This section describes the product features of the Management Agents for OpenVMS.
Insight Management Agents as a single Kit
With Version 3.4 of Insight Management Agents, you can download a single kit
for any versions of Alpha or Integrity servers. With this, the kit name is no
longer bound to major versions of the operating system.
On Alpha systems, instead of "HP AXPVMS V73_MGMTAGENTS", "HP AXPVMS
V82_MGMTAGENTS"on a "PRODUCT SHOW PRODUCT" command, the Insight Management
Agents V3.4 appears as "HP AXPVMS MGMTAGENTS".
Similarly, on Integrity Platforms, the Insight Management Agents V3.4 appears
Supports Smart array (CPQIDA) SNMP agent on OpenVMS V8.2,
V8.2-1 and V8.3 Integrity Servers
(OpenVMS I64)
and OpenVMS V7.3-2, V8.2 and V8.3 Alpha Servers
Version 3.4 of the Management
Agents provides support for Smart array (CPQIDA) SNMP agent, which monitors the
SA6402, SA6404 and P400 controllers and associated disks on Integrity Servers.
The Smart array (CPQIDA) SNMP subagent is supported on OpenVMS Alpha Servers for
monitoring SA5300A and SA6400A controllers and associated disks.
Support for HP OpenVMS V8.2, V8.2-1 and V8.3 Integrity Servers and HP OpenVMS V7.3-2, V8.2 and V8.3 Alpha Servers
Version 3.4 of the Management Agents provides support for OpenVMS 8.2, 8.2-1 and V8.3 on I64 Integrity Servers and OpenVMS 7.3-2, 8.2 and 8.3 on Alpha Servers.
Environmental Information (Temperature/Fan and Power Sensors) on I64 systems
Version 3.4 of the Management Agents provides details on the temperature/fan
sensor information under the Environment link and power sensor information under
the Power Supply link on OpenVMS V8.2-1 or later I64 systems and on Rx1620,
Rx2620, Rx4640, Rx7620, Rx7640, Rx8620, Rx8640, Rx3600, Rx6600, Rx2660 and
Integrity Superdome Servers. Note
There is delay of 4-5 minutes in the display of environmental details after
starting Management Agents for I64 systems.
Non-zero CPU utilization
Version 3.4 of the Management Agents displays the CPU utilization as a non-zero value. Whenever the utilization of the CPU goes below 1%, it will always display the default value as 1%.
Font of DCLSHOW changed to Lucida Console
Version 3.4 of the Management Agents displays DCLshow pages (for selected text) with the "Lucida Console" font, which is commonly available on most of the Personal Computers.
Additional Storage traps
Version 3.4 of Management Agents for Open VMS supports generation of traps, when a Storage Disk is mounted or dismounted.
Support for Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) and Certificates
Version 3.4 of the Management Agents for OpenVMS provides a Secure HTTP server that uses Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) security for all communication between the OpenVMS server and web browser. By
default, a self-signed certificate is generated, but for increased security, this can be replaced by a certificate signed by a Certificate Authority. For more information, refer to Section 3 of the
User Guide.
Note that as a result of this change, the URL to access the Device
Home Page on your OpenVMS system is changed to https://host:2381.
OpenVMS Account Login and OS Authentication
Version 3.4 of the Management Agents for OpenVMS uses OpenVMS user accounts for login security instead of the built-in accounts used in older versions. The user name and password are authenticated
against the OpenVMS account database, which increases the security of the system. Anonymous access is disabled by default.
OpenVMS accounts are mapped to the Management Agents internal
"administrator" and "operator" accounts. The OpenVMS system administrator
maps users to one of these accounts using the WBEM$ADMIN and
WBEM$OPERATOR rights identifiers. For more information, refer to
Section 3.1, "Introduction to Using the Secure HTTP Server for OpenVMS"
in the User Guide.
Additional CPU Utilization Thresholds
Version 3.4 of the Management Agents for OpenVMS allows you to define
thresholds on CPU utilization for time intervals of 1 minute, 5 minutes,
30 minutes and 1 hour. If the CPU utilization for a time interval
exceeds the threshold, an SNMP trap is generated. Thresholds can be
defined separately for each CPU.
Support for Falling Thresholds
Version 3.4 of the Management Agents for OpenVMS supports falling
thresholds for File System utilization, CPU utilization, and Physical
Memory utilization. Select the "Enable Falling Thresholds" option on
the page displaying File System, CPU utilization and Memory utilization
data to enable falling thresholds. When this option is enabled, SNMP
traps are generated when the utilization drops below the critical and
warning thresholds.
Falling thresholds cannot be enabled or disabled
selectively for individual disks and CPUs. The selection affects all
thresholds on the corresponding page.
Location of Temperature Sensors and Fan Sensors
Version 3.4 of the Management Agents displays the location of
temperature sensors and fans on GS80, GS160, GS320 and later
Note: Refer to the Installation Guide
for the prerequisites for viewing environmental details on GS80 and later systems.
Support for HP OpenView
Version 3.4 of the Management Agents allows OpenVMS systems to
be managed from HP OpenView Network Node Manager (NNM) using the
Systems Insight Manager plug-in. The following functions are available
through NNM:
- NNM recognizes OpenVMS systems and displays an appropriate icon
on the network map.
- NNM recognizes SNMP traps generated by the Management Agents for
- The Device Home Page on an OpenVMS system can be launched using
the 'Web Enabled' link from NNM.
- The color of the icon in the OpenView Network Node Manager
reflects the overall system status similar to Systems Insight Manager.
Additional DCL SHOW Commands
The following additional DCL commands are available from the DCL SHOW agent:
Displays information about Process ID, User name, Process name, State,
Priority, I/O buffer and CPU usage. Clicking on each individual process
hyperlink provides more information about the process. |
Displays information about all the Disk Devices, Ethernet Devices, Tapes,
Mailboxes, BG /TCP/IP Mailboxes & Channels, DECWindows Input Devices and
DECWindows Pseudo Devices. |
Web pages updated to Version 5.5 of the Insight Manager web pages
The Management Agents for OpenVMS have been updated to use Version 5.5 of the
Insight Manager web pages.
Defining logical names used by the Management Agents for OpenVMS
Version 3.4 of the Management Agents uses the file SYS$MANAGER: WBEM$LOGICALS.COM to define all the logical names
used by the Management Agents for OpenVMS. This file lists all
the logical names supported by the agents, but the lines are
commented out by default. Using a text editor, open this file,
uncomment the lines containing the logical names you require,
and edit the parameters if required. This file includes comments
that explain the significance of each logical name.
The startup procedure runs this file to define the logical names
required by the Management Agents. These logical names are deleted
during the shutdown procedure.
Improved Management Agent kit installation procedures
The Version 3.4 Management Agents kit includes changes in
installation procedures that no longer require kit installation
on each member node in an OpenVMS cluster environment sharing
common system disk. Management kit installation now installs node
specific files on each member node present at the time of
Also included are improved procedures that check and alert the user
if Management Agents or ACU-XE processes are running at install time.
These processes must be terminated before continuing with the
installation to ensure correct delivery of kit components.