Dear colleagues,
I have a problem of viewing my old PS-files by ghostview after
installing ghostscript and ghostview and the corresponding patches
(the four "fix"-patches and the one provided by Steve Imber) on
our alpha's running OSF1-3.0. There isn't any problem with the
Some of the errors I get when viewing are:
Some of the errors I get when viewing are:
Ghostscript: Unrecoverable error, exit code 1
Error: /typecheck in --put--Ghostscript: Unrecoverable error, exit code 1
Error: /typecheck in --mul--
Error: /typecheck in --mul--
Error: /undefined in basefontdict
Operand stack:
/basefontdict /newfont
Ghostscript: Unrecoverable error, exit code 1
Can it be an error in the installation ?? I can view them without
problems by ghostscript and I can also view them by ghostview V.1.4.1
installed on our DEC-mips'es.
I realy appreciate your help,
Farhad Dehghani
Euromath Center
University of Copenhagen Phone : + 45 35 32 07 17
Universitetsparken 5 Fax : + 45 35 32 07 19
DK-2100 Copenhagen E-mail:
Received on Tue Jan 24 1995 - 05:41:13 NZDT