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Verification of incoming digitally signed
messages is a critical operation that is usually performed by the receiver
using an email client (receiving agent). If the verification process is
unsuccessful (that is, the "from" header field does not match any of
the email addresses present in the associated certificate), the client alerts
the user. However, the user plays a fundamental role in the entire process by
doing the following:
- Correlating the message content with the sender (usually a relationship exists between sender and content)
- Authorizing the client to upload or remove certificates of trusted Certification Authorities (CAs)
- Configuring the client to retrieve the CAs' Certificate Revocation Lists (CRLs) to ensure the correctness of the verification process.
In system design, it is
very important to evaluate the purpose as well as the context in which the
digital signature is applied. It is obvious that the automation of the
verification process is applicable only within certain contexts.
Unless a semantic relationship exists between data and sender that only the
receiver can understand, the verification process can be transferred to
automatic systems, which can process a large number of messages in a single
time unit.
The Message Verify (MV) system has been
designed to simplify the registration of Internet domains under the .IT Top
Level Domain (TLD), performed by the Italian Registration Authority[1]
Usually ISPs (or maintainers) register
domain names on behalf of third parties (organizations, associations,
individuals, and so forth) and also take charge of technical maintenance duties
such as managing DNS for the requested domain. Each domain name registration
requires a two-step procedure:
- Fill out and send a letter of assumption of responsibility (LAR) for the use of the domain, signed by the registrant (using fax or surface mail)
- Send one electronic mail message containing technical and administrative data needed for the
registration (domain name, organization, administrative contact, and so forth).
The email can be automatically generated by
filling out a web form or manually composed as a text file with
well-established fields conforming to a predefined syntax (for example,
name:value). The elaboration of these data is automatic. The software for data
processing is triggered upon message reception. It performs user access control
and verifies syntactical and technical correctness of data (for example, it
checks DNS configuration). If any control fails, an automatic error
notification is created and sent to the sender. User authentication is
performed by means of a password assigned to the ISP. This password permits the
user to access the web form for the domain registration. Alternatively, the
password can be ciphered and included in the plain text message. With the same
password, an ISP can view the status of its’ ongoing registrations using web
The MV system introduces the use of digital
signature instead of user/password authentication. The use of digitally signed
messages offers strong user authentication (compared to the user/password
mechanism) and guarantees data integrity as well as nonrepudiation of origin,
which is fundamental for proving data trustworthiness in case of legal problems
(for example, between the RA and its customers).
An alternative to signed emails is the use
of digitally signed web forms. Both technologies are valid. Using an email server, which is a
"store and forward" service rather than an interactive service like
the web, allows the masking of any processing delay and accidental server
unavailability from the user. However, web service offers the user more
awareness of the session progress (for example, data transmission and
Our study embraces both the design and
development of an automatic system for verifying digitally-signed messages and
web forms as well as the activation of security mechanisms to maintain an
adequate degree of operational security and reliability.
The MV system was designed to be
transparently placed between the message's arrival and the automatic
elaboration of its content. Transparency requires that the pre-existing legacy
software for automatic elaboration remain unchanged. This basic requirement was
the first constraint on the system design. Our system automatically verifies
the digital signature associated with an incoming message before transmitting
data to the process for automatic elaboration. If the verification is
successful, the request is accepted and elaborated; otherwise it is rejected
and a notification is automatically sent to the sender.
First we studied the automation of the
digital signature's verification process. This required studying integration of
Public Key Cryptography Technology with the electronic mail system and
understanding security service mechanisms based on cryptography.
Another fundamental question was how to
carry out the function performed by the user interacting with the client
software (that is, to choose trusted CAs and download certificates or CRLs). To
maintain control over the verification process, all functions the user performs
by means of an email client must be assigned under the control of a system
administrator using a simple web interface.
