Dear OSF managers,
By default, the installation process creates a /usr filesystem with
a reserve of 10 %, which leads to a big waste with big disks.
tunefs option -m allows to reduce this reserve as low as 1%
Unfortunately, tunefs is not under /sbin and we cannot use it on the /usr
filesystem, even in single user mode, to my knowledge.
Is there a smarter way (and faster) than the "hard one" (connecting an
auxiliary disk of same or more capacity, declare it, etc ..., dumping,
restoring, re-booting, tunefs-ing the old /usr, copying back, etc ...
which is very very heavy and time consuming) ?
I know than under 10% the driver optimize for space vs access time,
anyway, did any of you noticed *significant* performance loss with
an under 10% reserve tuned disk ?
Thanks for your help,
| Herve DEMARTHE %^) E-Mail: |
| CEA/DSM/DRFC/STEP Tel: +33 42257527 Fax: +33 42252661 |
| CEN Cadarache Bt 506 13108 St Paul Lez Durance FRANCE |
| <<< Apprentiz de todo, Maestro de nada ... >>> |
| All opinions expressed herein are mine and not those of CEA. |
Received on Fri Jan 13 1995 - 10:00:23 NZDT