permission problems

From: <>
Date: Wed, 01 Feb 1995 14:23:24 AST

I am soory to bother everyone with this but I am new at sysadmin and osf. I
have been having several problems that I think are related to wrong

1. With Pine - when I run Pine no mail messages of mine are sent, but I
   have checked all the directories have the correct permissions, I think.

2. We are running Arc/INFO and all my printer spooling directories have the
   same permissions, but only the root account or my regular user account
   can print to the plotter. The other users cannot plot/print to the

3. At the console the permissions for the device are set to rwxr--r-- and
   no other users can log on, I have changed the permissions several times,
   but each time they change, and as far as I know I am the only person with
   the root password.

4. Some time ago I posted about a problem with the ARC/INFO license manager
   and was told to put nohup in front of my command, well that still did
   not work, could this be another permissions problem?

Any help with these problems would be appreciated.

On another topic I am attempting to hook a digitizer (ALTEK AC-30) up to
a port on a decserver300. I am in a total quandry (sp) about what is the
problem why I cannot get the digitizing tables to talk to the ALPHA (3000
300LX running OSF1 v2.0 and ARC/INFO 6.1.2). Briefly, what I have done is to
set the port characteristics on the decserver that I am going to connect
with to 7bits, 1 stop bit and even parity (According to the AI manual). Dip
switches were set according to the same manual, but apparently the setting
on the terminal line (using a lat session which is connected - according to
the decserver) it is set to 8bits and the changes made with stty are
changed whenever I log out. We have tried numerous setting on the decserver,
all to no avail.

I have been told by a person at ESRI's head office in Redlands, Calif
(Makers of ARc/INFO) that we cannot do this the way we have tried.

We have a decserver200, which we had the digitizing table connected to and
were getting a partial response from. Any insights would be appreciated.
Thank you.

Danny Swim
Received on Wed Feb 01 1995 - 13:56:03 NZDT

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