2.1.2 Network Menu Commands
The Network Menu contains the operations you need to communicate with your Network based services. From this menu you can manually establish connections to your News service provider, terminate these connections, Log out of a MAPI (Microsoft Mail Applications Programmer Interface) compatible mail system, or (in the event of an emergency) reset all of WinVN's knowledge about your remote network connection.
Connect to Server
Use this command if you have the Connect at Startup option disabled under the Config Menu. This will startup a network connection between your workstation and your news server.
Disconnect from Server
Use this command to terminate the network connection to your news server without exiting WinVN.
Reconnect to Server
Use this command to disconnect, then reconnect to your news server. This can be useful to abort an otherwise-uninterruptible communications process.
Mail Logout
Use this command to manually log out of a networked based mail system (such as Microsoft Mail) without exiting WinVN. This can save both local and network resources if you are sure you won't be needing to send mail for a while. If you are logged out from your mail system and wish to forward an article via mail, WinVN will force another mail login if necessary.
Reset Server Protocol
Resets WinVN's interface to the network, aborting any outstanding requests.
Quit without Saving
Terminates WinVN, and leaves the NEWSRC file unchanged.
Terminates WinVN, and writes a record of your activity to the NEWSRC file.
WinVN Documentation created by Jim Dumoulin / NASA - Kennedy Space Center.
HyperTexted by Michael Downs / NASA - Kennedy Space Center.