Message Exchange Management Guide

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Contents (summary)
Preface Preface
Chapter 1 Overview of Message Exchange Operation
Chapter 2 Configuring MX with MXCONFIG
Chapter 3 Managing the Router
Chapter 4 Managing the Delivery Agents
Chapter 5 Managing Message Entry Agents
Chapter 6 Managing the Message Queue
Chapter 7 Configuring MX for Part-Time Internet Connections
Chapter 8 Reducing or Eliminating "Junk" E-Mail
Chapter 9 Other Miscellaneous Utilities
Chapter 10 Troubleshooting MX
Chapter 11 The MX Startup Process
Part MCP Command Dictionary
Part REJMAN Command Dictionary
Part Appendices
Appendix A Regular Expressions


Preface Preface
Chapter 1
1 Overview of Message Exchange Operation
     1.1     What is a Message?
     1.2     What is an Address?
     1.3     MX Components
         1.3.1         The Message Queue
         1.3.2         Message Entry Agents
         1.3.3         The Router
         1.3.4         Delivery Agents
         1.3.5         MLF Agent
Chapter 2
2 Configuring MX with MXCONFIG
     2.1     Why Use MXCONFIG?
     2.2     Using MXCONFIG
Chapter 3
3 Managing the Router
     3.1     Rewrite Rules
         3.1.1         Regular Expressions in Rewrite Rules
     3.2     Defining Delivery Paths
     3.3     Alias Translation
     3.4     Controlling the Router Process
     3.5     Logging Router Events
Chapter 4
4 Managing the Delivery Agents
     4.1     Local Delivery Options
     4.2     SMTP and DECNET_SMTP Delivery Options
         4.2.1         Internet "Mail Exchanger" Support
         4.2.2         Character Set Conversion
         4.2.3         Default SMTP Router
         4.2.4         SMTP Lock Files
                Excluding Hosts from Locks
     4.3     SITE Delivery Options
     4.4     Shutdowns and Resets
     4.5     Logging Delivery Agent Events
Chapter 5
5 Managing Message Entry Agents
     5.1     Local Message Entry
         5.1.1         System-wide MX Aliases for Outgoing Addresses
         5.1.2         VMS MAIL Protocol Prefix
         5.1.3         Default Host Names
         5.1.4         Character Set Conversion
     5.2     SMTP_SERVER
         5.2.1         SMTP Server Threads
         5.2.2         Limiting "Outside" Thread Usage
         5.2.3         Setting the SMTP Listener Port
     5.3     DECNET_SMTP Network Object
     5.4     Message Entry Agent Shutdowns
Chapter 6
6 Managing the Message Queue
     6.1     Establishing the Queue Size
     6.2     Running the MX FLQ Manager
     6.3     Queue Cleanup Logicals
     6.4     Automatic Purging of Finished Queue Entries
     6.5     The MCP QUEUE Commands
         6.5.1         Interpreting MCP QUEUE SHOW Output
         6.5.2         Forcing a Message to "Bounce"
         6.5.3         Interpreting MCP QUEUE STATISTICS Output
Chapter 7
7 Configuring MX for Part-Time Internet Connections
     7.1     Environment for Part-Time Connections
     7.2     Configuring MX as a Part-Time Client
     7.3     Configuring MX as a Server for Part-Time Clients
     7.4     ETRN Support
     7.5     Example Configuration
Chapter 8
8 Reducing or Eliminating "Junk" E-Mail
     8.1     What is "junk" E-Mail?
     8.2     MX Filtering Features
     8.3     Sender Validation
     8.4     Disabling the SMTP Relay Function
         8.4.1         Identifying Inside Networks and Hosts
         8.4.2         Disabling the "Percent Hack"
     8.5     Realtime Blackhole List
     8.6     Establishing Rejection Criteria with REJMAN
         8.6.1         Address-Based Rejections
         8.6.2         Header-based Rejections
         8.6.3         Tracking Rejections
         8.6.4         Purging Old Rules
     8.7     Heuristic Filters
         8.7.1         Confidence Levels
         8.7.2         Rejection Actions
         8.7.3         Junk Mail Warnings
     8.8     Logging SMTP Server Rejections
     8.9     Debugging Rejection Rules and Heuristic Filters
