3.8.3 Subscribing to Existing Newsgroups

Newsgroups to which you are subscribed are displayed in black at the top of the main window. Following these groups are all of the unsubscribed group names, in blue and sorted alphabetically. These colors are user definable via the Configure Color menu.

You subscribe and unsubscribe to newsgroups by selecting them in the main window and using Group Menu Commands. Select groups by clicking on their names. A selected group appears in reverse video (black background). The Subscribe selected groups, Unsubscribe selected groups, and Move selected groups to Top menu options operate on all currently selected newsgroups.

Subscribing to a newsgroup moves its name to the bottom of the list of subscribed groups in the top portion of the main window. Unsubscribing to a newsgroup causes it to be moved to its proper alphabetical place in the unsubscribed portion of the main window.

WinVN Documentation created by Jim Dumoulin / NASA - Kennedy Space Center.
HyperTexted by Michael Downs / NASA - Kennedy Space Center.