To perform the verification process, the
receiving agent extracts a great deal of information from the message: the
cryptographic algorithms applied for signing the message (one-way hash
function, encryption algorithm), the sender certificate, and the CA certificate
chain (if present). The verification environment is quite complex. This can be
explored in detail by following activities and studying documents by the IETF working
group: S/MIME Mail Security. However the verification process can be logically
divided into two main functions:
- Recognize message MIME parts containing protected data. The RFC 1847 "Security Multi-parts for MIME: Multipart/Signed and
Multipart/Encrypted" specifies how to apply security service to MIME body
parts. It adds two new content types: Multipart/Signed and
Multipart/Encrypted. Both of these
content types contain two body parts: one for the protected data and another
for the control information necessary to remove the protection. RFC 2630
describes the Cryptographic Message Syntax used to digitally sign, digest,
authenticate, and encrypt messages, and the RFC 2633 defines the
application/pkcs7-mime and application/pkcs7-signature MIME types used to
transport S/MIME signed messages.
- Apply the verification process to the extracted MIME parts. Mechanisms are needed to retrieve and validate certificates. The RFC
2632 specifies basic rules to be implemented by receiving agents to correctly
verify a signed message. In addition, the RFC 3280 outlines the format and
semantics of certificates and certificate revocation lists for the Internet
PKI. RFC 2560 describes procedures for processing certification paths in the
Internet environment.
The operative environment consists of a
2-node SCSI cluster sharing an external disk array. Each node is a COMPAQ AS
800 5/500 (1 GB of RAM, 4GB internal disk) running OpenVMS Version 7.3-1. The
external storage is a Digital RAID7000 configured as follows:
- 2 RAID5 string of 6 x 36.4 GB
- 1 RAID5 string of 3 x 18.2 GB
- 1 RAID5 string of 6 x 9.1 GB
The MV system is composed of numerous
software modules written in DCL, and utilizes the cryptography libraries of
OpenSSL(v. 0.9.6d, the openssl.org
standard distribution). It interacts with the PMDF electronic email/FAX system
(v. 6.2, http://www.process.com/) and the HTTP OSU Web server
(v. 3.9c, Ohio State University Web Server)
running on both the cluster nodes.
The OpenSSL toolkit has been fundamental for
system development. OpenSSL offers libraries for developing cryptographic
software and for managing PKI objects (certificate manipulation, basic CRL
manipulation, basic CA management, signing, encrypting, decrypting, verifying,
and so forth) as well as line-mode tools. By using these commands, the
MessageVerify system performs most controls including signature verification,
control of valid paths to trusted CAs, verification of accessibility and
validity of CRLs, control of expiration, and revocation of certificates.
The digital signature process works as
- A user sends a digitally-signed message to a mailbox configured for
automatic elaboration of message content.
- A unique identifier is assigned to the incoming message.
- The digital signature is verified.
- If verification is successful, the signed part is extracted and sent to
the elaboration process.
- If verification fails because of a temporary error (for example, a CRL
is not available), the message is queued for future attempts until an
established threshold is reached (see Configuration Parameters).
- If verification fails because of a permanent error (for example, no
digital signature is present), an error notification is automatically sent to
the sender and the system administrator.
The system is composed of software modules,
databases, and web interfaces for administration and control. Each module,
which can be executed in parallel on each node of the cluster, performs one
specialized function. Figure 1 shows the logical scheme of the Message Verify
system, where processes (that is, modules in execution) are represented by
rectangles and databases are represented by ellipses.
Figure 1. MV System’s Logical Scheme
Modules perform the following functions:
- The Message Input process performs preprocessing of messages to
extract data necessary for subsequent elaboration, synchronization between the
MV system and fax-RA system (receiving LAR) to generate the unique identifier,
and message queuing.
- The Verification process is the heart of the MV system. It
verifies the signature’s validity and adds four header fields to the message to
specify the certificate Issuer Distinguished Name, the certificate Subject
Distinguished Name, the certificate serial number, and the concatenation
between the verification process return code and the message global identifier.
In this way the stored messages keep information about the result of the
verification operation.
- The MsgSmtpprocess composes the final message, removing
the MIME part that includes the digital signature, and sends it toward the RA
systems. Messages are processed in parallel on a 2-node cluster, which means
they may be out of sequence after verification. The process reorders the
messages in the correct temporal sequence, according to the message status
present in the Message Status Cache, before sending them to the automatic
elaboration process (see Figure 2).
