 
** terminal.  If no data was echoed, the I/O buffer is freed so it can be
** used later. If the program is exiting, this routine exits.
If (not exiting) Then
   If (ECHO buffer has data) Then
      Write the buffer to the terminal with ASTADR = terminal_output_ast
      If (error setting up write) Then
         Set exit flag
         Set exiting reason to write failure reason
         Wake mainline call SYS$WAKE
      Free I/O buffer call free_io_buffers

** free_io_buffers
** Function: This routine places a free I/O buffer on the queue of available 
** I/O buffers. It also restarts any stopped read operations from the 
** pseudoterminals.  This routine disables AST delivery while it is running 
** in order to synchronize reading and resetting the read stopped flag.  
If (not exiting) Then
   Disable AST deliver using SYS$SETAST
   If (Pseudoterminal reads not stopped) Then 
      Insert I/O buffer on the interlocked queue of free I/O buffers
      Call PTD$READ to restart reads from the pseudoterminal.  
                   ASTADR = ft_read_ast
                   ASTPRM = buffer address
                   READBUF = I/O buffer + 8
                   READBUF_LEN = 500
      If (no error starting read) Then 
         Clear read stopped flag
         Set exit flag 
         Set exit reason to read setup reason
  Enable AST delivery using SYS$SETAST

** allocate_io_buffer
** Function: This routine obtains a free I/O buffer from the queue of 
** available I/O buffers.  If the program is exiting, this routine 
** returns an SS$_FORCEDEXIT error.
If (not exiting) Then 
   remove a I/O buffer from the interlocked queue of I/O buffers
   If (queue empty) Then
      exit with reason LIB$_QUEWASEMP
   exit with reason SS$_FORCEDEXIT

** subprocess_exit
** Function: This routine is called when the subprocess has completed 
** and exited.  This routine checks whether the program is already exiting.
** If not, then the routine indicates that the program is exiting and wakes 
** up the main program.
If (not exiting) Then
   indicate subprocess no longer running
   set exit status to SS$_NORMAL
   indicate exiting
   call SYS$WAKE to start up main loop

** xon_ast
** Function: This routine is called for the pseudoterminal driver to signal 
** that it is ready to accept keyboard input. The routine attempts to send 
** an XON character to the terminal by sending XON DC1 using SYS$QIO.  
** If the attempt fails, it is not retried.
If (not exiting) Then
   call SYS$QIO to send a <DC1>character to the terminal

** bell_ast
** Function: This routine is called when the pseudoterminal driver wants 
** to warn the user to stop sending keyboard data.  The routine attempts 
** to ring the terminal bell by sending the BELL character to the terminal 
** using SYS$QIO.  If the attempt fails, it is not retried.
If (not exiting) Then
   call SYS$QIO to send a <BELL>character to the terminal

** xoff_ast
** Function: This routine is called when the pseudoterminal driver wants to 
** signal that it will stop accepting  keyboard input. The routine attempts 
** to send an XOFF character to the terminal by sending XOFF DC3 to the
** terminal using SYS$QIO.  If the attempt fails, it is not retried.
If (not exiting) Then
   call SYS$QIO to send a <DC3>character to the terminal

** set_line_ast
** Function: This routine is called when the pseudoterminal device 
** characteristics  change.  The routine reads the current pseudoterminal 
** characteristics, changes the characteristics to set PASTHRU and NOECHO,
** and applies the characteristics to the input terminal.  If the attempt 
** to alter the terminal characteristics fails, it is not retried.
If (not exiting) Then
   call SYS$QIOW to read the pseudoterminals characteristics
   If (not error) Then
      Set the alter the just read characteristics to have PASTHRU and NOECHO
      call SYS$QIO to set the terminal characteristics.