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  Updated: 04 August 1997
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For Developers Only

The developers-only World Wide Web site is a password-protected area. To enter this site you must be a DIGITAL Semiconductor registered 21230 developer and agree to our Video Codec Development Kit License Agreements. The materials accessible in this site are under limited distribution and are considered confidential. Distributing the access password of this site to others, either inside or outside your organization, negates any agreement between you and Digital Equipment Corporation to continue to provide access to this site.

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If you are not a registered developer, go to our registration page.

Video Codec Development Kit License Agreements

Hardware Example Design License
Digital Equipment Corporation grants to the purchaser of Video Codec example designs a fully paid up, non-exclusive, irrevocable, perpetual and worldwide license to copy, use, reproduce, have made, or have developed products based on or that incorporate all or a portion of the example designs and to manufacture, have manufactured, market, sell, lease, license or otherwise distribute such products based on, or that incorporate the example Video Codec products.

Sample Application Source Code License
Permission is hereby granted to use, copy, modify, and distribute the sample application software and its documentation, in both source and object form, without fee, solely within products incorporating an integrated circuit implementing the Digital Equipment Corporation (DIGITAL) Video Codec architecture. This permission is granted provided that the DIGITAL copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. No permission is granted to use the name of Digital Equipment Corporation in advertising or publicity pertaining to the software or documentation without specific prior written approval.

Software Driver, Utilities, Diagnostics, and Sample Applications Object Code Software License
Permission is hereby granted to use, copy, and distribute this software, in object code form, and its documentation, without fee, solely within products incorporating an integrated circuit implementing the Digital Equipment Corporation (DIGITAL) Video Codec architecture.

This software and documentation is provided on an "AS IS" basis. Digital Equipment Corporation hereby disclaims all warranties and/or guarantees with regard to this software and documentation, INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. DIGITAL makes no warranties or representations regarding the use of or the results of the use of the software and documentation with respect to accuracy, reliability, version level, or otherwise. Use of the software, documentation, and results are solely at the user's own risk. Other restrictions may apply.

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