SUMMARY: DECsound for Mosaic audio

From: <>
Date: Wed, 25 Jan 1995 09:07:28 -0700

My origional question was how to make 'decsound' the default for Mosaic audio.

Two solutions were offered.

1) From George at

I did it with the 2.5b4 beta release of Mosaic. All I changed was
the stuff in libwww2/HTInit.c starting at line 83 that read
#if defined(ultrix) || defined(__alpha)
      HTSetPresentation("audio/basic", "aplay %s", 1.0, 3.0, 0.0);
      HTSetPresentation("audio/x-aiff", "aplay %s", 1.0, 3.0, 0.0);
to replace aplay by "/usr/bin/mme/audioplay -filename". And that
seemed to do the trick.

2) From Garrett at

# Copy this to a file (not named .mailcap) by using the 'Save As Text'
# feature of your viewer.
# Append this file to your ~/.mailcap by :
# cat <new file name> >> ~/.mailcap
# note: this will create .mailcap if it doesn't exist.
# Check to see if there are any conflicts in the MIME types and
# select one.
audio/basic; audioplay -f %s
audio/x-wav; audioplay -f %s
video/mpeg; mpegplay %s
video/x-vcr; grabbag -file %s -loop -play
audio/x-wav; audioplay -file %s
video/x-videoout; vidplayout -file %s
application/x-mms; `cat %s`
text/x-tts; speak -file %s
video/x-softjpeg; grabbag -loop -play -file %s

I tried Garretts' solution since my Mosaic is an executable version from the
gatekeeper (no source). What worked for me was to change the references to
'audio' as follows:

audio/basic; decsound -file %s
audio/x-wav; decsound -file %s

My version of Multimedia Services is 1.1

Mike Vihel
New Mexico State University
Received on Wed Jan 25 1995 - 11:27:13 NZDT

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