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HP Digital Continuous Profiling Infrastructure

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What's new in HP DCPI

First, perform an external field test of HP DCPI Version T2.0 for OpenVMS Alpha, which is a subset of Tru64 UNIX DCPI Version 3.9.0. 

New features in Version T2.0 (first external release):

  • Dynamic code support
  • Galaxy support --requires OpenVMS Version 7.3, with the following patches installed: 
    • VMS73_UPDATE-V100
    • VMS73_SYS-V0300
  • Support for images without debug symbol information
  • New commands:

    » dcpi2ps
    » dcpidiff

» Please install HP DCPI

Then, send us feedback on what you think of the kits and how they could be improved. Please also report any problems you encounter and details on how to reproduce the problem. Thank you!