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table of contents - Volume 8 Number 1

Design of the TruCluster Multicomputer System for the Digital UNIX Environment
by Wayne M. Cardoza, Frederick S. Glover, and William E. Snaman, Jr.
Delivering Binary Object Modication Tools for Program Analysis and Optimization
by Linda S. Wilson, Craig A. Neth, and Michael J. Rickabaugh
Design of eXcursion Version 2 for Windows, Windows NT, and Windows 95
by John T. Freitas, James G. Peterson, Scot A. Aurenz, Charles P. Guldenschuh, and Paul J.
Integrating Multiple Directory Services
by Margaret Olson, Laura E. Holly, and Colin Strutt
Design of the Common Directory Interface for DECnet/OSI
by Richard L. Rosenbaum and Stanley I. Goldfarb

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