     8.10     Reducing Junk Mail Postings on Mailing Lists
         8.10.1         Ignoring Heuristically-Determined Junk Mail
         8.10.2         Ignoring Messages Without the List Address
     8.11     Using SMTP Authentication to Bypass Junk Mail Checking
         8.11.1         Authentication Mechanisms Supported
         8.11.2         Managing the SMTP Authentication Database
         8.11.3         How Authentication Works
         8.11.4         PLAIN Authentication Features
         8.11.5         Limiting SMTP Authentication Access to Certain Users
         8.11.6         Intrusion Detection and Evasion
                Authentication Retry Timers
                Authentication Retry Limits
                Intrusion Evasion
Chapter 9
9 Other Miscellaneous Utilities
     9.1     The MLFAKE Utility
     9.2     The MAILQUEUE Utility
     9.3     The MX_DECODE Utility
Chapter 10
10 Troubleshooting MX
     10.1     Queue Files Used by MX Components
         10.1.1         File Types
     10.2     Process Names
     10.3     Debug/Trace Output
Chapter 11
11 The MX Startup Process
     11.1     Startup Command Procedures
     11.2     Startup Data Files
Part MCP Command Dictionary
    Command 1     MCP
    Command 2     @ (Redirect Command Input)
    Command 3     ADD USER
    Command 4     ATTACH
    Command 6     DEFINE/KEY
    Command 7     DEFINE ALIAS
    Command 8     DEFINE FILE_SERVER
    Command 10     DEFINE LIST
    Command 11     DEFINE LOCAL_DOMAIN
    Command 12     DEFINE PATH
    Command 13     DEFINE REWRITE_RULE
    Command 14     DEFINE SYSTEM_USERS
    Command 15     EXIT
    Command 16     HELP
    Command 17     MODIFY
    Command 18     MODIFY USER
    Command 19     QUEUE CANCEL
    Command 20     QUEUE COMPRESS
    Command 21     QUEUE CREATE
    Command 22     QUEUE DUMP
    Command 23     QUEUE EXTEND
    Command 24     QUEUE HOLD
    Command 25     QUEUE PURGE
    Command 26     QUEUE READY
    Command 27     QUEUE SELECT
    Command 28     QUEUE SHOW
    Command 29     QUEUE STATISTICS
    Command 30     QUEUE SYNCHRONIZE
    Command 31     QUIT
    Command 32     REMOVE
    Command 33     REMOVE USER
    Command 34     RESET
    Command 35     REVIEW
    Command 36     SAVE
    Command 37     SET DECNET_SMTP
    Command 38     SET LOCAL
    Command 39     SET MLF
    Command 40     SET ROUTER
    Command 41     SET SITE
    Command 42     SET SMTP
    Command 43     SHOW
    Command 44     SHUTDOWN
    Command 45     SPAWN
    Command 46     STATUS
Part REJMAN Command Dictionary
    Command 47     REJMAN
    Command 48     Command Input Redirection
    Command 49     ADD EXCLUSION
    Command 50     ADD REJECTION
    Command 51     ATTACH
    Command 52     CHECK
    Command 53     DEFINE/KEY
    Command 54     DELETE EXCLUSION
    Command 55     DELETE REJECTION
    Command 56     DISABLE HEURISTIC
    Command 57     ENABLE HEURISTIC
    Command 58     EXIT
    Command 59     HELP
    Command 60     QUIT
    Command 61     PURGE
    Command 62     SAVE
    Command 63     SET HEURISTICS
    Command 64     SHOW
    Command 65     SPAWN
Part Appendices
Appendix A
Appendix A Regular Expressions
     A.1     Specifying Regular Expressions
         A.1.1         Examples
         A.1.2         Substitutions
1-1 Message parts
5-1 Address Formatting Logical Names
6-1 FLQ Manager/Router queue-related logicals
8-1 Heuristic Filters
8-2 Intrusion Detection and Evasion Parameters
10-1 Debug/Trace logical names
11-1 Component names for use with MX_STARTUP.COM
MCP-1 Owner Notification Types
MCP-2 Mailing list protection classes
MCP-3 Mailing list protection codes
MCP-4 Typical protection codes
MCP-5 QUEUE DUMP Output Files
MCP-6 Header name keywords
MCP-7 MCP STATUS Descriptions
A-1 Atom Sequencing Terms
A-2 Atom Sequences
A-3 Collating Elements in Bracket Expressions
A-4 Character Classes

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