- The CRL Manager process automates the management of the CRL's
database and keeps it up to date. The module itself notifies the administrator
of any errors or warnings (for example, the proximity of the CRL's expiration
Figure 2. Message Flow
The MV system utilizes the following
- Message/Fax Database
The message/fax database includes both
messages and requests received by means of fax, stored as postscript files. A
global identifier is assigned to each message or fax entering the system (by
the messageor fax input processes), thus maintaining the temporal
sequence of the requests; this step is an important factor in being able to
resolve collisions on requests for the same domain name.
- CA Database
Certificate of trusted CAs are added to (or
removed from) the CA database by a system administrator. The system can use
certificates issued by any CA after its own and any sub-CA certificates have
been loaded in the database. The loading can occur by one of the following
- HTTP session
withthe server web where the CA certificate is published
- File upload
from the administrator’s local disk
- CRL Database
CRLs are automatically
downloaded (using the Certificate's CRL Distribution Point field or one system
configuration parameter) by the CRL Manager process (which uploads the local
CRL database). LDAP query is possible but not yet implemented.
- Message Status Cache
The message status cache is used for greater
efficiency and separates process information from that related to fax and
messages. It maintains temporary information on the message's status as the
message undergoes elaboration.
Management and control of the system is
performed using web interfaces.
Recently, a new component
(Form Input Process) was added to the system to accept signed web forms that
contain the domain registration data. Using a Netscape browser (4.04 or
higher), it is possible to apply a digital signature to a web form. Netscape
V4.04 and higher include a JavaScript method (crypto.sign.Text) that enables
the user to apply a digital signature to input data. Conforming to the PKCS7
and to the cryptographic message syntax (which in part extends the PKCS7),
Netscape utilizes the external signature modality. The resulting signed-data
structure does not contain the original data, which must be dealt with
separately. In this case, the session is interactive and the user receives
acknowledgement of the signature verification process along with a unique
identifier, which can be used to access the state of the request.
To synchronize the
unique identifier among messages, fax, and web forms
(in a cluster environment) required rewriting the algorithm of allocation of
the identifier generators (msgid, faxid and globalid). The new algorithm can
manage any level of conflict of access to the identifier generator. When there is a conflict in resource
allocation, it is simpler and correct to generate an error message to the
interactive user (by web access) rather than interfere with the messaging or
fax processes. Based on these considerations, the algorithm can favor
allocation requests arriving from message or fax processes by “interrupting”
the concurrent CGI/HTTP process.
The problem of
reducing the cost of bulk cryptographic operations (especially public key
operations, which are computationally expensive) has been treated in numerous
papers. Two approaches are widely studied: remotely keyed encryption and
server-aided cryptography.
- Remotely keyed encryption efficiently achieves encryption by sharing the
computational load between a fast but untrusted device and a slow, trusted
device. Blaze introduced remotely keyed encryption schemes (RKESs) to support
cryptographic applications that require high bandwidth, such as encryption of
online multimedia contents, in a secure, low bandwidth, smart card environment
(where users’ private keys never leave the smart card). In such schemes, the
load of communication and computation required of the smart card is independent
from the input size [Blaze96]. Further studies to define the security of other
RKESs [Lucks97, Blaze98, Lucks99] and other applications have been
accomplished. In particular, Weis applied remotely keyed encryption in a java
card environment [Weis 2000].
- Server-aided cryptography refers to the ability to aid small and
resource-limited devices in expensive computation. Jakobsson introduced this
term while studying how to decrease the local computational cost by
transforming a heavy task into a large set of small subtasks carried out by a
set of external servers, and performing security analysis of the proposed
scheme [Jakobsson01]. By using this scheme he generated inexpensive
server-aided batch signatures, showing improved efficiency for groups greater
then 20. Recently, Ding applied server-aided cryptography in smart but
resource-limited devices such as PDAs, cell phones, and palm pilots [Ding02].
