Configure Attachments

Customize preferences associated with attaching files to news or mail messages.

Article Split Length

Start attachments in new article by default Default Encoding Type Custom Encoding Table Subject Line Template For Multi-Part Send %s in the template will be replaced with original subject line

%f will insert the filename of an attachment (or the words "N attachments" where N is a number greater than one)

%p is the part number of a multi-part message

%0p is the part number of a multi-part message, prepended with zeros to match the length of the total number of parts

%t is the total number of parts transmitted.

use %% in the template if you need a literal percent sign

WinVN defaults to a Template of

%s - %f [%0p/%t]


For the 5th part of a 12 part send with an original subject called "Testing " and an attached file called "aconfig.bmp", this would produce the subject line:

Testing - aconfig.bmp [05/12]

For the 1st part of a 7 part send, with an original subject of "Hello", and 4 attachments, this would produce the subject line:

Hello - 4 attachments [1/7]

WinVN Documentation created by Jim Dumoulin / NASA - Kennedy Space Center.
HyperTexted by Michael Downs / NASA - Kennedy Space Center.