The following question was posted:
>Does anybody know the origin of the following fatal "warnings" obtained when
>running the DECladebug Debugger (version 3.0-13):
>% decladebug a.out
>Welcome to the DECladebug Debugger Version 3.0-13
>object file name: a.out
>Reading symbolic information ...readPartialSymbols ignored: upa_(File)
>Warning: illegal aux index 5 for file #63 detcom_
>Warning: illegal aux index 2999 for file #27 abcl.f
>Warning: illegal aux index 2999 for file #27 abcl.f
>Warning: illegal aux index 3009 for file #27 abcl.f
>Warning: illegal aux index 3020 for file #27 abcl.f
>Warning: illegal aux index 3031 for file #27 abcl.f
>Segmentation fault (core dumped)
>On the other hand, dbx on the same compiled code (a.out) works just fine.
>Much obliged for any information
Tim Lucia of DEC let me know that "...this is a known problem with DEC Fortran
and COMMON blocks with BLOCK DATA subprograms. It is supposed to be fixed
in DEC Fortran-77 V3.7 and DECladebug V4.0-1". Many thanks Tim!
Boris Blankleider
Physics Dept
Flinders University
Bedford Park, SA
Received on Tue Jan 24 1995 - 00:07:20 NZDT