Message Exchange User's Guide


Contents (summary)
Preface Preface
Chapter 1 Using Message Exchange with VMS MAIL
Chapter 2 The MXALIAS Utility
Chapter 3 Electronic Mailing Lists
Chapter 4 Mail-Based File Servers
Appendix A Message Header Format


Preface Preface
Chapter 1
1 Using Message Exchange with VMS MAIL
     1.1     Specifying an Address
         1.1.1         Displaying MX Address Translations
         1.1.2         Multiple Recipients
         1.1.3         Quotation Marks
     1.2     Using SET FORWARD with MX
     1.3     Personal Name
     1.4     Signature Files
         1.4.1         Automatic Signature Inclusion
     1.5     Redirecting Replies
     1.6     Directing Delivery to VMS MAIL Folders
         1.6.1         Folder Delivery Address Format
         1.6.2         Format of MX_FOLDERS.DAT
         1.6.3         Example MX_FOLDERS.DAT
         1.6.4         Specifying Folders in From Addresses
     1.7     Delivery Status Notifications
         1.7.1         Notification Settings
         1.7.2         Returned-Information Settings
         1.7.3         Combining the Settings
         1.7.4         Limitations
     1.8     Network Delivery Delays
         1.8.1         Displaying MX Informational Messages
     1.9     Sending binary files to other VMS users
Chapter 2
2 The MXALIAS Utility
     2.1     Adding an MX Alias
     2.2     Using an MX Alias
         2.2.1         Disabling System-Wide MX Alias Lookups
         2.2.2         Displaying MX Address Translations
     2.3     Displaying Aliases
     2.4     Modifying Aliases
     2.5     Removing Aliases
Chapter 3
3 Electronic Mailing Lists
     3.1     Typical Internet Mailing Lists
Chapter 4
4 Mail-Based File Servers
     4.1     Get HELP
     4.2     MX FileServ Commands
         4.2.1         Packages
         4.2.2         Binary Files
Appendix A
Appendix A Message Header Format
     A.1     VMS MAIL Headers
         A.1.1         From Header
         A.1.2         To and CC Headers
         A.1.3         Subject Header

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