Integrity server ready
AlphaServer system ready
OSS Solutions from Martin Group is a fully-integrated enterprisewide telecommunications management software suite that manages customer care, service orders, billing, internal resources, message
processing, and reporting procedures to simplify both accessibility of disparate customer information and internal business processes. OSS helps Competitive Local Exchange Carriers (CLECs),
Independent Local Exchange Carriers (ILECs), wireless carriers, Internet Service providers (ISPs), and cable TV providers integrate business processes into one single system to ease the transitions
from one business process to the next.
OSS is optimized for HP OpenVMS platforms and takes advantage of its inherent security, availability, disaster-tolerance, and high-volume storage features to maximize customer and internal data
resources, ensure business continuity, and easily address account inquiries. Together, OpenVMS and OSS improve business processes for customer service representatives, financial services
professionals, and department managers, increasing productivity and customer satisfaction and delivering a rapid return on investment (ROI).
» More about OSS Solutions