In particular, Ding generated server-aided signature (SAS) while implementing
fast certificate revocation, which is fundamental for the accuracy of the
verification process. This approach is based on using a partially trusted
server, which acts as a security mediator (SEM) executing the main load of the
computation. Two half signatures, independent but interrelated, are generated
by the SEM and the user to create a SAS signature. A relevant characteristic of
this scheme is its online nature permitting fast revocation of signing
capabilities, which limits damage from potential compromises. This scheme
appears to be suitable for many mobile infrastructures. However, centralization
of the architecture and incompatibility of the SAS signature with other
signature types, make it impractical at the moment. (SEM is a single point of
failure if it is subjected to DoS attack, performance bottleneck, and so
Berson et al. proposed
providing cryptographic operations as a network service [Berson01]. Authors
designed and built a centralized cryptoserver equipped with hardware
cryptographic accelerators to provide public key operations to clients using
their internal network. Because the cost of the accelerator is shared by a
large number of clients, this system allows clients to benefit from hardware
speedups while reducing CPU load and the cost of a single cryptographic
operation. This approach differs from the previous ones because it implies that
the client must trust the cryptoserver with knowledge of his private key. This
delegation mechanism practically simplifies the design of the user-server
interaction, although it poses a security risk of private key storage and
protection. Berson observed that outsourcing cryptography inherently raises
questions about the trustworthiness of the computation. However, cryptographic
operations can be split into two categories: those requiring knowledge of the
client’s private key (that is, decryption and digital signature), and the other
needing only the client’s public key (publicly distributed by means of his
certificate), which are encryption and verification of digital signature. The
first category poses security issues (of secret key storage and protection) and
requires more attention than the second category. Thus, instead of building a
complete cryptoserver, it is simpler to use a subset of cryptographic
operations (encryption and digital signature verification) and limit automation
to these. In this case, assuming that the communication between the client and
server is secure, the cryptographic operations have the same degree of
trustworthiness as performing the computation locally [Berson01].
Our approach is
similar to Berson’s but is less ambitious. The MV system automates only one
cryptographic function, which does not require the use of secret keys. Although
our system has this limitation, it is simpler, cheaper (being based on free
cryptographic software), and standard – compared to previously discussed
schemes – and is interoperable with any type of signature. Our goal is to
improve the quality of service offered to a large set of widespread users. In
our scenario, automation of the verification process is possible and appropriate
because signed data do not contain any semantic information that only the
receiver is able to understand. Therefore, the main security issue of the MV
system is its integrity. If a system is violated, the entire service can be
compromised. For example, if the legacy software receives input data that
bypasses authentication, it makes a registration invalid.
In the 2001 annual
security report, CERT affirms: “… the ability to attack a system depends on the
'global' security of the Internet.” For example, a DoS attack takes advantage
of other weak points in the network. This implies that at the moment there is
no way to implement a totally secure policy, but it is important to create a
strategy and use combined technologies to fend off intruder attacks. According
to this approach, in order to protect the system, different contra-measures
have been applied to build protection levels with the following features:
Software design:
- The system is designed to be failure-tolerant and robust.
- The MV system and the legacy software are within the same security perimeter.
Operating environment:
- Managing network services in an OpenVMS
environment reduces the recurring security problems typical of other platforms
and enhances compatibility between different versions of software. The benefits
of using an OpenVMS system equate to those of Unix and Windows systems, with
the notable advantage of being one of the least-attacked systems on the
Internet today.
- The system is carefully configured
to include access control, logging of user sessions, auditing of
security-relevant events, ensuring that all features and services that are not
explicitly required are disabled, and so forth.
Protection of the network perimeter includes the following features:
- Blocking the transfer of executable files on the Internet gateway or email server
- Configuring servers to disable features and services that are not explicitly required
- Configuring routers and firewalls to enable traffic only to authorized servers and ports
- Running and maintaining updated anti-virus software
- In addition,
Intrusion Detection Systems, which conduct analyses of live network traffic,
and Honeypots (usually single systems that emulate systems, known services and
vulnerabilities, or create jailed environments) can contribute to monitoring
network and system activities and detecting attacks.
