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FWB (based on
Mozilla Firefox) on OpenVMS
Source code kits and build instructions are provided "as-is" and without
any support from HP. The binaries resulting from a build from either modified
or unmodified source code are unsupported. HP provides support, via OpenVMS
software services contracts, only for HP supplied binaries.
The build instructions are guidelines only and will require modification
and customization for the OpenVMS environment used for the build. Other
build prerequisites, such as compilers, might also exist.
The following instructions are intended to serve as a guide for building
Firefox Web Browser (based on Mozilla Firefox) on OpenVMS. The instructions assume that the reader is a knowledgeable, experienced
OpenVMS developer. This provide information on the tools and processes that OpenVMS Engineering team uses to build
Firefox Web Browser (FWB), but they are not step-by-step directions.
With all the prerequisite hardware and software configured correctly, follow these steps to build
FWB on OpenVMS:
- Download FWB sources
- Download build tools
- Download kitting tools
The build takes significant amount of time. For example, on a 667Mhz DS20E AlphaStation, building a non-debug version of Mozilla takes about 12 hours. However, on a 900MHz, HP rx2600 Itanium, it
takes about 10 hours.
System Software
The following system software is required:
- OpenVMS V8.2-1 or higher
- HP C V7.1 or higher
- HP C++ V7.2 or higher
- GNV V1.6-2 or later
- Perl V5.8 or later
- Build GTK, OPL, LIBIDL from sources (links are provided above)
- ODS-5 disk
Account Quotas
The build account should have the following quotas as a minimum:
Maxjobs: 0 Fillm: 5000 Bytlm: 20000000
Maxacctjobs: 0 Shrfillm: 0 Pbytlm: 0
Maxdetach: 0 BIOlm: 500 JTquota: 4096
Prclm: 50 DIOlm: 500 WSdef: 1000000
Prio: 4 ASTlm: 500 WSquo: 1000000
Queprio: 4 TQElm: 200 WSextent: 1000000
CPU: (none) Enqlm: 3000 Pgflquo: 7000000
Disk Space
In addition to the disk space requirements for the prerequisite software,
the following is also required:
- 500,000(confirm the block
size) blocks for the source code area
- 6,841,724 (confirm the block
size) blocks for a non-debug build area and/or
10,418,680 blocks for a debug area
The Firefox Web Browser (FWB) for OpenVMS Integrity servers are built from Mozilla sources. Some of the files are modified to run
FWB on OpenVMS and a few files were modified/replaced to provide the branding. The
build procedure for FWB is identical to Mozilla.
FWB V2.0-18 (based on Mozilla Firefox V2.0.0.18) is used as a sample example
throughout this section. The directory structure will change based on user's
environment. So, adjust system specific logicals and symbol variables to
match with your system.
- Download build tools and copy them on to OpenVMS Integrity
servers system
- $RUN fwb_i64_buildtools.sfx_i64exe to generate a .bck file
- Run the BACKUP command to restore the .bck file
- Copy .bashrc file to your sys$login directory
- Download FWB V2.0-18 source code and do the following;
- $RUN fwb_I64_V2018source.sfx_i64exe to generate a .bck file
- Run the BACKUP command to restore the .bck file
- Run fwb_I64_build_setup.com or an equivalent collection of commands gets executed
For example, FWB and GNV logicals will get defined like this:
FWB logicals
"LIBMOZJS_MAP" = "moz_objroot:[js.src].map"
"MOZ_OBJROOT" = "dka0:[v1112_inprog.]"
"MOZ_SRCROOT" = "dka0:[v1112_inprog.mozilla.]" GNV logicals
"GNV_LINK_LIB_TYPES" = "so exe a"
Setting up Configure
Run configure like this,
$ sh fwb_i64_run_config
Once the configure is done successfully, copy the LIBGFXPSSHAR_SYMVEC.OPT file to the destination directory:
$ copy/log moz_srcroot:[gfx.src.psshared]LIBGFXPSSHAR_SYMVEC.OPT
_$ moz_objroot:[gfx.src.psshared]
Run fwb_i64_batch_build.com like this,
$ @fwb_i64_batch_build
This submits a command file of the same name for batch processing.
Your log file will be moz_objroot:[000000]build.log.
Assuming the current best case situation, the build will run for about nine hours on an RX2600 or similar.
You can then run your copy of Mozilla with:
$ set default moz_objroot:[dist.bin]
$ set display/create ... if necessary
$ @mozilla
After the Build
- Download kitting tools and copy them on to OpenVMS Integrity
servers system
- $RUN fwb_i64_kittingtools.sfx_i64exe to generate a .bck file
- Run the BACKUP command to restore the ..bck file
- After building FWB you are left with a directory tree of
moz_objroot:[dist.bin...]. Make a copy of this tree, namely, $ backup moz_objroot:[dist.bin...]*.*;*
- Make sure all files are owned by [SYSTEM]
- Run fwb_i64_tidy.com from the staging directory,
$ set default dka0:[mozstaging]
$ @dka0:[ledoux.mozkitting]fwb_i64_tidy
- Running this command file does some general cleanup and puts the xpt
files together for better performance. The last thing it does is instruct
you to run the delete command mentioned above. This is just a delete
[...]*.dir;*/log command to get rid of empty directories. Repeat this
command until all empty directories are deleted.
- Make sure the command: define/user decc$efs_charset enable is present
in the mozilla.com file in the staging directory.
- Set the default back to dka0:[ledoux.mozkitting].
- Run the fwb_i64_make_a_kit.com, you will be left with the PCSI kits and the SFXEXE kits.
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