cplusplus.com > reference > iostream library > ios
Base class for both input and output streams

Standard hierarchy


Public member functions:

ios members:
(constructor)Construct an object.
operator void *Convert stream to pointer.
operator !Evaluate stream object.
badCheck if an unrecoverable error has occurred.
clearSet control states.
copyfmtCopy formatting information.
eofCheck if End-Of-File has been reached.
exceptionsGet/set the exception mask.
failCheck if failure has occurred.
fillGet/set the fill character.
goodCheck if stream is good for i/o operations.
imbueImbue locale.
narrowNarrow character.
rdbufGet/set the associated streambuf object.
rdstateGet control state.
setstateSet control state.
tieGet/set the tied stream.
widenWiden character.
(destructor)No-op [virtual]
members inherited from ios_base:
flagsGet/set format flags.
getlocGet current locale.
imbueImbue locale.
iwordGet reference to a long element of the internal extensible array.
precisionGet/set floating-point decimal presision.
pwordGet reference to a void* element of the internal extensible array.
register_callbackRegister event callback function.
setfSet some format flags.
sync_with_stdioActivates / Deactivates synchronization with cstdio functions. [static]
unsetfClear format flag.
widthGet/set field width.
xallocReturn a new index for the internal extensible array. [static]

Protected member functions:

ios members:
(constructor)Construct an object
initInitialize internal values


  This is a base class for all the hierarchy of stream classes, both input and output classes.
  Both the ios class and its parent ios_base class define the members of every stream that are independent of wether the stream object is an input or an output stream. ios_base describes the members that are template-independent while ios describes the members that are template-dependent (i.e. the part that depends on the type of character used by the stream).

  The ios class mantains internally the following information of a stream:

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