Be sure to read
security bulletins and promptly apply software patches to the operating system
and applications.
Currently, a
drawback of the proposed solution is the cost of certificate creation and
distribution as well as help desk support. The solution is applied to ISPs,
which manage nearly all domain name registrations[4].
This kind of automation will be suitable for everyone when PKI technology
further penetrates e-society.
Before buying
expensive cryptographic hardware and software, it is important to evaluate the
real load of the system or application to verify whether high performance is
necessary. In our context, we operated under the following conditions and
- In general, email-based applications are not required to be as fast as
interactive applications such as web access.
- To test the system, the Italian Registration Authority (RA) set up its
own CA and issued certificates only for a restricted set of ISPs, thus
employing a low load of the MV system.
To evaluate system
performance we undertook a real test in our operating environment. The test was
split into two parts: verification, and message delivery to the software for
automatic elaboration. In operating system terminology, a job unit can involve
the execution of one or more modules. In our case the job includes all message
elaboration between its arrival in the system and its exit. A script was set up
to create and send a load of 2000 signed messages to the system.
Test results show
that better performance can be achieved by activating a single job in each node
of the cluster, with the total execution time of 1hour and 4 minutes. The
activation of more jobs on the same node (for example, multiple processes) does
not produce additional advantages, but provokes a slight increase in total
execution time, probably due to competition of processes for access to
resources. The average number of domain registrations per month in 2003 was
Considering that our
test was performed with the cluster fully operational, the results show that
the system should be able to process the current monthly load in less than 9
hours. This implies that we do not need to invest in expensive cryptographic
hardware and software.
The Message Verify
system was developed to permit automatic elaboration of digital signature in a
flow of messages. Our experimentation revealed the following numerous
- Increased quality of service. Digital signature offers strong
authentication (compared to the weak "user and password" mechanism),
data integrity, and nonrepudiation of origin.
- Increased efficiency of service compared to signature verification using
an email client.
- Transparency of service for RA operators. The service is user-friendly
and training is not required.
- Reliability of the verification process and document management.
- Low cost, using free cryptographic software.
As an
additional benefit, the use of certificates and secure mail has permitted users
to become familiar with these technologies, which have wider application
fields. Although the proposed solution implies the initial cost of certificate
creation and dissemination, in the future, when all citizens have their own
certificate to access numerous secure online services, this kind of tool can be
used to obtain strong authentication of sensitive services (for example,
accessing critical resources) directed to a large audience, such as that
offered by public administrations and health departments.
Berson, T. et al,
2001. Cryptography as a network service. Proceedings of Eighth Annual Network
and distributed System Security Symposium. San Diego, USA.
Blaze, M. 1996.
High-bandwidth encryption with low-bandwidth smartcards. Proceedings of the
Fast Software Encryption Workshop. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. No. 1039,
pp 33-40.
Blaze, M. et al,
1998. A formal treatment of remotely keyed encryption. Proceedings of
EUROCRYPT98. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. No. 14039, pp 251-265.
Ding, X. et al,
2002. Experimenting with Server-Aided Signature. Proceedings of Ninth Annual
Network and distributed System Security Symposium. San Diego, USA.
Jakobsson, M. and
Wetzel S., 2001. Secure Server-Aided Signature Generation. Proceedings of the
Public Key Cryptography Conference, Cheju Island, Korea, pp. 383-401.
Lucks, S. 1999.
Accelerated remotely keyed encryption. Proceedings of the Fast Software
Encryption Workshop. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. No. 1636, pp 112-123.
Lucks, S. 1997. On
the security of remotely keyed encryption. Proceedings of the Fast Software
Encryption Workshop. Haifa, Israel, pp 219-229.
Weis, R. et al,
2000: Remotely Keyed Encryption with Java Cards: A Secure and Efficient Method
to Encrypt Multimedia Streams. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference
on Multimedia and Expo (ICME). NY, USA, pp. 537-540.