OSF managers,
forgive me if this is not the right forum, but I am very worried
of several inquiries seen lately regarding serious problems
on mathematical computations made with C or FORTRAN compiled
programs under OSF.
In our department we have several Alphas with OSF, we make
extensive use of custom programs in C and FORTRAN for data
treatment and mathematical models and the use of computers
for other purposes is only marginal.
No need to say that complex numbers, exp or log functions,
double precision arithmetics etc. are the bases of most
problems. We need to have a high confidence in our results
before publishing but, of even more importance, I suggest
you consider this question: would you fly on an airplane
whose structure was computed under OSF?
I am surprised not to see any response from Digital on this
matter or, if there was any, I wonder why, as a registered
Alpha/OSF owner, I was not informed. Intel, for something that
appears less important, is spending a large amount of its
budget to substitute all the Pentiums in the world at no cost.
Daniele Fua`
| Daniele Fua` G24 | E-mail: fua_at_g24ux.sci.uniroma1.it |
| Dept. of Physics | Phone : +39 6 4991 3515 |
| Universita` "La Sapienza" | Fax : +39 6 4991 3522 |
| P.le A. Moro, 2 | |
| 00185 Roma, Italy | |
Received on Fri Jan 13 1995 - 07:21:48 NZDT