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  Updated: 23 June 1997




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Information Server Organization

Information Server Organization

This information server puts a friendly face on the extensive collection of product and service information that DIGITAL maintains on its archive. For a complete picture of information maintained on the DIGITAL corporate server, please reference the DIGITAL sitemap .

What's Here

What's Here is a vertical characterization of the documents according to the type of document. For example, documents are logically grouped into categories such as Customer Update articles, DIGITAL Technical Journal articles, Software Product Descriptions (SPDs), and press releases.

This type of categorization is most helpful to long-time DIGITAL customers familiar with the type of documents produced by DIGITAL. You should use What's Here if you are looking for a certain type of document, but you don't know the document name. For example, you would like to see a performance report, or are searching for a DIGITAL press release on a certain topic, or are looking for a specific Software Product Description (SPD), or issue of the DIGITAL Technical Journal.

Subject Index

The Subject Index provides a way to visually browse across all different types of documents based on pre-defined subject keywords. Perhaps you are just interested in UNIX information or more specifically just DEC OSF/1 AXP information. Or your information needs might correspond to a specific technology, such as storage technology. Or a specific style of computing, such as client/server computing.

Use the Subject Index if you are looking online for information about a specific compiler, for example, and want to see the total picture -- the compiler press release, a related whitepaper, a related presentation given at DECUS and the official product Software Product Description (SPD).

Document Index

Use the Document Index if you are looking for a specific document by name. All documents available on the server are listed in alphabetic order. The Document Index is divided into alphabetic sub-indexes. From the Document Index you can select the letter corresponding to the first letter in the document name.

The number of documents found within each alphabetic category is shown in parenthesis beside each letter of the alphabet. If the alphabetic category has no documents, there is no option to link forward.

What's New

What's New is the quick way to just check for the latest documents that have been placed in the archive. It just shows documents that were placed online in the last 28 days. The presentation of the information is the same as the Document Index. Documents are listed in reverse chronological order -- the most recent additions to the information server are listed first.

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